"The Canterville Ghost" - читать интересную книгу автора (Wilde Oscar)


Four days after these curious incidents (через четыре дня после этих любопытных событий), a funeral started from Canterville Chase at about eleven o'clock at night (примерно в одиннадцать часов вечера из Кентервиль Чейз вышла похоронная процессия). The hearse was drawn by eight black horses (похоронные дроги тащили восемь черных лошадей), each of which carried on its head a great tuft of nodding ostrich-plumes ( у каждой из которых на голове был большой пучок колыхающихся страусиных перьев; to carry — нести, везти), and the leaden coffin was covered by a rich purple pall (и свинцовый гроб был покрыт пурпурным покровом), on which was embroidered in gold the Canterville coat-of-arms (на котором был вышит золотом герб Кентервилей). By the side of the hearse and the coaches walked the servants with lighted torches (рядом с похоронными дрогами и экипажами шли слуги с зажженными факелами), and the whole procession was wonderfully impressive (и вся процессия производила исключительно глубокое впечатление: «была очень впечатляющей»).

funeral [`fju:nərəl] hearse [hə:s] pall [po:l]

Four days after these curious incidents, a funeral started from Canterville Chase at about eleven o'clock at night. The hearse was drawn by eight black horses, each of which carried on its head a great tuft of nodding ostrich-plumes, and the leaden coffin was covered by a rich purple pall, on which was embroidered in gold the Canterville coat-of-arms. By the side of the hearse and the coaches walked the servants with lighted torches, and the whole procession was wonderfully impressive.

Lord Canterville was the chief mourner (лорд Кентервиль был главным действующим лицом; to mourn — скорбеть, оплакивать; носить траур; mourner — присутствующий на похоронах; плакальщик), having come up specially from Wales to attend the funeral (приехавшим специально из Уэльса для того, чтобы посетить похороны), and sat in the first carriage along with little Virginia (и он сидел в первом экипаже вместе с маленькой Вирджинией). Then came the United States Minister and his wife (за ними следовали посол Соединенных Штатов и его жена), then Washington and the three boys (затем Вашингтон и трое мальчиков), and in the last carriage was Mrs. Umney (и в последнем экипаже была миссис Амней). It was generally felt that (у всех было такое ощущение, что), as she had been frightened by the ghost for more than fifty years of her life (так как привидение пугало ее в течение более чем пятидесяти лет), she had a right to see the last of him (она имела право проводить его в последний путь; the last — последнее).

mourner [`mo:nə] specially [`spe∫əli] carriage [`kæridζ]

Lord Canterville was the chief mourner, having come up specially from Wales to attend the funeral, and sat in the first carriage along with little Virginia. Then came the United States Minister and his wife, then Washington and the three boys, and in the last carriage was Mrs. Umney. It was generally felt that, as she had been frightened by the ghost for more than fifty years of her life, she had a right to see the last of him.

A deep grave had been dug in the corner of the churchyard (глубокая могила была вырыта в углу кладбища; to dig), just under the old yew-tree (как раз под старым тисовым деревом), and the service was read in the most impressive manner by the Rev. Augustus Dampier (и служба была проведена почтенным Огастусом Дампье в самой впечатляющей манере = и произвела глубокое впечатление; to read —читать). When the ceremony was over (когда церемония была закончена), the servants (слуги), according to an old custom observed in the Canterville family (в соответствии со старым обычаем, соблюдаемым в семье Кентервиль), extinguished their torches (погасили факелы), and, as the coffin was being lowered into the grave (и, в то время как гроб опускали в могилу), Virginia stepped forward (Вирджиния сделала шаг вперед), and laid on it a large cross made of white and pink almond-blossoms (и положила на него большой крест, сделанный из белых и розовых цветов миндаля; to lay).

churchyard [`t∫ə:t∫jα:d] service [`sə:vis] ceremony [`seriməni]

A deep grave had been dug in the corner of the churchyard, just under the old yew-tree, and the service was read in the most impressive manner by the Rev. Augustus Dampier. When the ceremony was over, the servants, according to an old custom observed in the Canterville family, extinguished their torches, and, as the coffin was being lowered into the grave, Virginia stepped forward, and laid on it a large cross made of white and pink almond-blossoms.

