"The Harlot Seed" - читать интересную книгу автора (Baker Jeremy)
Jeremy Baker The Harlot Seed
Chapter 1
Regina Abbott felt all shaky inside, tremulous as any schoolgirl about to leave on her first date. But it wasn't her first date, and she was far from being a girl any more. She was, up to now, a respectable married woman thirty five years old, with children of her own.
Now she was about to take the irrevocable step that would turn her into a cheating wife. She knew it and Chuck knew it, and once she screwed Chuck Baker, there was no turning back.
But she wanted to lay the husband of her best friend, she had to lay Chuck, or go out of her mind. And it was worse because she knew he wanted her just as passionately, and had, for a long, long time.
And it wasn't as if she was just any discontented slut, ready to take on any man who made himself available to her whims and fancies. Regina loved her own husband, loved him truly and well, and their sex had always been very good together. But of late, their love making had been turned into a habit pattern, more a routine than spontaneous excitement.
Regina drew a deep and steadying breath. She had never been screwed by another man, not in all her life. She had been a virgin when she married, she'd never, never cheated on Bill before. And not yet, she thought, glancing nervously at the kitchen door. There was still time to give Chuck a call, to back out of the thing that had been building so intensely between them for so long.
And yet there was no time at all, for if she didn't make the move now, she might never get up the nerve again, and Regina wanted so badly to be fucked by another man, especially by Chuck Baker. She wanted him with a desire that had built itself into an obsession; now she was about to gratify that awful yearning.
Regina ran her hands over her hips, smoothing down the hostess gown she wore for the occasion. It was slinky, and clung to her tall, willowy body with insinuating folds of translucent material. Her body was good, she admitted, tall and sleek, and her breasts stood high. Regina was glad she'd taken such good care of herself, after having the kids.
Chuck adored her body; he'd whispered that in her ear at the last party, when he'd taken on enough liquor to break down the barrier that stood between them-the fact that they were both married. To which other facts could be added: they both had teenage children; they were good friends with each other's mates; they lived right next door to each other.
She jumped when she heard his steps on the back porch, and swallowed hard. He was here, and suddenly she wanted very much to run, to hide herself in the rec room-anywhere. Regina was afraid.
He made it better for her when he slipped quickly through the kitchen door and closed it behind him. "Regina, you look beautiful as ever; no-more so, even."
"Th-thank you," she murmured, and felt the flush of her face, the tingles that raced over her skin at the sight and the nearness of him.
Her lover-to-be, Regina thought, and knew the quickening of her heartbeat, a swiftness of her pulse. She was young as her daughter just now, eager and excited, the blood racing in her veins.
Chuck said, "We've waited such a long time, Regina. And it's not often that both families are gone like this. All afternoon, darling; we have one whole afternoon to ourselves."
She looked at him, at his dear face and the compelling maleness of Chuck Baker, his lean and rangy body and the red-brown hair touched over the temples with grey. His green eyes held hers, and she dropped her gaze to his strong mouth, to the moustache there. "We-we'd better not waste any of this precious time, then:" she said.
He moved toward her, but she drifted away from him, down the lower hall to the safest place she could find in her own home, the bedroom of her son. Dale was at the beach with the other kids, and if by some odd circumstance should come home ahead of the rest, he always went first to the kitchen and clattered about there, assuaging his ever-present hunger.
His mother had a hunger of her own now, a burgeoning need that filled her body and shook her mind, so that her head spun and her knees went weak. Inside her son's room, she turned helplessly, her mouth soft and her eyes damp.
"Chuck-here-this room-I-I wish-"
He came to her and folded her close, pulled her against his hard body.
"I know, I know, dear. I wish it could be some magic mountain top, too.
But we don't have the choice, and I'm so glad for this much."
She felt his organ against her, his breath warm in her ear and along her throat. Shivering, she thought: another man's prick; she'd never even seen another one, much less felt it shoving against her belly like this. So long, she thought; so very rigid.
