"The Killer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hinshelwood Tom)


08:27 CET

Victor took a series of deep breaths, pulling the air into the very bottom of his lungs, holding it to the count of four before exhaling. The adrenaline in his system caused his heart rate to soar to better supply his muscles with essential oxygen. But beyond one hundred and twenty beats per minute the ability to use fine motor skills-those that require small muscle movements, such as lining up a set of gun sights-were reduced. At above one hundred and thirty those skills are almost entirely lost. To the body such abilities aren’t immediately necessary to survival.

Victor would beg to differ.

By controlling his breathing Victor interrupted the normal working of the autonomic nervous system, effectively putting the brakes on his climbing heart rate. Victor couldn’t override his instincts but fortunately he could manipulate them.

He figured the guy in the lobby wouldn’t waste any time in contacting the other units, informing them they had been spotted and the target was on the run, heading upstairs. Victor could get off at any floor, find a window and be gone in a matter of moments. But he needed his effects. If the kill team didn’t get to them the authorities eventually would. Passports had stamps of countries and dates. Credit-card numbers could be traced. The gun would ensure they investigated him thoroughly. Every piece of documentation was for an alias, but one that he had used before. He took every precaution imaginable, but there was always a trail to follow for those who knew how to look, and at the end of that trail was the real him. He couldn’t allow that to happen.

The elevator passed the first two floors without stopping. Victor kept his breathing steady. He counted off each long second until the ting.

Victor was out in the hallway while the doors were still opening, moving fast, heading left toward the stairwell at the end of the corridor, maybe thirty feet from the elevator. Closed.

He didn’t need to press his ear against the door to hear two sets of feet leaping up the stairs. They were fit, strong, maybe twenty seconds away. He needed time to secure his things, time he didn’t have. Unless he made it for himself.

A fire ax hung on the wall farther along the corridor. Victor smashed the glass with his elbow and lifted it from its perch. Returning to the stairwell he pushed the blade under the door handle, wedging the bottom of the haft on the floor. It was a good fit, sturdy.

There was a fire extinguisher beneath where he’d taken the ax. Victor hoisted it up in his left hand and moved back to the elevator. It was still on the fourth floor. He pressed the button to open the doors.

Suddenly the stairwell door shook but the handle remained rigid, the ax preventing it from turning regardless of how much strength was applied. They tried again, more forcefully, but again the handle didn’t move. After that there were no more attempts.

Victor turned his attention back to the elevator. He placed the fire extinguisher between the open doors, leaned inside, and pressed the button for the lobby. They closed as far as the extinguisher before the retracting and repeating the endless cycle. Victor estimated he’d bought himself at least two minutes. He needed less than one.

He reached his room without a sound and stood before the door. There could be others waiting for him inside. They’d be alert, ready. He kicked the door open and went in, immediately dropping into a low crouch, reducing his profile, head lower than where center mass would typically be. It took a split second to survey the room, another second to check the en suite bathroom.

No one.

There were the two in the stairwell, plus surveillance outside, and possibly others elsewhere in the hotel. They were good, organized. If they were really good they would have a sniper in a building across the street.

Victor didn’t go anywhere near the window.

In the bathroom Victor took the lid off the toilet tank and retrieved the ziplock bags from inside. One contained his passport, plane ticket, and credit cards. He removed the items and placed them inside his jacket. The second had another fully loaded FN Five-seveN and sound suppressor. It always paid to prepare for the worst, Victor reminded himself. He tore the bag open, took the gun, screwed the suppressor in place, and pulled the slide to put one in the chamber.

An attaché case containing a change of clothes and the rest of his possessions was already packed and sitting on the bed. Victor grabbed it with his left hand and went, keeping his gun out of sight down by his right side. He walked briskly down the corridor, alert, away from the stairs and elevator, heading for the fire escape. He would be gone long before they realized what was happening.

He stopped.

If he left he would leave knowing nothing about his would-be killers. Whoever had sent them wouldn’t just call them off. He was on someone’s hit list now. If they had found him once they could do so again. Next time he might not spot them so quickly, if at all.

They were a numerically superior force but they had lost the initiative. One of the first things he’d learned about combat was to never give away an advantage.

Victor turned around.

They came to his room breathless, guns in hand. One moved to the right of the door, the other stayed to the left. The target’s door was ajar, the lock broken. The taller of the two, the more senior, took a second to double-click the send button of the radio transmitter in his inside pocket. A whisper came through his wireless flesh-colored earpiece.

The assassin made a quick hand signal to his partner and they burst into the room. The first went in fast and low so the second could fire over him as he followed directly behind. The first man swept the left-hand side of the room, the other the right. Maximum speed, aggression, and surprise to make anyone inside defensive, stunned, slow to react.

The room was empty. They checked the bathroom-it was the same. While one covered the other they examined the closet, under the bed, anywhere that might conceal a man, no matter how unlikely. They had been told to be thorough, to leave nothing to chance. They checked behind the curtains, first holding out a hand across the window to give the marksman in the building opposite the signal not to fire. Their faces glistened with perspiration.

Each room was a mess. The target had obviously fled in a hurry, not hanging around long enough to take all his belongings. Clothes were strewn about the floor, the bed was unmade, toiletries left by the sink. It was sloppy, unprofessional.