As she did so (в то время как она делала это), the moon came out from behind a cloud (луна вышла из-за тучи), and flooded with its silent silver the little churchyard (и залила своим серебристым светом маленькое кладбище), and from a distant copse a nightingale began to sing (и в отдаленном подлеске начал петь соловей; copse — роща; подлесок; кустарник). She thought of the ghost's description of the Garden of Death (она вспомнила описание Сада Смерти, данное призраком), her eyes became dim with tears (ее глаза наполнились слезами), and she hardly spoke a word during the drive home (и она не сказала почти ни одного слова во время поездки домой).

copse [kops] description [dis`krip∫n] word [wə:d]

As she did so, the moon came out from behind a cloud, and flooded with its silent silver the little churchyard, and from a distant copse a nightingale began to sing. She thought of the ghost's description of the Garden of Death, her eyes became dim with tears, and she hardly spoke a word during the drive home.

The next morning (на следующее утро), before Lord Canterville went up to town (прежде чем лорд Кентервиль уехал в город), Mr. Otis had an interview with him on the subject of the jewels (мистер Отис встретился с ним, чтобы поговорить о драгоценностях; subject — тема) the ghost had given to Virginia (которые призрак отдал Вирджинии). They were perfectly magnificent (они были совершенно великолепны), especially a certain ruby necklace with old Venetian setting (особенно рубиновое ожерелье в старинной венецианской оправе), which was really a superb specimen of sixteenth-century work (которое было действительно восхитительным образцом работы шестнадцатого века), and their value was so great (и их стоимость была настолько высока) that Mr. Otis felt considerable scruples (что мистер Отис почувствовал значительное сомнение) about allowing his daughter to accept them (относительно права его дочери принять их).

interview [`intəvju:] value [`vælju:] scruples [skru:plz]

The next morning, before Lord Canterville went up to town, Mr. Otis had an interview with him on the subject of the jewels the ghost had given to Virginia. They were perfectly magnificent, especially a certain ruby necklace with old Venetian setting, which was really a superb specimen of sixteenth-century work, and their value was so great that Mr. Otis felt considerable scruples about allowing his daughter to accept them.

"My lord," he said, "I know that in this country mortmain is held to apply to trinkets as well as to land (я знаю, что в этой стране существует право юридического лица, применимое к безделушкам, так же как и к земле) and it is quite clear to me (и мне совершенно ясно) that these jewels are (что эти драгоценности являются), or should be (или должны быть), heirlooms in your family (предметами наследства вашей семьи). I must beg you, accordingly (соответственно, я должен попросить вас), to take them to London with you (взять их с собой в Лондон), and to regard them simply as a portion of your propertу (и рассматривать их просто как часть вашей собственности) which has been restored to you under certain strange conditions (которая была возвращена вам при определенных странных условиях). As for my daughter (что касается моей дочери), she is merely a child (она еще совсем ребенок), and has as yet, I am glad to say (и пока что проявляет, я рад сказать), but little interest in such appurtenances of idle luxury (мало интереса к предметам праздной роскоши).

apply [ə`plαi] heirloom [`εəlu:m] luxury [`lλk∫əri]

"My lord," he said, "I know that in this country mortmain is held to apply to trinkets as well as to land, and it is quite clear to me that these jewels are, or should be, heirlooms in your family. I must beg you, accordingly, to take them to London with you, and to regard them simply as a portion of your property which has been restored to you under certain strange conditions. As for my daughter, she is merely a child, and has as yet, I am glad to say, but little interest in such appurtenances of idle luxury.

I am also informed by Mrs. Otis (я также был проинформирован миссис Отис), who, I may say, is no mean authority upon Art (которая, я могу сказать, является неплохим знатоком искусства) — having had the privilege of spending several winters in Boston (после того, как она провела несколько зим в Бостоне) when she was a girl (когда она была молодой девушкой), — that these gems are of great monetary worth (что эти драгоценности имеют высокую стоимость; monetary — монетный, денежный; worth — цена, стоимость, ценность), and if offered for sale would fetch a tall price (и будучи выставлены на продажу, могли бы принести много денег; a tall price — высокая цена).

privilege [`privilidζ] worth [wə:θ] tall [to:l]

I am also informed by Mrs. Otis, who, I may say, is no mean authority upon Art,—having had the privilege of spending several winters in Boston when she was a girl,—that these gems are of great monetary worth, and if offered for sale would fetch a tall price.

