"The Canterville Ghost" - читать интересную книгу автора (Wilde Oscar)


A few days after this (через несколько дней после этого), Virginia and her curly-haired cavalier went out riding on Brockley meadows (Вирджиния и ее кудрявый кавалер отправились кататься верхом на луга Брокли), where she tore her habit so badly in getting through a hedge (где она так сильно порвала свою одежду /для езды верхом/, прыгая через изгородь; to tear) that, on their return home (что, по возвращении домой), she made up her mind to go up by the back staircase (она решила пройти по черной лестнице) so as not to be seen (чтобы ее никто не увидел). As she was running past the Tapestry Chamber (в то время, как она пробегала мимо Гобеленовой комнаты), the door of which happened to be open (дверь которой оказалась открытой), she fancied she saw some one inside (ей показалось, что она увидела кого-то внутри), and thinking it was her mother's maid (и подумав, что это была горничная ее матери), who sometimes used to bring her work there (которая иногда приходила туда с работой = рукоделием), looked in to ask her to mend her habit (она заглянула, чтобы попросить ее починить ее одежду).

сurly-haired [`kə:li`hεəd] cavalier ["kævə`liə] meadows [`medəυz]

A few days after this, Virginia and her curly-haired cavalier went out riding on Brockley meadows, where she tore her habit so badly in getting through a hedge that, on their return home, she made up her mind to go up by the back staircase so as not to be seen. As she was running past the Tapestry Chamber, the door of which happened to be open, she fancied she saw some one inside, and thinking it was her mother's maid, who sometimes used to bring her work there, looked in to ask her to mend her habit.

To her immense surprise, however (однако, к ее огромному изумлению), it was the Canterville Ghost himself (это было само Кентервильское привидение)! He was sitting by the window (он сидел у окна), watching the ruined gold of the yellowing trees fly through the air (глядя на желтые листья, облетавшие с деревьев: «на разрушенную позолоту желтеющих деревьев, летящую по воздуху»), and the red leaves dancing madly down the long avenue (и на красные листья, танцующие сумасшедший танец = гонимые ветром по длинной дороге, ведущей в дом). His head was leaning on his hand (он подпирал рукой свою голову: «его голова опиралась на его ладонь»), and his whole attitude was one of extreme depression (и вся его поза указывала на крайнюю депрессию). Indeed, so forlorn and so much out of repair did he look (на самом деле, он выглядел таким одиноким и таким больным: «столь вне /состояния/ годности»; repair — восстановление; поправка; годность; исправность), that little Virginia, whose first idea had been to run away and lock herself in her room (что маленькая Вирджиния, первой мыслью которой было убежать и запереться в своей комнате), was filled with pity (исполнилась жалостью), and determined to try and comfort him (и решила попытаться утешить его). So light was her footfall (столь легкой была ее походка), and so deep his melancholy (и столь глубокой была его меланхолия), that he was not aware of her presence (что он не заметил ее присутствия), till she spoke to him (пока она не заговорила с ним; to speak).

forlorn [fə`lo:n] comfort [`kλmfət] aware [ə`wεə]

To her immense surprise, however, it was the Canterville Ghost himself! He was sitting by the window, watching the ruined gold of the yellowing trees fly through the air, and the red leaves dancing madly down the long avenue. His head was leaning on his hand, and his whole attitude was one of extreme depression. Indeed, so forlorn, and so much out of repair did he look, that little Virginia, whose first idea had been to run away and lock herself in her room, was filled with pity, and determined to try and comfort him. So light was her footfall, and so deep his melancholy, that he was not aware of her presence till she spoke to him.

"I am so sorry for you (мне очень жаль вас)," she said, "but my brothers are going back to Eton to-morrow (но мои братья возвращаются в Итон завтра), and then, if you behave yourself (и тогда, если вы будете вести себя хорошо), no one will annoy you (никто не будет досаждать вам)."

sorry [`sori] brothers [`brλðəz] Eton [i:tn]

"I am so sorry for you," she said, "but my brothers are going back to Eton to-morrow, and then, if you behave yourself, no one will annoy you."

