"Hot daughter" - читать интересную книгу автора (Strong Ray)
Bernadette Reese was no virgin. She hadn't been a virgin since her eighteenth birthday. She had been no naive nymph at the time. Sex education was being taught in all the junior-high and high schools, and Bernadette attended every class. Other girls her age had lost their cherries months, even years before, and though Bernadette felt no less sexually aroused than they, her sexual feelings remained dormant when in the presence of the boys she dated.
Even at the age of nineteen, Bernadette was dating. She had a nice set of tits, a slender waist, just the hint of a little curve to her belly, and nice hips. Her ass was round, but not overblown, and though she had let some boys touch her titties and crotch, she had felt nothing for them. Yet Bernadette had a constant heat inside her, and she realized the heat was at its strongest in her home. She had three brothers, one pretty younger sister, a virile, handsome father, and an attractive mother. And it was when she was in the bosom of her family that she felt most aroused.
Because she looked older than she was, Bernadette was able to get into X-rated movie theaters and see for herself just how people were supposed to behave in bed. And it was because she went to see an X-rated movie on her eighteenth birthday that she lost her virginity. Lost it? No, Bernadette didn't lose it: she threw it away on purpose.
One of Bernadette's "friends" saw her going into the theater and hurried to tell her father. She would have told Bernadette's mother, as well, but her mother was at an evening canasta game and wouldn't be home until midnight.
So it was, when Bernadette got home at nine o'clock, her father confronted her with what he'd heard. Bernadette freely admitted having been to the movie, saying, "It was my birthday, Daddy. I'm eighteen years old and I know what's going on, by now. I just wanted to see what it looked like."
"You aren't too old to be punished," her father snapped.
"And how will you punish me?" she laughed sassily. "Will you spank me?"
"You aren't too old for that, either," her father said angrily.
"Oh, pooh!" she answered, flouncing up the stairs to her bedroom.
Her father was right behind her. He picked up a hairbrush from her dressing table, grabbed her by the arm, sat on the bed, flung her across his knee despite the squeals of protest, pulled up her skirt, and began paddling her rounded ass. She was wearing a pair of scanty bikini panties, and they barely covered her ass, much less her pussy. As he spanked, she writhed and wriggled, rubbing her belly against his lap, and she could feel his enlarging cock poking up through his pants. And suddenly the spanking no longer hurt. It felt good. As her father continued walloping her butt-cheeks, he realized she was sighing rather than yelping. Her movement on his lap wasn't that of a helpless daughter being punished for being a smart-ass, but rather that of an erotic female trying to arouse the male in him.
Bernadette's cunt was burning up. After having seen the movies, she knew what she needed. But now she realized she wanted it from her own father. And there was that communication between father and daughter that let him know what she wanted without a word being said.
He stopped spanking her and she turned her head, looked at him, and said, "Beat me, Daddy. Beat me hard. Please!"
"No," her father insisted. "No. I can't."
"Why not?" she asked, standing up, her ass hot with lust more than pain.
Looking down at her seated father, she saw the anguish on his face, and suddenly she realized it wasn't a one-way feeling. He had become aroused from spanking her.
"Daddy," she said, squatting down in front of him, "I love you."
"I love you, too, sweetheart," he replied, dropping the brush. "That's why I spanked you in the first place, because I love you and care about you and I didn't want you corrupted by those horrible films."
"Is it corruption, Daddy? What I saw I enjoyed, and, Daddy, I want to do that with you."
"My God! No!" he bellowed. "Never think such a thing again!"
"Daddy, stop it. I want you. I mean I really want you. Like they say in those pictures, I want you to fuck me. Please fuck me."
"Don't you dare even think such a thing," her father chastised, suddenly standing up.
She stood with him, turned, ran to the door, shut it, and locked it.
"Bernadette, what are you doing?"
She smiled at him as her hand reached behind her and quickly unzipped her dress.
"Stop that this instant," her father ordered, but his voice was weakening.
She pulled the dress off and stood in front of him in her bra and panties. He had seen her that way often enough in the morning when everyone was scrambling in and out of the two bathrooms in the house. But this was the first time she saw a glimmer of desire in his eyes. Yes, it was true. He might not want to admit it, but he wanted to fuck her. He probably never even realized it up until that moment, but he was as hot for her as he had once been for her mother many years before.
"I'm going to leave," he told her as she unsnapped her bra.
"You'll have to get by me," she murmured, removing the bra and throwing it off to the side.
He simply stood there, staring, his eyes bugging out of his head.
