"The Eagles Prey" - читать интересную книгу автора (Scarrow Simon)CHAPTER SEVENWith sunrise it was clear that the day would be breathless and hot. There was not even a hint of haze in the smooth cerulean heaven. The cohort trudged steadily along the supply track, the iron nails on the legionaries' boots kicking up the loose dust that covered the wagon ruts. Equipment jingled on harnesses and there was a steady, rhythmless rapping of javelin shafts and scabbards on the inside of the men's shields. A short distance to the right, the men of the cavalry squadron led their mounts parallel to the legionaries. The centurions marched at the head of the cohort, summoned there by Maximius. 'Keep 'em in step, at a nice steady pace,' he explained. 'No need to rush things. Don't want to exhaust the men.' Macro silently disagreed. There was every reason to be in position as speedily as possible. The legate had made it quite clear that everyone must be ready in time to trap Caratacus. True, the Third Cohort should easily reach the ford just after noon, but if it had been his cohort Macro would have marched them hard, arrived early, immediately set up the defences, and only then stand the men down while they waited for the enemy to arrive. Sooner a wide margin for error than a narrow one, he decided. All those years of hard service with the Eagles had taught him that much at least. But then, it wasn't his cohort and it wasn't his job to question the order of his superior. So Macro kept his mouth shut and nodded with the other centurions in response to Maximius' last remark. 'Once we reach the auxiliary fort we'll pick up the entrenching tools and give the men a short rest.' 'Which unit do the auxiliaries belong to, sir?' Cato asked. 'The First Batavians – Germans, born and bred. They're good lads.' Maximius smiled.'And they're in good hands. Mate of mine commands them. Centurion Porcinus, ex-Praetorian Guardsman, like me.' 'First Batavian?' Macro thought for a moment. 'Didn't they get a good pasting in the marshes on the Tamesis, last summer?' 'Yes…' 'Thought so.' Macro nodded, and jerked a thumb at Cato. 'We were there. Had to do some tidying up after them. Made a bit of a hash of it, chasing down some of the locals. Got lost in the marsh and pretty much cut to pieces. Ain't that right, Cato?' 'Er, yes. I suppose so.' Cato was watching Maximius carefully and saw the cohort commander frown. 'But they fought well enough.' Macro turned to him with a surprised expression and Cato quickly shook his head. 'They did fight well,' Maximius growled. 'They were a credit to their commander. Lost over half their number and Porcinus still kept them at it. As I said, they're in good hands.' 'Well,' Macro sniffed. 'If he's a good commander, then why…?' Cato was staring hard at his friend and finally Macro got the point. He paused, looked at Maximius quickly, and cleared his throat. 'Why what?' Maximius prompted him in a harsh tone. 'Er, why… why didn't the general honour him?' 'You know the score, Macro. Some centurions just happen to get on the wrong side of our generals and legates. While some others -' Maximius glanced towards Cato – 'just seem to get everything handed to them on a plate. That's the way of the world. Wouldn't you agree, Centurion Cato?' 'Yes, sir.' Cato forced himself to smile. 'Just one of the profession's iniquities.' 'Iniquities?' Maximius repeated in a mocking tone. 'Now there's a fine word. Know any more like that, son?' 'Sir?' 'You got any other smart words you want to use on me?' 'Sir, I didn't mean-' 'Rest easy!' Maximius grinned, too widely, and raised his hand.'No harm done, lad, and no offence taken, eh? You can't help it if you've spent most of your life with your nose stuck in a book, instead of doing proper soldiering, can you?' Cato looked down to hide the anger flushing through his face. 'No, sir. And I aim to make up for it.' 'Of course you do, lad.' Maximius winked at Antonius and Felix. 'A boy's got to learn, after all.' 'After all what, sir?' Cato looked round at his commander. Maximius smiled at the determined glint in the young officer's eyes. He slapped Cato on the shoulder. 'Figure of speech, son. That's all it was.' 'Fair enough, sir.' Cato gave a small nod. 'Might I get back to my men now?' 'No need to sulk, Cato.' There was a tense beat as Cato tried to control a new flush of anger. He realised well enough that Maximius was baiting him, trying to force him into some kind of petulant display in front of the other centurions. It was so tempting to bite back, to defend his achievements, to point out the medallions he wore on his harness. Unfortunately, Maximius, Macro and Tullius each carried more sets than he did. Antonius and Felix had yet to win any decorations for bravery and Cato would merely offend them as the other three centurions laughed at his bratish arrogance. Any attempt at a put-down would be taken as insubordination and only make the situation worse. Yet to do nothing would make him look like a weakling, and merely invite further lacerating remarks from Maximius. Bullying was a prerogative of rank, and Cato realised it was something he would just have to put up with. Unfair as it was, few of his