"It is absurd asking me to behave myself (нелепо просить меня вести себя хорошо)," he answered, looking round in astonishment at the pretty little girl (глядя с удивлением на хорошенькую девчушку) who had ventured to address him (которая посмела обратиться к нему), "quite absurd (совершенно нелепо)." I must rattle my chains (я должен греметь своими цепями), and groan through keyholes (и стонать через замочные скважины), and walk about at night (и бродить по ночам), if that is what you mean (если это и есть то, что вы имеете в виду). It is my only reason for existing (это единственная цель моего существования; reason — разум, рассудок; благоразумие; причина, повод, основание)."

absurd [əb`sə:d] astonishment [əs`toni∫mənt] keyhole [`ki:həυl]

"It is absurd asking me to behave myself," he answered, looking round in astonishment at the pretty little girl who had ventured to address him, "quite absurd. I must rattle my chains, and groan through keyholes, and walk about at night, if that is what you mean. It is my only reason for existing."

"It is no reason at all for existing (это вовсе не может быть целью существования), and you know you have been very wicked (и вы знаете, что вы были очень безнравственным). Mrs. Umney told us (миссис Амней сказала нам; to tell), the first day we arrived here (в первый день /когда / мы приехали сюда), that you had killed your wife (что вы убили свою жену)."

reason [ri:zn] exist [ig`zist] arrive [ə`rαiv]

"It is no reason at all for existing, and you know you have been very wicked. Mrs. Umney told us, the first day we arrived here, that you had killed your wife."

"Well, I quite admit it (да, я вполне признаю это)," said the Ghost petulantly (сказал призрак с обидой), "but it was a purely family matter (но это было чисто семейное дело), and concerned no one else (и не касалось никого другого)."

petulantly [`petjuləntli] purely [`pjυəli] concern [kən`sə:n]

"Well, I quite admit it," said the Ghost, petulantly, "but it was a purely family matter, and concerned no one else."

"It is very wrong to kill any one (очень нехорошо кого-то убивать)," said Virginia (сказала Вирджиния), who at times had a sweet puritan gravity (которая время от времени проявляла милую пуританскую нетерпимость; gravity — серьезность, важность), caught from some old New England ancestor (унаследованную от какого-то предка из Новой Англии {New England — Новая Англия, историческое название первых колонизированных северо-восточных штатов Aмерики — Нью-Гемпшир, Массачусетс, Род-Айленд, Коннектикут, а также Мэн и Вермонт, в которых преобладали переселенцы — пуритане, покинувшие Англию из-за религиозных преследований, и где пуританская церковь пользовалась большим влиянием}; to catch — ловить; поймать; схватывать).

wrong [roŋ] gravity [`græviti] ancestor [`ænsistə]

"It is very wrong to kill any one," said Virginia, who at times had a sweet puritan gravity, caught from some old New England ancestor.

"Oh, I hate the cheap severity of abstract ethics (о, я ненавижу дешевую строгость абстрактной этики)! My wife was very plain (моя жена была очень некрасивой), never had my ruffs properly starched (никогда не крахмалила мое жабо как следует), and knew nothing about cookery (и ничего не знала о приготовлении пищи). Why, there was a buck I had shot in Hogley Woods (однажды я подстрелил самца оленя в лесах Хогли), a magnificent pricket (замечательного годовалого оленя), and do you know how she had it sent to table (и ты знаешь, как она подала его на стол)? However, it is no matter now (однако теперь это уже неважно) for it is all over (так как все кончено), and I don't think it was very nice of her brothers to starve me to death (и я не думаю, что очень мило было со стороны ее братьев заставлять меня умирать от голода; to starve — морить голодом), though I did kill her (хотя я и убил ее)."

severity [si`veriti] ethics [`eθiks] cookery [`kυkəri]

"Oh, I hate the cheap severity of abstract ethics! My wife was very plain, never had my ruffs properly starched, and knew nothing about cookery. Why, there was a buck I had shot in Hogley Woods, a magnificent pricket, and do you know how she had it sent to table? However, it is no matter now, for it is all over, and I don't think it was very nice of her brothers to starve me to death, though I did kill her."