"God!" he muttered, "I have to be seeing things."
His eyes were rooted on her jiggling tits, two perfect spheres of full, weighty, upstanding flesh with nipples like pink noses pointing at him. Each nipple had a halo of pink areola an inch in diameter, contrasting beautifully against the whiteness of her tits.
"Bernadette," he whispered. "This is wrong. Stop it, now."
"Wrong? How can it be wrong? Don't you love me?"
"Of course I love you, but… this isn't the way we're supposed to love one another."
"Oh, Daddy," she muttered, starting to flush. "When a male and a female love one another, they should love each other every way possible. I never realized it until tonight, but I think I've always wanted to be this way with you, as long as I was able to think about sex. I just never admitted it to myself before."
"But this way is wrong."
"No, Daddy, the only wrong thing would be if I got pregnant, and that'll never happen. My girl friends have been taking the Pill for nearly a year now, and not wanting to be left out, I started taking it, too, about three months ago. So you don't have to worry about my having any idiot kids, Daddy. Oh, please," she begged, stepping out of her panties. "Oh, please, Daddy. Fuck me!"
Her tits were trembling, making them look all that much more arousing. Her nipples were beginning to swell just because he was looking at them, and when she saw his gaze fall to her crotch, she could feel the heat in her cunt increase.
Very slowly he approached her. He carefully wrapped an arm around her naked waist and pulled her slowly to him, saying, "You're still a baby, Bernadette. Oh, you may be my oldest daughter, but to me you're an infant. If you could really understand what you're doing, you wouldn't do it. Yes, I do love you. Yes, I do feel desire for you. And seeing you this way makes me want you in a way I never before realized. But it just isn't right," he told her, once more going to the bed and sitting on it.
She walked with him, and when he sat, she sat on his lap, trilling to the rough feeling of his slacks against her bare butt, a butt already cooling off.
She leaned against him, pressing the points of her hot boobs into the cloth of his shirt, and the sensation aroused her even more. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulled him close, kissed his lips lightly with her own, and whispered, "Daddy, I love you so much. Please fuck me. Please, I want it the first time from the man I love most in all the world."
She shivered as she felt his hands suddenly glide over her full tits, making her rubbery nipples swell even more and become even harder. He couldn't help himself. His hands had to touch her. And while one hand caressed her pink nipples, the other slid along her spine to touch the cheeks of her round ass. His fingers sank into the cushioned flesh, his nails almost cutting into her.
"Bernadette, please, please don't do this," he murmured. "Please, stop it now while it can be stopped."
He tried to release her, but she clung all the more tightly to him, raising herself a little so his fingers could get a better grip on her ass. It also brought her tits into contact with his face. His mouth seemed to open of its own accord and simply engulf her soft tit. His tongue swirled over the nipple while his lips sucked at it as if trying to milk it.
Suddenly his hands were moving here and there, touching every part of her youthful body at once, and igniting new and different kinds of heat inside her. Even watching the sex movies hadn't aroused her as his hands now did. She felt aroused and thrilled all over, and she rubbed her seething little box against the pressure of his seeking fingers as his mouth continued madly sucking her tit. He sucked with his lips, puffing on the nipple, trying to enlarge it. Then he bit it with his teeth, causing raging fires to start all over her body, and finally his tongue licked the nipple where his teeth had bitten, as if trying to apologize for the pressure of his teeth.
Bernadette wiggled her body, and once again feeling the poking cock as it pressed up against his pants. Her ankles were crossed as she wiggled on his lap, feeling the pressure of his cock-head pushing into her ass. Meanwhile his fingers continued rubbing her moss-covered cunt-mound while his other hand pressed on the base of her spine. His lips released one boob and moved to the other, letting his tongue and teeth alternate on it, as well, making her shudder all the more.
All during the movie, Bernadette had watched the fucking couples on the screen and imagined herself to be the girls in the pictures. But what she was feeling now far surpassed anything she might have imagined she'd feel as new fires began lighting all over her from the blast furnace inside her sopping cunt.
She put her hand against the fingers playing with her cunt hairs and pressed them all the harder into her gash. They seemed like white-hot fingers, literally searing her tender labes. She could feel his middle finger wiggling around, teasing the outer rim of her cunt-lips, and making her hump back and forth as she gasped for breath. He fingered her snatch, and she could feel her labes wanting to part like flower petals to let him in. And then she felt her cunt-juice start to bubble and flow as his finger slowly pushed its way into her slit. She nearly fainted with joy.