fellow centurions would side with him. A man had to pay his dues and put up with all the petty slights and cruel taunts, with no possibility of being able to respond. Any man who succumbed to that temptation was as good as broken. All Cato could do was weather the torment and accept the… iniquity – he smiled bitterly to himself – of the situation. With a flash of insight he realised that was just another way the army had of toughening up its men. The discomforts of army life were as much mental as physical, and he'd better get used to it, because if he didn't then men like Maximius would break Cato as surely as night follows day. Very well, if he couldn't afford to outwit his commander, and couldn't bear to be the butt of his humour then Cato must keep as far away from Maximius as possible. Cato glanced over his shoulder, back down the line of men towards his century bringing up the rear of the column. He frowned. 'Sir, I think my century's falling behind. Can I go back and chivvy them along?' Maximius looked back and then turned his gaze on Cato with a shrewd narrowing of the eyes. For a moment Cato feared that his request would be denied. Then Maximius nodded. 'Very well. Make sure they keep up.' 'Yes, sir.' Cato saluted, quickly turned away and strode back down the column of sweating legionaries, under the watchful eye of Maximius. 'Macro?' 'Sir?' 'How well do you know that boy?' 'Well enough, I suppose, sir,' Macro replied guardedly. 'At least I've known him ever since he joined the Second Legion as a recruit.' 'As long as that?' Maximius arched his eyebrows.'That must be, almost, let me see… two years. My, that is a long time.' Even Macro could pick up the heavy helping of sarcasm. He immediately decided that Cato had to be defended, before Maximius settled on a mistaken judgement of the young centurion. First impressions were hard to shake, and the last thing Macro wanted to see was Cato handicapped by some veteran's prejudice as he made a go of his first legionary command. The legionaries of the Sixth Century, he knew, were still bridling over the appointment of a centurion who was younger than all but a handful of the men. The situation was not helped by Cato's choice of Figulus for optio. Figulus was only a few months older than his centurion, but at least he had the kind of physique that deters those in the ranks from insubordination. Figulus was safe enough, Macro realised. It was Cato who would be pressured to justify his rapid promotion. Macro knew that Cato, cursed by lack of self-confidence and by driving ambition in equal measure, would do anything to prove he deserved his advancement. Macro had seen the lad's desperate courage on many occasions. Given half a chance Cato would prove Maximius wrong or die in the attempt. Unless Maximius knew that, and backed off from his snide treatment of his subordinate, then Cato would be a danger to himself. Then Macro paused, mid-thought, as something more disturbing occurred to him. What if Maximius recognised that same flaw in Cato and decided to exploit it cruelly? Macro cleared his throat, and spoke in what he hoped sounded like a light-hearted tone.'Sure he's young, sir. But he's learned the trade fast. And he's got guts.' 'Young!' Maximius snorted. 'I'll say.' The other centurions laughed and Macro forced himself to smile along with them as he steeled himself for another attempt to steer Maximius towards a more sensitive treatment of the cohort's most junior centurion. 'He's just a bit touchy, sir.' Macro smiled.'You know what it was like at that age.' 'Yes I do. That's precisely why boys should not be placed in command of men. They lack the necessary temperament, wouldn't you agree?' 'In most cases, yes, sir.' 'In your case?' Macro thought about this a moment and then nodded. 'I suppose so. I could never have been a centurion at Cato's age.' 'Me neither,' Maximius chuckled. 'That's why I'm not convinced by our young centurion.' 'But Cato's different.' Maximius shrugged and turned his gaze along the track ahead of them. 'We'll see soon enough.' The dust at the end of the column hung in the air and made the men's mouths feel dry and gritty. That was why Cato's men had slowly dropped back from the rear of the Fifth Century. He immediately ordered them forward and then kept them in the correct formation with the rest of the cohort, despite the undercurrent of muttered protest that greeted his command. 'Silence!' Cato shouted. 'Silence in the ranks there! Optio, take the name of the next man who opens his mouth out of turn.' 