"Starve you to death (морить вас голодом)? Oh, Mr. Ghost—I mean Sir Simon, are you hungry (о, мистер Призрак — я имею в виду, сэр Саймон, вы голодны)? I have a sandwich in my case (у меня есть сэндвич в сумке). Would you like it (хотите его)?"

starve [stα:v] hungry [`hλŋgri] sandwich [`sænwit∫]

"Starve you to death? Oh, Mr. Ghost—I mean Sir Simon, are you hungry? I have a sandwich in my case. Would you like it?"

"No, thank you (нет, спасибо), I never eat anything now (я теперь никогда ничего не ем); but it is very kind of you (но это очень любезно с твоей стороны), all the same (тем не менее/все же), and you are much nicer (и ты много лучше) than the rest of your horrid, rude, vulgar, dishonest family (чем остальные /члены/ твоей ужасной, грубой, вульгарной, бесчестной семьи; rest — остаток, остальная часть)."

rude [ru:d] vulgar [`vλlgə] dishonest [dis`onist]

"No, thank you, I never eat anything now; but it is very kind of you, all the same, and you are much nicer than the rest of your horrid, rude, vulgar, dishonest family."

"Stop (перестаньте)!" cried Virginia (воскликнула Вирджиния), stamping her foot (топнув ногой), "it is you who are rude (это вы грубый), and horrid (и ужасный), and vulgar (и вульгарный), and as for dishonesty (а что касается нечестности), you know you stole the paints out of my box (вы знаете, что вы похитили краски из моей коробки) to try and furbish up that ridiculous blood-stain in the library (для того, чтобы попытаться подновить это нелепое пятно крови в библиотеке; to furbish — полировать, чистить; обновлять). First you took all my reds (сначала вы взяли все мои красные тона), including the vermilion (включая киноварь), and I couldn't do any more sunsets (и я больше не могла рисовать закат солнца), then you took the emerald-green (затем вы взяли изумрудно-зеленую краску) and the chrome-yellow (и желтую), and finally I had nothing left but indigo and Chinese white (и наконец у меня не осталось ничего, кроме индиго и китайских белил), and could only do moonlight scenes (и я могла рисовать только лунные пейзажи), which are always depressing to look at (при взгляде на которые начинается депрессия; to look at — посмотреть на), and not at all easy to paint (а их совсем нелегко рисовать). I never told on you (я никогда не доносила на вас; to tell on smb.), though I was very much annoyed (хотя я была очень раздосадована), and it was most ridiculous (и это было очень нелепо), the whole thing (все это: «вся эта вещь»); for who ever heard of emerald-green blood (потому что кто когда-нибудь слышал об изумрудно-зеленой крови)?"

dishonesty [dis`onesti] furbish [`fə:bi∫] horrid [`horid]

"Stop!" cried Virginia, stamping her foot, "it is you who are rude, and horrid, and vulgar, and as for dishonesty, you know you stole the paints out of my box to try and furbish up that ridiculous blood-stain in the library. First you took all my reds, including the vermilion, and I couldn't do any more sunsets, then you took the emerald-green and the chrome-yellow, and finally I had nothing left but indigo and Chinese white, and could only do moonlight scenes, which are always depressing to look at, and not at all easy to paint. I never told on you, though I was very much annoyed, and it was most ridiculous, the whole thing; for who ever heard of emerald-green blood?"

"Well, really (да, на самом деле)," said the Ghost, rather meekly (довольно кротко), "what was I to do (/а/ что мне было делать)? It is a very difficult thing to get real blood nowadays (в наши дни очень трудно достать настоящую кровь), and, as your brother began it all with his Paragon Detergent (и с тех пор, как твой брат начал все это с моющим средством «Идеал»), I certainly saw no reason (я совершенно не видел причины) why I should not have your paints (почему я не должен был брать твои краски). As for colour (что касается цвета), that is always a matter of taste (это всего лишь дело вкуса): the Cantervilles have blue blood, for instance (например, Кентервили имели голубую кровь), the very bluest in England (самую голубую во всей Англии); but I know you Americans don't care for things of this kind (но я знаю, что американцы не обращают внимание на такие вещи; not to care — относиться с безразличием)."

nowadays [`nαυədeiz] meekly [`mi:kli] paints [peints]

"Well, really," said the Ghost, rather meekly, "what was I to do? It is a very difficult thing to get real blood nowadays, and, as your brother began it all with his Paragon Detergent, I certainly saw no reason why I should not have your paints. As for colour, that is always a matter of taste: the Cantervilles have blue blood, for instance, the very bluest in England; but I know you Americans don't care for things of this kind."