His hands were moving over her, sliding and caressing, knowing the dip of her waist and the small of her back. Deliciously, she trembled into him, lifting the eagerness of her mouth, and as his strong lips closed upon hers, Chuck cupped both her breasts. She gave him her mouth, surrendering completely to the hot probing of his tongue, realizing the strong clash of his teeth against her own. Oh, but he was so male, and yet so tender, his palms mashing her boobs only to allow them to spring up once more, their nipples hard for the fondling of his fingers.
Oh lord, she thought; her legs were giving way, and she could only cling desperately to Chuck Baker, shaken and suddenly afraid. He moved her backward to the bed, her son's bed, and he was gentle with her there, bending her down and placing her upon the sheet with care.
Regina closed her eyes and bit into her lower lip, feeling his hands as they unzipped the hostess gown, feeling the air upon her naked flesh as he peeled the dress back and away to expose her body.
Regina was shamed; no man had ever seen her like this before, only her lawful wedded husband. She bit down upon her guilt and leaped convulsively as Chuck's face found her breasts and nuzzled there. His hands were on her waist, her belly, and his mouth-oh lord, the hot wetness of his mouth!-was kissing over the mound of her tit, then locking suction upon the nipple. She couldn't stand it. Her hips bucked and her ass twisted, and before Regina realized what she was doing, her fingers were locked into the richness of his hair and pulling his mouth harder over her tit.
Chuck groaned into her skin, and suddenly she knew the entire shape of his prick, the length and the roundness of it against her hip. Slowly, with little frightened movements, her fingers inched down to touch it.
The head was velvet soft, yet packed with a threatening kind of strength, and her fingertips trailed exploringly along the flanged glans, feeling the ridged outline and the cunning bluntness of its point.
There was a warmth on the tip, an interesting wetness that slid jellylike between her fingers, and Regina realized that it was his preseminal fluid. A shock raced through her, and she quickly withdrew her hand. When her husband was young, he had gotten that excited, so much so that his cock leaked in urgency. But that had been quite a while back, and now she was feeling that slippery fluid from another man!
He was going to-they were about to-shuddering, Regina breathed deeply and raggedly, her body turned complete traitor to her mind, betraying all the solid years of wifely duties.
Chuck's hand was moving down her belly, now, and her thighs opened willingly to receive its caress. He took her mound in hand, his palm making her labia tingle, his fingers thrilling the ridge to her ass and the soft inner skin of her thighs, his thumb probing for the tender hood standing guard to her clitoris.
"Oh darling," he panted, "oh, baby; I knew you would feel this way, all soft and wonderful. You're so beautiful and so sexy-I've envied Bill for years, because he could hold your cunt like this, and kiss your tits like this-"
She was so needed, so wanted and appreciated; his need made her more of a woman, made her more giving and adoring. She stroked his hair and sighed as his finger eased carefully into the dampened lips of her pussy. A strange probing, this, a different kind of feeling about, pushing so delicately and lovingly into the liquid warmth that now was her receptive vagina.
His cock, she thought, was new, his darling cock! Suddenly and breathtakingly swift, it was nestled, throbbing in her grasp-Chuck's prick, his love tool, veined and pulsing with his male hunger. It was heavy and long and solid, and below the shaft were the balls encased in the softly wrinkled sac and the thick, springy covering of hair.
This was the prick she desired, the cock that was going to take the place of her husband's within her pussy. This was the prick that her best friend had been fucking for years and years, but now within seconds, Regina was going to also know the richness of it.
His wife would never know, and neither would her husband. And it wasn't as if they were depriving someone else of sex; they weren't. She and Chuck were just-just taking something for themselves. If that was being greedy or sneaky or whatever anyone wanted to call it, okay.
They'd gone too far to drop it now, even if they wanted to.