It was all so unbelievably wonderful she couldn't fully understand it. Her stomach felt all tight inside, and her legs were rubbery, and she found breathing suddenly joyously difficult. Her entire body was taut and she shuddered with delight, knowing her wonderful father was making love to her.
His finger moved tenderly, lightly caressing her quivering clitoris as it withdrew, covered with her sopping twat-cream. More and heavier oil began working its way from deep inside her flaming pussy, oozing straight through her steaming canal and leaking out between her soft pussy-flaps onto the sheets below. Some of it leaked down into her ass-crack and soaked into her shitter.
Bernadette could feel it all, and yet all she cared about were the wonderful sensations building in her frothing snatch as her daddy's finger slid in and out, stopping to caress her tingling clit. It made her wriggle delightedly.
His other hand continued caressing her nipples, first massaging one and then the other, keeping them both filled with blood and fully enlarged. Occasionally his palm would slide down from her full boobs and start caressing her slightly curved belly or her slender waist, moving in a tantalizing criss-cross designed to tickle every part of her.
Bernadette used her own hand in an attempt to push her father's finger even deeper in her box, and through the heated bolts of breath she heard him pleading with her to stop him. Tears were coming from his eyes.
Her own hands slid under his shirt and undershirt, feeling the woolly hairs on his chest as her fingers began running over his torso delicately, sending needles of tortured thrills through him. She could feel the delicate points of his small nipples, and rubbed her thumbs across them as he had done to her boobs. He tumbled her onto the bed and threw himself on top of her.
His mouth kissed her throat strongly, and with her hands she clamped his head tightly to her. He continued kissing her throat for a long time, while one of his hands continued playing with her sweet little pussy. After a while his mouth moved lower again, his lips once again sucking each nipple in turn, licking it furiously, biting and chewing it, and then, instead of returning to her sensitive throat again, his tongue began licking lower, blazing a tantalizing trail across her lower abdomen, making her feel as if liquid lava were seeping from her pores. He stopped once, at her navel, and let his tongue lightly rove around inside for a few minutes. She began churning her lower body, almost anticipating what would happen next, but not daring to believe it.
She felt his tongue now move until it had dipped into the crease where her right leg joined her torso. The tongue followed the length of the crease up, and then down, and her crotch began grinding madly in anticipation of what would happen next. Actually Bernadette hadn't meant to grind, but it was as if that part of her body had gone completely out of control, jerking wildly in heaving spasms, as if trying to aim her sopping slit at his licking tongue.
Bernadette didn't really understand the reason for what she was doing. Somehow she just couldn't control herself. She ground her leaking cunt around and around, pushing it higher and higher, opening her thighs ever wider, leaving him the full exposure of her creaming gash.
Her hands were still pressing against his head, and now her fingers tangled themselves in his hair as she began yanking his head lower in the hope of shortly feeling his mouth press against her seething snatch.
But her daddy would not be hurried. He was totally lost in the magnificent pleasure of his daughter's body, fully enjoying himself now that he'd surrendered to her, and he moved his mouth at a very slow, purposeful, tantalizing pace.
To Bernadette the slowness was sheer torture, but it was so overwhelming and provocative she slammed her juicing cunt against him all the harder, feeling her labes literally drooling with lubrication.
Her sweet cunt was so wet, Bernadette was afraid she might have unknowingly taken a piss. But this was a different kind of liquid leaking out of her. It was stickier, yet slicker, and it built a new, frenzied kind of thrill inside her. And oddly, her father seemed all the more aroused when his cheek came in contact with the pussy-syrup.
His hands began to move under her tight, round butt-cheeks, his fingers squeezing them as his mouth moved ever closer to her dripping gash. With his fingers pressing into her ass-cheeks, his thumbs dug into the sides of her crotch, forcing her furry cunt-mound higher so that it almost stood out from between her thighs. His tongue was licking lower in the joint of her thigh, almost touching the hair-surrounded labes, making more and more slippery juice ooze from her pouch like pussy. And then he lifted his mouth, opened it wide, and set it down right on her sopping slash.
Bernadette almost fainted the feeling was so completely devastating. It was as if a bolt of lightning had come down out of the heavens and slammed right into her cunt. She began violently rubbing her hair-fringed box up and down, thrilling to the way the flat of his tongue slurped through her simmering crack straight on up to her shivering clitoris, pressing it harder and harder, making her want to scream. It slid down from her quivering clit and sank into her steaming cunt-hole, slurping in and out, rubbing her pussy walls, drinking her twat-cream as it came running into his mouth. And all the while his fingers continued lightly dancing along her inner thighs, caressing the soft white flesh, making her writhe all the more. And then his hands went running up to her tits again, pinching and pulling the nipples, squeezing them, arousing her even more.
