"Spread wide secretaries" - читать интересную книгу автора (Collins Jeff)


"Suck! Oh, shit! Suck that cock, Norma, baby!"

The shouted words coming through the thin wall separating the two bedrooms awakened Peggy Fair with a start. Then she realized: Nick Boros, her roommate's current bed partner, had stayed the night. And they were already at it again this morning.

"Deep throat it, Norma!" came Nick's booming voice.

"Shhh, Nick," Norma hissed. "Peggy will hear you!"

"So what?" Nick chuckled. "She knows we ain't playin' chess in here. And, what the hell, maybe she'll get hot and want to join in!"

"You bastard," Peggy heard Norma moan. Then the succulent sound of a wet mouth going down over a hard cock arrested the rest of her mumbled words.

Peggy looked at her alarm clock. She groaned as she realized it was going to go off in another five minutes, anyway.

She pushed the covers back and stretched. She had slept in the nude and her body was a joy to behold. Her tits were firm and they reached towards the ceiling as her arms went over her head. Her nipples, still sleeping, nestled in the middle of their soft mounds. Her gaze swept down to the soft lines of her tits and belly to her blonde bush of pubic hair. The hair was matted and shiny. She had been too tired to shower after Bob had stormed out mad as hell the night before. His cum had dried on her cunt-lips and glued her pubic fur into a mat.

"Now take it, baby!" Nick's voice rasped through the wall. "Take all of ol' Nick's big cock!"

Jesus, Peggy thought, I wish Norma would abide by the rules and kick her lovers out before dawn.

But then Bob would have probably stayed over if he hadn't been so mad.

His angry words reverberated in Peggy's ears as she threw her long, shapely legs out of bed and headed for the shower: "Damn, Peggy, why won't you marry me?" he had said.

"Because I'm not ready yet, that's why. I haven't lived enough to be sure."

"Be sure? My God, we've practically been living together for three years!"

"I know, since I got out of secretarial school and went to work for Houston Cosmetics. That's the problem Bob… you're the only man I've ever been to bed with."

"So, what!"

How could she tell him that she felt like she was missing something? How could she let him know that she wanted some kind of a past before she decided on her future at the age of twenty-one?

Norma's door was open a crack. Peggy could hear the groans and wet slapping of fucking bodies. Her own body tensed and her pussy quivered at the sound as she put her eye to the crack.

She could see Nick's naked, taut ass bobbing up and down as he drove his cock into the split between Norma's spread legs. Peggy knelt down, trying to get a look at Nick's prick. Norma had told her it was huge, the biggest cock she'd ever had!

That was saying something, considering how many cocks Norma went through in a year!

But no matter how far she knelt, Peggy couldn't see his cock as it withdrew and plunged into her roommate.

"Oh, shit! You're good, Nick!" Norma shrieked, humping her cunt over his cock with a wet, slurping sound.

"It's the way you fuck, baby! You're… gonna… milk… milk me!"

"Oh, Nick, fuck me! Fuck me!" Norma dug her fingernails into his asscheeks and jerked him back and forth.

He slid one arm beneath the small of her back, to arch her toward him, and the other he slid under her neck. He pumped against her. His cock-shaft stroked the length of her cunt relentlessly. His mouth crushed against hers and she parted her lips, thrusting her tongue deep. She pulled her knees up and pressed her thighs inward against his surging sides, absorbing his thrusts over the entire inner sides of her thighs as he hammered at her.

"Oh, God, you're huge! Your cock is beautiful!"

"Hump, baby, hump! Fuck my cock over!"

"Now, now, now! I… I'm… ohhhh!" Norma wailed in the passion of her climax. Their lips crushed together.

"God, woman! You are fantastic!"

"I love your prick, Nick! I love it! Shove it into me hard, lover… harder! Give it all to me!"

