"Lesbian Locker Room" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)

Lesbian Locker Room

Chapter 1

Bernedette Wellington was walking home from school with her textbooks clutched to her chest. She was a pretty little girl, a blonde, and she had a finely toned athletic torso. She ran track and field.

She wasn't very tall, standing only a fraction of an inch over five feet tall, and she was built on a small frame.

But she was as fast as greased lightning when she ran, and was by far the fastest girl in the school.

She ran both the sixty and one – hundred yard dashes, and won a lot more races than she lost as a rule.

And that was even taking into consideration the fact that her high school frequently had meets against larger schools.

Bernedette weighed ninety – five pounds on the button.

Her weight never fluctuated, even during her monthly cycle. She was walking home from afternoon practice when she heard a familiar voice call her name at her rear.

Bernedette looked back over her right shoulder and her face broke into a brilliant grin of happiness.

Skipping up behind her was her very best friend Michele, who was also flashing her teeth happily.

Bernedette and Michele were lovers as well as friends.

They both tended to get very horny after a work – out. The second the two pretty girls made eye contact they knew they would have to get it on before either of them went home.

Bernedette had large almond shaped eyes. The pupils were blue – the color of the spring sky – and twinkled merrily whenever she was happy, which was most of the time.

Her hair was curly and sat up on top of her head like a mop.

Bernedette's nose was very small – a mere button. It.was curled up a little at the end and looked very cute. Her nostrils were oval – shaped and tended to flare open when she could feel herself getting sexually aroused.

Bernedette's mouth was small, and heart – shaped. Her lips were full and sensuous – very kissable.

Ail of the guys in school thought that Bernedette was too interested in sports to think about sex.

Nobody except her lover knew that she was a lesbian – and actually one of the horniest girls in the school.

Bernedette and Michele did everything together. They had no taboos. They massaged each other both externally and internally.

Bernedette tended to hold her lips slightly parted, and she frequently moistened them with her tongue tip. They were as red as cherries in spite of the fact that the little blonde had never worn lipstick.

Her complexion was a perfect peaches and cream. She had a knack of getting sunburn badly every year at about this time.

It was April, and every teenage girl's mind turns to thoughts of pure physical pleasure.

Bernedette could feel her pussy start to ache the second she laid eyes on her best friend – her lover.

Bernadette's eyebrows and eyelashes were just as light and golden as the curly hair on her head.

Her lashes were long and curled up slightly at the tips so that they licked at her high cheekbones when she blinked them, making a flapping motion.

Her arms were slim and her fingers were long and slender.

She kept her nails long and filed to slight points, but did not wear polish. All of her fingers had long nails except for the middle fingers – the longest two fingers – on either hand.

These were filed short so that the pretty little blonde could use those fingers to explore her lover's inner pussy and asshole.

"Hi, Michele," Bernedette said cheerfully. "What was your time in the 440 today?"

"Ecccchh! I don't even want to talk about it. It's going slow. But the strain is starting to feel better."

Michele had pulled a muscle two weeks before, and was on the slow road back from a serious injury. She could only run at 90% and this frustrated her.

Michele looked at Bernedette's breasts lustfully, and licked her lips boldly to make them wet and slippery.

"How did you do?" Michele asked, noticing that Bernedette's nipples were starting to grow and get hard.

Bernedette had round firm breasts that rested high on her chest.

Her tits were so perky with youthful good-conditioning that her nipples pointed slightly.upward.

She was wearing a halter top, and the erections at the tips of those tits were quite plainly visible.

Bernedette was wearing a pair of cut-off jeans and a pair of gray running shoes with white socks underneath, pulled up taut, almost to the knee.

The jeans were very old and were faded almost white by multiple washings and several summers of sunshine.

They had worn through several times in the seat and had had to be patched by colorful squares of cloth.

One's eye tended to go to Bernedette's ass whenever one was walking behind her.

She had a cute way of moving her round butt from side to side when she walked. Her legs were well-muscled, but still shapely and feminine. Her ankles were trim and would have looked spectacularly sexy in a pair of high-heels, had she been the type to wear them.

Michele, on the other hand, was about five inches taller than Bernedette, and on the lanky side.

Her legs were very long, perfect for the long strides needed in the longer sprint races.

Michele had had hopes of running.the mile before the season was through, but those plans were nixed by her pulled muscle.

She had dark brown hair that spilled down low over her shoulders and down between her rather sharp shoulder blades.

When she ran she tied her hair back into a long pony tail.