Her fingers tightened their hold on his hair, tugged him closer, jamming his face ever-deeper into her flaming cunt-hole, thrilling to the way his tongue seemed to stab all the deeper into her anxious snatch, thereby making more pussy juice come pouring out. And then she found his lips and tongue were licking and sucking her cunt in rhythm to the way she was bouncing her body.
Bernadette found herself shuddering all over. Something, she couldn't quite tell what, was about to happen to her. She had seen the women in the movies acting this way, but she hadn't believed they were really feeling anything. No woman went that crazy. And yet now she herself was moaning in the exact same way the women in those fuck films had moaned.
She was sighing, gasping, and gulping air feverishly. Her body felt itself automatically winding up tighter and tighter until she was completely wound up. She was delirious with rapture, thrilled with ecstasy as her sopping slit literally pounded into her father's face again and again.
"Ohhhhh… Daddy," she breathed. "Oh, wonderful Daddy. Oh, don't stop it now… uhhhh… wonderful, sweet, fabulous, cunt-eating fatherrrrrr…"
Her insides seemed to knot into a tightness that prevented her from breathing, and then, all of a sudden, everything exploded like a hydrogen bomb inside her. Fiery blasts followed one another in her body as she felt her cunt spasming again and again. She rubbed her gurgling gash into her father's face with greater effort as she twitched and jumped, all out of control. Her feet were kicking his back as she rotated madly, all but tearing the hair out of his head as she pushed his face ever-deeper, feeling her cunt-cream splash out of her into his face in wild, uncontrolled jets.
Her father's tongue continued lapping up all her pussy-syrup, sucking it into his throat, drinking it all down as if it were the nectar of the Gods. His lips pulled at her soft labes in an attempt to suck even more juice from inside her gushing cunt-hole.
All Bernadette could do was lie there, her body totally limp, her thighs spread, her stomach sucking in each time she felt another spasm of climax, her head lolling from side to side, and her nipples fully swollen with the delight sensuously blazing through her young body.
Very, very slowly she returned to reality and realized her father was still sucking at her cunt, lapping away even though she had no more twat juice to offer. Her snatch was oversensitive, and she wanted to stop his tongue from moving against her clit, but she didn't dare. He had been so good to her, why deny him his own pleasure?
His own pleasure. His own pleasure. Her daddy did not come, himself. Nor had he fucked her. Delighted and delirious as she felt, she wanted his cock inside her cunt. She wanted her father to pop her cherry. She wanted to feel his jism spurting into her cunt.
Her father stopped lapping, wiped his face on the covers, then came up to lie beside her.
"Don't hate me, Daddy," she begged.
"My sweet, darling Bernadette, how could I ever hate you?" he asked. "I love you. The trouble is, I love you too much. I love you more than a father should love his own daughter. Deep down, subconsciously, I think I've had the desire to do this to you ever since your body began filling out."
"Daddy, Daddy, I adore you," she whispered, "but now that we've come this far, let's be straight with each other. You've wanted to do more than eat me. You've always wanted to fuck me. Please, Daddy. Please, fuck me before you leave. I can see you're in pain because you're so aroused and haven't had any release. Please, Daddy, fuck me."
She yanked his pants and underpants down as he lay there, and he did nothing to stop her. His heavy cock came popping out as if it were spring-loaded, and when Bernadette saw it, she was awed. His prick was far larger than anything the studs in the movies displayed. God! His cock was immense. And it was fat. And it was the cock that had helped make her. She could hear her father's ragged breathing as he propped himself up on his elbow and stared at her.
Without realizing it, Bernadette had already decided what the next step would be. She had seen the girls in the movies do it, and there was no reason why she couldn't, even if her daddy's whang was so huge. God! It had a white shaft with a rich, purple head, and it was really swollen and bloated. In a brown, hairy sac underneath, she could see his heavy balls. Christ! They were large. To think, a part of herself had once rested in those balls.
Her face closed in on his rod eagerly. Her tongue was already out of her mouth, extended as far as it could go, and even as its tip tasted the pre-cum seeping heavily from the piss-slit in the head of her father's cock, Bernadette realized he wasn't going to stop her.
She remembered that the more her father had eaten her pussy, the more cunt-juice had flowed. She wondered if it worked the same with his cock. She licked the bulbous purple knob a few times, tasting the wonderful gooey seepage as it continued flowing, and she soon realized it was her tongue making the stuff come out all the faster.