He lunged at her and her entire body shook with ecstasy as the head of his prick hit the very bottom of her cunt. Her hips writhed with sexual joy and he aided their circular motion with his strong hands, lifting and pulling her pussy over his driving pole of cock-meat.

Back and forth, he rhythmically drove the pulsing fullness of his hard cock into her lush, sopping cunt.

Her asscheeks were a blur of motion as Norma twisted and then slammed them upward to fill her cunt with his cock and balls. Sweat was running down across the thick globes of her tits.

Jesus, Peggy thought, fingering her own naked pussy, he really can throw a cock! Idly, she wondered what he would do if she did just pop in and join them some time!

She knew Norma wouldn't mind. The last time she and Bob had broken up for two weeks, Norma had offered to share her then current boyfriend. Peggy had been tempted. It would have served Bob right, and she would have had a new experience.

She needed a new experience!

The couple on the bed wrenched through a come and kept right on fucking. Peggy shivered and padded on down the hall to the bathroom and into the shower.

The spray sprung her into the world of the living. She carefully soaped part of her body. She paid extra attention to her pussy, ass, and tits. She lathered these parts lavishly and gently played with them. She delicately placed one slim, soapy finger up against her asshole, and slowly pushed it in and around the little opening. She closed her eyes as flashes of pleasure began to bathe her cunt. Reluctantly, she withdrew her finger and began to play with her clit. The lubrication provided by the suds heightened the sensations – and the glow in her body grew stronger.

She pushed her arms together so that they gripped her full tits in a vise of flesh. Her nipples woke up from the excitement and began to pucker out. The hot water felt good pelting down over her, and she ventured with the finger into her cunt to deeper explorations. As if in answer to an unspoken call, a second finger joined the first in her cunt. Peggy closed her eyes tightly as she increased the movement on her pussy.

Oh, if only I had a cock in my pussy, instead of my dumb fingers! her mind yearned.

She thought of her handsome young boss: Henderson Cummings. She had been his secretary for a year now. And ever since the day she had moved into that envied position from the steno pool, he'd made every effort to get her out of the office for one of his famous "long lunches".

Several times Peggy had almost gone. But then she had thought of Bob and Henderson's cute young pregnant wife, and had changed her mind.

"It ain't smart, honey," Norma had told her, "to screw your boss… married or single. In fact, do all your screwin' outside the office. Look at me… I'm the horniest woman I know. But in five years with Houston Cosmetics I've yet to ball anybody from the office!"

So Peggy and Norma became the office virgins during working hours.

But, damn, Peggy thought, the office is the only place I meet any men! If I don't fuck any of them, how the hell can I have an adventure?

Her finger-fucking continued and her breathing became deeper. She began to sweat despite the water pouring over her.

At last, the lights began to dance on her inner eyelids and, she could feel her legs wavering. A tidal wave rolled over her and she slumped. She would have fallen if she hadn't reached out to grab the soap dish. She rocked back and forth for a minute, and then, regaining her composure, began to finish her shower.

"Now that's a shitty way to start the day!" she hissed to herself.

Leaving the shower stall, she dried herself and began to apply oils and powders to her body. Light touches in many places, but heavy concentrations on her tits, her ass, and in and around her pussy.

Who knows? she thought. It's Christmas Eve. This afternoon is the yearly office orgy. Maybe this time I'll let my hair down. Might as well smell good in all the right places – just in case!

Still naked, she applied lipstick and powder to her face. She posed in front of the mirror and touched up some spots until she was satisfied that she looked just right.

She rummaged through the closet to pick out her outfit for the day. She chose a one piece dress with a plunging neckline and a slit skirt.

"Not exactly traditional office wear," she giggled, "but it should be a knockout for the party!"

Reaching for her lipstick again, she applied a heavy dab of scarlet color to each nipple. The result was that each tit looked like a mound of white snow with bright fire at the tip. She slipped into a lace bra and jiggled until her tits nestled into the soft cups and the tips poked out into the material.

