"Как избежать врачебных ошибок" - читать интересную книгу автора (Ригельман Ричард К.)


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3. Seltzer R. Letters to a young doctor. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1982.

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5. Rynearson R.R. Touching people (editorial)..?. Can. Psychiatry. 39(6):492, 1978.

6. Balint M. The doctor, his patient and the illness. New York: International Universities Press, p.l, 1957.

7. Cousins ti.Anatomy of an illness as perceived by the patient. Toronto: Bantam Books, p. 56–57, 1981.

8. Hahn S.R., Feiner J.S., Benin E.H. The doctor-patient family relationship. A compensatory aHiance.*hh. Intern. Med. 109:884–889, 1988.

9. Groves J.E. Taking care of the hateful patient. N. Engl. J. Med. 298:883, 1978.

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11. Alpert J.S., Wittenberg SM-A cUnician's companion: a study guide for effective and humane patient care. Boston: Little, Brown, p. 133–135, 1986

12. Strauss M.B. (ed.) Familiar medical quotations. Boston: Little, Brown, p.300, 1968.

13. Gutheil T.G., Bursztajn H., BrodskyA. Malpractice prevention through the sharing of uncertainty. *V. Er*J. Med. 311:149–151, 1984

14. Hilfiker D. HeaSng the wounds: a physician kicks at his work New York: Pantheon Books, 1985.

IS. Lipp M.R. Respectfoil treatment: a practical handbook of patient care (Znded.). NewYork: Elsevier, 1986

16. Johnson C.G., Levenkron J.C., Suchren A.L., Manchester R. Does physician uncertainty affect patient satisfaction. J. Gen. Intern. Med. 3:149, 1988.

17. Sokas R. Personal communication, 1989.

18. Seigel B.S..ove, medicine, and miracles. New York: Perennial Library and Row, p.38, 1986.

19. Naisbitt J. Megatrends. New York: Warner Books, p.35, 1984.