"Jackies family lessons" - читать интересную книгу автора (Bennett Sandy)* * *In the morning it occurred to me that it would be a good idea to see the family doctor to get a prescription for the pill and a check-up. The doctor was Dad's brother and if he had been like most people's uncles I would have gone to someone else. But Doctor Eddie was a regular guy. He was handsome, younger than Dad, full of jokes, and at birthdays and Christmas time you could always rely on Doctor Eddie to give you something you really wanted. I decided to take a bath first. Dad was at work and Mum was out shopping, Tim was still sleeping. I ran the tub and eased my body into the hot water to rest there for long, luxurious minutes. For some reason I was far more responsive to all sensations. The hot water seemed like an all-enveloping caress to me, sensual, lustful, like the hand of a horny spirit. When I closed my eyes I could imagine myself getting compromised all over, and before I knew it my belly pulsed with passion, my pussy developed an itch deep down, and it was hard to keep my hands to myself. This was ridiculous! Ignoring my urges I reached for the douche. I shook the powder into the rubber bag, mixed it with warm water, and screwed the nozzle into place. The sight of that nozzle shook me up some more. It was slender at the bottom, thicker at the top, with four grooves running down the sides and small holes perforating it, all of which gave it the look of a menacing, unpleasant, yet titillating weapon. Had I been shoving this thing up my twat regularly without taking any notice of it? Suddenly it became a struggle to make use of it. I wanted it and I was afraid of it. My cunt throbbed and quaked, ready for any visitor. But I held back. What if I loved it? Would that mean there was something wrong with me? I lifted my ass up out of the water by drawing my legs back, and tentatively placed the head of the nozzle against my pussy. Once it was there I hesitated. The hard nozzle pushed against the sealed cunt muscles, not hard enough to open them but firmly enough to send a long thrill up from my cunt to a spot right behind my eyes. Everything became kind of woolly … blending in with memories of the previous night, with cocks and tits and sucking lips … and then the oils oozed out of my innards and the nozzle slipped past the barriers to plunge into my moist depths. «Oh noooo!» I groaned, holding it tightly and still so my cunt could get used to it. «That's too nice!» My words echoed strangely in the bathroom and snapped me out of the reverie. My free hand reached down further and began to squeeze the douche bag. Now a shower of warm water broke loose inside my cunt and a dozen thin streams titillated my oversensitive cunt like so many tiny tongues. I pushed my hips up so high that my head slipped under the water. Coughing and spluttering I came back up and completed the douche. But even when the last drop had been jetted against my burning cunt walls, I couldn't make myself take the nozzle out of my cunt. It felt so right, so nice, there! It was solid, hard, and when I moved it back and forth it felt like a cut-down version of Tim. By moving it back and forth a little more ardently and setting my imagination adrift it became him, and then better than him. After all, I could control the speed, the penetration, and the angles! My hips rose and fell, causing the bathwater to slosh from one end of the tub to the other in mounting waves. The waves clashed and gallons of water crashed over the side and flooded the floor. I didn't care. The nozzle and part of the bag were up my cunt, exciting me into a self-forgetful reverie. It took a good-sized orgasm to bring me back to earth. By this time the bathroom floor was covered by an inch of water and the tub was almost empty. With a sigh I got out of the bath and started to scoop the water back in with a dustpan. When enough had been removed I took to the puddles with bucket and mop. The work was done absent-mindedly. Most of my mind was on the brand new sensations that I'd been experiencing lately. Even being naked was a thrill. A knocking on the door brought me to. «Come on, Sis, let me in!» Tim yelled. «There's no one home.» «Just a minute!» In spite of what had happened between us the night before I reached for a robe and draped it over myself before unlatching the door. Tim was naked and he looked slightly put out at the sight of my modesty. But he didn't say anything about it, probably because he was a bit unsure of what to do. He walked past me and stood at the toilet, arms akimbo, and let a long, strong