Her father's hand rested on her head, and she felt the pressure, understanding what he wanted. Her lips parted, forming a nice O as she slipped the bulbous knob right in, surrounding the flange of the corona with her lips and pulling hard. Damn, but the resilient cock-head had a nice meaty flavor of its own, and she sucked on it fervidly, swallowing the continuous flow of gooey liquid.
Her tongue ran back and forth over the heavy prick-tip, tickling, teasing, tantalizing, making her father buck madly as he tried stuffing more of his weighty dick down her throat. Bernadette felt the littlest bit more cock slide against her tongue, but she was determined to eat her father as slowly as he had eaten her. She compressed her lips tightly around the heavy prick, sucking strongly, pulling more flavorless oil down her throat.
Bernadette could tell she was giving him a good blowjob from the way her father sighed and seemed to weep. His clasped hands on her head were pressing more energetically now, and she could tell he wanted her sucking as much of his cock as possible. He began heaving his crotch forward and back, letting his huge dong slide out, then back in, gradually sinking it into her mouth just the littlest bit deeper each time. Soon the rubbery knob was caressing the back of her throat, and it was only when she began coughing and gagging that he stopped trying to force more of his meat into her.
She could tell her father was as much in heaven now as she had been minutes earlier, and the thought that she was arousing him so much made her get horny all over again. Her lips pressed tightly around the plunging prick, creating stronger, tighter friction, while one of her hands began rubbing his balls gently, making his ass bounce a little harder on the bed.
"Oh, God!" he whimpered. "Oh, dear God! I… I'm… going… to come."
Yes, Daddy, she thought, come! Come in my mouth! Let me taste your jizz!
Her stomach was all aquiver, waiting to receive the spurts of her father's sperm. She was tense and shaking, filled with the desire to taste the wonderful spunk he was about to shoot down her throat.
The swollen cock-head seemed to enlarge even more now. It shivered and trembled as her tongue felt the wild, throbbing pulsation of the tube when his sperm began traveling trough it. She felt the jizz rise up through his prick until it reached the head, and then, as the knob bloated hugely, he came wildly.
The heavy, sticky sperm was totally different from his pre-cum. This had more substance to it. It was strong, acrid, with a definite flavor, and Bernadette liked the taste immediately. The delicious warmth flooded across her tongue and down her gullet, making her tingle with delight.
Now she was more a part of her daddy than ever before. His delicious seed was shooting into her belly. Yum! It tasted so good.
She was so wrapped up in her own thoughts, she barely heard her father's "AAAAARRGGHHHH!!" as he wildly humped into her face, slamming his hairy thighs into her cheeks and nose, pressing his balls against her chin, jamming his hands against her head so tightly he would have strangled her had his cock not started to soften. Even so, her mouth continued working, her teeth continued chewing, her lips continued sucking, and her tongue continued licking as she eagerly drank her father's fuck-cream.
Her lips had their full effect on his cock. Slowly his prick began hardening again, swelling, straining, enlarging, and her mouth backed away because her throat just wasn't ready to take the full length of her daddy's mighty dong.
Her mouth came off her father's cock. She looked deeply into his eyes and said, "Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck me. Please. I've wanted that more than anything else. Don't use your mouth or your fingers or anything else this time, Daddy. I just want to feel your cock inside me. Please, Daddy, please!"
He grabbed her, looked at her, and said, "God help me, but I do love you, Bernadette. Don't ever think badly of me for this."
He flung her down on the bed and fell on top of her, his body pressing against hers. His mouth was once again sucking her nipples, and she could feel that magnificent cock beginning to poke against her thighs. She shuddered, aching to feel his prick push its way into her virgin cunt. She was trembling with desire, her thighs spread wide apart, her sopping slash already oozing.
"Fuck me!" she begged, feeling his cock push against her pussy-lips.
"God forgive me," her father murmured, and proceeded to push.
The thickness of his knob as it entered her cunt-mouth made Bernadette tense up. Her entire body was a solid, frozen mass of expectancy as the heavy cock-head forced its way a bit deeper into her virgin cunt.
"Uhhhhh!" she gasped.
"Oh, baby," he whispered, "am I hurting you? Am I?"
"Push harder, Daddy," she begged. "Hurry, push harder, let me feel the whole thing inside me. Hurry!"