She was wearing her sweat suit, which was navy blue and had white stripes up the sides of each leg.

Her breasts were actually the same size as Bernedette's but appeared smaller because of her height.

Michele had a boyish walk, and did not have the feminine mannerisms of her little blonde lover.

There were a lot of boys at the high school who knew better than to slap moves on Michele – suspecting she was a lesbian.

Bernedette actually flirted with guys, and was not disgusted at the thought of having sex with a guy someday.

Michele, on the other hand, hated all men. Her father had beat her a lot as a child, and she thought all men were pigs – just like her sadistic old man.

"God, Bernedette, I am so horny I can taste it!" Michele said, in a low, throaty, sexy voice.

"I know what you mean," Bernedette said. "I can feel my cunt aching too. Where should we go?"

"Let's go back into the woods by the gravel beds. There is still a couple of hours of sunshine left. We can find a bed of grass in a clearing. I know a place."

"Sounds good to me," Bernedette said. "Is your mother expecting you home or anything?"

"I told her that practice might run late," Michele said.

They looked into each other's eyes and sighed simultaneously, feeling a tension in their lower bellies.

Both sets of nipples were hard and erect, yearning to be stroked by both fingers and sensuous tongues.

The gravel pits were north of the school less than a quarter mile away. The school was out in the country, far from the village.

They didn't have to walk far to find complete privacy. The sky was very blue and there wasn't a single cloud in it.

It was the warmest day of the year up to that point, and even the breeze had a warmth to it that the girl's had not felt in months.

The ground had finally dried from the spring melt.

They agreed it was perfect to get naked and play in nature.

Bernedette and Michele attended Rushdale High School which was the tiniest high school in all of Wayne County.

Rushdale was no more than a crossroads, located about fifteen miles west of the City of Rochester.

They were only a five minute drive from the south bank of Lake Ontario.

They were miles past the suburbs, into a region that was slightly hilly farmland.

Most of the kids who went to Rushdale High School were sons or daughters of farmers but Bernedette's father commuted to the city every day and had a white-collar job.

Michele didn't know what her father did for a living. He had run off with the bank book three years before and neither she nor her mother had heard from him since.

Both Bernedette and Michele were only children, and had often wondered if that were why they got along so well.

They made their way down Garbutt Road a ways and followed a dirt path into the thick pine weeds.

The floor of the woods between the school and the gravel pits had a bed of soft pine needles.

Bernedette thought that it would be fun to make it together in the pine needles, but Michele said no.

"They will prick your bare bottom and make you all itchy," Michele said. "Besides, I want a little sunshine. It seems like it's been years since the sun has been this warm, if you know what I mean."

"I know what you mean," Bernedette said with a sexy smile and took Michele's hand once they had gotten deep enough into the woods to be sure they couldn't be seen from any direction.

Michele gave Bernedette's fair tiny hand a little squeeze, and felt a shiver run up and down her spine when the little blonde squeezed back.

"I am going to make you scream with pleasure!" Michele said.

"Oh lover! You say the sexiest things," Bernedette replied.

Within minutes they came to the sunny clearing with the green soft grass that Michele had been speaking of.

They stood face to face and Michele placed her hands lightly at the small of Bernedette's back – the palms fat, her fingertips touching.

Bernedette reached up and placed her hands gingerly on the back of Michele's neck, working her way through the long thick dark brown hair.

Bernedette intertwined her fingers at the back of Michele's neck and felt the tiny hairs that grew there standing up on end.

They pulled their bodies together, looking into each other's eyes with sincere affection as their lips approached.

Both sets of lips were moist, puffy tingling.

They were parted, sensuous, writhing over the teeth. They pressed together and both girls shivered with lust.

Bernedette could feel her fair torso covered with gooseflesh.

She could feel the ache in her pussy getting a lot of worse as they touched the tips of their tongue together. Bernedette could feel the glands at the sides of her tight pussy begin to secrete her thick juices.

Bernedette could tell that it would only be a matter of seconds before her cunt was very wet and slippery.

The pretty little blonde teenager could feel her natural lubrication flowing in a hot steady stream.

She sighed and moaned as she felt the lubrication pooling at the base of her tiny pink pussy slit.

She then groaned deeply in her throat as the juices spilled forth and made a wet spot on the crotch of her panties.

Bernedette was wearing a pair of pink cotton bikini panties that day. They had little red hearts all over them.

When they got wet they crawled up between her swollen outer labia and made her feel most uncomfortable.

Bernedette's engorged cunt flesh felt as if it were being held in a cotton prison when her panties got wet.