Under these circumstances (при этих обстоятельствах), Lord Canterville, I feel sure that you will recognize (я чувствую себя уверенным, что вы поймете) how impossible it would be for me (насколько невозможным было бы для меня) to allow them to remain in the possession of any member of my family (позволить им оставаться во владении кого-либо из членов моей семьи); and, indeed, all such vain gauds and toys (и, на самом деле, все эти бесполезные вещицы и игрушки), however suitable or necessary to the dignity of the British aristocracy (какими бы подходящими или необходимыми они бы ни были для достоинства английской аристократии), would be completely out of place among those (были бы совершенно неуместными среди тех), who have been brought up on the severe (кто воспитан на суровых), and I believe immortal (и я полагаю, бессмертных), principles of Republican simplicity (принципах республиканской простоты).

gauds [go:dz] suitable [`sju:təbl] necessary [`nesisəri]

Under these circumstances, Lord Canterville, I feel sure that you will recognize how impossible it would be for me to allow them to remain in the possession of any member of my family; and, indeed, all such vain gauds and toys, however suitable or necessary to the dignity of the British aristocracy, would be completely out of place among those who have been brought up on the severe, and I believe immortal, principles of Republican simplicity.

Perhaps I should mention (возможно, мне следовало бы упомянуть) that Virginia is very anxious (что Вирджиния очень хотела бы) that you should allow her to retain the box (чтобы вы разрешили ей оставить шкатулку), as a memento of your unfortunate but misguided ancestor (на память о вашем несчастном /но грешном/ предке; to misguide — неправильно направлять; вводить в заблуждение; to guide — вести, быть чьим-л. проводником; направлять). As it is extremely old (так как она /шкатулка/ очень старая; extremely — крайне), and consequently a good deal out of repair (и, соответственно, сильно нуждается в починке: «в значительной степени вне исправности»), you may perhaps think fit to comply with her request (может быть, вы сочли бы возможным согласиться с ее просьбой). For my own part (что касается меня), I confess I am a good deal surprised (я должен признаться, что я весьма удивлен), to find a child of mine expressing sympathy with mediævalism in any form (что мое дитя выражает симпатию по отношению к обычаям и верованиям, характерным для средневековья; medium ævum — средние века /лат./) and can only account for it by the fact (и я могу объяснить это только тем) that Virginia was born in one of your London suburbs (что Вирджиния родилась: «была рождена» в одном из ваших лондонских пригородов) shortly after Mrs. Otis had returned from a trip to Athens (вскоре после того, как миссис Отис вернулась из поездки в Афины)."

perhaps [pə`hæps] mention [men∫n] memento [me`mentəυ]

Perhaps I should mention that Virginia is very anxious that you should allow her to retain the box, as a memento of your unfortunate but misguided ancestor. As it is extremely old, and consequently a good deal out of repair, you may perhaps think fit to comply with her request. For my own part, I confess I am a good deal surprised to find a child of mine expressing sympathy with mediævalism in any form, and can only account for it by the fact that Virginia was born in one of your London suburbs shortly after Mrs. Otis had returned from a trip to Athens.”

Lord Canterville listened very gravely to the worthy Minister's speech (выслушал очень внимательно речь досточтимого посла; gravely — серьезно), pulling his grey moustache now and then (время от времени потягивая себя за седые усы) to hide an involuntary smile (чтобы скрыть невольную улыбку) and when Mr. Otis had ended (и когда мистер Отис закончил), he shook him cordially by the hand (он сердечно пожал ему руку), and said: "My dear sir (мой дорогой сэр), your charming little daughter rendered my unlucky ancestor, Sir Simon, a very important service (ваша очаровательная дочь оказала моему несчастному предку, сэру Саймону, очень важную услугу), and I and my family are much indebted to her (и я, и моя семья в большом долгу перед ней; debt — долг) for her marvellous courage and pluck (за ее исключительное мужество и бесстрашие).

moustache [məs`tα:∫] marvellous [`mα:vələs] debt [det] courage [`kλridζ]

Lord Canterville listened very gravely to the worthy Minister's speech, pulling his grey moustache now and then to hide an involuntary smile, and when Mr. Otis had ended, he shook him cordially by the hand, and said: "My dear sir, your charming little daughter rendered my unlucky ancestor, Sir Simon, a very important service, and I and my family are much indebted to her for her marvellous courage and pluck.