stream of piss splash down into the bowl. In spite of myself I moved to his side and watched. «I always envied your ability to do that,» I told him softly. «Yeah, I remember,» Tim grinned. «Once you tried to do it. You stood up and held your pussy lips apart to direct your piss, but it went all over the floor instead. Speaking of wet floors, what were you doing in here, high dives?» «Oh … the water just ran over, that's all,» I said, blushing, and making haste to mop up the last of the water. «I think you're lying.» Tim gave his cock a couple of shakes and flushed the toilet. «You weren't playing with yourself, were you?» He faced me boldly and as I averted my eyes I noticed that his cock was rising sharply. The idea of my playing with myself was obviously a turn on for him. And in my overheated condition that could well come in handy. «Maybe I was,» I said, and pointedly picked up the douche bag. When I unscrewed the nozzle I looked him in the eye and now it was Tim's turn to blush. «And maybe I wasn't. Why, you wouldn't tell on me, would you?» «Oh no … no, I'd be the last to do that.» His cock was still going up. «It's just that I've never seen a girl do that to herself. I mean … how do you do it?» «It's very easy.» I put the douche away and turned back to him. The robe hung open and when my hands caressed my exposed belly Tim's cock reached its peak. Hard and throbbing, it stood out like the leaning tower of Pisa, and his knob glowed invitingly. «I just stroke myself softly, ever so softly, running my hands over all the sensitive parts and thinking of wonderful things. And then I lick my nipples and squeeze my tits, or I push things up my cunt, or maybe I'll rub my clitoris like this.» My finger disappeared between my labia and rotated rapidly. Tim's eyes were bulging out of his face. He even got down on his knees to watch more closely, peering into my pussy until he couldn't take it anymore. «Wow!» he breathed, straightening up and regarding me with new respect and lust. «I can't tell you how that makes me feel!» Without another word he turned me around and ripped the robe off my shoulders. It fell to the floor and left me naked, helpless, while my brother bent me forward and caressed my ass passionately. His intentions were obvious. Already my cunt drooled and throbbed at the thought of his powerful prick entering once more. My hands found support on the edge of the tub and my feet tried to get a grip on the damp floor. This would be the last time, positively, I didn't want my brother to get too possessive of me. But I couldn't refuse him this time. His hot breath brushed along my nape, his hands pulled at my ass and opened my cunt up wide, his knob bumped against me, no, I couldn't refuse, I had to have him! It slipped in so easily, so smoothly, that it was in to the hilt before I knew it. Then it hit me with a bang, pushing the breath out of my lungs and buckling my knees. The floor was too slippery, my feet lost their grip, and I went down in a heap. I ended up draped over the bathtub's side with Tim on top of me rutting like a maniac. Everything was cold, wet, and uncomfortable, the hard edges hurt my belly, and one of my tits was squashed against the tub. But his dick was in me, pulsating, pushing, pummeling, digging in as if it meant to stay forever, and that made everything alright. I loved his passionate approach. He wanted me more than anything and even though he had me he couldn't seem to get enough. Several times he stopped fucking me, to keep very still for a minute each time only to begin all over with long, cautious strokes that gradually built back up to his former speed. I guessed he didn't want to blow. Even when he was still inside me his throbbing cock sent the most delicious impulses through my body. My cunt clamped about his hot, hard meat to pick up every pulse, and as it did I realized how inadequate the douche nozzle had been. There was nothing like a thick, long, living cock to make a girl feel like a woman! «How does it feel!» panted Tim, slamming his dick deep into my quailing pussy. «Do you like it, Jackie? Are you coming?» «Oh yesss, yesssss!» I whispered, but I couldn't tell if I was coming or not. My body was in turmoil and that turmoil felt wonderful, much like a drawn-out climax. His cock pried and prodded and his pubic hair chafed against my asshole to add an excruciating tickle to the general ecstasy, and his hard, muscular body against my back was like a savage caress, everything was working … but could I give myself to him? He was my brother, we had to live in the same house, and if one of us grew