"The Young Swappers" - читать интересную книгу автора (Thomas Raymond)

Chapter 3

Joel left for Northern California on Friday.

Sheila begged off from going with him on the trip, deciding to stay home. The races made her nervous, and she quite frequently decided against going to them.

Joel fared well in Sunday’s race, finishing a close second to the race’s winner.

He immediately called Sheila following the race, letting her know that he was in good health, and had finished in the runner-up spot.

After he finishes talking to Sheila, Joel decided to go across the street to a restaurant-bar and have something to eat and drink.

As he walked inside, threading his way toward the bar in the crowded restaurant, a number of well-wishers slapped him on the back.

A race car owner stopped him and exclaimed: “I predict you’ll be the best driver in this whole circuit in a few years.”

“I don’t know about that,” Joel smiled. “There are a lot of good ones around.”

“I know what I’m talking about. I’ve been in this business better than twenty years, son.” The man asserted.

Joel thanked him kindly, then began walking closer to the bar.

Just as he was about to sit down at the bar, he heard a friendly and familiar voice calling out to him.

“Come over here, Joel,” he recognized Mickey Durrell’s voice.

He turned and walked toward the table, where Mickey was polishing off dessert.

Sitting next to him was his overpoweringly beautiful blonde wife, Faye.

It was about the third time that Joel had seen Faye in the last few weeks, and every time that he feasted his eyes in her direction, he became more impressed with her beauty of face and figure.

“How’s it going folks?” Joel looked at Mickey and Faye, grinning.

“Just fine. Congratulations,” Faye said. “You drove a very good race.”

“You’re very kind, thank you,” he replied.

“You sure did, old pal. Sit down and join us,” Mickey said, pulling out a chair.

“I think you would have won that race, if it hadn’t been for those mechanical problems,” Joel exclaimed.

“Who knows,” Mickey shrugged.

Joel was referring to a mechanical failure that afflicted Mickey in the first few laps of the race. As a result of it, he was forced to bow out, unable to continue.

“You really have had the tough breaks, Mickey, and I’m awfully sorry,” Joel said.

“I’ve been around this circuit for a few years,” Mickey grinned. “I know that these things even themselves out if you stick around long enough. So I’m not sweating it.”

“I guess my husband is what you’d call an incurable optimist,” Faye laughed.

As Joel sat there with the Durrell’s, his cock couldn’t help but harden every time that he glanced Faye’s way. He recognized this burning restlessness that was pervading his inner spirit. Whereas for a while his eyes had remained exclusively Sheila, or at least almost exclusively, now he was developing a roving eye.

They talked for a few minutes, after which the waitress came over and took away the plates.

“I can stand a beer,” Mickey said. “Make that three beers.”

“If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll be leaving,” Faye smiled, getting up from the table. “You two guys have a beer. I’m gonna go back to the hotel and take a nap.”

“You want to turn in this early?” Mickey looked at her with surprise.

“You know how it is the day of the race,” Faye smiled. “I go through every twist and turn with you, darling.”

“I guess it is good to have a devoted wife.” Mickey winked at Joel.

“It sure is,” Joel replied.

Joel got up from his chair, smiling cordially at Faye as she walked away.

“Congratulations again,” she said.

As Joel watched Faye walk toward the door, he observed the manner in which her curvaceous buttocks rotated back and forth.

“That’s some kind of a great woman you’ve got there, Mickey,” Joel exclaimed.

“Yeah, she’s alright,” Mickey said a little tensely. “Aren’t you gonna have any dinner?”

“Not until later. I usually can’t eat until long after a race.”

“I used to be that way. It wore off.”

“For a guy’s who’s pretty young, you sure sound like an old pro.”

“You’re what, twenty-three?”

“That’s right.”

“I’m three years older. But three years in this business on somebody else can be like ten in anything else.”

“Maybe you’re right. Anyway, that Faye is sure a gorgeous woman. I’ll bet you’re really proud of her.”

“I am,” he said, a little dismally, taking a sip from his beer.

“You really don’t sound it.”

“How can I say it,” Mickey shook his head painfully. “You reach a point in a marriage where you start feeling a little restless. I was a rookie driver if nineteen when I meet Faye. She was a racing queen of this race I was in-in this little town in Washington. I feel for her real quick, damned hard. No sooner did I get a kiss from her in the winner’s circle than I was asking her out.

Would you believe. That same night we were banging back in my hotel room, but she wasn’t the type who was gonna be laid by just anybody wither. It just so happened that we were on each other’s wave length.”

“That’s a beautiful thing. I don’t know what you’re complaining about.”

“It’s just after seven years of marriage, you find out that some of the tunes get old. It’s a hard thing to explain. Sure she’s beautiful, and sure she tries for everything she’s worth to please me. But, as I said, the music kinda gets stale.”

“Surely you’re not thinking of divorcing her.”

“No, not that,” he said emphatically. “It’s just that I’m getting restless. I mean, I’d like to step out a little. And I wouldn’t really mind it if she did it either. I think there’s a good deal to be said for swapping.”

“Maybe you’ve got something there,” Joel immediately picked up the cue. “I know that things have been getting a little dull with me in my married life, too. I mean, Sheila’s a gorgeous gal, but there are some things she just doesn’t want to do.”

“I’m really impressed by your wife,” Mickey said. “She’s as gorgeous a redhead as I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

“And I’m impressed with Faye,” Joel replied.

“Would you get real angry if I just made a suggestion,” Mickey said soberly.

“I guess it depends on what the suggestion is,” Joel laughed. “No, I wouldn’t get annoyed. Besides, I think I know what you’re leading up to anyway.”

“I just wish to hell we could talk our wives into getting together for a swapping session. It sure as hell would relieve the monotony.”