"You know nothing about it (вы ничего не знаете об этом), and the best thing you can do (и самое лучшее, что вы можете сделать) is to emigrate and improve your mind (это эмигрировать и усовершенствовать ваше мышление). My father will be only too happy to give you a free passage (мой отец будет счастлив обеспечить вам бесплатный проезд), and though there is a heavy duty on spirits of every kind (и хотя на спиртное/спиритическое любого рода таможенная пошлина очень высока; spirit — дух; spirits — алкоголь), there will be no difficulty about the Custom House (с таможней не будет никакой трудности), as the officers are all Democrats (так как служащие — все демократы). Once in New York (когда вы попадете в Нью-Йорк), you are sure to be a great success (вы без сомнения будете иметь большой успех). I know lots of people there (я знаю там многих людей), who would give a hundred thousand dollars (которые дали бы сотню тысяч долларов) to have a grandfather (чтобы иметь дедушку), and much more than that to have a family ghost (и гораздо больше — за семейное привидение; than that — чем это)."

emigrate [`emigreit] improve [im`pru:v] passage [`pæsidζ]

"You know nothing about it, and the best thing you can do is to emigrate and improve your mind. My father will be only too happy to give you a free passage, and though there is a heavy duty on spirits of every kind, there will be no difficulty about the Custom House, as the officers are all Democrats. Once in New York, you are sure to be a great success. I know lots of people there who would give a hundred thousand dollars to have a grandfather, and much more than that to have a family ghost."

"I don't think I should like America (я не думаю, что мне бы понравилась Америка)."

"I suppose because we have no ruins and no curiosities (я полагаю, потому что у нас нет руин и диковинок)," said Virginia, satirically (сказала Вирджиния с иронией)

suppose [sə`pəυz] ruins [`ru:inz] curiosities ["kjυəri`ositiz]

"I don't think I should like America."

"I suppose because we have no ruins and no curiosities," said Virginia, satirically.

"No ruins! no curiosities!" answered the Ghost; "you have your navy and your manners (у вас есть ваш флот и ваши манеры)."

"Good evening (до свидания); I will go and ask papa to get the twins an extra week's holiday (я пойду и попрошу папу устроить близнецам дополнительную неделю каникул)."

extra [`ekstrə] ask [α:sk] papa [pə`pα:]

"No ruins! no curiosities!" answered the Ghost; "you have your navy and your manners."

"Good evening; I will go and ask papa to get the twins an extra week's holiday."

"Please don't go, Miss Virginia (пожалуйста, не уходите)," he cried (воскликнул он); "I am so lonely and so unhappy (я так одинок и так несчастлив), and I really don't know what to do (и я действительно не знаю, что мне делать). I want to go to sleep and I cannot (я хочу заснуть, но я не могу)."

lonely [`ləυnli] unhappy [λn`hæpi] really [`riəli]

"Please don't go, Miss Virginia," he cried; "I am so lonely and so unhappy, and I really don't know what to do. I want to go to sleep and I cannot."

"That's quite absurd (это абсолютно нелепо)! You have merely to go to bed (вы всего лишь должны лечь в постель) and blow out the candle (и задуть свечу). It is very difficult sometimes to keep awake (иногда бывает очень трудно бодрствовать), especially at church (особенно в церкви), but there is no difficulty at all about sleeping (но уснуть совсем не трудно). Why, even babies know how to do that, and they are not very clever (ну, даже маленькие дети знают, как это сделать, а они не очень умны)."

absurd [əb`sə:d] merely [`miəli] clever [`klevə]

"That's quite absurd! You have merely to go to bed and blow out the candle. It is very difficult sometimes to keep awake, especially at church, but there is no difficulty at all about sleeping. Why, even babies know how to do that, and they are not very clever."