And they didn't. She clutched the powerful meaty rod as he fingered her cunt, and her ass heaved in anticipation. Pulling him to her by his joint, Regina urged him to mount her. She spread her knees and lifted them, and there he was between them, lowering his body as she tugged insistently at his cock, as she guided the swollen head of it into the quivering wetness of her pubic hair.
"Regina," he breathed, "Regina."
And that was all then, because with one strong shove of his hips, he thrust the length and breadth of his prick up into her hot body.
"Oooh!" she cried out, impaled upon this strange cock, nailed by his different, loving prick. It was thick and long, and she rolled her ass to fit it even more firmly within her sheath, knowing the pressure of his balls in the crack of her ass. It was more than good-it was wonderful, thrilling her so deeply, penetrating to her belly.
Regina wiggled upon it, wrapped her arms around his neck and drew his face down to hers, meeting his mouth with a violence, a savagery that surprised them both. Her belly hammered up at his, and her pubic mound tried to enclose his. Tilting far back, so that she was on her shoulder blades, Regina hiked up her lower body.
That way, she could take it all, every fucking inch of the precious meat, take it clear to the cup of her womb and revel in the way it filled her clenching pussy. She rocked back and forth on Chuck's plunging cock, and hooked her heels behind his knees so she could hang on to him as he fucked.
As they fucked-sweetly and with hunger and long deprivation. His prick worked in and out of the hot, juicy vagina, and she met it stroke for stroke, grinding upon it, rubbing her pelvis into Chuck's, now tearing at the skin of his back, now biting his neck, his chest.
"Baby," he grunted, panted, "oh baby-you're so hot and tight and slick! Oh Regina-you beautiful, hot piece of ass!"
She said it into his chest hair: "Fuck me, darling! Oh, stick that lovely cock away up inside my pussy and fuck me until I faint. Put it in me hard, Chuck-hard! I'm not fragile and I won't break, so fuck me hard!"
He picked up the pace, ramming it to her cunt with additional power, pounding it home and pulling back for more strong lunges that rocked the bed on its legs and made the head of it bump the wall. Just as the head of his prick was bumping her womb wall, and Regina felt the crazy good wondrous feeling burst forth from her ecstatic clit to spread throughout her heaving, surging pussy, to flash throughout her belly, her body, her mind.
"Chuck-oh Chuck! I-I'm coming, coming!"
He fed the meat to her steadily and powerfully, cramming it deep and drawing it out shallow, plunging it balls-deep once more. Regina shuddered and melted in the throes of her overwhelming orgasm, hunched convulsively upon the still-hammering cock and felt her legs sliding down his sweaty back.
Then Chuck stiffened out, his rhythm broken, the long prick gone still as the head of it expanded. Regina could feel the glans ballooning, and suddenly she knew the spurting of his come, the hot, saturating explosion of his semen as it bombed against her womb and came showering back to flood the trembling walls of her pussy. So thick, so slippery; so hot and gushy-and it seemed as if Chuck meant to drown her in his ejaculation, for the creamy stuff continued to flow.
"Ahh, baby," Chuck sighed, "it feels so great to let my come go inside your gorgeous cunt. I've wanted to fuck you for a long time, and now at last I've done it. I don't ever want to stop."
She kissed his throat, his cheek, his mouth. "And I don't ever want you to stop screwing me, Chuck. It's so terrific, so wild. My dear, my darling-ooh-when I wiggle this way, your cock slides around inside me and tickles like crazy."
He stroked it slowly and sweetly within her for a while longer, then began to lift his weight from her body. She wouldn't let him go, but held him tightly to her, kept him buried inside her, and forced him to roll over onto his side.
"I wasn't going to quit," Chuck said. "I just have to catch my breath.
I want to do it all to you, Regina-to fuck you and eat you and turn you every way but loose."
"Oh, yes," she breathed, "oh yes-let's just do everything."
