"Making Daddy" - читать интересную книгу автора (Grant Jack)
Jack Grant Making Daddy
Chapter 1
As Robin Hawley prepared to sneak out in the dark night and watch her daddy screw a young girl she was doing it more by budding female instinct than any sure knowledge. Strange new feelings about her father were growing in her small bosom, and she tingled now at the thought of what she was about to see.
Robin held her breath and listened for the soft, even sound of her sister's breathing. The bedroom was dark and quiet. She figured it must be close to midnight by now. It had been hard to stay awake so late, but the excitement of what she might see had keyed her up so she didn't even feel tired. Now she slipped back the sheet and crawled out of her twin bed.
She stood a moment listening for any sign from Jodi. There was none, and Robin tiptoed across the soft carpet to the door. Her heart was pounding and she shivered a little even though the night was warm. It was August, and the summer had hit with a fierce, gripping heat wave that seemed reluctant to loosen. Robin loved it for several reasons.
Summer vacation was her favorite time of year, since it meant no school. Summer vacation also meant the lake cabin instead of the house in the city. And now, there was the special thrill of finding out some of the things she wanted to know!
She had been down at the lake swimming, lazing in the water, floating on her back in an inner tube. She let the currents and waves carry her wherever they would, and she lay with her eyes closed to the sun. She hadn't realized that she had been drawn back to the dock and the pontoon boat tied to it until she heard the murmur of voices. She opened her eyes and pulled herself under the end of the dock, thinking she would sneak up on the talkers and splash them from her hidden stronghold. At ten, Robin enjoyed the childish games and trickery.
She paddled softly so as not to alarm those on the other end of the dock. She recognized her father's voice first.
"God, you've got to know that I've been looking at you and wanting you since that first day you walked out here on the beach in that goddamn bikini! Christ, Francie, the sight of those tits drives me crazy! I want to feel them…"
Robin saw the shadow of movement as the man put his hand on the girl.
"Mister Hawley, don't! Someone might see us!" It was Francine Collins, the sixteen-year-old girl who lived in a cabin a short distance along the shore. Her brother did some work around the yard and cabin for the Hawleys and she often wandered down to watch him or to talk to the girls, Robin and her nine-year-old sister Jodi. Sometimes, Stan Hawley took Francie or her brother Jack water-skiing behind the big boat. When Robin rode along to spot for them, she noticed the way her father watched the older girl-it was hard for him to take his eyes off her.
So now, she was very quiet under the dock while she listened to them talk.
"Christ Almighty, how can I stop! You've been flaunting that gorgeous body of yours at me all summer, and now you say 'no, no, mustn't touch!' Do you think I'm made of iron?" The shadows moved again and his voice was lower. "Look, I've got a hard-on just thinking about you and being this close!"
Francie made a funny sound that was part moan and part giggle. "Don't …" she whispered hoarsely.
"Then say you'll meet me tonight!"
"Say you will!" Her father sounded almost angry.
"Yes, all right…"
"God! Where… what time…?" Her father's breath was rasping loudly and the boards of the dock creaked as the two moved quickly. Robin thought she could make out her father's hand on the girl's fanny, but the waves bobbed her inner tube, and the shadows cut off her view. She held her breath and listened.
"Ahhhh… the screened patio next-door. The house is closed, the Murphys won't be back up until Labor Day weekend…"
"All right. Eleven o'clock?" Her father's voice was tight and rough as though he were having trouble breathing.
"No… I can't make it that early."
"Yes, you can! Make some excuse; get away…"
The boards creaked. "I can't… maybe between eleven thirty and twelve … not before. My father stays up and he wouldn't let me out of the house…"
"Sneak out, for god sake!"
She giggled. "I'll be there before midnight; that's all I can promise.
He listens to the news at eleven o'clock; I can't get past him then.
Maybe right afterwards…"
"God, Francie, I'm so fucking hard for you I could roll you over right now on this friggin' dock!"
"Mister Hawley…" Francie's shadow moved closer to his, and Robin saw the two figures come together and pull apart quickly.
"Don't… tonight, I promise."
