"Записки недопросветленного. Поэзия" - читать интересную книгу автора (Лайтбрингер Тимонг)

Бред наивного

What of me? I'm good, you see, I am the one, who just broke free, I am those one, who wants to change Imperfect world within my range. You people are the strangest guys - And yet this humankind survives. I wonder - will it last for long? Of those my thoughts I'll sing a song. I want to see you all the better, Say, more slim and less fatter... You hear me ? Healthy life rules ! Oh, you do not? Then you are fools ! Stop wasting time and start to work - And your achievements will just rock ! You hear that? I know of this ! And hold your anger, hold it, miss ! Forget your sorrows and be happy... Or do you need a soul-nappy? It is a pleasure to just live - So start to smile and to thrive ! Reject your anger, calm your mind And leave those selfish thoughts behind ! I am your brother and your sister... And stop looking like that, you, mister ! Move close to nature, leave the city And thus rejoice at true world's beauty ! We are the nature beings, men, And must accept her, now and then ! Make friends and peace in all the world - That's our future, I've been told. So now make peace, forget wars, please, Hold on your fire, cease it, cease ! Reject yourself to find new one, To see you as a divine son, Stop webbing those words on the shelf - "To know the world is to know yourself" ! You hear me? I know of that ! To help you see the truth I'm glad ! Hey, you, stop throwing this at me, I'm not a jester, don't you see ?! There is a way out of this maze - Your mindless life you need to raze ! That's how for now I end my phrase … No more, I can't hold your gaze ! You'll ask for future of this one, If he became that "divine son"? Oh, he soon died in foreign lands - And that is how this story ends.