to depend on the other there would be no end of trouble. That's what held me back, and what had made me resort to the anonymous nozzle that morning. Even as he fucked me into semi-oblivion I couldn't shake that thought. «So am I. Oh Jesus, it feels good. I'm coming now, Jackie, hold on, hold on, AAAARRRRGGHHHHHHUNH!!!» With a mighty bellow he contracted his whole body to squeeze out a final salvo of cream. I felt it hit home, then slither down the cunt walls, sensual little snails that made me shiver with sudden pleasure. It was over. His cock shriveled up inside me and slipped out. Droplets of sperm fell to the floor. When he got off me the cool air turned my sweat into a cold, unpleasant fluid. It had to be the last time. «Let's sleep together every night» said Tim, still flushed with the excitement of it all. «I love you, Jackie, I really do. You're not the first girl I've slept with but you're easily the best. Say you love me. Say you'll sleep with me all the time. It's all I want in life.» «No, I can't do that Tim, and you know it.» Time for good, hard common sense. Tim looked like a whipped dog when I explained the situation to him. «Besides, I'm going to be married in a matter of days, and we're leaving for Europe straight after. So what's the point of even talking about it?» I finished off. «Why should you go through with it?» Tim said heatedly. «What's he got that I don't have? Look at this cock? Is his any bigger. And who could love you better than your own brother, tell me that?» «Now you're talking nonsense,» I said coldly. I put the robe back on and got out of the bathroom. It was too close in there, too intimate. I needed a little distance between us to get the right message across. «I love you like a sister. Sex doesn't change that. We won't sleep together again, Tim, not for quite a while. You may as well resign yourself to that.» «But why not!» he yelled. «See, now you're angry. I decide that you should take my virginity, and what happens? You want the lot. Well, that's the last time I do anyone a favor,» I said bitterly. «Oh, now don't be like that.» His tone changed at once. «I appreciate what you've done … and I'll do my best to keep it straight between us.» He left the bathroom and I sponged my pussy down until the last traces of his sperm had been removed. I felt badly about being so brusque with my brother but pretty soon my thoughts turned to a more pleasant subject: Doctor Eddie. He was so much like Dad to look at and secretly I began to speculate on his size. Would he be as big? Would his cock be as brown and thick? Shame on me! I shouldn't think about relations that way. And would his balls hang as low? I smiled at myself in the mirror. Perhaps I ought to try and find out. After all, this was my week! I dressed myself casually, choosing tight jeans, a sexy halter top, and I let my hair flow freely. Eddie liked that kind of look. He was a pretty hip guy for forty, who wore his dark hair long enough to curl over his collar and liked to blow joints during his lunch hour. When I walked into his office he greeted me with a wide, open smile and said: «So you're going to get married, huh? Well, that's great. I hope you'll be happy. Come on, make yourself comfortable, and I'll roll one for us both. You have to celebrate these occasions, right?» «Right, Uncle,» I said. «Edna,» he said, speaking into the intercom, «tell Mr. Farnsworth I'll be delayed and to be patient with me. He winked at me and took out a leather pouch from a drawer. «Yeah, all the girls who once used to come in here with chafed knees are now marching up the aisle. Makes me wonder what I'm waiting for. I guess they'll all be divorced soon enough, then I can take my pick.» «Oh, don't say that!» I said. «You make it sound so predictable. I want Frank and me to be together forever!» «And you will be,» he said with a shrug of his shoulders. He rolled a long, thick joint, one that reminded me sharply of other joints, pendulous ones seen in bath and bedrooms. We shared it in silence. The smoke was acrid and a little rough on my throat, drying it out and scratching it. But that was well worth the fulsome rush it gave me. With every puff I could feel my fantasies gaining power over hard-nosed reality. Eddie and I were sitting on his examining couch, and as we smoked we gazed through the Venetian blinds out into the backyard where verdant shrubs and tall trees relieved the urban sprawl. He was so close to me that I could grab him, rape him, do anything with him! Why didn't I? Uncle Eddie wouldn't tell on me. He might refuse me but it would always be our secret. The