She was just slipping her head through the dress when there was a loud whistle from her bedroom doorway. Peggy whirled.

Nick Boros was standing there, stark naked. Peggy felt a tingle in her pussy when she saw the man's cock. It was limp between his legs, but it was so thick and hung so low, even in its flaccid state, that it made her gasp as she thought of how it would rip open a small cunt like hers!

"What the fuck do you want, Nick?"

"Nothin'… just lookin'."

He didn't get a chance to say anything else.

"Get out of here, animal!" Norma yelled, and pushed him down the hall. "Sorry, Peggy, the bastard never gets enough."

Peggy grinned. "I can see. Better get moving… we're late."

Peggy's eyes enveloped her roommate's classic, big-titted, naked body. Jesus, she reeks with sex, Peggy thought. With each tiring orgy, she seems to grow more energetic, more lovely. Norma's skin glowed, as though she'd drained Nick of sexual vitality and stored it in her own bloodstream and glands!

"Yeah, I'll grab a quick shower and be right with you," Norma said, and moved her big boned body down the hall to join Nick in the bathroom.

He was waiting for her.

"God, you are an animal, Nick!"

"Yeah, I know," he grinned, slapping her naked thigh with his hose-like cock. "So are you. That's why we dig each other."

Norma turned on the spray and pulled him in the shower with her, handing him the soap. She shivered with delight as he lathered her heavy tits, pinching her swollen nipples. He knelt to lather her stomach and tangle of cunt hair, lingering on her full, satiny thighs.

His own desire surged at the contact of her wet skin, and when he rose, his cock was throbbing impatiently. Norma soaped him down in turn, toying with his big cock, fucking kisses on its head until he was completely aroused – his cock once again rock-hard and pulsing.

"Jesus, you are insatiable!" she moaned into his neck as he lifted her by the armpits.

She stood on her toes and grasped his prick to guide him in. She bit her lips as he probed her moist lower cunt-lips, teasing her clit for a minute with his swollen cock-tip before he lurched forward with a loud gasp. A hot thrill pierced her as she locked her cunt on him savagely.

God, he does have one hell of a cock, Norma thought. I'm going to miss it.

Nick jabbed her hard and the big girl lurched with pain.

"Hurt, baby?"

"No, no," she moaned. "I love it this way. It hurts – but it feels oh so good!"

He penetrated at an angle, pressing hard on her cunt-walls. For a minute she barely moved, moaning and squirming her tits to his chest, snaking her tongue in his mouth while her hands squeezed his asscheeks.

Then she began jerking her hips in tiny spasms so he wouldn't slip out, groaning and slithering her tongue in his ear, writhing her soft, slippery belly against his, digging her hot tits hard into his chest. He'd had her in the shower before, but there was something especially exciting about the way she had fucked him that morning in bed, and the way she was fucking him now in the shower, that was driving him crazy.

"Oh, yeah, baby! Hump! Hump of Nick's hard cock!"

The wet pressure of her luscious body, the way she quivered her hips in short, sharp jerks like an animal in heat, the way she vented her passion – clawing his ass with her nails, biting him on the lips and shoulders – intensified his passion.

She threw back her head and let out a soft scream as her hips twitched convulsively. At the moment he felt his climax explode with shattering force, she gasped, "My ass… my ass!"

He remembered, and quickly probed her asscheeks. Two of his fingers had barely entered her asshole when she exploded into orgasm.

"I didn't get mine all the way, baby," Nick gasped. "Bring it off with your head!"

Not wanting to argue, Norma dropped quickly to her knees and took all his swollen cock into her warm, wet mouth. Deftly, she licked his cock-shaft and tongued the head. She could feel his prick swelling under her ministrations.

"Owww, yeah, baby," Nick chortled. "Good fucking head! Suck me off!"

