"The Young Swappers" - читать интересную книгу автора (Thomas Raymond)


A triumphant air of enthusiasm filled Joel’s entire being as a result of what happened that weekend in Palm Springs.

He liked the fact that his wife Sheila had been willing to extend herself far beyond her former limits and engage in a variety of sex activities with another man. Even though there was a side of him that felt a tinge of jealousy toward Mickey, his friend, he couldn’t help but feel that in the final analysis everything had worked out to his benefit.

He was convinced that, after having experienced such passionate lovemaking with Faye, that a new era bad arrived in his life. From that point on he would enjoy a greater variety of sex from Sheila, and would be able to occasionally have sex with Faye as well.

In the days immediately following the weekend escapade, however, he was disappointed by sudden developments that occurred in his life.

Once that Sheila was removed from both Mickey and Faye, she began to sink back into her old shell, but with one basic difference. Now she was overridden with guilt, feeling that she had done something terrible by allowing herself to be talked into swapping.

By the middle of the following week, Joel came home one evening with an enormous hard-on. He had been out testing his automobile all afternoon, and after taking a shower, his prick was standing on en4 to such a nervous extent that he felt he needed immediate release.

He walked into the bedroom, where Sheila was reading a magazine. She wore nothing but a red robe over her panties and bra, and as Joel opened the door, standing there completely nude, he was already mentally undressing Sheila. He knew that all he would have to do would be to remove the sash from her robe, then attack her panties and bra, after which he would have her in the same naked state in which he was presently immersed.

“I came in here to bring a little joy into your life,” Joel smiled.

His wife immediately put down the magazine, looking up at Joel defensively.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I mean I want to ball with you,” he chuckled. “It’s been quite a little while, baby. Mickey got all the action last weekend.”

“Let’s completely forget about that,” she said sadly.

“Why the hell should we? I thought it was great. We had an opportunity to let ourselves go.”

“I guess you developed quite an admiration for Faye.”

“No more than your admiration for Mickey. But what’s wrong with that? I felt it would be the perfect thing to get you to remove some of your hang-ups. As a matter of fact, I’m still convinced we did the right thing. I’m sorry you’re not.”

“I feel quite the opposite. I’m convinced we were dead wrong about it all. It’s so sinister, so tragic that people would get together and do something like that.”

“What’s wrong with a little swapping? Hell, it’s good for people to change partners every now and then.”

“I don’t agree. We’re in complete disagreement,” she snapped.

“I don’t like to disagree with you, honey. Especially when I’ve got such an enormous hard-on.”

“Take it somewhere else,” she snapped. “And I don’t mean to some other woman.

Can’t you jerk off or something?” ‘What do you mean by that? I want to fuck you. After all, you are my wife.”

“I’m not in the mood. I’m sorry.” "That’s a hell of a blow to hit a guy with.”

“I haven’t recovered from that terrible ordeal. I can’t even think about sex now. It all seems so dirty to me.”

“Even having sex with your own husband?”

“Especially that,” she nodded.

“And why is that?”

“Because you were the instigator of this whole thing. I’ll bet it was you more than Mickey who dreamed this thing up.”

“I cannot tell a lie,” he replied sharply. “We both had an equal hand in it.”

“I’ll bet.”

“If you don’t want to believe me, that’s your business.” -At that point Joel looked down at his cock. He realized just how fast it was shriveling up. Whereas it had been standing tall and proud just a few moments earlier, the argument with Sheila had completely taken the edge off of him. He lost his erection.

“I guess you’ve taken care of the sex,” he raised his voice belligerently. “You argued me out of it.”

“I think it’s best for both of us.”

“How would you know?”

“Psychologically that’s what we should do. We should just go without it for a little while. That’ll give us time to think. To reflect on how stupid our actions were last weekend.”

“I had a fucking ball,” Joel replied steadfastly. “Faye was a beautiful woman, and you certainly seemed to enjoy it with Mickey.”

“For the time being, I guess I did. I guess a woman can talk herself into enjoying just about anything for a little while. But the more I thought about it, the more I recognized just what a mistake I’d made. I’m not going to become some slut who’s sleeping with every guy in town, even though you might think that it’s the thing to do. That to me isn’t jet-set life. That’s just plain insanity.

“Sorry you don’t see it my way,” Joel said. He was fuming as he walked out of the bed-room.

Joel walked into the bathroom and put his clothes back on, then walked into the living room.

He was so miffed at Sheila that he didn’t even want to sleep with her that evening. He would instead sleep on the couch, something he only resorted to when he was extremely angry.

His frustrations were so acute that he found himself unable to go to sleep.

First he reflected on his wife’s attitude. But then, after those thoughts departed from his mind, he began thinking about Faye once more.

His mind’s eye conjured up her sinuous hips and smooth, jutting breasts. He envisioned himself once more letting his fingers turn themselves loose on her tits while his cock was grinding eagerly inside her mound.

Thoughts of Faye got him so agitated that he knew he had to walk into the bathroom.