grass made me lightheaded, anything seemed possible. But before I could make a move he started to talk again. «Frank's a level-headed guy,» he said, staring at the shrubs. «He'll treat you right. And if you push him a bit he'll satisfy you, I'm sure of that. You have to push men. Most of them are sexually lazy, you know. After the honeymoon they're no longer the ardent lechers of the drive-in movies. I lived with this woman once who said I could have her any time I wanted her. Well, for a while that was fun. I took her in all sorts of positions, while she was on the phone to her mother, leaning out of the window talking with a friend, in public toilets, anywhere! «But after a while it got to be tedious. I could have her so why should I try? It got to the point where I was happier jerking off. She left and another took her place, one who never gave me a full account of how she felt about it. Some nights she'd be reluctant, other nights she'd be downright cold, but if I pushed through she'd always surrender. What a woman …» He shook his head and prepared another joint. His fingers moved deftly. They were big fingers, strong fingers, and as I looked at them I felt my pussy twinge violently. In my imagination I saw those fingers poking up my cunt, strumming my clitoris, and that was enough to bring down a flood of juices to stain my underpants. I just hoped it wouldn't soak through to my jeans … although that would give him the hint. «You've had a lot of women by the sound of it,» I said softly. «I guess so, baby,» he grinned, snapping out of his pensive mood. «I don't know what comes over me sometimes. You tell me you're getting married and I remember the times I dandled you on my knee. That's corny, isn't it?» «Not at all.» «Sure it is. Anyway, you're ripe for marriage. Really, Jackie, you've grown into a beautiful girl-woman, I should say.» His eyes ran over me, cold, professional, for a moment, and another deep tremor thrilled through my innards. «Well, let's get on with the examination. I guess you'll want a prescription for the pill and a bill of health?» «Yes please.» The two joints had made my head fuzzy. Nothing was normal. When I reached back to untie the halter top it felt as though I was putting on a show. There was a sensual rhythm to all my movements and my eyes made contact with his to convey something other than family feeling to him. Eddie mistook the meaning of my affectionate look and merely winked in reply. How could he guess what I was going through? It was as though all of Tim's lovemaking had been mere foreplay. I was steaming, throbbing, feverish with lust! The halter fell to the floor. I made no attempt to pick it up. Instead I stood there and faced my uncle, my tits jutting out at him shamelessly. Nothing was said. Suddenly there was a tension in the air. Those tits seemed to grow like Pinocchio's nose, reaching for him, tentacles of flesh that wanted to entrap him, draw him in and hold him close to my body so that my cunt could suck his cock! With that peculiarly focussed awareness caused by grass, I could feel each drop of juice oozing out of my pussy and dribbling down inside me only to be absorbed by my jeans. Were they noticeably wet? I didn't dare look down. Now it was time to take off my jeans. First I sat down to take off my jeans and then I faced him again. Uncle Eddie hadn't moved from the spot. It was as though he couldn't tear himself away. I had a hard time shimmying out of my jeans. Now it really became like a strip show. I blushed at my own slowness. Inch by inch my jeans moved down to reveal more of my naked body. Uncle Eddie stood there and stared … or was he merely bored and waiting for me to be done? The suspense was killing me! With every inch of flesh I exposed to him I felt new surges of desire. I wanted to see his cock, I wanted to see it so badly that the very idea of seeing it made me rubbery kneed! Through the cloth of his pants I could see a vague intimation of cock but it didn't tell me nearly enough about it. «God, they're so tight!» I said apologetically when my jeans were finally off. Eddie nodded. His eyes were fixed on my tits or thereabouts. With a sudden upsurge of self-consciousness I moved back onto the couch and kept my thighs firmly together. Still he didn't move. My arms covered my tits and my crossed legs kept my pussy from view. I felt a strange sensation in my chest, the kind that comes when you dream you're naked in a public place. I wished he would get down to business, never mind sex or his cock, just get it over with! «Ah, you're all ready then,» he said, snapping