"The women and the warlords" - читать интересную книгу автора (Cook Hugh)CHAPTER SIXIn the early days of spring, when the city of Gendormargensis was still talking about the public humiliation of General Chonjara, a patron asked Yen Olass Ampadara for a reading. The patron was Volaine Persaga Haveros. 'I want to know my fate,' said Haveros. 'I am not a fortune teller,' said Yen Olass. 'But you will tell me what I want to know,' said Haveros, and laid before her a fragment of blue tile. Yen Olass knew exactly what it was. On taking the twenty-five tile map to the text-master Eldegen Terzanagel, she had found him excited, his face lit by the avid, shining greed of a newly married husband about to lay hands on his virgin (or, to be precise, his face had worn the expression Yen Olass imagined such a newly married husband might display). But when the carrier box had opened to reveal the wreckage inside, Terzanagel had been dismayed, then furious. Only six tiles had been broken, and only four were incomplete, but Terzanagel had made it seem like the end of the world. Yen Olass knew the shape and size of every missing piece – and saw them often in her dreams. So now, seeing this fragment, Yen Olass knew she was discovered. She looked at the broken bit of tile, then raised her eyes to find Haveros staring at her with an expression of… rage? Madness? She had seen that look before. What was it? Why had he not denounced her already as a thief, a spy, an enemy of the state? Considering that expression, Yen Olass admitted that she knew what it was: lust. Yet, unlike the text-master, Haveros was not the kind of man to lust after knowledge. What he wanted was… Yen Olass remembered Monogail. She remembered the soldiers. Their hands scrabbling over her body. The weight of their stinking breath. She could not speak. 'Well?' said Haveros. Yen Olass did the only thing she could do. She opened her carrier box and took out her Casting Board, slotting the two halves together. She took out the leather bag containing the 365 Indicators; she shook the bag then extracted sixteen tablets and laid them out on the Casting Board, placing four rows of four tablets in a foursquare design. 'These are the quadrants of north, south, east and west,' said Yen Olass, endeavouring to impress Haveros with the mystery, for she was about to give a reading to try and save herself. 'In order, they are the quadrants of snow, sky, sun and moon, or, alternatively, stasis, change, action and thought.’ She thought of telling him more, then saw his sardonic smile. Yen Olass looked down at the cool ivory tablets, each decorated with an exquisite pattern etched in black, blue, red or green. Even though she assigned no occult powers to this apparatus, his mockery still seemed tainted with sacrilege. Yen Olass looked at Haveros and said: 'What's so funny?’ 'You look like…’ He was amused. She could hear it in his voice. 'Like what?' said Yen Olass, starting to get angry. 'What do I look like?’ 'As if you thought I was going to… to eat you. Or to do something I shouldn't. You don't think I'd touch you, do you?’ It was too much to endure. The urbane, scornful amusement. Years of careful, diplomatic campaigning had allowed Yen Olass to make something of a life for herself, and now, with a tiny bit of broken pottery, this big ugly man was going to abolish her entire world. And – worse! – he mocked her for being proud enough to imagine that he might want to possess her. Carefully, Yen Olass raised one side of the Casting Board. The Indicators shuffled onto the floor. Haveros started to speak: 'You can't get out of it-’ Yen Olass picked up the Casting Board and hurled it at him. He ducked – too slow! The board clipped his head. As it spun away, Yen Olass snarled, her mouth locking open in something which was almost a scream. Haveros stared at her, then reached up gingerly and touched his head. He examined the blood on his fingers. Then smiled – and laughed. At that laugh, Yen Olass felt her resistance collapse. It was no good. Whatever she did. They were too strong, too sure of themselves. She could never hurt them. This was their city, and she was their slave. But, even in defeat, she would make no concessions. She would not beg. She would not plead. If he was here to bring her death sentence, she would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her grovel at his feet. Haveros licked the blood from his fingers, then held up the little -bit of tile. 'Where does this belong?’ 'I don't know.' said Yen Olass. 'I saw what happened,' said Haveros. 'So what did you see?’ 'Enough to make me think. What would an oracle steal? Plates from the kitchen of Karling Drask? Tiles from the roof? Wall panels from the bathroom in the Riverside Suite? By the time Lord Alagrace let me return to the city, I'd worked it out.’ 