"Jedi Quest 4: The Master of Disguise" - читать интересную книгу автора (Watson Jude)Chapter FiveIf any of the Haaridens were trying to grab some sleep, they were now disappointed. The patrol troops had been so certain that they were safe that they hadn't bothered to post guards. It was easy for Obi-Wan and Soara to sneak into the camp. The Haaridens had left the small arms jumbled together in a heap. Soara and Obi-Wan easily jammed the flechette launchers and the missile tube, and pocketed all the thermal detonators. Then they tossed a detonator into the brush in order to wake everybody up. While the Haaridens scrambled for their blasters, the only weapons left to them, the Jedi stood, waiting. Before the quickest Haariden could shoot, Obi-Wan called, "Think first. Surrender is your best option." The Haariden captain spoke up, his blaster leveled at Obi-Wan's chest. "Why should we surrender? We are forty, and you are only two." "I can think of one good reason," Obi-Wan said, holding up the thermal detonators. "We have ten of these. The blast radius is five meters for each. We can toss these accurately and quickly and demolish this entire patrol in exactly five seconds." "You'll blow yourself up," the Haariden captain sneered. Obi-Wan smiled. "I don't think so." The next thing the captain knew, Obi-Wan had somersaulted over his head and landed on his other side. "Maybe I need to remind you," Obi-Wan said. "We are Jedi." The other Haariden soldiers looked nervous. They glared at one another, then at their captain. "I'm not inclined to find out if they can do it," one soldier muttered. "Why should we?" another said. "This isn't even our fight," the first soldier added. "Why can't we just return to our unit?" another asked. The captain eyed the thermal detonator in Soara's hand, her thumb over the release. "What happens to us?" he asked. "We have no quarrel with you," Obi-Wan said. "As long as we have safe passage to our transport." The captain paused. Then he slowly lowered his blaster. Soara and Obi-Wan dropped the thermal detonators back into the pockets of their tunics. "What do you mean, it's not your fight?" Soara asked. "We were paid to split off from our unit and attack you," the captain said, wiping a weary hand across his forehead. Soara and Obi-Wan exchanged a glance. "Who paid you?" Soara asked. The captain looked evasive. "No one we knew. I mean, not a native Haariden. An outlander." "His name?" "He didn't say." "What did he look like?" The captain was about to answer, but a blank look came over his face. He shook his head several times. "Isn't that strange," he said. "I honestly don't remember." A pulse began to beat inside Obi-Wan. He gripped the hilt of his lightsaber. "What is he to you?" Soara asked. "I would think you would rather have the Jedi on your side." The captain gave a sad smile. "The Jedi can't help us. We are perfectly capable of destroying ourselves. Yes, he gave me his name. It was Granta Omega." The name only confirmed what Obi-Wan had already suspected. He had met Granta Omega before. Omega had hired a group of bounty hunters to hunt him down, as well as Anakin and another Jedi. Obi-Wan had still not found out why. He knew that Omega was not a Sith, but he collected Sith artifacts. Omega was also a void, a person with enough power to appear so neutral as to fade from the memory of those who had met him. He did not have a Force-connection, but he had cunning. And for some reason, he despised the Jedi. Obi-Wan was not surprised to run into Granta Omega again. But why here, and why now? Suddenly the horizon lit up with a dull red glow. "The battle has resumed," the captain said tiredly. "We should return to our unit." He hesitated. "Since you have spared our lives, I will also tell you this — all units have been called to the battle on the other edge of the forest. You will have no trouble reaching your transport safely. Our concerns now lie elsewhere." He bowed. "Captain Noq Welflet, at your service." He looked at the soldiers, who had dropped back to the ground. Some of them sat, their heads in their hands. Others looked numbly around. "My soldiers are exhausted," he said. "I took the credits from Granta in order to feed and clothe them. I did not want to fight the Jedi. I do not want to fight at all, actually." He made an attempt at a laugh, but began to cough. "My lungs are full of smoke and ashes," he murmured. "Why do you continue?" Obi-Wan asked. Captain Welflet's eyes were red-rimmed above his straggly beard. "Because I must." Soara raised a hand to take in the exhausted patrol, the ruined village, the blackened stumps. "And it's worth all this? Your land ruined, your people dead?" The captain sighed. "I only know there is no alternative." Obi-Wan and Soara headed back to the others. They were both saddened by their experience on Haariden. There seemed little chance for peace. They hurried back to the group and told the scientists the good news. They should reach the transport without incident. "And the Haariden patrol?" Anakin asked. "They've gone back to join the war," Obi-Wan said. "They won't bother us." He would tell Anakin about Granta Omega back at the Temple. Now they needed to focus on getting off-planet. Soara and Obi-Wan fashioned a body sling and tied Darra gently against Obi-Wan's chest. They hiked to the transport, making good time now. The sky lightened and a pale sun rose as they reached the ship. The scientists boarded with weary relief. Obi-Wan gently set Darra down on a sleep couch and covered her with a thermal blanket. Soara slid behind the controls. Obi-Wan contacted the Temple and said they were on their way. They shot up into the upper atmosphere of Haariden. Obi-Wan looked down at the planet, glad to be leaving it. He wondered about the disturbance in the Force he had felt since he'd arrived. He had thought it was because of the dark side on this planet. There was so much death and bitterness. But what about his sense of foreboding? Could he have somehow picked up on the fact that Granta Omega was here as well? The fact that Omega had failed in his attempt to kill the Jedi didn't matter. If Darra had not been ill, if he hadn't pledged to get the scientists to safety, he would have stayed with his Padawan and hunted down his attacker. Omega had tried to kill Jedi twice. He should be brought to justice. But Obi-Wan had his duties, and he had to leave. He had made the same decision on Ragoon-6. Justice would have to be sought another time. Could it be that Omega only attacked when he knew the Jedi could not retaliate or pursue him? Did he count on a Jedi's sense of priorities to protect himself from reprisals? Obi-Wan turned away from the planet and looked ahead at the galaxy. The ship shot into hyperspace, and a rush of stars seemed to crowd the windscreen. This time, Obi-Wan vowed, he would get to the bottom of the mystery of Granta Omega. |