out of his immobile state. «My goodness, that's good grass isn't it? I was miles away, trying to figure out whether quasars are black holes turned inside out. Sorry about that. Now put your feet into the stirrups and I'll check your insides.» He adjusted the metal stands and, loath as I was to part my legs, I put my feet into them. Now I was completely helpless. My legs were open so wide that it almost hurt, my pussy yawned at him in the face and it was cocked up at him in such a way that it was his to do with as he pleased. My fear was temporary, to put it mildly. When Eddie stood between my obscenely opened legs I had to fight back the impulse to move my hips up and down at him in lewd invitation. I wanted him so badly, couldn't he tell? My cunt was dripping, slavering, frothing at the mouth and he hadn't even touched me! «Where are my gloves?» he said, looking around. His eyes, I noticed, were quite bloodshot. He must have been smoking even before I arrived. «Oh, screw it, I'll have to do it bareback.» «Uncle Eddie!» I exclaimed. «Don't be rude!» «Huh? Oh yeah … doctor's talk, baby, don't worry.» He leaned down and scrutinized my cunt. «Looks good, looks good,» he muttered. «Is this your normal condition, Jackie? I mean, are you always as moist as this?» «I don't think so,» I said, trying to sound sarcastic so he'd get the message. It didn't seem to penetrate. With both thumbs he opened my inner lips and peered inside. I could feel his gaze burning my flesh like a laser beam and in spite of myself I started to squirm about on the table. If this went on for a minute longer I'd tell him to screw me! This business of throwing out hints was getting me nowhere. «Really wet,» he mumbled to himself. «But I guess you're all worked up about the nuptials and all that.» «That must be it.» «Most girls dry up, though,» he said, straightening up and looking me right in the eye. «You seem to be looking forward to it. Tell me, Jackie, are you still a virgin?» I didn't answer. All I did was shake my head and stare right back at him. The electricity that passed between us caused the sparks to fly. The message had been delivered. When he bent over my cunt this time his fingers weren't so efficient. They slipped when they tried to hold the orifice open and when the two fingers were inside me they jiggled back and forth, shyly giving me extra stimulation. I didn't need it! My body was on fire with lust, my hips were shaking, my cunt was drowning in its own juices! Eddie kept fingering me. It was less tentative now, the pretence was dropping away rapidly, and at last he shoved two fingers inside me and began to fuck me with them. That felt wonderful! Still I wanted the real thing. Had I been a stranger I would have told him that, but being family made it too difficult to find the right words. So I lay there with my legs kept wide apart by the stirrups, making the best of the sensation of his fingers sliding in and out of my blustering, soggy box. «Such a beautiful girl,» I heard Eddie say. «Just like your mother twenty years ago, perfect, tight build, firm, oh Jesus I wanted your mother so badly! Your Dad got her, of course, but I spent nights thinking about her, crazy nights! And then, when I set up practice here, she came to me for her Pap smear and her breast examinations … and it never occurred to her that I might want to do more for her. Now you're here. I think there's a conspiracy going on up there. You're so beautiful, Jackie, too beautiful!» He ended with a weird whimper and next thing I knew he was down on me. I sat up as far as I could to make sure of it, and there he was, on his knees before my open cunt! I lay back with a sigh of contentment as his tongue snaked up my pussy, flicking and writhing up there to trigger off bombs of delight. Yes, yes, that was great-but would he go all the way? «Oh Eddie!» I groaned, pushing forward with my ass to feed him more. «You shouldn't be doing this! It's so nice but it's wrong!» He tried to say something but his words were muffled by my cunt. His whole mouth was pressed against my lips now and his tongue lolled about in the valley like it wanted to experience every part of it right away. It darted to my clitoris, pushed at the top of my slit, rushed down to my asshole and back into my cunt entrance, restless, ardent, accompanied by deep sighs and vulgar sucking sounds as he drank in my juices. I loved the way he loved me. There was no doubt that he'd been aching to do this for a long time and now he was making up for all those wasted occasions. And I, bearing the brunt of his assault, was being given the