'Clever,' said Yen Olass, admitting nothing, even though she realized that she had already betrayed herself. Only the certainty of personal destruction could have set an oracle free to attack a warrior like Haveros; by her own actions, she had demonstrated her guilt, and condemned herself. 'It has to be a text-master,' said Haveros. 'What has to be?’ 'No more games now,' said Haveros. 'I know which map has gone missing. The catalogue tells me it's an old, old map with inscriptions in the High Speech. Only a text-master would want a useless thing like that.’ Texts in the High Speech of the wizards of Argan were not in fact without their uses, for the text-masters had spent the last ten years endeavouring to master that language so they would be able to serve as translators when the Collosnon Empire invaded Argan. 'Why should I tell you?' said Yen Olass. 'It makes no difference to me.’ 'Why?' said Haveros. 'What do you think I'm here for? To bring you your death warrant? To amuse myself a little at your expense? No, it's not like that at all. Of course, it could be… but I'm sure we can reach an agreement.’ 'It's a trick,' said Yen Olass. And she was sure it was. Once Haveros knew which text-master had suborned her, he could complete his rehabilitation by denouncing her. 'Listen,' said Haveros. 'Listen very carefully, and I'll explain in little little words that even a little mouse like you can understand.’ Yen Olass, who was not little at all, swallowed the insult nevertheless, and listened. And began to understand. sfc ^ =fc Eldegen Terzanagel lived in Tangzkez Nesh in the purlieus of the Lutzuke tenament area, just to the east of the horse market. This was one of the oldest parts of Gendormargensis; the streets were narrow, noisome and unfashionable. Nevertheless, Terzanagel had made himself very comfortable; Yen Olass envied his ground floor quarters, for she often grew tired of climbing up and down the stairs in tooth 44, Moon Stallion Strait. Volaine Persaga Haveros came to Tangzkez Nesh disguised as a beggar. He had no aristocratic beauty to conceal. A little dirt, a lurch, a limp, a shrouding cowl, a mouthful of strong liquor to flush his breath, a mutter, the occasional obscenity – he was perfect. And when he reached the rendezvous, it took only a change of clothes, some clean water and some mintwash to refashion him in the image of love. The Princess Quenerain, on the other hand, arrived in a closed palanquin, a shabby equipage such as any moderately successful merchant household might have maintained. She came dressed in her finery – silks, perfumes, jewels and gold. When entering Tangzkez Nesh, the princess never said a word to Yen Olass – never acknowledged her existence. Yen Olass was always there, keeping watch with Nuana Nanalako. The text-master Eldegen Terzanagel, though he had allowed himself to be blackmailed into making his house available for this illicit liaison, always absented himself when the lovers arrived, leaving his slave girl to help the oracle keep watch. At first these two women attended to their guard duties with scrupulous care, expecting General Chonjara to appear at any moment at the head of a squad of armed men. However, as the days went by their anxieties receded, and curiosity began to dominate fear. One day, Nuana showed Yen Olass a ventilation slit which overlooked the sleeping quarters and allowed them to watch and hear all that took place between Haveros and the Princess Quenerain. Soon, their guard duties became notional, and they amused themselves by spying on the trysting couple. They watched honey being applied to the most tender places, then licked off; they watched hands grappling with flesh and sweat; they watched two people becoming desperate, straining creatures, biting, groaning, moaning, writhing. Stifling giggles, they listened to the shameless dialogues of infatuation: 'Son-son, is your little medi-vedi weary? Here, let me wake him up… what? Does that tickle? Come on, don't be… yes, he's a brave little soldier, isn't he?… oh, that's quite… ah…’ 'Does your little teni like that, Suggy?’ 'Oh yes, oh it's so… oh, it's slipped out. Oh, Son-son, it's so slippery… here, let me help you put it back in… ah, that's better… oh… push… oh… oh At which point it was standard for Nuana to open her mouth in an orgasmic 'O', thus threatening an immediate detonation of laughter, and forcing both voyeurs to withdraw to the cellar, where they could allow their mirth its free and unrestricted expression. Their laughter was not just a response to the human comedy: it was also a form of revenge. For these two women, who endured all the minor and major humiliations that slave status brought, there was something exquisite in the spectacle of this high-caste lord and his high-caste lady pawing each other's bodies, licking each other, sharing saliva, and first baby-talking then swearing and imploring as they struggled toward the brink of the apotheosis of friction. It was only in her dreams that Yen Olass knew she envied them. It lasted for a month. Then the lovers were betrayed. The text-master Eldegen Terzanagel went to see Lord Alagrace, and told all – or nearly all. Terzanagel did not admit that he had been blackmailed, but simply said that Haveros had threatened him. 