The jewels are clearly hers (драгоценности, без сомнения, принадлежат ей: «ясно/очевидно ее»), and, egad (и, ей-богу), I believe that if I were heartless enough to take them from her (я полагаю, что если бы я был таким бессердечным и забрал бы их у нее), the wicked old fellow would be out of his grave in a fortnight (грешный старик выбрался бы из могилы через две недели), leading me the devil of a life (показав мне, где черти зимуют; devil of a life — «дьявольская жизнь»; devil — дьявол). As for their being heirlooms (что касается их принадлежности к наследству; heirloom — фамильная собственность; фамильная ценность; heir — наследник), nothing is an heirloom that is not so mentioned in a will or legal document (ничто не является наследством, что не указано в завещании или юридическом документе; to mention — упоминать), and the existence of these jewels has been quite unknown (а о существовании этих драгоценностей ничего не было известно). I assure you (я уверяю вас) I have no more claim on them than your butler (у меня не больше прав на них, чем у вашего дворецкого), and when Miss Virginia grows up (и когда мисс Вирджиния подрастет), I dare say (я смею сказать), she will be pleased to have pretty things to wear (ей будет приятно носить хорошенькие вещицы).

heartless [`hα:tlis] fortnight [`fo:tnαit] wear [wεə]

The jewels are clearly hers, and, egad, I believe that if I were heartless enough to take them from her, the wicked old fellow would be out of his grave in a fortnight, leading me the devil of a life. As for their being heirlooms, nothing is an heirloom that is not so mentioned in a will or legal document, and the existence of these jewels has been quite unknown. I assure you I have no more claim on them than your butler, and when Miss Virginia grows up, I dare say she will be pleased to have pretty things to wear.

Besides, you forget (кроме того, вы забыли) Mr. Otis, that you took the furniture and the ghost at a valuation (что вы взяли привидение вместе с мебелью; valuation — оценка, определение ценности), and anything that belonged to the ghost (и все, что принадлежало призраку) passed at once into your possession (перешло сразу же в вашу собственность), as, whatever activity Sir Simon may have shown in the corridor at night (так как, какую бы деятельность сэр Саймон не проявлял в коридоре по ночам) in point of law he was really dead (с точки зрения закона он действительно мертв) and you acquired his property by purchase (и вы получили его собственность, купив ее; purchase — приобретение недвижимого имущества в собственность, покупка имущества)."

possession [pə`ze∫n] law [lo:] acquire [ə`kwαiə] purchase [`pə:t∫əs]

Besides, you forget, Mr. Otis, that you took the furniture and the ghost at a valuation, and anything that belonged to the ghost passed at once into your possession, as, whatever activity Sir Simon may have shown in the corridor at night, in point of law he was really dead, and you acquired his property by purchase."

Mr. Otis was a good deal distressed at Lord Canterville's refusal (был очень расстроен отказом лорда Кентервиля), and begged him to reconsider his decision (и умолял его изменить свое решение; to reconsider — пересматривать, обдумывать заново; to consider — рассматривать, обсуждать; взвешивать, обдумывать), but the good-natured peer was quite firm (но добродушный пэр был совершенно непоколебим; firm — крепкий, прочный, твердый), and finally induced the Minister to allow his daughter to retain the present the ghost had given her (и, наконец, заставил посла разрешить его дочери оставить себе подарок, который призрак дал ей), and when, in the spring of 1890 (и когда, весной 1890 года) , the young Duchess of Cheshire was presented at the Queen's first drawing-room (молодая герцогиня Чеширская была представлена в первой гостиной королевы), on the occasion of her marriage (по поводу ее вступления в брак), her jewels were the universal theme of admiration (ее драгоценности вызвали всеобщее восхищение; theme — тема).

decision [di`siζn] occasion [ə`keiζən] marriage [`mæridζ] theme [θi:m]

Mr. Otis was a good deal distressed at Lord Canterville's refusal, and begged him to reconsider his decision, but the good-natured peer was quite firm, and finally induced the Minister to allow his daughter to retain the present the ghost had given her, and when, in the spring of 1890, the young Duchess of Cheshire was presented at the Queen's first drawing-room on the occasion of her marriage, her jewels were the universal theme of admiration.

