"Family love" - читать интересную книгу автора (Crane David)CHAPTER EIGHTIt was an outrageous thought, and ingenious, too. It was bold and daring. It was naughty and it was exciting. The idea took her breath away. Debby considered masquerading as her mother. In theory, it might work, providing that her father got drunk enough. That was the crucial part. He had to be too drunk to realize it was Debby, not Margie, in bed with him, yet not so drunk that he was incapable of performing. It had to be calculated to a fine point. If Debby worked it right, she would be able to enjoy thrilling sex, exciting duplicity – even a bit of genuine amusement at her wickedness. It would certainly make a wonderful tale to tell Sandy, the next time Debby felt like munching some pussy. If she calculated wrong, however, it would be shameful, there would be the mortification of discovery, God alone knew what recriminations or punishments. If her father suddenly realized that it was his daughter he was in bed with – Debby shuddered at the thought and wondered if she could pretend that she had been sleepwalking. Did she dare attempt it? She remembered how huge his prick was, and how much jism it threw off – and she was determined to try. She figured that, if she could somehow regulate the flow of whiskey, she would be able to get her father to just the right state of intoxication. Dan wasn't normally a drinking man. He didn't have the head for it. He therefore tended to become vague and fuzzy in his mind, long before he had taken in enough alcohol to have any great effect on his bodily functions. Debby had seen him drunk a few times. She had been surprised, on those rare occasions, and wondered why. Now she guessed that he only got drunk when his wife as having a love affair with some other man. That seemed to fit the picture and her knowledge of her mother's promiscuity cleared up a lot of things that Debby had often wondered about those afternoon absences, those happy, flushed homecomings, those late dinners. She felt sorry for her cuckolded father and hoped that he would enjoy the sex as much as she knew she would. That was another reason to get him at just the right degree of drunkenness – not too numb to feel what was happening, but too dulled to realize who was causing it. She didn't think it would be a problem, really. Those times he'd been drunk in the past, his words had become slurred long before he staggered, his thoughts had become incoherent while his body still worked normally. She wasn't quite sure just what she would do in bed with the man, but she was determined to do something. "Your mother and I simply decided to take separate holidays this year, is all," Dan said, once again. He was sprawled out on the couch – the same couch on which Margie had sprawled as he gobbled her cunt and then arched under his pounding form as he screwed her – a nearly empty glass in his hand. Debby admired him for so gallantly defending his wife's promiscuity – well, not defending it so much as trying to keep it from her. He deserved some fun. And so did she. He had been abandoned for another man and she had given handjobs and head and twice been deceived. She gazed at him, gauging the degree of his inebriation. He was not quite at that vital point yet. "Let me fix you another drink, Daddy?" He held the glass out. She took it and, with all the careful calculation of an alchemist, mixed Scotch and water and ice in a formula designed to turn the base metal of frustration to the gold of orgasm. She said, "Don't worry, Daddy – I'll take care of everything while Mom is away. I can do the housework and the cooking and – everything." She smiled secretly. "You're a good girl," he said. A bit later she refilled a final drink. Dan said that he felt a bit weary, excused himself and went up toted. Debby watched him go and, sure enough, his words had been imprecise and yet he mounted the stairs on steady legs. Her expectations soared. While she waited for him to go to sleep, she had a small drink, herself, and thought about what she would soon be doing. She wondered what actually constituted incest. Fucking, of course, but was that the limit? Was, say, oral sex considered incest? Handjobs? Buggery, even? She wasn't sure and she was not in the mood to consult a dictionary and, anyhow, doubted that Webster went into such detail. Well, she would play it by ear, according to his degree of alertness, the hardness of his prick and the heat of her own demanding pussy. Fifteen minutes later, she went upstairs. Dan was asleep. Lying on his back with his arms spread out and one leg trailing over the side of the bed. He had been too drunk to put pajamas on, to Debby's delight. He was stark naked. She moved quietly to the bed and looked at him. His cock was soft but, even so, it was gigantic. It lay coiled on his thigh like a big rubber hose, promising vitality even in the slack condition. Debby grinned wickedly. She took her clothing off. Why, I'm actually going to do it! she thought, surprised at her daring. But just what was she going to do? She thought about playing with his prick, making it nice and big and hard while he slept – maybe even giving that delicious looking cockhead a few licks. She adored the idea. But she had already given orgasms to a jogger and a girl friend that day and she was afraid that, if she made her daddy come, he might wake up and once again she would find herself deprived of a climax of her own. Debby decided to get her own pleasure first. Moving very carefully, she knelt on the bed, shifted one leg over – and sat on her father's face! "Mumpppp," he said. Debby began to mop his face with her wet dunt and, although he was sound asleep, his tongue came out and began to lap and lave by instinct. It felt wonderful! Debby had never felt anything quite that good, although she supposed it would be even better if he were awake and concentrating on what he was doing. She held her cunt lips open with her fingers so that his tongue glided into the parted slot. Her slim hips rotated as she worked her juicy crotch around on his face with a steady rhythm designed to bring a rapid release. She was staring down at him, watching what she was doing, enjoying the sight almost as much as the sensation – loving the dark knowledge that her father was tonguing her cunt and that she had instigated it. Suddenly his eyes opened! Debby stiffened. But it was dark in the room. He could see her only as an outline against the wall. "Margie!" he said. "You didn't go – you came home!" she said. "I'm glad," he mumbled. Debby realized that he was not really aware of what was happening, that she had judged his drunkenness to perfection. Emboldened by that realization, she said. "I came home to sit on your face, Da… errr… Dan." Wow! That had been close. She had to be careful not