And then Regina remembered that she didn't know how to do everything, that she had in actuality led a very sheltered sex life. Her husband didn't experiment. Bill was strong and mostly willing and he just loved to do it to her straight, but he had never even kissed her belly as far down as the navel, and of course, she'd never dared to suggest she perform oral love upon him, either.
She had only heard of other things, and didn't even know if she really wanted to try them. For the moment, she ought to be content just to have this extra love, this extra special screwing by a man she'd wanted for just about forever, it seemed. And even if they never got the opportunity again, here and now they could fuck until they would have to part later in the afternoon, when the families came back from the beach.
Regina reached down between their legs to fondle Chuck's balls. She wouldn't tell him how naive she was, she thought; whatever he started, she would simply go along with, as if it was old stuff to her, and hope that she wouldn't make an idiot of herself.
Funny, she thought, but she didn't feel at all guilty about this; maybe that burden would come later, when she'd had time to think over her infidelity. But the golden chance was here, with her lover, and she meant to make the most of it.
"Oh darling," she whispered, sensing rather than feeling the slight softening of his cock, clenched within the lips of her pussy, "I've always envied your wife, too. Stella is so lucky, to have you whenever she wants you."
Chuck wiggled against her, slid his pubic mound over hers and the shaft of his prick nudged her clitoris. Regina was amazed to feel how wet her thighs were, from both his release and her own juices. He said: "That's not very often, any more. Stella is-was-a hell of a lay, until she got bored with it all. Maybe it's my fault; I don't know. I only know that I'm happier here between your legs than I've been in a long time."
"Me, too," Regina admitted. "I suppose I shouldn't think about your wife, or my husband, but I-"
He cut in: "I know what you mean. Somehow, they're mixed up in this. It isn't just you and me, but Stella and Bill, too."
"This is a hell of a note," Regina said. "Here we are, all coiled together with your penis up me, and all we can talk about are our spouses."
"All right," Chuck said. "No more talk-just action." And with that, he withdrew himself from her pussy, sliding his long cock out with a deft movement that caused a wetly gulping sound from her labia.
Gently, he urged her over onto her back, and Regina felt a quick thrusting of renewed anticipation, a tingle of the new and unexpected.
He was going to do something else to her, she thought for sure he couldn't be ready to screw again so quickly.
"You have such lovely tits," he said, "high and firm and round. They're bigger than Stella's, and one of these days, I'm going to have you squeeze them together around my cock. But right now, I have something else in mind."
He began at her throat, nipping the skin and kissing down to the valley of her breasts. His mouth slipped from one erectile nipple to the other, biting tenderly, sucking hungrily. Then he moved down to her rib cage, his breath hot and provoking, his tongue leaving a fiery trail across her sensitive flesh.
Regina shivered, her hands straying down to touch his hair, while her hips made pendulum movements. So tantalizing, she thought, so very sensuous-like nothing that she and her own husband had done before.
Chuck's face was lower on her body than Bill's had ever reached, and the excitement was indescribable.
Wet and warm, his tongue darted into her belly-button, and Regina's cheeks knotted together in a spasming reflex as her ass clenched. His hands wandered over her hips, her belly, back up to fondle the moundings of her swollen breasts, and she thought that this must be some special kind of heaven.
A gasp broke from her mouth as Chuck suddenly dipped his face down into her pubic mound. It was all wet there, she thought in some crazy kind of rationalization; her pussy was still drippy from the recent fucking, still oozing the residue of Chuck's semen. But he didn't seem to mind; his tongue flicked down to lap the lips of her cunt, and Regina thought then that she would certainly go mad.
But there was even more to come-the sharp biting of Chuck's teeth as he forced the labia wider for his assault, the spreading of her thighs by his strong hands as he readied her pussy for his meal.
His mouth was against her labia, and his tongue-oh lord, his wildly exciting tongue!-slipped right on inside her vagina as if it was truly meant to be there. Regina flinched, and her pelvis thrust in reflex against his chin, his mouth; her thighs came together to caress his cheeks.