Drops of cum were beginning to form on his angry cock-head as the reservoir in his balls got ready for the eruption that would send cum cascading into her mouth and throat. As each drop appeared, Norma would flick her tongue and gather it up to be swallowed hungrily. She loved to suck, and especially loved the taste of male cum!

Nick began to squirm and his hips were bouncing up and down. One particularly long suck, combined with a nip at the head with her teeth, pushed him over the brink.

His prick exploded in a gusher of white cum. Gob after gob of the hot liquid shot into Norma's mouth and throat. Eagerly she swallowed every drop, and licked her lips to make sure that not one drop escaped.

Finally his cock was drained dry. While they were drying each other, Norma decided that this was the time to tell him the news.

"Nick, I fucked up."

"How's that, baby?"

"My doctor took me off the pill two months ago."


"So, I'm knocked up higher than a kite."

"Jeez Christ!" Nick exploded. "Oh, shit. Oh, fuck!" Then he turned on her. "How do I know it's mine?"

"You don't, you asshole," Norma replied. "I don't even know whose it is. And I don't give a shit. But I know it's mine… and I'm gonna keep it."

"Shit, baby, I ain't the marryin' kind."

"Nick, shut the fuck up!" He clamped his jaw shut. "I wouldn't marry you if you had three cocks! But I am going husband hunting. So when you leave this morning, take all your clothes with you. You won't be coming back!"

And to herself, Norma said: Look out, Dennis Watson, here I come!

Dennis Watson watched his secretary, Norma Caldwell, and her roommate move through the door of their apartment house and head for his car.

Dennis, forty and unhappily married to his second wife, had a good eye for a woman. He liked the way Norma walked, tall in her high heels yet with no trace of arrogance. Her dark business suit with the ruffled white blouse and secretary's black tie fitted her body perfectly, yet she didn't seem conscious of it. The skirt, he noticed, covered the broadest yet best looking ass in the office.

Why hadn't he ever tried to fuck Norma? Silly question. Because she wasn't putting out.

The rear seat already held three members of their car pool. He always made sure that the front seat was empty by the time they reached Norma's. He liked to have the tall redhead close to him at least once a day.

"Good morning," Norma said to the car in general. "And Merry Christmas!"

There was a chorus of grumpy good mornings, and Norma slid into the front seat. She slid over until her taut thigh was against his.

Damn, Dennis thought, what a fuck she would be if she ever did decide to put out!

Traffic was sparse and they pulled into the Houston Cosmetics lot with five minutes to spare. Dennis was surprised when Norma lagged behind the others before entering the building.

Small talk amounted to the usual bullshit, until they reached the lobby. Then something told Dennis to try one last time. It was probably the crap he'd gone through that morning with his wife before leaving the house.

"Look, Norma, it's Christmas Eve. How about lunch with the boss today for a change?"

"Swell, Mr. Watson. The lobby at one?"

Dennis couldn't believe it. His whole day brightened.

"Clint, please!" moaned Candy Ferris. "How the hell do you get the gall to follow me into the women's john!"

"'Cause I wanna ball you, Candy," Clint grinned.

"I'm not that kind of girl!"

God, he thought, pushing her bra up to let her huge tits pop free. You dumb cunt. You've fucked the whole office – except me!

It was true. Candy Ferris was known as the office punch board. But Clint hadn't had her yet. He was on the road most of the time, and wouldn't have been in this week except for the office Christmas party.

"C'mon, Candy… that's why I asked you to come in early this morning. We could do it before anyone else got into the office!"

"But I thought you wanted those reports done."

"That, too. But I want you worse!" His finger was under her panties and he knew she was weakening as he rubbed her wet, hard clit.

"I just don't do things like this in the office, Clint," the girl whined, spreading her legs a little and letting two of his fingers slide up in her. "Much less in the ladies' john!"

Bullshit, Clint thought, you've fucked on nearly every damn desk in the office and given a blow-job behind every filing cabinet!

Candy moved away, toward the wall of the stall, until she could lean against the toilet seat and let her cunt rock on his fingers.