to call him Daddy. But he didn't notice her slip of the tongue, for he had just noticed that there was a hot, wet pussy in his face – and he began to work on it with relish. That was a different sort of slip of the tongue! Debby began to vibrate with joy. Dan was an expert at sucking cunt, a man, who had perfected the oral art because he so much enjoyed doing it. He cupped Debby's ass in his hands, tilting her crotch up like a bowl from which he was drinking – a bowl he intended to empty. His tongue flattened and flared, stirring moistly through her creamy slot. He sucked on her cuntlips, then on her clit. He pushed his thick tongue far up her steaming gash, running it in and out in a fucking rhythm. Cunt juice was pouring out of the girl, flooding down his tongue and into his parted lips, soaking his chin and cheeks. His hands moved her, turning her cunt around on his face as his head shifted up and down. Debby understood why her mother – and Sandy, for that matter – would go to any extreme in order to get some tongue fucking. She began to moan, softly at first and then with louder, gasping sobs as her climax built up. As many times as the girl had creamed in her life, on her own hands, she had never known a thrill like this. Then she stiffened and cried out in ecstasy. Debby came in her father's mouth. Her orgasm took a long time and Dan sucked every bit of cuntjuice out and tongued off every last spark of the thrill. At last, she was drained. It presented a problem. How could she dismount from his head without risking discovery? Once his face was not buried in her crotch, there was a definite danger that he might realize who she was. But the problem dissolved itself. Dan was asleep again. Sucking her off had been an end in itself and he needed nothing further. As soon as he had drained that sweet pussy, he sank back into his drunken stupor. Debby gently moved off his face. She wondered if he would remember in the morning. She doubted it. But she wasn't really worried about that. If he did remember sucking a cunt in the night, he would assume that he had had an erotic dream or that his wife had come home just long enough for a suck, and then left again. Surely it would never dawn on him that he had been sucking his daughter's cunt. Debby dismissed that problem. Then she wondered, what to do next. She slid down the bed and gazed at his prick from close range. It was still slack. That surprised her, for she had assumed that it must get hard during that oral lovemaking. He certainly wasn't selfish, she thought. But he deserved something. Debby grinned. She had often wondered what it was like to suck a cock, and here was her opportunity to find out. She would suck him off as he slept! She would give him what he would believe to be a wet dream and she would find out what it was like to drink cum! Then she would slip back to her own room and leave him with a mystery – if he remembered it at all. As soon as she thought about doing it, the naughty girl's mouth began to water. She bent over his belly and pushed her tongue out. She gave the big, velvety heat of his prick a tentative lick. Ohhh! It was delicious, she thought. She looked up, to make sure that he was not starting to wake up, then gave that meaty knob another tonguing. Dan stirred and muttered, but slept on. Debby shifted lower and licked his balls. The flavor was different, not quite as tasty as cockhead but pretty nice in its own right. She began to flutter her tongue up and down his stalk and then, really drooling for it by this time, her tastebuds tingling, she slipped her lips over his cockhead and slurped it into her mouth. She began to suck ravenously, eager to pull the jizz from that succulent hunk of meat. Debby was enjoying cocksucking so much that it was a good two minutes before she became aware of a terrible thing. His cock was not getting hard! She had miscalculated! Although he was not too drunk to eat pussy, he was too drunk to get a hard-on. Debby was filled with frustration. She was distressed. Sucking on a soft cock was lovely, but she had so much wanted to feel a big, hard, hot prick in her mouth and to suck the spunk from it. She renewed her efforts, sucking demandingly on his knob, running her lips up and down the coiled stalk, flashing her tongue around on the big mouthful. She folded her hand around the root of his shaft and began to jerk it up and down, thinking that the double action of hand and mouth might inspire him. His cock quivered. It expanded just a bit, heated slightly, hardened to a scant degree, but it would not turn into the thundering hard-on that, she so desperately wanted to milk. Debby sucked on her daddy's dick for fifteen minutes – to no avail. Her jaws were getting tired, her tongue was starting to flag, her wrist and forearm ached from pulling his prick. It was fun, but it was not enough. The flavor of soft cock had whetted her appetite and left her ravenous for the heated version of that meaty feast and the creamy delicacy that would follow. The frustrated cocksucker sighed. But she was determined to get a mouthful of jism before the night was over. Her original plan had been to sneak back to her own room but now she saw that she was going to have to wait awhile before she left him. She figured that after he had slept for a while, his potency might return. It would require perfect timing. She would have to judge the moment, the time when he lingered on the verge of awakening yet still slumbered. Then she could milk his prick hastily and escape before he woke. How would she know? Suppose she were to fall asleep herself? What if his cock suddenly bloomed into a beautiful tower of rock-hard meat – and she slept through it? She thought about drinking some coffee to help her stay awake through her vigil, taking an exploratory suck on his prick from time to time to see if there was any reaction. But she knew that might prove a long and frustrating night and that by the time his cock was ready to be sacked off she might be too sleepy to enjoy it. Anyhow, she didn't like coffee – it was a damned poor substitute for the precious fluid that she wanted to drink. Then the clever girl had a brilliant idea! She would sleep with his cock in her mouth! It solved the problem perfectly. As soon as his prick began to grow and harden in her mouth, it was certain to wake her up. Then she could proceed to milk it at her leisure and escape from the room before he woke. Debby was delighted by her cleverness. She rested her cheek on his hard belly, using it like a pillow, and softly slurped two inches of cockhead and shaft into her greedy mouth. She sucked lazily. A prick was a perfect pacifier. The naughty nymph had never been so comfortable in bed before. She slowly inhaled and exhaled on that fat mouthful. Soon she was soundly asleep. |