For Virginia received the coronet (так как Вирджиния получила диадему), which is the reward of all good little American girls (которая является наградой всем хорошим маленьким американским девочкам), and was married to her boy-lover as soon as he came of age (и вышла замуж за своего друга юных лет, как только он достиг совершеннолетия). They were both so charming (они оба были так очаровательны), and they loved each other so much (и они так сильно любили друг друга), that every one was delighted at the match (что все были в восторге от этой пары), except the old Marchioness of Dumbleton (за исключением старой маркизы Думбльтонской), who had tried to catch the Duke for one of her seven unmarried daughters (которая пыталась подцепить герцога для одной из своих незамужних дочерей; to catch — поймать), and had given no less than three expensive dinner-parties for that purpose (и дала не менее трех дорогих обедов для этой цели), and, strange to say, Mr. Otis himself (и, как ни странно, самого мистера Отиса).

coronet [`korənit] reward [ri`wo:d] age [eidζ] purpose [`pə:pəs]

For Virginia received the coronet, which is the reward of all good little American girls, and was married to her boy-lover as soon as he came of age. They were both so charming, and they loved each other so much, that every one was delighted at the match, except the old Marchioness of Dumbleton, who had tried to catch the Duke for one of her seven unmarried daughters, and had given no less than three expensive dinner-parties for that purpose, and, strange to say, Mr. Otis himself.

Mr. Otis was extremely fond of the young Duke personally (сам: «лично» очень любил молодого герцога) , but, theoretically (но теоретически), he objected to titles (он был против титулов), and, to use his own words (и, используя его собственные слова), "was not without apprehension (побаивался; apprehension — опасение, мрачное предчувствие) lest, amid the enervating influences of a pleasure-loving aristocracy (что под влиянием действующей ему на нервы любящей праздность аристократии; lest — чтобы не, как бы не; что /после глаголов и фраз, обозначающих опасение: вводит дополнение, обозначающее событие, которого опасаются/) true principles of Republican simplicity should be forgotten (подлинно республиканская простота могла быть забыта)." His objections, however, were completely overruled (однако его возражения были полностью отвергнуты; to overrule — брать верх, одержать победу отклонять, отказывать; отменять /чье-л. решение/; отвергать; to rule — властвовать), and I believe (и я полагаю) that when he walked up the aisle of St. George's, Hanover Square (что когда он шел вдоль прохода церкви Святого Джорджа на Ганновер Сквер; aisle — боковой неф храма; придел; проход /между рядами в церкви/), with his daughter leaning on his arm (с дочерью, опирающейся на его руку), there was not a prouder man in the whole length and breadth of England (во всей Англии не было более гордого человека; length — длина; breadth — ширина).

personally [`pə:sənəli] theoretically [θiə`retikəli] apprehension ["æpri`hen∫n] aisle [ail]

Mr. Otis was extremely fond of the young Duke personally, but, theoretically, he objected to titles, and, to use his own words, "was not without apprehension lest, amid the enervating influences of a pleasure-loving aristocracy, the true principles of Republican simplicity should be forgotten." His objections, however, were completely overruled, and I believe that when he walked up the aisle of St. George's, Hanover Square, with his daughter leaning on his arm, there was not a prouder man in the whole length and breadth of England.

The Duke and Duchess (герцог и герцогиня), after the honeymoon was over (после того, как прошел их медовый месяц), went down to Canterville Chase (вернулись в Кентервиль Чейз), and on the day after their arrival (и в день своего прибытия) they walked over in the afternoon to the lonely churchyard by the pine-woods (они пошли после полудня к безлюдному кладбищу возле соснового леса). There had been a great deal of difficulty at first (сначала было очень трудно) about the inscription on Sir Simon's tombstone (выбрать надпись для надгробного камня сэра Саймона; tomb — могила; надгробие), but finally it had been decided (но, в конце концов, было решено) to engrave on it simply the initials of the old gentleman's name (просто выгравировать на нем инициалы старого джентльмена), and the verse from the library window (и стихотворение с окна библиотеки).

honeymoon [`hλnimu:n] arrival [ə`rαivəl] tombstone [`tu:mstəυn]

The Duke and Duchess, after the honeymoon was over, went down to Canterville Chase, and on the day after their arrival they walked over in the afternoon to the lonely churchyard by the pine-woods. There had been a great deal of difficulty at first about the inscription on Sir Simon's tombstone, but finally it had been decided to engrave on it simply the initials of the old gentleman's name, and the verse from the library window.