best tonguing any woman had had. «Eddie, please!» I moaned, after wallowing in semi-orgasmic baths of sensation. «I'm losing control! I can't take this much more! We'll end up doing something really wrong!» And in my mind I added: PLEASE!! Eddie stood up. His face was wet and his tongue licked around his lips to clean off the remains of my cunt fluids. For a moment it looked as though he'd recovered from his outburst of incest, and for that moment I suffered. But then his hands went to his belt, he undid it, unzipped the pants, and let them fall to the floor. There it was, the unveiling. Tall as Dad's cock, as thick as his, too, brown, throbbing, low-slung balls loaded with cream, a brake of dark hair surrounding the base and growing up his belly … I stared at it until every last detail had been absorbed, and by that time he had his cock in hand and aimed it at my cunt. I closed my eyes when the tip of his knob touched me down there. This was a moment to be relished. But then I added to it by opening my eyes ever so slightly, seeing him out of focus-and it might have been my father who stood there feeding his cock into my maw! A shudder ran through me, so violent that it shook away the last of my inhibitions. «Yes, yes, yes!» I yelled, eagerly shoving my ass at his cock to get it up myself. «Fuck me now, I want you, I want you, ooooohhhhhh more, more more!» It inched its way up me, boring a tunnel into my body in the process, filling me to the point of bursting, and adding fire to my most secret fantasy until it roared high and consumed me utterly. He might as well be my father, they were brothers and very close after all. Yes, it was Dad, it was his cock driving into me with such force, hard and hot and heavily lined with veins, the very same cock I'd seen in the bathroom not long ago. It was that cock! I heard myself moaning loudly and my hands reached for him in vain. Eddie stood back, his hands on the stirrups, his back laboring to send his dick flying into me with juice-splattering impact. His eyes were half closed too, no doubt for the sake of travelling back in time to twenty years ago when my mother had had a monopoly on his fancy. It was as though we were fucking by proxy! «Come in me!» I moaned. «Come now, Da- … Eddie! I want to feel you explode inside me, come, come, COOOMMMMMMMMMM OH YES, COME, I LOVE IT, COME, AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH …» It was an explosion. His hot cream burst free inside me and whitewashed my innards in an instant. Eddie's grunts were like those uttered by a karate chopper, each grunt accompanying a deep thrust that delivered more juice to my deepest depths. I felt as though I was flying backward, airborne on ecstasies that defied description. I came with him and his brother, he came in me and my mother, double the pleasure for half the price. I was surprised when he didn't stop. His cock grew small and soft but his loins kept banging into me, driving that stub in and out of my distended hole vigorously. It felt very pleasant in that condition, a kind of intimate caress enhanced by the circumstances, The fantasies had been dissipated; it was me getting fucked by my uncle now and I started to enjoy that, too. His cock went through the doldrums and came out at full sail. I could feel it swell inside, pulsing toward erectness with devastating potency. And when it was full-blown it stretched my cunt just as much as it had before, only this time there was his sperm to lubricate the long, far-reaching strokes. This was an unexpected bonus. At first I didn't know how to respond, but then I realized that he had me at such a high plateau of pleasure already that all I needed to climax was a good shove. And that he gave me over and over. It was a great second course. He leaned over me this time and kneaded my tits with both hands while his cock moved in and out like a well- oiled piston. It was as though he put me into a boat and pushed me out onto an ocean of bliss. I just floated, barely aware of the powerful thrusting down below, content to wallow in it all. And when he came again it was just another nudge that brought my boat further along the smooth surface of the ocean. I was half asleep when he pulled out, lying back with a Cheshire grin and a body so finely tuned that it felt as though it wasn't there. «Er … I'm afraid Mr. Farnsworth has to be attended to,» said Eddie. He had his pants back on and held out his hand to help me off the table. Still lost in my happy daze I went through the motions of dressing and left his office with my prescription firmly clutched in one hand. |