"ЭДЕМ-2160" - читать интересную книгу автора (ПАНАСЕНКО Григорий)


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Again I stood – alone. The Darkest Age

Embraced the world for God has closed his eyes -

Bewailed mankind forgiving all the lies

Of those who'd thought that life was just the stage.

Again I cried. The sweetest dream of all

Was broken down like childish toys of ours.

Left uninvited gusts in empty house

We're – not the masters, as we'd been self-called.

Again I prayed for those who'd lost their faith

In mercy not from God but from a Man.

The Beast ruled over human beings again,

And they forgot the feeling of being brave.

Again I smiled at gorgeous flower-bed:

The precious burgeon was about to bloom -

The Rose of Peace of purest sapphire-blue -

The greatest hope the world had ever had