"Записки недопросветленного. Поэзия" - читать интересную книгу автора (Лайтбрингер Тимонг)

Человек Многих Имен

I don't know why I feel I am Once lived through all of this - and then I have forgotten who I was, Who were my friends, who were my foes, How I was called, and how I died ... This feeling does constantly bite, But still my memory is mist ... It's like I start with empty list. And yet some sparks of former life Feel very old the time I dive Into reflection of myself - And this makes squeeze my soul nerve. I feel I once had many names ... Are these but dreams, just madness games ? I might have gone completely mad, But these feelings long have bred. I worn them all, they were like clothes For man with many names I was And many faces I once had ... I am, no doubt, truly mad. How one can live the endless life And pass through death ... and still survive ? And still in times remember that Another own name he had ? They are all mine, I once were them, All these persons in the pram, Like were-man I always shift ... Is it a curse, is it a gift ? Is there is one beyond them all That is my only truly goal, The one, who never had the name, The Nameless One ... are we the same ? I will remember once them all For this is only worthy goal ... The time will come, I'll pass through flames To be the Man Of Many Names.