"I have not slept for three hundred years (я не спал триста лет)," he said sadly (грустно), and Virginia's beautiful blue eyes opened in wonder (и красивые голубые глаза Вирджинии широко распахнулись от удивления); "for three hundred years I have not slept (триста лет я не спал), and I am so tired (и я так устал)."

wonder [`wλndə] blue [blu:] eyes [aiz]

"I have not slept for three hundred years," he said sadly, and Virginia's beautiful blue eyes opened in wonder; "for three hundred years I have not slept, and I am so tired."

Virginia grew quite grave (Вирджиния стала совсем серьезной; to grow — расти; становиться), and her little lips trembled like rose-leaves (и ее маленькие губки затрепетали, как лепестки роз). She came towards him (она подошла к нему), and kneeling down at his side (и, встав на колени рядом с ним), looked up into his old withered face (посмотрела в его старое, морщинистое лицо).

rose-leaves [`rəυzli:vz] towards [tə`wo:dz] kneel [ni:l]

Virginia grew quite grave, and her little lips trembled like rose-leaves. She came towards him, and kneeling down at his side, looked up into his old withered face.

"Poor, poor Ghost (бедный, бедный призрак)," she murmured (прошептала она); "have you no place where you can sleep (разве у вас нет места, где вы могли бы спать)?"

рооr [pυə] murmur [`mə:mə]

"Poor, poor Ghost," she murmured; "have you no place where you can sleep?"

"Far away beyond the pine-woods (далеко за сосновыми лесами)," he answered (ответил он), in a low, dreamy voice (тихим, задумчивым голосом), "there is a little garden (есть небольшой сад). There the grass grows long and deep (там растет высокая трава: «длинная и глубокая»), there are the great white stars of the hemlock flower (там большие белые звезды болиголова), there the nightingale sings all night long (там соловей поет всю ночь напролет). All night long he sings (он поет всю ночь), and the cold crystal moon looks down (и холодная хрустальная луна смотрит вниз), and the yew-tree spreads out its giant arms over the sleepers (и тутовое дерево простирает свои огромные руки над спящими; giant — гигантский, громадный, исполинский)."

nightingale [`nαitiŋgeil] pine-woods [`painwυdz] dreamy[`dri:mi]

"Far away beyond the pine-woods," he answered, in a low, dreamy voice, "there is a little garden. There the grass grows long and deep, there are the great white stars of the hemlock flower, there the nightingale sings all night long. All night long he sings, and the cold crystal moon looks down, and the yew-tree spreads out its giant arms over the sleepers."

Virginia's eyes grew dim with tears (глаза Вирджинии наполнились слезами), and she hid her face in her hands (и она закрыла лицо руками).

"You mean the Garden of Death (вы имеете в виду Сад Смерти)," she whispered (прошептала она)."

death [deθ] whisper [`wispə]

Virginia's eyes grew dim with tears, and she hid her face in her hands.

“You mean the Garden of Death," she whispered.

"Yes, death (да, смерти). Death must be so beautiful (смерть, должно быть, так прекрасна). To lie in the soft brown earth (лежать в мягкой коричневой земле), with the grasses waving above one's head (с травами, развевающимися над головой), and listen to silence (и вслушиваться в безмолвие). To have no yesterday (не иметь ни вчерашнего дня), and no to-morrow (ни завтрашнего). To forget time (забыть о времени), to forget life (о жизни), to be at peace (находиться в покое). You can help me (ты можешь помочь мне). You can open for me the portals of death's house (ты можешь открыть для меня порталы дома смерти), for love is always with you (так как любовь всегда с тобой), and love is stronger than death is (а любовь сильнее, чем смерть)."

еarth [ə:θ] listen [lisn] portal [po:tl]

"Yes, death. Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no to-morrow. To forget time, to forget life, to be at peace. You can help me. You can open for me the portals of death's house, for love is always with you, and love is stronger than death is."

Virginia trembled (Вирджиния задрожала), a cold shudder ran through her (холодный озноб пробежал по ней), and for a few moments there was silence (и в течение нескольких секунд /стояла/ тишина). She felt as if she was in a terrible dream (она чувствовала себя так, как будто находилась в ужасном сне).