She was ready.

God, he thought, all that body and beauty… and not ten cents worth of brains.

Her figure was voluptuous, svelte, gracefully flowing. Her hands played over her own body, caressing her big tits, cupping them, squeezing them until the nipples grew and hardened. Then her hands moved downward to her waist, teasing, stroking, and farther down to join his hands at her cunt. She stroked her own cunt-mound as her hips ground back and forth in the movement of fucking. Her massaging fingers worked her skirt up and up, to reveal more and more of her beautiful legs and thighs.

"C'mon, Candy, baby," Clint pleaded. "You know how much I've been wantin' you…"

"We'll… let's do it fast then!" she replied, suddenly flinging the skirt from her body. Her huge tits swayed beneath a gauzy layer of cloth. Her movements were wild now, her pelvis working faster and faster in the fucking motion.

The blouse she wore had a thin row of buttons down the front. Clint had yanked it open and ripped upward on her bra. He swayed forward, his fingers shaking like a steamy adolescent's as he worked her nipples.

Suddenly, all the buttons were undone and her blouse fell off. Her tits pushed upward in two great, white globes. In comparison to the rest of her body, they were so large as to seem almost grotesque!

Clint dropped his pants and shorts to his ankles. He hobbled around until he could flop his ass down on the stool.

"Sit on it, baby!" he rasped.

Candy's cunt came down over his cock like a buttery globe, and Clint immediately saw and felt why she was the most popular pussy in the office.

In less than five thrusts, Candy was on the edge of an orgasm. She bit her lip to keep from screaming. She didn't want to come, not yet.

"God, you comin' already?" Clint gasped. "Yeah, but I'm tryin' to make it last," she moaned.

She tightened up all of her muscles, but that only intensified the hot, all-consuming vibrations that were beginning to reverberate like a bell deep in the pit of her stomach.

Clint felt the change in her body, felt the sudden heating up of her wetly clasping cunt, and knew she was rapidly approaching a climax. The knowledge made his own excitement build quickly to a fever pitch. He wanted to come with her at the same tine.

Quickening the rhythm of his pistoning thrusts, grinding deep and hard, boring persistently into tier pussy, he gave her every inch of cock he had.

"Ohhh, you got a nice cock, Clint. Too bad you're on the road all the time!" Candy squealed.

There was nothing left except that exquisite pressure building up in her pussy. She was only vaguely aware of his lips clamping hotly on her right tit, of the feel of his heavily swaying cock hammering at her cunt, of his hands roaming across her belly to add additional thrills to her erect little clit.

"Oh! Ohhhh, shit… shit!" she cried. "Fuck harder! I'm there, I'm coming! I'm commminnng!"

She punched her writhing hips down, seeking one last ecstatic thrust before the dam inside her broke.

His hotly throbbing cock was a huge battering ram slamming into her, and the vibrations from the blows made her tingle all over. Then, gradually, the dam crumbled and the wave of ecstasy was flooding down on her.

"Ohhhhh, Jesussss… I'mmmmm thereee!"

She jerked down once with superhuman strength, then slumped, wantonly convulsing on his lap. Her frantically quivering legs beat against his and her breath came in hoarse, rasping gasps as the violent seizure rocked and racked her ripe young body.

She felt at that moment that she was one gigantic cunt… coming, coming… that every part of her was part of it – and loving it? Even through the haze of her bliss, however, was the sudden knowledge that the beautifully pulsating cock that had carried her to this peak of ecstasy was pumping hot, thick spurts of cum far up into her quivering belly. His hot juice mingled with hers and they formed a pool that shimmered and shone in the volcano of her cunt.

Oh, damn, Candy thought, I hope Mr. Houston doesn't call me in for one of his morning "conferences" and want to eat my pussy on top of his desk. The President of the company would be mad as hell if he found all Clint Jones' cum in her cunt!