The little blonde girl couldn't wait to get completely naked and allow her trapped cunt to breathe.

At the same time she could feel her erect nipple pressing hard against the front of Michele's dark blue sweat suit.

Her nipples were burning so badly that they demanded to be sucked hard by Michele's moist, steamy mouth!

Soon their tongues were rolling together gracefully. They were both curious and bold with their tasters. They swapped spit merrily. They quaffed their mixed saliva.

The kiss lasted for a very long time and both of them were breathless with passion by the time it was through.

Michele drew her upper torso away from Bernedette a little so she could work her fingertips under the bottom of the blonde's halter top and pull it up over her head, puckering her lips in anticipation of the view beneath.

Michele sucked cool air in through those puckered lips and moaned as she exhaled at the sight of the bare tits.

Bernedette's boobs bounced up and down a couple of time as he top was pulled off, and the nipples were throbbing.

Michele tossed the top aside without looking to see where it landed. She was looking at those tits.

The top landed in the grass not far from the thick trunk of a mature evergreen tree, crumpled in a ball.

Bernedette kicked off her sneakers without bothering to untie the laces and reached down to pull off her white socks.

She pointed her tiny toes as she rolled the athletic cocks over them, and tossed them carelessly away.

Bernedette then stood upright as she unbuttoned the single button that held the top of her cut-offs together.

She got the top of her fly between her thumb and forefinger and pulled it down, her fingers now trembling a little.

Bernedette could hear her breathing become altered by the intensity of the sexual anxiety she felt.

Her pussy felt as if it were filled with a thousand angry hornets all trying to buzz out at the same time.

She could tell that she wasn't even going to be able to think about anything other than sex until she got one orgasm under her belt.

Bernedette hooked her thumbs under the top of her shorts and the elastic to her underwear at the same time.

They were so tight that she had to wiggle her hips a little from side to side as she tugged them down.

The wet material pulled out of her pussy slit.

She sighed.

Her cunt was free!

Her pussy could breathe!

Bernedette once again pointed her chubby toes as she pulled off her bottoms and then rose to stand before her lover – as naked as the day she was born.

"You are beautiful," Michele said with a sigh.

"Thank," Bernedette exclaimed cheerfully. "You look pretty good yourself there, kiddo. God, I'm hot for you."

Michele quickly took off her own clothes so that they could embrace once again, this time pressing bare flesh together.

They ground their loins together, feeling their clitorises growing with the engorgement of the blood of their arousal. They once again kissed. Bernedette used her tongue to caress Michele's gums and teeth. She even pressed against the inside of Michele's cheek with the tip of her tongue.

Michele, on the other hand, pushed the tip of her tongue under Bernedette's to stimulate the little blonde's already hyperactive salivary gland.

This made Bernedette create a gurgling noise in her throat as her mouth was filled with excess spittle.

But the pretty little blonde did not bother to swallow more frequently to compensate for the extra spit.

Instead she allowed the drool to roll over her pouting lower lip, down both of their smooth chins at the same time.

Michele bent at the knees a little so they could rub their nipples together, making them both gasp.

Bernedette could feel her knees start to tremble. The muscles in her slim taut legs felt like jelly.

She knew she wouldn't be able to stand up much longer.

"I've gotta lie down," Bernedette said, now panting.

Her breathing was very rapid. The breaths were short. She was making little whimpering noises in her throat. She sounded desperately wanton – in need of physical bliss.

The sun shone down warmly on the tops of the teenagers heads.

The breeze make a quiet rustling noise in the pine needles above.

A series of voyeuristic sparrows chirped with approval.

"I need you to eat my pussy," Bernedette said, spitting out the words in between gasps for air.

"Get on your back, my love, and I will shower you with kisses," Michele said, tilting her head slightly to one side so that her long hair spilled over a single shoulder.

"Oh, "yeah! That's the best idea I have heard all day!" Bernedette said, turning up one corner of her sensuous mouth into a naughty half-grin.

Bernedette got on her back and rested her head in the bed of soft grass, stretching her legs out straight in front of her.

She then parted her thighs to a perfect ninety degree angle, and Michele moved so she could look at the pretty blonde's cunt flesh.

Michele licked her lips and felt the cunt juices rolling out of her pussy down the insides of her thighs.

Bernedette placed the balls of her dainty feet flat on the ground and raised her knees up in the air. She strained to get her thighs as far apart as she could, pointing her knees in opposite directions.