The girl moved quickly then, pulling away from the man and standing up on the end of the dock and diving into the water. From her hiding place under the dock, Robin saw the girl's slim form slice into the calm lake and leave a wide circle of ripples. Francie swam underwater until she was halfway to the next dock, the one that jutted out from the shore of the Murphy cabin.
Stan Hawley sat for a few seconds, then got to his feet and went toward the shore. From under the dock, Robin saw him pull his beach coat around him, but before he got it closed, she had a quick glimpse of the hard bulge at his crotch under the tight blue swim trunks. Robin felt a hard, tight warmness in her belly. The little she knew about sex came from the so-called sex-education classes she had at school. She knew about a man's penis and a woman's vagina, and how they came together to make babies. Intercourse. That's what it was called. But her father had made it sound far more exciting than any textbook ever had. And what he planned with Francine Collins wasn't for the purpose of making a baby.
Robin knew that sex was a thing of pleasure that the books didn't tell about. She'd heard her mother and father in bed at night, heard the sounds of pleasure they both uttered as they had intercourse. She'd also heard words like 'fuck' and 'screw' and 'cunt'. And 'hard-on'. Her father had one for Francie.
When her father vanished in the house, Robin paddled out from her hiding place. She thought a lot about what she'd heard, thought about it the rest of the day. And by the time she'd gone to bed that night, she knew that she wasn't going to stay there. She was going to sneak out of the cabin and make her way to the Murphys' place. She was going to watch and listen as her father and Francie met.
Now she was on her way. She didn't bother with a robe since it was still and warm. The air had cooled just enough to make sleep possible and the humidity had dropped so it was pleasant. In the thin short nightie, Robin was warm enough. She eased out of the bedroom and carefully shut the door behind her.
Her parents' bedroom was dark, and Robin knew that her mother hadn't yet returned from the trip to town she'd made with several friends for some kind of meeting. Her mother was always off to something, here at the lake or home in the city. Nina Hawley rarely sat around doing nothing.
Outside, the moonlight was bright, and Robin stayed close to the house as she crossed toward the dark stand of trees that formed a thick wall between the Hawley cabin and the Murphy one. She was afraid that her pale figure would be spotted easily if anyone looked this way-like her father or Francie. In the light gown, she was like a ghost hovering along the edge of the shadows. But maybe Francie and Dad would be too busy to look up… She hoped so: she was counting on it.
Her belly had that hard feeling again, something inside her stirred at the thought of the education that was about to be given her. She licked her lips and ran lightly across the patch of open yard to the trees.
She was panting for breath, and she moved slowly now, touching tree trunks to guide her to the next yard. The screened summerhouse of the rendezvous was backed almost to the wall of trees on this side, and she would be able to hide out of sight while she listened and watched. The moonlight would bathe the small enclosure from the clearing on the opposite side, making the patio a stage for her viewing.
Dry leaves and pine needles cracked under her bare feet, and Robin felt a moment of panic for fear the couple in the patio would hear her. Her heart was pounding so loud it seemed impossible that it couldn't be a drumbeat in the night. But she could see the whitish screens now…
She paused and listened.
There were no voices, no noises at all. Robin caught her lip between her teeth and peered at the summerhouse. A tiny point of light glowed in the shadows at the far side. A cigarette.
Her father was alone, sitting on a large lounge chair, smoking. He sat hunched over as though in pain and every few seconds he stared off in the direction of Francie's house. She hadn't gotten there yet. Robin smiled and settled against a tree to wait.
Her father stubbed out the cigarette and got to his feet. Just then the soft sound of someone running on the grass could be heard. Robin saw the pale flutter of Francie's robe as the girl darted toward the summerhouse.
Stan Hawley had the screen door open and grabbed the girl in his arms.
"My god! I thought you weren't coming!"
"Aaaaahhhh-" Her words were cut off as Stan jerked her hard against his body and crushed her mouth in a kiss.
His tongue lashed against her lips, forcing them open. He could feel the girl's unfettered tits under the thin robe, feel the hard pips of the nipples against his chest burning at his flesh through the sports shirt he wore. He pressed his crotch to hers, and his cock began to grow hard on contact.
"Christ…" He groaned the word as he let her extricate herself from his embrace.