Then the ghost spoke again (затем призрак заговорил снова), and his voice sounded like the sighing of the wind (и его голос звучал как дуновение ветра; sigh — вздох; to sigh — вздыхать).

"Have you ever read the old prophecy on the library window (ты когда-нибудь читала старое предсказание на окне библиотеки)?"

sigh [sαi] prophecy [`profisi] window [`windəυ]

Virginia trembled, a cold shudder ran through her, and for a few moments there was silence. She felt as if she was in a terrible dream.

Then the ghost spoke again, and his voice sounded like the sighing of the wind.

"Have you ever read the old prophecy on the library window?"

"Oh, often (о, часто)," cried the little girl, looking up (воскликнула девочка, подняв вверх глаза); "I know it quite well (я знаю его довольно хорошо). It is painted in curious black letters (оно написано любопытными/странными черными буквами), and is difficult to read (и его трудно читать). There are only six lines (там только шесть строчек):

"'When a golden girl can win (когда золотоволосая девочка сможет добиться) Prayer from out the lips of sin (молитвы с губ грешника: «греха»), When the barren almond bears (когда зацветет бесплодный миндаль), And a little child gives away its tears (и дитя даст волю слезам: «отдаст свои слезы»), Then shall all the house be still (тогда весь дом затихнет) And peace come to Canterville (и покой придет в Кентервиль).

But I don't know what they mean (но я не знаю, что они означают)."

barren [`bærən] almond [`α:mənd]

"Oh, often," cried the little girl, looking up; "I know it quite well. It is painted in curious black letters, and is difficult to read. There are only six lines:

"'When a golden girl can win Prayer from out the lips of sin, When the barren almond bears, And a little child gives away its tears, Then shall all the house be still And peace come to Canterville.'

But I don't know what they mean."

"They mean (они означают)," he said, sadly (сказал он печально), "that you must weep with me for my sins (что ты должна оплакивать вместе со мной мои грехи), because I have no tears (потому что у меня нет слез), and pray with me for my soul (и молиться со мной за мою душу), because I have no faith (потому что у меня нет веры), and then (и затем), if you have always been sweet (если ты всегда будешь милосердной), and good (и доброй), and gentle (и нежной), the angel of death will have mercy on me (ангел смерти смилостивится надо мной). You will see fearful shapes in darkness (ты увидишь страшные фигуры в темноте), and wicked voices will whisper in your ear (и злые голоса будут шептать тебе на ухо), but they will not harm you (но они не причинят тебе зла), for against the purity of a little child the powers of Hell cannot prevail (так как над чистотой ребенка силы ада не могут одержать победы; to prevail — торжествовать /over/, одержать победу; преобладать, господствовать, превалировать)."

faith [feiθ] purity [`pjυəriti] prevail [pri`veil]

"They mean," he said, sadly, "that you must weep with me for my sins, because I have no tears, and pray with me for my soul, because I have no faith, and then, if you have always been sweet, and good, and gentle, the angel of death will have mercy on me. You will see fearful shapes in darkness, and wicked voices will whisper in your ear, but they will not harm you, for against the purity of a little child the powers of Hell cannot prevail."

Virginia made no answer (Вирджиния не ответила), and the ghost wrung his hands in wild despair (и призрак заломил руки в диком отчаянии; to wring — крутить, скручивать, выламывать) as he looked down at her bowed golden head (в то время как он взглянул на ее склоненную золотистую головку; to bow — гнуть, сгибать). Suddenly she stood up (внезапно она встала), very pale (очень бледная), and with a strange light in her eyes (и в ее глазах был странный свет).” I am not afraid (я не боюсь),” she said firmly (сказала она твердо), “and I will ask the angel to have mercy on you (и я попрошу ангела смилостивиться над вами)."

wrung [rλŋ] despair [dis`pεə] mercy [`mə:si]

Virginia made no answer, and the ghost wrung his hands in wild despair as he looked down at her bowed golden head. Suddenly she stood up, very pale, and with a strange light in her eyes. "I am not afraid," she said firmly, "and I will ask the angel to have mercy on you."