Michele dropped to her knees between Bernedette's parted thighs and leaned forward to caress her tits. Michele placed the palms of her hands over Bernedette's perky young breasts, opening her fingers. She squeezed those globes of feminine flesh a couple of time and then worked both tits in slow circles.

Michele pressed Bernedette's tits together for a second, so that the little blonde's cleavage was long and deep. She then released her grip on the boobs so she could concentrate her attention solely on the nipples. She got each nipple between her thumb and forefinger at that moment and began to pinch and pull. She did this lightly at first but increased the pressure until little twinges of pain shot up and down Bernedette's spine, making her whimper.

The little blonde found that it was impossible to keep her round, milky white ass still on the grass.

She gyrated.

She writhed.

Her hips bucked upward.

The little blonde had realized some time before that a little pain felt good mixed in with her pleasure if she were horny enough.

Michele pulled on both of Bernedette's nipples at the same time until the skin all around them was taut.

This lifted the tits up from the top of her rib – cage, and made them look a great deal pointier than usual.

She then released the nipples and allowed them to snap back into position, where they throbbed with desire.

"SUCK! SUCK! SUCK!" Bernedette screamed again again – all caught up in the intense desire she felt in her cunt.

As she lay sprawled in the grass, Bernedette could feel her cunt juices begin to drip out of the base of her slit.

She could feel that thick honey-like natural lubrication rolling over the inch-long patch of mucous membrane between the base of her drooling vagina and her tight, puckered nether eye – her asshole.

Her anus was moistened as those juices rolled into the crack of her butt before dripping into the grass beneath her gyrating hips.

Michele leaned forward and parted her full lips. She stuck out her tongue as far as she could get it. Michele concentrated on making the tip of her tongue pointy. She placed the tip right on Bernedette's left nipple.

The little blonde let out a harsh groan and closed her eyes. The dark haired girl flicked her tongue back and forth across that quivering feminine erection.

She rolled her tongue lazily over the nipple until the entire rosebud was wet and slippery with the hot spittle she spilled. She drew back her lips two Inches from the throbbing nipple. She puckered her lips as if she were about to whistle. She made no sound however as she blew cool air onto the wet erection.

This felt very good to the hot blonde, and Bernedette began to thrash her head from side to side in the grass.

Her eyes closed tightly. Her face reddened.

Fresh gooseflesh formed.

Her pussy nearly gushed! "Suck it. Oh God, Michele! Suck my tits. They are on fire. I need you to suck them so badly," she said.

Bernedette's long golden eyelashes were pressed hard against her high cheekbones and her lids were wrinkled.

Her face turned as red as a beet from the flush of her arousal, and Michele wrapped her lips around the nipple.

The brunette began to suck very hard, drawing the erection deep into her mouth with the created vacuum.

Michele had an olive complexion to go with her near-ebony hair, and did not have to worry about sunburn.

Michele got so dark from the sun that by fall it was hard to believe that the pretty brunette was Caucasian.

Michele got her teeth on the nipple so she could give Bernedette a series of sharp love bites there.

The pain soared to the base of Bernedette's skull and gathered there in a fiery ball before entering the pretty little blonde's already reeling brain.

The aroused mind of Bernedette translated that intrinsically sexual pain into pleasure and sent the signal back down Bernedette's spine, to her tailbone, and into her swollen-dripping pussy hole.

Michele repeated the process with the other nipple – going once again the way from gentle licking to hard sucking and biting.

Bernedette could tell that her dark haired lover would not have to eat her cunt for long to make her come.

Bernedette could tell that she was going to explode into her first orgasm of the afternoon soon after Michele found her poontang with her knowing mouth.

Michele knew how to pleasure Bernedette's cunt better than anyone – which, wasn't actually a difficult feat because she was the only lover Bernedette had ever had.

The only other orgasms the pretty blonde had felt had come from her own hand – when she masturbated.

But Bernedette had known for a long time that being touched by Michele was a thousand times better than touching herself.

Michele showered Bernedette's tits with noisy peck kisses and then began to kiss and lick her way down the front of Bernedette's torso, getting ever closer to the soaking wet delta between her spread thighs.

Soon Michele was stretched out flat on her tummy with her head between Bernedette's milky white thighs.

She was looking at the swollen flesh of her lover's cunt.

Michele leaned forward, placing the tip of her nose very close to the inner lips of Bernedette's pussy.

The dark haired girl inhaled deeply through her nose – completely filling her lungs and sinuses.

The flesh was shiny in the sunlight, and almost red with engorgement.

Michele knew that it was going to taste as good as it smelled.