'You have my sympathies,' said Lord Alagrace, knowing that Haveros was a determined and sometimes violent man. 'My lord 'We will arrest him, of course.' 'But 'But what?’ 'His friends will still be…’ 'Are you afraid of revenge?' said Lord Alagrace. 'I won't call you as a witness when I grant him his trial. If we can catch him in the building with the Princess Quenerain, that will be enough.’ 'But he will know – or guess. And his friends… my lord, I request permission to… to absent myself from Gendormargensis while this Sensing that the text-master was truly afraid, Lord Alagrace gave him permission to make a journey to the south-east, to inspect the archives in the Atka Castle at Port Domax. As Port Domax was a free port beyond the rule of the Collosnon Empire, there would then be nothing to stop Terzanagel going further if he wished – but Lord Alagrace did not care. Lord Alagrace provided the text-master with horses and travel documents, together with some money for the journey, and a squad of league riders to accompany him on the first stage of his travels. Lord Alagrace went to this trouble because he believed that justice should be done, if that was at all possible; that those who witnessed crimes should be encouraged to come forward, and should be protected when they did; and that the Lawmaker should go to special pains to prosecute criminals in positions of high responsibility, for they have betrayed a trust as well as breaking the law. To him, it was a source of secret shame and sorrow that he found himself forced to manipulate justice on occasion for the most cynical of political purposes. However, this did not make him more tolerant; instead, he became even more determined to perfect the processes of the law as they applied to other people. And so it came to pass that the text-master Eldegen Terzanagel slipped out of Gendormargensis one evening with his slave girl Nuana Nanalako. Accompanied by their military escort, they rode through the night, and by morning they were well and truly launched on a journey which, of course, would not end at Port Domax, but would take them south by sea to Ashmolea and then to the Stepping Stone Islands, where Terzanagel would be able to complete his researches into the life and works of Saba Yavendar, creator of the Winesong. When morning came, Yen Olass arrived at Tangzkez Nesh – and found Lord Alagrace waiting for her. He briefed her, cautioned her and calmed her fears, and asked some questions. Yen Olass showed him where he could hide and watch. Haveros arrived a little later. 'Nuana!' said Yen Olass. 'Our visitor's here.' She went into the empty kitchen and picked up a bowl of water. 'Thank you, Nuana.’ She returned to Haveros, bearing the bowl of water. He washed his face, then withdrew to change his clothes. When the Princess Quenerain arrived, Haveros was waiting in the sleeping quarters. The princess said nothing to Yen Olass, but went straight in. They were always just a little rushed for time, because Haveros always had to inspect a ceremonial guard at noon, and the Princess Quenerain had to conduct a service of the Rite of Purification at the same time – and Yen Olass herself often had an appointment with a patron in the later part of the morning. From the observation point, Lord Alagrace watched. He did not interrupt the couple: he wanted to see. He had to see to believe. When they were finished, Lord Alagrace retreated; Yen Olass showed him the way out. The Princess Quenerain left first. Lord Alagrace made no move to stop her, but, when she had gone, he stormed Tangzkez Nesh, leading a force of twenty league riders who had been ordered to kill anyone who resisted. Lord Alagrace hoped Haveros would put up a fight and die in combat, thus sparing the city and the regime the shame of a public trial. But Haveros, too much in love with his life to commit suicide, surrendered without a struggle. Lord Alagrace visited him later in the East Tower Jail. 'Why?' said Lord Alagrace. And Haveros, his hands and feet in shackles, made no reply, but looked out of the window at the world beyond, where the wind kicked up waves on the river and the clouds clawed south. 'Why her?' said Lord Alagrace. 'The city is full of slaves and whores. So why her?’ 'Love,' said Haveros. When a grown man talks of love, there is no hope for him; Lord Alagrace turned away in disgust. 'I raped her,' said Haveros. 'Who believes that?' 'The people will.’ 'Khmar won't,' said Lord Alagrace. 