Chuck ate her then-chewing and nipping and licking hotly into her quaking cavity. Waves of boiling sensation poured over her body, and Regina was conscious that her hips were swinging, that her ass was hunching. She had her fingers dug into his hair, and was somehow attempting to thrust his face ever deeper into her cunt.
He clung to the cheeks of her ass and gobbled avidly at her pussy, sucking the lips into his mouth, worrying them with his teeth, licking and pulling until Regina knew she was going out of her head with the delight of it. When he reached up and in to find her clitoris, she did flip out-moaning and gasping and bouncing insanely upon the bed.
"Ooh! Oh Chuck-my darling-eat me-oh, eat me! Please-do some more-oh God-ohmygod-my clit is splitting wide open! Oh, ahh-Chuck! My pussy-"
Chuck was pulling on her clit, rolling it between his teeth, sucking-sucking!-on it and in it, and she was going to come. She threw her cunt up to him and pushed his head down into its wet and hot hairiness, and let the good feelings roll over her body.
Her orgasm flared from the clit to the vagina to the womb and burst through her belly to tighten the ring of her asshole, to make her thighs quiver and her teeth clench together as she threw back her head and hunched her wet cunt to his mouth.
Chuck moaned into her vagina, and she could feel the vibrations of the sound far up in her soaking cave. Now he was sucking on her cunt as if it were a ripe fruit, drawing the flow of her love lotions into his mouth and down his eager throat. His fingernails bit into the cheeks of her ass, and his teeth were almost savage against the lips of her vibrant pussy.
She fell apart, came apart in little, sighing pieces as every joint in her body unhooked and as her flesh dissolved in warmly loving bits.
Nirvana could be no better, Regina thought vaguely, and paradise would simply have to wait. This thing that Chuck had done to her, this gift he had presented her, was no perversion, but heaven. There had been a lot of wasted years not knowing this.
As she drifted in flowered warmness on a stream that wandered among lotus blossoms and emerald lillypads, Regina thought that she should do something in return, that she ought to place dear Chuck upon the altar where he had put her. And she would, she decided; she most certainly would.
But the hands upon her hips were urging her to move, to let go the swanboat in which she was riding, and so she did. Chuck was turning her over, moving her up and away from him, and she didn't really want to go.
Then she was on top of him, lying limp and flaccid upon his long, lean body, feeling the new rigidity of his sex organ as it grew hard between them. His mouth found hers, and she gave willingly of her lips, gladly of her tongue, even though she knew that the exotic flavors he was passing to her were the tastes of her own pussy and of his semen.
There had never been such an intimacy for Regina, and she wallowed in it, tongue and lips and the unremitting pressure of her nude body upon his. The body of her lover, she thought-the naked man-body of the only male she had ever screwed since she married Bill Abbott. The only person she'd ever fucked, besides her person, she corrected; she had heard of lesbian affairs between women, but she would never go so far as to even consider anything like that.
She was content to be a wanted, loved woman, fucked and eaten by a man who had long desired her, a man who appreciated the fact that she was still a lovely and sensual woman. Chuck was such a lover, so adept and not bound by tradition. As her kids would say, he really turned her on.
Regina squirmed upon him, and when her slickened labia nudged the renewed bulb of his cock, it was only natural for her to make adjustments so that it would work inside the lips. She was going to be fucked twice in one day, with that marvelous, stimulating oral love spaced between the screwings. It was more than she had expected, since her own husband didn't get it up again, after the first time.
But Chuck's long, firm prick went slipping into the vagina so receptive for it, and the lips of her pussy closed over the round shaft with a feeling of contentment. Seated upon him this way, she could lift her upper body and lean back, and that would seat his cock deeply, solidly within her sheath. Regina did it, smiling as she felt the wonder of the penis within her body.
Still, as she fucked the man, she couldn't help thinking of her husband, and what his reaction would be, if somehow he knew.