Her dresser mirror, off to the left, reflected a good part of the scene back to Bernadette. She could see her father's hairy ass above her thighs, and she could see his monstrous pole as it pushed into her box, parting the ragged, pink edges of her tender cunt-lips. The sight reminded her of what she had seen in the movie and it became doubly arousing, because now she was watching herself fuck, and with her father. It looked fantastic.
"Aaaghhh!" she screamed as he pushed his prick in a little deeper.
"Just a little more, honey," he assured her, kissing her.
Bernadette stared at the way her father's balls tightened up into his groin, giving her an unobstructed view of his cock as it pushed its way deeper into her welcoming cunt.
Oh, God! She had never realized how tight a fit it would be. In those fuck films she had seen how all those other cunts had been able to take the thick cocks stuffed into them without any great problem. She had figured she would have no problem taking her father's prick.
"Uhh… Daddy… keep… fuck… don't… stop," she begged.
"My sweet girl," he whispered. "This is the only time it will hurt. You have such a wonderfully tight, sweet pussy, my darling. No one, not even your mother ever felt this good. Ohhhhh, you hold my cock so wonderfully."
Digging her heels into the bed, Bernadette, rammed her body higher, and suddenly she felt the heavy shaft move farther in. A strong pain made her arch her back, and she almost yelped. In the mirror she could see that the ooze slipping out around his sliding cock had a reddish tint to it. Her cherry. He had popped her cherry. It was gone, out of the way. Her wonderful daddy had made her a woman!
Her father's tongue in her gash had been wonderful. It had given her the first real climax she'd ever known. Tasting his prick had been terrific, too. But none of it compared to the feel of that wonderful tool working its way through her squeezing cunt. Delight and desire fired their way through her body so quickly she wondered where the great feeling had been before. It was as if she had always had this blazing heat inside her.
Her heels dug deeper into the bed, raising her body higher, forcing more of his cock into her cunt, a millimeter at a time. His prick slid in deeper and deeper, reaching much farther into her cunt than his tongue or his finger had. Nothing had ever reached that high up into her cunt before, and she began wildly thrashing and sighing as his heavy cock continued sliding into her snatch, lubricated all the way by her own sloshing juice mixed with her virginal blood.
And then his cock was all the way in.
"Ohhhhhhh, Daddy, that feels sooooo wonderful," she sighed. "I love you, darling Daddy. I love you more than anyone else in the world. Now fuck me for all I'm worth. Fuck hard!"
His mouth began dipping down and sucking on her hard nipples again, compressing them between his lips, biting them, then licking them. Thrill after wild thrill shot trough her body as he drew his cock slowly back, sliding it through her squeezing pussy-canal, then slamming it into her tight hole again, shoving it in her cunt so hard and so deep she thought she would catch the pulsing knob in her throat.
Bernadette watched in the mirror as his ass raised and lowered, pumping his thick rod into her pussy. It was a gentle pronging at first, and all the pain in her seething cunt began easing out as he fucked a little faster. Delicious excitement worked its way through her nervous system as her ass-cheeks squeezed together and her crotch began bumping against his. It was wonderful.
He speeded up after a while, and she fucked right along with him. They were reaching the critical point, and Bernadette knew the two of them would come off together. It was as if each was totally attuned to the other, and each knew when the other was going to climax.
"Daddy," she murmured, "Daddy, I'm going… to… come."
"Me… uhh… too," he confirmed, continuing to push and pull his meat back and forth inside her hot snatch. "Love you, honey. Really love you…"
"I love you, too, Daddy… Oh, Daddy! Here it comes! Here it – ARGGHHHHHH!!"
Her creaming cunt suddenly tightened like a strong fist around his punching cock as one wild thrill after another rocked through her body. She thrashed wildly under him, bucking like a wild mare completely out of control, and he responded, riding her perfectly as he continued pistoning his prick in and out, in and out, in and out of her convulsing cunt.
And then she felt the hot blast of cum-cream splatter against the end of her cunt as he fired blast after blast of heated jism into her snatch.
"Oh, Daddy," she muttered, wrapping her legs around him and tightly gripping him with both arms, "this is so wonderful! Promise me you'll fuck me again. Please!"
Her father, totally under his daughter's spell knew there was no way he could avoid fucking her again. Even if he refused to promise, he was well aware she would get to him again. So, for the peace of mind of the two of them, he promised.
And he kept his promise up to the day he died – a year later.
Both he and Bernadette's mother were killed in a crash when a drunk driver ran into them. That left Bernadette alone with her three older brothers and her younger sister. But, contrary to what she believed at the funeral, her days of incest had only just begun.