'And even if he did The Lord Emperor Khmar would be extremely angry if Lord Alagrace was to execute Haveros just for a little matter like rape, particularly when the only supporting evidence was a confession which Khmar would never believe. 'If you don't want to punish me,' said Haveros, 'why did you arrest me?’ 'So that justice can be done. Nobody can be allowed to stand outside the law.’ 'But now you've arrested me, you're too frightened to enforce that law,' said Haveros. 'You're a coward.’ Lord Alagrace bowed his head. It was true. He had really expected Haveros to fight and die in Tangzkez Nesh – had really expected that a sense of honour would compel the warrior to meet his death at swordpoint. He had not anticipated the complications of a trial. When Haveros and Chonjara had fought earlier in the year, they had brought trouble upon themselves by quarrelling in the public eye. But when Haveros had conducted his affair with the Princess Quenerain, he had been entirely discreet. The public disclosure of the affair was Lord Alagrace's responsibility, and the Lord Emperor Khmar was likely to see that as a case of his Sharla Lawmaker making war on Yarglat clansmen. If Lord Alagrace had Haveros executed, Khmar was likely to delete his head with a hammer. 'If you think you've made a mistake,' said Haveros, 'then let me go. Forget about it. I can, if you will.’ 'Not possible,' said Lord Alagrce. 'Chonjara's heard of your arrest.’ 'Oh.’ There was no need to say more. If Lord Alagrace abandoned the trial, Chonjara would protest, and the law would be brought into disrepute. More seriously, Chonjara might challenge Lord Alagrace, giving him a choice between public shame and death. If Lord Alagrace followed the matter through and allowed it to come to trial, he was likely to incur the wrath of the Lord Khmar. There was no way out. Or was there? 'A dralkosh,' said Lord Alagrace. 'What?' said Haveros. 'The mob has a woman in a cage in the northern marketplace. They're going to stone her to death tomorrow.' 'Then she's got nothing to lose.' 'They're going to stone her baby, too.' 'Ah,' said Haveros. Sensing hope. He would live; he would be free of these shackles, free to rejoin the world of horses and women, wine and song. 'This dralkosh,' said Lord Alagrace. 'She worked magic on many men… deluded their senses. Turned them against the law. Made them mad. And you… you were one of the victims.’ 'But the princess?’ 'You drugged her. People will believe that. But even so 'I know what the punishment is,' said Haveros. 'I can live with that.’ Even for a man seduced from the righteous path by the occult arts of a dralkosh, there was still punishment in store. Otherwise men would constantly have yielded to such seduction without a struggle. Ruefully, Haveros rubbed his left ear, which would soon be missing: then he gave a little grin. He was going to live: he could not subdue his high spirits. 'An exile's life is a hard one,' said Lord Alagrace. 'Oh, I'll survive,' said Haveros. He already knew where he would go and whom he would turn to, but he had no intention of telling Lord Alagrace, who would have been extemely alarmed to know that Haveros planned to seek help from the Lord Emperor Khmar. 'Done, then,' said Lord Alagrace. 'Done,' said Haveros. And they bowed to each other, and Lord Alagrace departed to attend to the necessary business. The dralkosh was extracted from the mob; after negotiations, she confessed to bewitching Haveros, among others; the baby was put into the care of a good family, and the dralkosh was stoned to death. Haveros admitted succumbing to the madness engendered by the dralkosh; his left ear was cut off and he left the city in an ignominious fashion, with whips chasing him as he rode out on a broomstick like a child riding an imaginary horse. The law allowed him twenty days of grace in which he could flee without hindrance; after that, every man's hand would be against him, and it would be death for him to be caught within the boundaries of the empire until ten years had elapsed. For the Princess Quenerain, there was a special Ceremony of Cleansing, at the end of which she was once more officially a virgin, and free to continue as head of the Rite of Purification. Yen Olass escaped without punishment: her involvement in the scandal did not become public knowledge. Haveros and the Princess Quenerain had nothing to gain by naming someone privy to their intimacies, while Lord Alagrace dared not risk an inquiry that might find he had suborned an oracle for his own political purposes. Lord Alagrace dispatched a report on the affair to the Lord Emperor Khmar, requesting direction regarding the vacant position of Lord Commander of the Imperial City of Gendormargensis; that duty done, he was free to brood about his own failings, among which he numbered fear, indecisiveness and a small but undeniable degree of ineptitude. |