“I’m just afraid that Sheila would hit the ceiling. I’m with you, though. I really dig Faye.”

“I’ll tell you what,” Mickey said, taking another sip from his beer. “I’ll do what I can to use a little psychology on Faye. Why don’t you do the same thing with Sheila.”

“I know she’d never go for swapping right off,” Joel said.

“There’s always one other way to handle this. We could arrange an outing together, and do a little drinking. Then maybe nature would take its course.”

Joel and Mickey remained in touch throughout the next week.

They met at a few bars frequently by the automobile driving crowd in Los Angeles, discussing strategy.

Finally they both told their wives that they thought an outing to Palm Springs over the weekend would be superb. They explained that there was no race that weekend, and it would be a good opportunity for all them to get away from it all.

The wives both agreed with the idea, and on Friday evening they left for Palm Springs, taking adjoining suites at a beautiful hotel just off Palm Canyon Drive.

The following morning they meet for breakfast, after which they went to the Olympic-size swimming pool and sunned themselves.

Even though Sheila looked absolutely fetching in her bright red bikini, which showed off her long, luscious legs and her sparkling breasts, Joel’s eyes were constantly registering on Faye.

He liked her smooth creamy skin, along with her trim body. Like Sheila, she too possessed long, flowing legs.

Joel could tell that his friend Mickey was getting aroused looking at Sheila, and it seemed strange that the two of them were there, hoping that they could talk the girls into exchanging partners. Joel had never been through anything like this before, and there were times when he resented the way Mickey would steal glances at his wife, just as he realized Mickey, in turn, no doubt resented the same thing from him.

By the time that mid-afternoon rolled around, everyone had acquired a significant tan.

As a matter of fact, the girls had become so red that it was necessary for them to get out of the sun.

Both of them announced the same intention – that of going to their suites and taking a nap.

While the girls slept, Joel and Mickey sat at the bar, sipping their beer and hatching strategy.

“I really think I’ve got Faye broken in pretty well,” Mickey said. “I really balled the hell out of her last night. Did I ever stick my cock up her cunt.

I’m telling you, she’s got a tight nest that you wouldn’t believe.”

“I wouldn’t argue that point with you,” Joel laughed. “I just want the same kind of action.”

“I think I’ve got her broken in. Faye is a gal who catches on pretty fast. I’ll tell you something else, too. Before I came along, she’d had about two or three different affairs that had stretched out a little while. So she knows men pretty well. I mean she’s no tramp, and she’s never been the type who’d sleep with just anybody. If she was I wouldn’t have married her, I just would have taken her as a mistress or something.”

“I understand what you’re saying.”

“But anyhow, I’ve been talking you up pretty good to her. Turns out that she does think quite a bit about you, Joel. No, I think everything’s well in hand.

How about Sheila?”

Joel’s head dropped with embarrassment.

“I wish I could say that things were moving along just as well with Sheila.”

“What’s the problem?”

“You know, I couldn’t even get a piece of ass from Sheila last night,” Joel sad sadly.

“What’s the matter? You two kids tired or something?”

“Oh, no. I was all set to go. As a matter of fact, I figured that getting a good piece of ass from her would be a great way to start the weekend. You know, loosening up the inhibitions and all that jazz. But she just wouldn’t go for it. She said she wasn’t in the mood.”

“She’s such a sexy chick. I figured she’d want to ball about every night.”

“You would think that,” Joel nodded, “but that’s not the way she is. She’s damned conservative. That’s what burns me up. That’s what really burns me up.”

“I’m awfully sorry to hear about that.”

“I’ll tell you what I was thinking. Maybe if I can get her a little drunk, we can all get together, and then we can just mention trading partners. Maybe if all four of us are there at the same time, and she’s drunk enough, it’ll work.

She might blow her top, but maybe she won’t. That’s about the only thing I can suggest.”

“I’ll tell you what,” Mickey said. “Perhaps we ought to both take a bottle up to our rooms. We can do a little nipping with the girls. I know that that’ll bring the tigress out in Faye.”

“It’s probably our only hope with Sheila,” Joel shook his head. “I’m really sorry about that, Mickey, because I’m looking forward to have sex with Faye.

Sheila’s our biggest problem.”

“I’m determined you can handle her, old buddy,” Mickey grinned.

“I’ll do my best,” Joel sighed.

They finished their beers, then got up from the bar and walked out.

They purchased some liquor at a liquor store next door, taking it up to their respective suites.

Fear tugged at Joel’s heart as he opened the bottle of Scotch and mixed it with water, taking two glasses into the huge sprawling bedroom.

As he entered the room, Sheila opened her eyes and looked at him.

She looked lovely in her panties and bra. She wore stunning black lace panties and accompanying bra, and as Joel eyes her beautiful form, he recognized that she was the type of woman who could turn on any man. He was hoping that she would be willing to have sex with Mickey, so that he could have an opportunity to experiment with Faye.

“I brought some Scotch and water in,” Joel said.

“I really don’t feel like drinking.”

“Come on now, don’t be a spoil-sport,” Joel said. “Here.”

He handed her the glass. She cautiously sipped the Scotch. Joel, in turn, polished his off quickly.

But after he succeeded in getting her to finish her first drink, it became easier for Joel to get his wife drunk.

After five drinks, Sheila was acting giddy. She laughed at practically everything her husband said, and Joel thought that the time had come to take his big gamble. He was still highly fearful about talking to his wife concerning the possibility of sex with Mickey. As a matter of fact, he would have to go about things a little differently. He would have to just tell her about getting together with the other couple, after which he hoped that nature would take its own course.

“You know, I think I ought to invite Mickey and Faye to join the party,” Joel grinned.

“Why not,” Sheila laughed.

Joel immediately seized on his opportunity, getting on the telephone and calling Mickey. A few minutes later both Mickey and Faye arrived.