Joel locked the door behind him, then sat down on the toilet seat.

While he closed his eyes and envisioned Faye’s beautiful blonde form before him, he reached down with his right hand and tugged earnestly on his cock.

“If I can’t get it one way, I’ll get it another,” Joel told himself.

A few moments later he released the burning juices from his cock. Faye, even in her absence, had done the trick for him.

As he walked back into the living room, lying back down on the couch, he thought about Sheila once more. If she didn’t change her attitude fast, he was going to have to find another outlet for sex.

He wasn’t about to be bowled over by her childish attitude. Not when his sexual demands were that great. After all, he thought, could he help it if he got hard that fast and that often? Or, better yet, could he help it that his wife was that up-tight about the idea of having uninhibited sex?

Again his thoughts turned in the direction of Faye. He wondered just what she was doing at that moment. He contemplated the possibility of Faye rolling in the sheets with her husband, Sand immediately he began to envy Mickey.

Joel recalled how eagerly Faye had put her tongue to work on his cock. He remembered the itchiness he felt in his penis and scrotum as she went to work, driving her tongue with vigorous authority, completely taking charge as she pushed him toward climax. Joel’s thoughts were dominated by Faye.

The following day, when he heard from a member of his pit crew that Mickey had taken a plane to North Carolina, where he would be participating in a race that weekend, Joel find himself asking the obvious question.

“Did Faye go with his?”

“No, she’s staying home this time,” the man said. “She said she’s getting traveling that much. After been getting around lately.”

“That he has.”

Joel made certain that he little early that day. Things enough to where he could cut rare occasions a little tired of all, Mickey has left the track a were going well a few corners on His cock hardened in his trousers just thinking about Faye. The first thing he did was to drive toward a beer bar he frequented a few blocks from the track.

While he sat and sipped his beer, he thought some more about Faye. Even though he badly wanted to call her, he didn’t want to upset his relationship with Sheila any more either. She had been acting downright neurotic, he thought, during the past few days, and he did not want to experience any more domestic problems than what were already manifest.

Soon his instincts won out, and he got up from the stool after taking a long sip of beer, walking toward the telephone at the rear of the building.

He quickly dialed Fay’s number, sucking in his breath. He kept telling himself he was being foolish to feel that intense or nervous, but recognizing the state of his nervousness made him realize just how much Faye did mean to him.

The phone was not answered until the fourth ring.

“Hello,” he heard Faye’s distinctly female voice say.

“Faye? That you?” he began as a matter of formality.

“It certainly is. Who’s that?”

“This is Joel.”

A long pause followed.

“How are you, Joel?”

“Starved for sex.”

“How about Sheila?”

“She’s been impossible since last weekend.”

“You know, I was kind a afraid of that. She was acting a little up-tight about it all. It wasn’t anything all that obvious, but you know how we women are. Our intuition and all.”

“Apparently you picked up on it before I did.”

“That’s too bad.”

“I heard that Mickey left today for North Carolina.”

“That’s right. I was getting tired of all that travel. I decided to sit this one out.”

“I’m glad you did.”

“Why is that?“

“Because now we can get together.”

“Do you really think we should?”

“I’ll let you answer that. Didn’t we have a beautiful rapport?”

“I did love every second of it.”

“Then let’s do it again.”

“For God’s sake, we sure can’t meet over at my place.”

“Or mine. I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you meet me at this little motel, the Outpost. It’s just a few blocks from the track.”

“All right, my dear. I’ll see you there in about a half an hour.”

As he hung up the phone, he felt his cock hardening even more. The only problem would be containing himself for another half hour.

Joel ordered another beer, which he sipped, nervously passing the moments.

Every few seconds he would look up at the clock, wanting the minutes to pass more rapidly so that he could go over and meet Faye.

He finally finished the beer, getting up from the stool and walking out into the parking lot. He got into his car and drove over toward the motel where he was slated to meet Faye.

He parked in the lot, waiting pensively, tapping the fingers of his right hand against his right knee.

A few moments later he observed Faye pulling into the driveway behind the wheel of a light brown Mustang.

She had a scarf completely covering her beautiful blond hair, and, in an even further attempt to disguise her identity, she wore thick dark glasses.

She got out of the car, wearing a sparkling white pants suit. As he observed her beautiful construction, her body fitting snugly into the pants suit, his hard throbbing joy stick subbed more briskly than ever against the outline of his trousers.

Faye immediately observed his huge erection.

“I guess we’d better get started fast,” she smiled, “because otherwise you’re gonna have a hemorrhage.”

“I know I’ll shoot off my juice.”

They walked side-by-side toward the office, signing in, then walking toward their room.

It was a dusty room that had seen its better days long before, but as far as Joel was concerned it was a palace. Anywhere he could be alone with Faye would serve the purpose.

“I’ve got an idea,” Faye smiled, pulling off her scarf, then removing her dark glasses.

“I’m always interested in any idea you’ve got.”

“Let’s take a shower together. That would be very romantic.”