"I told you I'd be here…" Francie sounded excited.
"Take off the robe." He was already skimming his shirt over his head.
He tossed it behind him and unfastened his slacks. He had wanted to wait for her to be naked but didn't dare take the chance. Now he wasn't wasting any time peeling down to his skin.
The girl untied the belt at her waist, and the robe fluttered down her arms. She stood very straight and waited for the man to pull his pants from his legs. When he straightened, he said, "Oh, my god!"
Several yards away, Robin stared. Francie's naked body gleamed like marble in the moonlight. Robin could see the high, full mounds of her breasts and the dark circles of the patches at the tips. The girl's slim waist and gently flaring hips were a frame for the dark patch of pubic hair at her crotch.
Stan stared at the lovely sight before him. She was as full, lush and ripe as he'd known she would be. The skimpy bikini had hinted at the lovely tits that hung beneath it, and now they were uncovered for his eyes. And his hands. He grabbed for her. "Christ, baby…" His hands mauled at the mounds, crushing and mashing the firm, youthful flesh.
She had no sag at all, just the hard, jutting prominence of youth. He could feel the heat of her body radiate to his palms. He felt the hard pips of her nipples begin to push at his hands, force themselves out of the rosy dark beds of uneven skin and pop forth like blooming flowers.
He dragged her to the lounge chair and almost threw her onto it. He was on top of her at once, his hungry mouth searching for the tit and capturing it like a ripe cherry.
The girl moaned and breathed through her mouth. "Ohhhhh-mmm." His mouth was working at her breast, his tongue lapping her flesh and driving her wild. His hands were all over her, probing, digging.
Between her legs, at her cunt. God, he was turning her on fast. His hard, angular body was hot on hers, their skin torrid and sweating. She knew that she wanted him. She wanted him bad. She'd been flirting with him all summer whenever she could get away with it, and now he was here … She moved her legs apart and let his hand dive into the warm haven of moist hair. She was already dribbling cunt juice from her excited belly. His hand found it, and he sucked hard on the tit, as his lust grew. He plunged his hand into her, pushing aside the wet folds of erotic flesh, rubbing hard over her clitoris and sending shivers through her whole body. Now his fingers were deep in her pussy, digging into the pulpy walls of flesh and driving her crazy. Francie groped for the man's cock.
He let go of her tit then and brought his face up to hers. His fingers never missed a beat of the hot tempo he had going in her vagina. His voice was ragged. "You're not a virgin…"
When she didn't answer right away, he hand-fucked her faster and harder as he repeated the question: "Who's had you, baby? How many guys?
Kids?" His voice rasped and his breath was a strangled sound deep in his throat.
Francie realized then that he wasn't asking out of curiosity. It excited him to have her talk about others… She smiled and told him.
"Boys… at school…"
"No men?" His hand pounded in her cunt.
"Aaaaahhh-no… only you… you're the… first… please…"
"Soon, baby, soon… Grab my cock. Yeah… oh, god, yessss, that's the way…"
She had him now and she pushed her hand back and forth on the huge, throbbing sex organ. He was big, bigger than any of the boys she knew-oh, god, she wanted it in her…
"How old were you when you lost your cherry?" His lips were nibbling at her neck, her shoulder, his face pressing into the warm fragrance of her hair…
"Do you know how to suck cock?" He sounded as if he would explode. His belly was a hard knot of passion now, and her hot little hand was sending him out of his bird. Christ, she was going to be good fucking!
"Go ahead; put it in your mouth. You'll like it, baby…" He moved with her and got them into the sixty-nine position.
In the darkness of the trees, Robin listened and watched. Somehow she knew exactly what they were talking about, knew exactly what they were doing. Some deep female instinct told her what her previous knowledge did not include. She felt her chest tighten as though a rope were tied around it. She had to lean forward slightly to ease the hard pain in her belly. Something was happening inside her, something strange and exciting. It was almost as if she were being touched on her private parts, excited along with Francie. She leaned against the tree and slowly sank down along it until she was squatting on the ground. Then she pressed her fist to her mouth to be sure she didn't make any sounds out loud. She turned her complete attention to the couple in the summerhouse.