"The Sword of the Lady" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stirling S M)



?Stop the sled,? the old woman said, peering out from under her wolfskin hood.

The bricks under her booted feet were cold again now and so was she, even beneath her winter gear and the thick bearskin traveling rug. The wind was rising, hard as the teeth of Hella, full of a hard mealy scent. It flicked kernels of dry sharp snow through the laden branches of the pines, and the bare fingers of the sugar maples and birch writhed. At least it was at her back and the arched cover of the sled broke most of it. ?Are you sure, Heidhveig?? Thorlind said, speaking a little loudly to be heard over the storm. ?Of course not!?

She regretted the snap even as the words left her lips; but she felt the cold in her bones, more every year, an ache that never quite went away. The sun and warmth of her girlhood suddenly came before her, for the first time in years.

The Berkeley hills would be green now, after the first rains. The wind chilly but just enough to make a coat welcome, and the Bay blue, with gulls over Alcatraz, and the smell of eucalyptus…

For a moment her eyes teared with longing for a world as legendary now as any hero tale; then she blinked and with the discipline of long practice shut those memories away. ?Sorry,? she said.?Just… a feeling.? ?You don?t just have feelings,? Thorlind said.?Not you, and not just.?

The girl?s no fool, she thought. Then: Girl! I am getting old! She?s a grandmother this year!

Thorlind pulled on the reins with a whoa! The two shaggy horses slowed and stopped as she threw the drag lever and the claw dug into the hard-packed snow, and the outriders drew rein and swung down from their mounts.

Heidhveig let them help her down; Thorlind handed her the staff, and one of the guards brought the lantern from its hook at the rear over the baggage compartment. It shone for a moment on the silver cat?s heads on the front corners of the sled, the jet glitter of the raven?s heads behind, and the intricate carving that laced the wooden panels of its sides with intertwined figures of elongated gripping beasts, wolves and dragons and birds. In a sudden moment of doubled vision she saw the Oseberg wagon in one of the books she had pored over so diligently when she was young-probably one of H.R. Ellis Davidson?s. And now she was the seeress in the wagon…

It was the kind of dizzying juxtaposition she used to experience often when they were building Norrheim, after the Change.

Why should it happen now? I thought I?d become more like the youngsters, living the legends and not thinking about them.

The winter?s afternoon was already growing dark, and the gathering snowstorm gusted, sometimes clearing for an instant and then cutting visibility to barely beyond arm?s length. The woods ended here-the solid forest, at least-giving way to rolling fields and scattered shaws, hidden now in the storm but letting the wind run free. She could just see the high white bulk of the barrow. Before it was an upright slab of granite, roughly shaped, a carved tangle of gripping beasts bordering the runes. The light was too dim to read them, but she didn?t need to. She murmured them aloud: ?Bjarni Eriksson raised this stone to the memory of his father Erik Waltersson, called Erik the Strong, he who led his people north through the great dying and got this land for them through his luck and craft and drighten might. Here he lies, to watch over the land he won for his blood and folk. Thor hallow these runes.? ?Hello again, Erik, my old friend,? she added softly.?You built well. Watch over us all indeed.?

In the first years after the Change they had expected Ragnarok every winter, and looked to see the gods themselves come riding down the sky, for surely trolls and etins walked among men. But the heroes they had were men like Erik, the godhi of an Asatru kindred who had tried to get closer to the old Gods by studying the old ways. He had the skills they needed for survival and the will to inspire or bully others into using them. Folk had followed him, growing like a snowball rolling downhill around that first core until Norrheim stretched mighty across leagues of field and forest, an island of life in a sea of wilderness and death.

Skis hissed in the dimness, and three bulky figures appeared on the edge of the light cast through the lantern?s bull?s-eye lens. They were muffled in fur and quilted wool until nothing of them showed save their eyes, but they moved with easy unconcern in the gathering storm. All of them kicked the toes of their boots out of the ski loops as they stopped and jumped to their feet, agile as cats. One had a long bow in his hand, one a great bearded war-ax with a straight four-foot helve, and one a spear; all had double-edged swords and seaxes at their belts, and round shields slung over their backs. ?Who comes to the steading of Godhi Bjarni Eriksson on the sacred eve?? one said importantly, hardly even waiting to halt before he spoke; his voice was a young man?s.?All who come in peace and fellowship are welcome to share the Gods? feast, but reivers and evildoers and troll-men stay wide of our land, if they?re wise. If not, they get a warm welcome and an everlasting bed to lie in.?