'Yes, sir!' Figulus saluted. Cato stepped away from the track and stood and watched the men closely as his century marched past. His eye was practised enough to distinguish between the good and the bad legionaries, between the veterans and the recruits, between those in good physical condition and those who were in poor health. There was no question that they were all fit; the merciless regime of perpetual training and route marches saw to that. Cato's eyes glanced over the men's kit, mentally noting those who had taken every effort to maintain their armour and weapons to the highest standards. He noted the faces of those men whose armour was heavily tarnished; he would have Figulus see to them later. A few days of fatigues might sort them out. If that didn't work he'd slap some fines on them. As the tail of the century tramped by, Cato waited a moment longer, making sure that the lines of his men were even, then he fell in on the track and double-paced to catch up. He was pleased enough with what he had seen so far. There was a handful of obvious bad characters, but the majority looked like good men, conscientious and hardy enough. The only thing that bothered Cato was that he still lacked a firm understanding of their collective spirit. The faces he had scrutinised from the side of the track were largely expressionless, and since he had ordered them to be silent there was little tangible sense of their feelings, only, perhaps, a sullen resentment over the order. Cato thought about changing his mind and letting them talk, which would allow him to gauge their mood a little more readily. But to countermand an order so recently given would only make him look indecisive and irresolute. He'd have to let them resent him for the moment then. That might even help foster his preferred image as a stern disciplinarian who would not brook the slightest hint of insubordination from the men under his command. He'd show that bastard Maximius… Which was why he was being so harsh on the men, Cato realised. He was taking out his anger on them, and with that thought he was awash with guilt and self-contempt. There was really no difference between Maximius' bullying of Cato and Cato's taking it out on the men of his century. Maximius – it pained him to admit it – was right. He was sulking, and now eighty good men were suffering the consequences. Unless he grew out of his sensitivity he would be a perpetual burden to his men. Men who must trust him implicitly if they were to overcome the savage ferocity of Caratacus and his horde. Not long after noon the track curved towards a small hillock. On its crest stood the raw dark earth of a recently erected rampart. A wooden palisade ran along the top of the earthworks with solid timber towers constructed above the two gates and at each corner of the fort. The distant detail of the structure was lost in the shimmering heat, but beyond the hill there was the glint of the Tamesis, looking cool and inviting to the eyes of sweating legionaries. Cato felt that he had not seen a more serene and peaceful view for months, but sight of the river brought the prospect of the coming battle sharply to mind. Soon enough those quiet waters would be stained with men's blood and their corpses would lay strewn about under the harsh glare of the sun. As the cohort approached, there was no sign of movement behind the rampart, almost as if the sentries had decided to find some shelter from the sun to enjoy an afternoon nap. Above the fort Cato could see tiny black dots slowly swirling: carrion birds of some kind, he decided. Apart from a few solitary swifts darting high and low, they were the only birds in the clear sky. When the cohort was in long arrow range of the fort and there was still no sign of life, Centurion Maximius halted his men and bellowed out an order for the scouts to mount and move ahead to investigate. With a soft thrumming of hoofs the scouts trotted forwards and started up the gentle incline towards the gatehouse. 'Officers to the front!' Cato ran forward, his harness jingling loudly as he passed by the silent ranks of each century. He joined the other officers breathing heavily and mopped the perspiration from his brow. 'Something's wrong,' muttered Felix. Maximius slowly turned towards him. 'Really? Do you think so?' Felix looked surprised. 'Well, yes, sir. That or they have the worst sentries I've ever encountered. In which case someone's in for a roasting.' Maximius nodded. 'Well, thank you for your concise appraisal of the situation. Most instructive… you idiot! Of course something's wrong.' Felix began to stammer something, and then shut his mouth and gazed down at his boots as he scraped one foot across the loose soil. The other centurions turned their gaze on the fort and silently watched the scouts ride up towards the entrance. One of the gates began to swing open slowly. 'Sir!' 'I see it, Antonius.' A dark shape flitted out of the shadows under the gatehouse into the sunlight. A large dog, one of the hunting beasts the Batavians insisted on taking with them on campaign. It glanced quickly at the approaching horsemen and then turned and bolted down the slope in the opposite direction. For a moment the officers watched it run, sleek back bobbing up and down as it disappeared round the flank of the hill. 'Sir, what's that?' asked Cato, and raised an arm to point at the gatehouse. The gate had continued to inch open and was now swinging out from the shadows. Something had been fixed to the inside of the gate. 'Oh, shit,' Centurion Felix whispered. No one replied. They could see it clearly now and for a moment no one spoke. It was the body of a man, nailed to the timbers with a spike through both his palms. He was stripped and had been disembowelled, and his guts hung down over his legs, red and grey and glistening. 05 The Eagles Prey |