He rose from his seat with a faint cry of joy (он поднялся со своего места со слабым восклицанием радости; to rise), and taking her hand (и, взяв ее за руку) bent over it with old-fashioned grace (наклонился над ней со старомодной вежливостью; to bend — сгибаться; гнуться) and kissed it (и поцеловал ее /руку/). His fingers were as cold as ice (его пальцы были холодными как лед), and his lips burned like fire (и его губы обжигали как пламя), but Virginia did not falter (но Вирджиния не колебалась), as he led her across the dusky room (в то время как он вел ее через сумеречную комнату). On the faded green tapestry were broidered little huntsmen (на выцветшем зеленом гобелене были вышиты маленькие охотники; hunt — охота). They blew their tasselled horns (они дули в свои рожки с кисточками; to blow; tassel — кисточка /как украшение/) and with their tiny hands waved to her to go back (и своими крошечными руками они махали ей, призывая вернуться). "Go back! little Virginia (иди назад, маленькая Вирджиния)," they cried (кричали они), "go back (возвращайся)!" but the ghost clutched her hand more tightly (но призрак крепко держал ее за руку; to clutch — схватить; зажать; more tightly — еще крепче), and she shut her eyes against them (и она закрыла свои глаза, чтобы не видеть их; to shut — закрывать).

old-fashioned [`əυld`fæ∫ənd] falter [`fo:ltə] tightly[`taitli]

He rose from his seat with a faint cry of joy, and taking her hand bent over it with old-fashioned grace and kissed it. His fingers were as cold as ice, and his lips burned like fire, but Virginia did not falter, as he led her across the dusky room. On the faded green tapestry were broidered little huntsmen. They blew their tasselled horns and with their tiny hands waved to her to go back. "Go back! little Virginia," they cried, "go back!" but the ghost clutched her hand more tightly, and she shut her eyes against them.

Horrible animals with lizard tails and goggle eyes (ужасные животные с хвостами ящериц и выпученными глазами) blinked at her from the carven chimneypiece (смотрели на нее с резной каминной полки), and murmured (и шептали), "Beware (берегись)! little Virginia, beware! we may never see you again (мы можем никогда не увидеть тебя снова)," but the Ghost glided on more swiftly (но призрак двигался все быстрее; to glide — скользить; двигаться плавно), and Virginia did not listen (и Вирджиния не слушала). When they reached the end of the room he stopped (когда они достигли конца комнаты, он остановился), and muttered some words (и пробормотал несколько слов) she could not understand (которые она не смогла понять).

lizard [`lizəd] animal [`æniməl] eyes [aiz]

Horrible animals with lizard tails and goggle eyes blinked at her from the carven chimneypiece, and murmured, "Beware! little Virginia, beware! we may never see you again," but the Ghost glided on more swiftly, and Virginia did not listen. When they reached the end of the room he stopped, and muttered some words she could not understand.

She opened her eyes (она открыла глаза), and saw the wall slowly fading away like a mist (и увидела, как стена растворяется медленно, как туман; to fade — вянуть, увядать; постепенно исчезать, расплываться, растворяться), and a great black cavern in front of her (и большую темную пещеру перед ней = перед собой). A bitter cold wind swept round them (резкий холодный ветер дул вокруг них; to sweep — мести), and she felt something pulling at her dress (и она чувствовала, как что-то тянет ее за подол платья). "Quick, quick (быстрее, быстрее)," cried the Ghost (кричал призрак), "or it will be too late (или будет слишком поздно)," and in a moment the wainscoting had closed behind them (и через секунду панель закрылась за ними), and the Tapestry Chamber was empty (и Гобеленовая комната оказалась пустой).

cavern [`kævən] tapestry [`teipistri] chamber [`t∫eimbə]

She opened her eyes, and saw the wall slowly fading away like a mist, and a great black cavern in front of her. A bitter cold wind swept round them, and she felt something pulling at her dress. "Quick, quick," cried the Ghost, "or it will be too late," and in a moment the wainscoting had closed behind them, and the Tapestry Chamber was empty.