The guards bristled and fingered the shafts of their broad-bladed spears. Heidhveig braced herself upright on her staff and Thorlind let the light shine on her, so the Eriksgarth men could see clearly even with the storm in their faces. ? One comes who saw you all in your cradles, and crawling and squalling butt-naked beneath the benches,? Heidhveig said tartly. ?You, Roderic Karlsson, and you, Thorolf Pierresson, and you too, Olaf Davesson!? ?Ah… sorry,? Roderic said, and sounded as if he was, or at least embarrassed.?Ah… welcome, welcome, holy seidhkona. The Chief will be pleased and honored; we didn?t think you?d be here this Yule!? ?If I?ve made it every Yule Eve for twenty-four years, I can do it once more,? she said.?This is the godwoman Thorlind Williamsdottir. And these are men of Kalk the Shipwright?s garth, Sven Jacobsson and Ingmar Marcellesson, who swore to see me safe here for the festival.? ?Come, come, lady Heidhveig,? Roderic said.?And all of you. Let?s get you inside, and a guest cup inside you, and your beasts fed and stabled!?

She started to nod-right now a cup of hot cider or mead sounded very attractive-when she felt a sudden sense of pressure, no, of Presence. They stopped, staring, as she flung out her hand to silence them. The wind blew louder, the low throbbing rising to a screech, and for an instant it tugged at her cloak until the ends flew forward like wings. The cold cut like a knife, a white pain that seemed to light the land around her. She could see every flake of snow and dead leaf and pine needle, hear the very thoughts of the martins and mink and the bears curled sleeping in their dens.

No, not sleeping-they too were stirring, waking to awareness of a power greater than the storm. Snow muffled all sound but the wind?s scream now, yet she could hear hoofbeats, or perhaps it was the thudding of her heart. ?Can?t you hear them?? she heard herself say.?Can?t you feel them??

She twitched as energy surged through her, the old familiar thrill of ecstasy that had won her allegiance long before the Change made all the old stories real. ?What?? Roderic said; Thorlind stepped forward silently and took her arm, lending her strength.

Her eyes sought to pierce the swirling darkness.?The Hunt rides tonight,? she whispered, feeling her voice alter cadence as if she were already in trance.? He rides the wind, and the dead thunder behind Him over the rainbow bridge. The foam that flies from their horses? bits will bless the land. I feel His eye upon us, I hear the crying of His hounds.?

Old Man, she continued silently. What are you up to now? What hero will you invite this night to join that ride?

Roderic took a step back. One of his companions clutched at his chest, probably at an amulet; the other drew the Hammer. Heidhveig took a deep breath, feeling the intensity of that awareness fade, and her mouth quirked. Her folk gave the Allfather His due… and most of them were just as pleased not to attract His particular attention; Thor was a lot more popular.

The one-eyed Wanderer, the God of wolf and raven, the Terrible One who sent the madness of battle and the mead of poetry to men… had his own purposes. She believed those purposes served the ultimate good of the world and of humankind, but she knew that to achieve them He would spare neither Himself nor His chosen ones.

After that she saw little of the garth and its buildings except a blur of lighted windows and folk greeting her. The shock of warmth as they left their outer clothing in the vestibule brought her fully back to herself, and to her aches and pains as that warmth gradually eased them.

The chieftain?s hall of Eriksgarth was L-shaped, the shorter end a large frame house built long before the Change as the core of a farm; the longer wing was the hall proper, added afterwards as time and resources permitted. Bjarni and his wife Harberga Janetsdottir greeted her, friendly as always-she?d been an unofficial grandmother to them both from their childhoods-but with a trace of tension that told her Roderic had repeated her words. ?You shouldn?t travel in weather like this!? Harberga scolded. ?What if you?d been caught in a real storm, coming up from the coast??

She was tall and fair, her braided hair up beneath a kerchief, and a six-month belly stretching out the blue wool of her hanging skirt and the embroidered linen panel of her apron, held by silver brooches at her shoulders. ?You?ll catch your death!? she went on. ?When you?re past eighty that?s not something that can be avoided,? she said.