The Duchess had brought with her some lovely roses (герцогиня принесла с собой красивые розы), which she strewed upon the grave (которыми она усыпала могилу: «которые она рассыпала на могиле»), and after they had stood by it for some time (и после того, как они постояли возле нее некоторое время) they strolled into the ruined chancel of the old abbey (они зашли в разрушенный алтарь старого аббатства; to stroll — прогуливаться, бродить, гулять /обычно медленно, праздно/). There the Duchess sat down on a fallen pillar (там герцогиня села на поваленную колонну), while her husband lay at her feet smoking a cigarette (в то время как ее муж лег возле ее ног, куря сигарету) and looking up at her beautiful eyes (и глядя в ее прекрасные глаза). Suddenly he threw his cigarette away (внезапно он отшвырнул сигарету; to throw away), took hold of her hand (взял ее за руку; to take hold of smth. — взяться за что-л., схватить что-л.), and said to her (и сказал ей), "Virginia, a wife should have no secrets from her husband (жена не должна иметь секретов от мужа)."

strew [stru:] stroll [strəυl] chancel [`t∫λnsəl]

The Duchess had brought with her some lovely roses, which she strewed upon the grave, and after they had stood by it for some time they strolled into the ruined chancel of the old abbey. There the Duchess sat down on a fallen pillar, while her husband lay at her feet smoking a cigarette and looking up at her beautiful eyes. Suddenly he threw his cigarette away, took hold of her hand, and said to her, "Virginia, a wife should have no secrets from her husband."

"Dear Cecil (дорогой Сесиль)! I have no secrets from you (у меня нет от тебя секретов)."

"Yes, you have (нет, есть)," he answered, smiling (ответил он, улыбаясь), "you have never told me (ты никогда не рассказывала мне) what happened to you (что случилось с тобой) when you were locked up with the ghost (когда ты была наедине: «заперта» с призраком)."

"I have never told any one (я никому не рассказывала), Cecil," said Virginia, gravely (серьезно).

"I know that (я это знаю), but you might tell me (но ты могла бы рассказать мне)."

dear [diə] know [nəυ]

"Dear Cecil! I have no secrets from you."

"Yes, you have," he answered, smiling, "you have never told me what happened to you when you were locked up with the ghost."

"I have never told any one, Cecil," said Virginia, gravely.

"I know that, but you might tell me."

"Please don't ask me (пожалуйста, не спрашивай меня), Cecil, I cannot tell you (я не могу рассказать тебе). Poor Sir Simon (бедный сэр Саймон)! I owe him a great deal (я многим обязана ему). Yes, don't laugh (да, не смейся), Cecil, I really do (это действительно так). He made me see what Life is (он дал мне увидеть/ понять, что такое Жизнь), and what Death signifies (и что значит Смерть), and why Love is stronger than both (и почему Любовь сильнее, чем они /обе/)."

please [pli:z] owe [əυ] laugh [lα:f]

"Please don't ask me, Cecil, I cannot tell you. Poor Sir Simon! I owe him a great deal. Yes, don't laugh, Cecil, I really do. He made me see what Life is, and what Death signifies, and why Love is stronger than both."

The Duke rose and kissed his wife lovingly (герцог поднялся и поцеловал свою жену с любовью).

"You can have your secret as long as I have your heart (ты можешь хранить свой секрет, пока я могу владеть твоим сердцем)," he murmured (прошептал он).

"You have always had that (оно всегда было у тебя), Cecil."

"And you will tell our children some day, won't you (но ты расскажешь нашим детям когда-нибудь, не правда ли)?"

Virginia blushed (покраснела).

lovingly [`lλviŋli] heart [hα:t] always [`o:lwəz] blush [blλ∫]

The Duke rose and kissed his wife lovingly.

"You can have your secret as long as I have your heart," he murmured.

"You have always had that, Cecil."

"And you will tell our children some day, won't you?"

Virginia blushed.