Both men relaxed slightly, breathed a little easier. He was gone. They hid their guns in case anyone came their way. When the elevator had refused to appear they’d had no other choice but to run back up the stairs and break down the stairwell door. It hadn’t exactly been quiet.

They left the room, pulling the door shut behind them. The more senior of the two lifted his collar and reported into the attached microphone that the target was gone. He was careful with his choice of words not to imply any mistake on his part. They weren’t worried, all of the building’s exits were covered, one of the other team members would spot him and move in-might even be doing so at this very moment. The target was as good as dead. Each of the team members was due a large bonus when the job was complete, and they hadn’t even had to fire a single shot.

Their boss had told them to be careful, that their target was dangerous, but now the nerves they’d felt seemed misplaced. Their dangerous target had fled at the first chance he had and was now someone else’s problem. They shared the same thought. Easy money.

Their faces changed when they learned the target hadn’t left the building, that none of the others had even reported a visual. The two men looked at each other, their expressions silently echoing the same question.

Then where was he?

Victor stepped away from the spy hole of the door opposite and raised his gun. He fired, squeezing the trigger ten times in rapid succession, emptying the magazine of exactly half its ammunition. The hotel door was thick, solid pine, but the bullets in the Five-seveN were shaped like rifle rounds and cut through it with barely any loss in velocity.

Two heavy objects hit the carpet, one thud after the other.

The door creaked in front of him. He’d kept it shut with his foot, having broken the lock to gain entry. He pulled it open with his left hand and stepped into the hallway. In front of him the first man was slumped on the floor, propped up against the door frame of Victor’s room, head hung forward, blood running from the mouth and collecting into a pool on the carpet. Apart from a twitching left foot he made no movement.

The other was still alive, lying face down on the floor, making a quiet gurgling noise. He’d been hit several times-in the gut, chest, and neck where the ruptured carotid artery sprayed the wall with long crimson arcs. He was trying to crawl away, his mouth open as if screaming for help but making no sound.

Victor ignored him and reached inside the dead man’s jacket, searching unsuccessfully for a wallet. He went to take the man’s radio receiver, but it was in pieces, a bullet having passed straight through on the way to his heart. In a shoulder holster Victor found a 9 mm Beretta 92F handgun and two spare magazines in a pocket. The Beretta was a good, reliable weapon with a fifteen-round mag, but a heavy, bulky gun that, even without the attached suppressor, was impossible to conceal completely. With subsonic ammunition the stopping power wasn’t great either. For this kind of work it was a poor choice of pistol. If the guy wasn’t dead Victor might have told him so.

The Beretta wouldn’t normally have been his preference but at times like this there was no such thing as too many guns. Victor took the weapon and tucked it into the back of his suit pants, the grip supported by his belt, the suppressor down by his coccyx. The body jerked suddenly, perhaps from some muscle spasm, and tipped forward. The jaw fell open and a cascade of collected blood poured out, followed by half a bitten-through tongue flopping onto the carpet. Victor stepped away and turned his attention to the one who wasn’t dead. Yet.

He stopped crawling when Victor’s heel pressed down between his shoulder blades. Victor rolled the man onto his back and squatted down next to him, pushing the Five-seveN’s suppressor hard into the man’s cheek. He forced his head to one side to keep the violent arterial spray directed at the wall and away from himself. Where it hit, the pressurized blood tore at the floral paper.

The man was trying to speak but could only manage a wheezing exhale. The bullet in his neck had ripped through his larynx, and he could make only the most basic of sounds. He tugged at Victor’s sleeve, tried to claw at him, not giving up the fight despite the inevitability of the wound. Victor respected his perseverance.

Like his partner he was also armed with a Beretta and equipped with a radio and earpiece. Victor unloaded the gun and checked the rest of his pockets. They were empty except for a few sticks of chewing gum, more ammo, and a crumpled receipt. He took the gum and the receipt, seeing it was for half a dozen coffees and discarded it. Victor unwrapped one of the sticks of gum and folded it into his mouth. Peppermint. He nodded his approval.


He shook off the hand and moved to the stairwell to check for others. No sign of any more assassins but voices carried up from below, female, complaining about the elevator. Victor made his way back down the corridor, careful to avoid the dark stains on the carpet and moved the fire extinguisher from between the elevator doors. He stepped inside and pressed the button for the lobby. He’d left some of his belongings in the room, but he wasn’t concerned. The toiletries were brand-new, the clothes hadn’t been worn yet, and everything that had been handled would be free from fingerprints thanks to the silicone solution on his hands.

In the corridor the dying man had at last ceased his thrashing. Blood no longer spurted from his neck but simply oozed out onto the drenched carpet. Victor couldn’t help but admire the pattern of red on the wall above the corpse. The crisscrossed lines had a certain aesthetic quality that reminded him of a Jackson Pollock.

Victor examined his reflection in the mirrored elevator walls and took a moment to straighten his appearance. In his current surroundings if he looked anything but presentable he would be noted. The elevator doors closed as a shrill scream echoed from the direction of the stairwell. Someone had just gotten something of a surprise.

Victor guessed she wasn’t a great fan of Pollock’s work.