But she let them fuss her into a deep chair beside one of the two stone hearths on either side of the hall; the area before it was the honor seat, where the chief and his lady and important guests were placed. Some purists had wanted to use a firepit down the center, and she remembered Erik roaring out what he thought of that with an epic vocabulary that he hadn?t gotten from the Eddas.

More like the 82nd Airborne, she thought reminiscently as she sank into the cushions with a sigh. It had started with you shit-for-brains dickweeds, do you think the Gods want morons for followers and finished with freeze your own balls off, you don?t have any use for them!

Fire boomed amid a sweet scent of burning pine in the fireplace of rough granite, on andirons whose ends rose into wrought dragons; the slanted iron plate at the rear helped cast the heat into the long room. Tapestries fluttered on the walls; the bare logs between were carved in sinuous patterns, hung with round painted shields and racked spears, bow and sword and ax, and mail byrnies that glittered darkly in the wavering light. More carvings ran on the railed gallery that ran around it at second-story height. Two rows of pillars made from the trunks of whole white pines and wrought into figures of gods and heroes ran the length of the stone-flagged floor, reaching up into the dimness of the rafters; some carried rings of lanterns at twice head-height on iron wheels.

Bjarni poured her cider with his own hands, into a big ceramic mug with New Sweden Midsomar Festival 1997 printed on it. He was only a little taller than his wife, but broad-shouldered and barrel-chested, his cropped beard and shoulder-length hair as brick red as his father?s had been, his eyes blue and steady. The drink hissed and steamed as he plunged a glowing poker into it. ?Ahhh, that?s good!? she said, cradling the mug in knotted hands and breathing in fragrant steam like a memory of blossom time. As the heat eased aching joints she lifted it, murmuring softly: ?Hail the hall and the master of this hall,

Hail the mistress and the household she rules,

Hail the wight that wards the holy hearth,

And the spirits that bring life to the land.?

By the time she had finished the blessing, the cider was cool enough for drinking. She let the hot sweet liquid run down her throat and get to work on the last of the chill.

The hall was thronged with scores of people, burly bearded men in tunic and breeks, women in long gowns-or sometimes practical traveling trousers themselves; the cloth a mixture of carefully preserved pre-Change brightness brought out for the festival and the more subtle colors of modern vegetable dyes. Either sex might wear an arm ring of gold or silver or steel. Her host had two pushed up on his thick biceps over the cloth of his tunic, the one that bore witness to his deeds and the oath ring he wore when leading rituals. Long weapons were left in the cloakroom or hung on the wall, but nearly every belt bore a fighting knife of the kind called a seax.

Most of the faces were folk she knew, or at least recognized and could place, like the two Micmac envoys in their embroidered tick coats and leggings. Voices sounded like surf, in the Norse-salted English of the Bjornings, or now and then in the nasal French dialect that was the second-most common tongue in Norrheim.

Which is appropriate; plenty of Norman and Frank there too.

Children added their mite, running and playing with the big rough-coated dogs, or sucking on maple candy. There were friendly nods to her in plenty, but the folk left her in peace to talk with the chief. ?Quite a crowd,? she said to Bjarni.

He and his wife drew up chairs beside her; a three-year-old girl came and crawled up into his lap and went to sleep with a kitten?s limp finality. ?Half the wapentake is here!? the Bjorning chieftain said, settling his daughter against him with a father?s skill.

The tables and benches were set, running down both sides of the hall and centered on the dais that held the east-wall hearth; good cooking smells drifted in from the house where the feast was in preparation, but some of the guests were already eating slices of dark coarse barley-bread spread with liver paste or smoked salmon or cheese or butter and thick blueberry jam, or munching on apples from the bowls set out. Bjarni?s younger sister Gudrun oversaw a team of household women who were filling cups and carrying trays, proud in her new-budded womanhood and grave with the responsibility of helping her sister-in-law, a maiden?s long loose hair flowing auburn under a silver headband.

The guests would do justice to the feast as well. They?d come from many miles around, and traveling in this weather needed fuel!

Bjarni?s strong callused hand caressed his sleeping daughter?s white mane as he went on: ?A lot of the householders wanted to talk things over, and see the divination. Even with a good harvest, there?s been trouble-more quarrels than usual among ourselves, troll-man raids in the northern reaches, and the southmark. Rumors of trouble from the outlands. Folk are nervous and it?s a long time until the Althing meets.?