“I’ll say it would.”

Faye watched as Joel immediately began to tug at his clothing. He tore off his shirt, then pulled his T-shirt over his head. He undid his trousers, removing them, after which he took off his shorts.

When she saw just how hard his penis was, she walked over toward him briskly.

Her anxious fingers reached out and grabbed a quick feel of his cock. At first she was content to squeeze just the tip of his erect member, but soon her curiosity extended itself to the point where she was working her fingers up and down the full length of his organ. She then let them go to work on his balls, which she tickled.

“Take your fingers off,” he gasped. “Otherwise I’ll juice right now.”

“You really are horny Sir.” "You're damned right I am. Horny for you, baby. I’m really sorry I didn’t meet you when we were both single. I wish I was married to you right now.”

“Don’t say that, Joel. That’s a terrible dig to poor Sheila. She’s a beautiful girl, even if she might have a few hang-ups about sex.”

“She’s getting me real irked with her hang-ups. I’m getting sick of it, honey.”

Joel reached out and began to unbutton her pants suit. He undid the buttons then tugged at her arm, pulling her over toward the bed.

As she sprawled out on the bed, he began to remove her garments.

When he got his first look at her under wear clad body, his first such opportunity since the past weekend, he thought he would have to orgasm immediately. In order to restrain himself, he had to turn his head away.

When he resumed his finger movements, he reached out and undid her bra.

His fingers moved resolutely at the straps that held her bra together. He pulled off the bra, watching as it dropped down toward the floor.

When her ivory breasts dropped forward, falling and giving him an opportunity to gaze upon them, he knew he had to toy with her breasts immediately.

But first he would finish the act of undressing her by removing her panties. He sank his fingers underneath the white lace, touching her firm, warm, highly inviting skin.

He found himself pinching out at her flesh, enjoying, the reaction he received when her whole body started to quiver.

His fingers went back to the elastic around her panties. He pulled down on them swiftly. Sometimes he liked a longer, more ceremonial undressing act, but this wasn’t one of those occasions. When he was that starved for sex, be was short on formalities and long on immediate action.

He removed her panties, then moved his body upward toward her breasts.

As she lay on her back, wondering what his next course of action would be, Joel brought his cock downward toward the shadowy valley which separated her ripe, pendulous breasts.

Joel liked exercising his cock briskly over her firm flesh, and as he thrust his body forward slowly, he felt the sensations gathering within him. It was like the precipitation of an earthquake. A few hot strokes into the act he could feel the burning itchiness in both his cock and balls. He was convinced that it wouldn’t be long before he would have to erupt, to explode his juices.

Following a few firm, brisk strokes between her breasts, he lifted his cock and brought it into immediate contact with her left tit.

He circulated his cock up and down, letting the throbbing pace develop with a great eagerness as he kept up the dynamic rhythm.

While his cock continued to briskly clash with her hot breast, he reached out with both hands and fondled her left breast and nipple.

After he kept up his steady grinding movements a little while, he removed his cock from her left breast and worked it over toward her right.

‘The searing impact continued as he kept up his thorough pace, driving his cock up and down steadily over her breasts. Every time that they made decisive contact he felt that much closer to climax.

Joel timed his movements very carefully, and, when it appeared that he was on the verge of unloading his juices, Joel quickly released his cock from her breast.

“What a workout,” she giggled.

“I thought you’d like that kind of friction.”

“Should we get into the shower now?”

“I can’t think of a better time to do it,” Joel nodded.

He watched as Faye slowly lifted her beautiful nude form upward from the bed.

He could see the soft sensuality in her calves and thighs as she eased herself to her feet.

Joel looked up at her breasts, which invitingly danced before his eyes. He knew he needed additional contact with them, and once they jumped into the shower together, be recognized that would be one of his chief incentives.

He watched the way that Faye’s hot white globes of ass flesh wiggled seductively as she walked.

Joel couldn’t help but think that Faye possessed as perfectly constructed an ass as he had ever seen. It certainly was as firm and as well rounded as any he had seen, including his wife’s.

Just as Faye was opening the door to the bathroom, Joel reached out behind her and cupped his fingers around her buttocks.

He squeezed good and hard, admiring the firmness of her lovely skin. He let his fingers press firmly against her ass cheeks until he saw lines of redness beginning to form.

Joel decided that it was time to remove his fingers from her ass cheeks and turn his attentions elsewhere.

He walked into the bathroom, leaning over and turning on the shower faucets.

Before he knew it, the water was coming out with just the proper degree of warmth that he desired.

“Just wait until I get you inside here,” he looked at his lover and winked, eyeing her body with lewd desire.

Faye stood with her hands on her hips. Just to give him an indication of what was to come, she thrust her body forward ever so slightly, giving him a good look at her pussy.

He admired the soft way that her pussy hairs sparkled against the penetration of the afternoon sun that filtered in through a tiny window just above the shower spray.

He eyed her snatch for a few moments, observing her pink vaginal femininity beneath the curled white pubic hair.