His hand touched his beard, and his voice fell.?And what?s this young Roderic tells me about the Hunt??

Heidhveig sighed again, letting her head fall back and her eyes close.?He heard everything I saw,? she said.?But it always means something when-?

Then Roderic was there again; he hadn?t bothered to take off his parka, and snow melted on in thick patches on the wolverine fur. His hazel eyes were wide. ?Godhi, lady-travelers!? ?Well, show them in!? Bjarni said, irritated.?You are on watch, boy!? ?No, strangers. Maybe thirty of them! Travelers from the far west, they say, and their leader not like any man I?ve ever seen before!?

He was a young man; his voice shook with excitement. Heidhveig set down the cup, staring towards the door.

Old Man, she thought. Have you set me to work seidh for a hero this holy eve?

The vestibule door opened, and the lights fluttered in the draught. Strangers crowded it, in the sort of warm wool tunics and pants the sensible wore beneath their outer gear for winter travel, but different from local style in a dozen subtle ways.

Her eyes went to their leader, drawn like iron to a magnet.

I can smell Orlog on him; a fate like tears and flowers and blood. What does Wyrd weave now?

He was a tall man, two fingers or so above six feet, broad-shouldered and narrow-hipped and long-limbed; young, too, well into manhood but younger than her host?s thirty. He moved with the supple economy of a tiger, as if even his stillness was always complicit of motion, a thing of dynamic balance that held the promise of sudden blinding speed. When he shook his head slightly damp red-gold hair fell to his shoulders, framing a straight-nosed, high-cheeked, cleft-chinned face that might have been called beautiful save for the thin scar along his jaw and up nearly to the left cheek. There were more on his large shapely hands, but she could see from the look of his blue-green eyes that he would be more likely to smile than frown, on an occasion less solemn. ?It?s in peace and goodwill that we come,? he said; his voice was a resonant baritone.

It was also full of a pleasant lilting accent she hadn?t heard since the old world fell, the soft west – Irish brogue of the Gaeltacht; and she recognized a trained singer?s control and pitch as he went on, filling the hall without strain or shout: ?Merry met to the Mistress of this Hearth and to the Lord of this Hall, and to all beneath their roof. We ask guesting if we are welcome, and only leave to pass on if we are not.?

The Bjorning chieftain stood, handed little Swanhild to his wife despite a sleepy protest and faced the tall stranger; silence was thick through the hall, and beneath it a humming curiosity. The newcomers were a worn, tough-looking crew, including the women among them-one even had an eye patch-but they had politely racked whatever long arms they carried in the cloakroom. None of the Eriksgarth dwellers were very alarmed, though a few men drifted to stand with arms crossed on their chests behind their leader… just in case, which also put them within grabbing range of the arms hung on the walls.

One of the Norrheimer proverbs was to trust no ice until you?d walked on it. ?I hight Bjarni Eriksson, godhi -Chieftain-here. Who comes to Eriksgarth on the holy eve?? he said, his voice rumbling deep.

The stranger inclined his head politely to the master of the hall, and then again a little more deeply to Harberga… or perhaps to her and Heidhveig both, and touched the back of his right fist to his forehead for a moment. She noticed a small white scar between his brows then. ?Rudi Mackenzie am I, of the Clan Mackenzie; the totem of my sept is Raven. In my own land, I am son to our Chief, and our folk have hailed me as Tanist-as heir. These are my sworn men and followers and kin. We have traveled for near two years from the sunset ocean, over mountain and plain, forest and river and lake, and our goal is to find a ship to bear us on the eastern sea.?

A buzz of wonder rose from the crowd, then died away. Bjarni stepped forward and held out his hand; the two men gripped wrists, each taking the measure of the other, and each gave a very slight nod, as if liking what they saw. ? Come heil to you, Rudi Mackenzie,? the Bjorning chieftain said formally; the phrase meant?come in good health and be welcome.?? Come heil to your followers also.?

Then he added without looking away:?Bring drink to all our guests!?

His sister Gudrun came with a great polished ox horn carved with runes and bound and rimmed and tipped with braided silver, rather than the more usual mugs her assistants bore to the others. ?Welc-? she stammered a little, flushing as Rudi looked at her, then took a breath and began again as he smiled encouragingly: ?Welcome I give

The wanderer here

With bright and blessed draught

Greeted art thou

With grith and frith

Hail in holy hall!?

The man who?d called himself Rudi Mackenzie took the horn with a grip that showed he?d held one before, the point kept down and a little to one side. He drew a sign over the hot mead, touched a finger to it and flicked a drop aside, then raised it: ?Slainte chugat!? he said.?To your health! I drink thanks to the high Gods of this land, thanks to the spirits of place which ward hearth and home and field, and thanks to my hosts, the Lord and Lady of this hall. And to all beneath their roof, goodwill and welcome. May there always be peace and guest friendship and never a feud between us.?

He took another draught, and gave a long appreciative: ? Ahhhhh! And many thanks, Bjarni Eriksson. We?ve come a long cold way from a cold camp this day, and weeks over the ice before that. If ever you journey to our land of Montival in the High West, my house is your house as long as you please to visit. So witness sun-bright Lugh of the Long Spear and Brigid Sheaf-mistress, and the Dagda and the threefold Morrigu and all the Gods of my people.? ?That?s well said, Rudi Mackenzie of the Clan Mackenzie,? Bjarni answered.?So a chieftain speaks. You?re welcome to share our feast, and there?s room for all, and warm beds. Or straw, at least! My carles will see to your beasts and gear.?

Harberga made a determined sound and levered herself upright, setting her daughter Swanhild down in her chair; for the honor of the house it was her duty to see that her husband?s words about food and beds were true, even when the number of guests suddenly went up by a quarter. The girl-child blinked open eyes cornflower blue and looked around; Rudi Mackenzie smiled at her in an unguarded instant of tender delight, and an answering smile lit the toddler?s chubby face as she waved.

Then he turned to one of his followers-a thick-armed younger man with a mop of curly hair the brown of old oakwood and a stubborn-looking square face-and took a long bundle handed to him. ?Forgive a stranger?s ignorance of your ways,? he said, facing back to Bjarni.?In our land, the custom is that a visitor at Yuletide brings his host a guesting gift.?

He unwrapped the coarse cloth from the bundle and presented it across the palms of his hands. ?We Mackenzies are a people of the bow, and Aylward the Archer here is not the least of our master bowyers.?

Heidhveig?s brows rose, and a man behind Bjarni whistled softly in knowledgeable appreciation. The weapon was six inches over six feet, with a long subtle in-and-out curve to the hickory stave; a central riser of burnished curly maple was worked and slanted to give a sure handgrip, and a cutout through the centerline for the shaft was lined with a tuft of wolf fur. The nocks at either end were polished antler, glittering amber-color in the firelight, and the back was covered in a strip of deer sinew, pale beneath the smooth varnish.

The whole had an indefinable rightness, a beauty of pure function like the light on the edge of a knife. With it was a baldric and quiver of brown leather tooled with vines; wrought buttons of carved bone sealed little pouches for an arrow hone and spare bowstrings and beeswax. Within the quiver itself were two score of gray-fletched shafts, bodkins and broadheads.

Bjarni smiled despite himself, holding the weapon out at arm?s-length, running his fingers down its length and then rolling one of the arrows across his thumbnail. Few gifts from all the world?s wealth could have been more welcome. ?This is fine work! Ullr himself would not be ashamed to use it; your man knows his craft!? he said.?My thanks to you, and to him. Come, the feast?s nearly ready, but you?ve time for the steam bath and the rocks are still hot. Then we?ll eat, and talk.?

He hesitated.?We hold a rite after. A divination. You?re welcome to attend, or not as it pleases you.?

Heidhveig spoke:?I will sit in the seidhjallr and speak this Yule,? she said.?I think that questions of weight will be asked. But not today. Tomorrow, when Thorlind and I are fully rested and we have sought out the landwights.?

Rudi Mackenzie inclined his head respectfully; Bjarni murmured in his ear. Heidhveig sometimes wondered if the young man realized her ears hadn?t lost much sharpness, unlike the way it had gone with his own father in the days of his age. She heard clearly, however softly he spoke: ?She does you honor. Heidhveig is the greatest of our wisewomen; my father was her friend from the land-taking and had good redes of her many a time. She came here from someplace far to the west just before the Change and taught us the old magic. She speaks to spirits, journeys between the worlds. We always have a seidh session at Yule-it?s a good time for divination, but Heidhveig doesn?t sit in the seidhjallr herself often these days.? ?My thanks, lady!? Rudi exclaimed.?Wisdom is the greatest of all gifts!?

He smiled again, and Heidhveig?s mouth turned up in response.

How this one must charm the women! she thought wryly, looking into the sparkling gaze and hearing a few sighs from around her.

Then something moved in her mind, uncoiling from the depths.

Yes, she thought-and knew with a sharp weight of certainty. Yes. This is the one sent to me. ? Par dieu, by Mary Mother and the merciful Saints, I thought I?d never be warm again,? Odard Liu said.

Rudi grinned at him through the drifting mist of steam. The men of the party were all seated on the pine-board benches that made a half circle around the hearth; occasionally a little door would open, and the attendant would stretch in tongs to drop a new heated rock, clack on the pile. The hot wet scent of the wood was an aromatic blessing in his lungs; he could feel the sweat carrying all impurity out of his body, and the memory of the ice floes? white grinding death with it. ?I?ve noticed, my lord Gervais, that you complain and complain.. . but sure, you keep going just the same!?

Odard cocked one black brow without opening his eyes, leaning back with his arms along the front of the bench above. The wintertide journey had thinned him down to muscle and gristle and bone, as it had all of them, and he hadn?t had much spare flesh to start with. ?And what else can I do, your Majesty?? he said.? Stop? Around here? If I ever get back, wild horses hitched to triple reduction gearing won?t get me out of Barony Gervais.? ?You?d be bored silly in six months,? Rudi said.

Odard?s voice grew dreamy:?Bored? I?ll spend my time lying in a hammock under blossoming peach trees or a pergola of roses, looking out over the vineyards, and giving my loyal peasants an encouraging twiddle of my fingers now and then. And eating pineapple pyonnade and composing poetry about my heroic deeds. Pretty girls will fan me in the summer heat and drop peeled grapes in my mouth and sing for me. When winter comes, I?ll go on a fearless quest-as far as the castle solar, where I will read stories about other people?s adventures and sip real coffee with good brandy in it, as a fire crackles in the hearth and the radiator gurgles.?

Ingolf took up the bundle of birch twigs, dipped it into the bucket and flicked water onto the stones. Steam billowed up with a sharp hsssssss, and someone on the upper tier groaned in pleasure-Rudi thought it was Father Ignatius, and nobody could say he wasn?t a hardy man. He?d certainly done a full share of the work, and more than his share of scouting on the long rearguard. ?We?ve got saunas like this in Richland, too,? Ingolf said. With a grin at Odard:?After you boil for a while and feel just like a ham, you run out and roll in the snow, or jump into a hole cut in the ice over the river.?

The baron of Gervais shuddered theatrically.?Saints have mercy! Even the Bearkillers don?t do that.? ?No, really, it feels good,? Ingolf said.?You just don?t stay out long enough for your body to lose the heat that?s soaked in.? ?That?s what you do, perhaps,? Odard said.? I do not. I?m saving up the heat to hoard like a Corvallis moneylender?s gold in a vault.?

Fred Thurston had been sitting silent, like a statue of old bronze sheen ing with a thin film of oil. Now he stirred: ?These people are Asatruar, aren?t they?? he said

Mary and Ritva could tell him what they?d learned in their mother?s household, and they?d been able to find him a few books along the way, but he was anxious for the reality of the tales that spoke to his heart. You couldn?t learn much of a faith until you saw how it shaped the souls of those who followed it. ?Yes,? Rudi said.

Someone sighed; definitely Father Ignatius this time. Since Fred had been a nominal Methodist originally, the Mackenzie didn?t think the priest had much ground for complaint, and went on: ?So I?d judge from what we?ve seen and heard. Probably it spread here the way the Old Religion did from Dun Juniper, because the ones who brought them through the Change followed it.?

Which to be sure is also why nearly everyone around Mt. Angel is a Christian of the Roman rite, he thought. Or why most are in the lands the Association rules. Sigh as you will, Father, but turn about is fair play. Aloud he went on: ?And hospitality is sacred to them as well, of which I?m glad. I was worried to death about Epona, that I was. She?s a little old for travel like this, which would be hard on a horse of half her years. But they?re treating our beasts right royally, as they are us; nice tight barn, blankets, warm mash, clean water and straw, fodder of the best.?

Fred nodded agreement.?They seem like… solid people,? he said.?Indeed, the which is what I?d expect. What those Gods they follow value in a man is courage and loyalty, and above all the hardihood of soul to stand and endure and strive, never flinching. Nor would they have come so well through such years-and in a hard place like this-unless they had those things in truth.?

Odard shuddered.?Oh, the ancestral virtues! Next you?ll say they venerate clean living and hard work.? ?As a matter of fact…? Rudi replied.

Fred snorted, and said:?How long do you think we?ll stay? I?d like to… learn a bit.? ?A week or two at least. We have to learn the lay of the land here, and the road to the coast, and where we can hope to find a vessel, one willing to carry us in this bleak season. And to tell the truth I?d like to leave our horses and a couple of our wounded here, if we can arrange that. Then a dash to the sea, a dash to Nantucket, and back. Though how by the brazen gates of Anwyn we?re to return through that mess we left behind us…? ?These folk keep the twelve days of Yule, don?t they?? Edain said. ?Twelve days of feasting… after the trip we?ve had, that would be just about what I could use, so! And we?d not lose much time. We were slowing that last week or so because we were worn, ourselves and our beasts both.? ?It?s lucky we ran into someplace that could put us all up in midwinter,? Ingolf said thoughtfully.?As well as being well disposed, I mean. We?ve had to move quick a lot to keep from eating people bare. Of course, we?re supposed to be moving quickly.?

They all laughed; quickly was for short trips. When you had a three-thousand-mile journey one way and the prospect of three thousand miles back, haste lost all meaning. Even for a small picked band a journey of that distance could only be made at walking speed, fifteen miles a day averaged out over the whole, and you?d count yourself lucky to maintain that. They had been lucky, since their stay at the Valley of the Sun had been the only time they?d been stuck in one spot for many months by illness, wounds or weather.

Rudi shook his head and poured a dipperful of water over it, enjoying the cool shock. ?Not just luck; it?s little we?ve found on this journey of either good or bad that?s mere chance in the way most use the term. And we?re moving as quickly as we can while doing what we?re supposed to be doing, of which collecting the Sword is an essential part, but only a part. What did Tsewang Dorje say to me, back at Chenrezi Monastery.. .?

He thought, and the wise wrinkled face appeared in his mind?s eye, amid the pleasant austerity of his chamber: ?Can light exist without shadow?? he quoted.?So, I tell you that when you seek to do the will of the gods, and help men rise through the cycles, your very inmost thoughts awaken hosts of enemies that otherwise had slept. As sound awakens echoes, so the pursuit of Wisdom awakens the devil?s guard.? ?I would not put it in just those words, my son, yet the good Abbot is a very wise man, in his way,? Ignatius said thoughtfully. ?But I would guess that he told you more.? ?That he did. This: But I do say that if you are in league with Gods to learn life and to live it you shall not only find enemies. You shall find help unexpectedly, from strangers who, it may be, know not why.? ?A very wise man indeed,? Ignatius said, swinging his feet down and sitting upright on the bench, his whipcord body dim in the gloom. ?And a holy man, I think. I learned things of great value in the Valley of the Sun; we all did.? ?Even though his is the Way of the Buddha?? Rudi said, his voice slightly teasing.

The priest spoke with a chuckle in his voice, his narrow dark eyes ironic and a finger tapping the air in mild reproof: ?You know the answer to that, my son; you rolled in enough logic at Mt. Angel for some to rub off. When men differ from the magisterium of Holy Mother Church, they are in error. But when they agree with it

… why, that simply shows that all truth proceeds from God. We of the Church have it in fullness by revelation in Scripture and from the holy Saints and the Fathers, as well as by reason and moral intuition. But all men can discover some of it, if they truly seek virtue and wisdom, wherever they start the journey. How not? These things come from only one source and it speaks to every heart that listens. So yes, the Rimpoche is a holy man, and so, in my view, was the Buddha-or Plato, for that matter. But how much better would they have been, if only they had the fullness of the Divine Logos to guide them!? ?Well, now, there?s a circular argument, if I ever heard one!?

The priest laughed aloud.?You can?t win this one, you know… your Majesty. Though I?ll have it with you as often as you please.? ?It?s you Christians who think you can argue your way to truth,? Rudi said, with a grin.?Right now, to be sure, I?d rather eat. Let?s go sluice off!?
