"Making Daddy" - читать интересную книгу автора (Grant Jack)

Chapter 3

Crossing the clearing, Robin noted that her mother's car wasn't parked near the cabin. She was still out. Robin couldn't help wondering what her mother would say if she knew about Daddy and Francine Collins. She wondered how wives felt about their husbands having sex with other women-or girls, in this case.

The heaviness in her guts had let up a little, but it wasn't gone.

Robin's damp thighs rubbed together as she crept along in the darkness, and the feeling made her excited. Everything seemed to add to her excitement, and she kept wondering what it would feel like to have a man's sex organ up inside her.

She let herself into the cabin and made her way to the bedroom stealthily. She closed the door and began to climb into her bed.

"Where have you been?" Jodi's harsh whisper sliced the silence.

Robin jumped and her heart pounded, racing with fright. "To the bathroom," she lied.

"You were not!" Jodi sat up and peered across the space between the beds. "I went to the bathroom and you weren't there! You've been outside!" The voice was trembling and full of accusation. Jodi leaned over so her face was only a few feet from her sister. "What were you doing out there?"

Robin felt the panic swell in her chest. "Nothing. I just went for a walk." She thought quickly. "It was warm and I wanted to cool off."

"I'm gonna tell Mom-"

"No! Don't!" Her panic was real now, and it told in her voice.

Jodi laughed softly. "Then you'd better tell me where you were and what you were doing." Smug satisfaction tinged her words.

Robin got along well enough with her sister. With only thirteen months separating them in age, they shared a lot of the same interests and were only a grade apart in school. But there was a slight rivalry, with Jodi feeling compelled to do everything her older sister did, beat her whenever she could. Yet the two girls felt a closeness in many ways.

They were younger by several years than their two brothers. The boys, Kevin and Drew, were in high school and had interests far beyond the scope of the two 'kid sisters'. Right now, they were off on a canoe trip along some remote Canadian-border lake. They spent only a few days each summer at the lake cabin that Jodi and Robin still loved for the whole summer…

"Okay," Robin said with a sigh. "Come on over here. I don't want Mom or Dad to hear us talking and come in to check."

Jodi scrambled from her bed and hopped onto her sister's. "They're not home," she whispered. "I looked."

Robin nodded. "I know. Mom hasn't gotten back from town yet. And I know where Dad is."

"Oh? Where?"

Robin grinned in the darkness. "Promise not to tell?"

"Of course, dummy. Now, come on. What's this all about? Does your going out in the middle of the night have anything to do with Dad being out?"

Jodi was excited and her words came out a little breathlessly.

"Sort of." In a low hushed voice, Robin told her sister about what she had done, beginning with the overheard conversation that afternoon down at the dock. Jodi listened raptly as Robin described her excursion to the Murphys' summerhouse to watch their father and the young girl from down the road meet in their stolen rendezvous. From time to time Jodi interrupted with a question.

"You mean you really saw them naked?"

"Yes, of course. The moonlight was bright and it was almost like daytime. I could see real good."

"What was he like… Daddy? Tell me, ooohhh, tell me everything!" Jodi bounced up and down on the bed.

"I will if you stop interrupting!" Robin delighted in her special knowledge and was eager to talk about it. "He's big. His penis is real long and it was hard-so hard it kind of stuck out from his body instead of hanging down. She grabbed hold of it."


"That's not all. That was just the beginning." In slow, delicious detail, Robin recounted the events that followed. She told her sister how their father had made the girl suck him while he licked and sucked her. "I couldn't see for sure," Robin said, "but I think he was kissing her ass, too. Maybe even licking it."

"You're kidding!"

"No. He pushed way up between her legs and she made all kinds of funny noises. She was really excited, so he must have been doing something.

His hands were all over her-in her thing and all!"

"Then what?" Jodi was so excited she could hardly breathe. She wanted to hear everything. Oh, how she wished she had been with Robin to see all these wonderful things!

"Well, after a while, Daddy got on top of her and they-well they-you know…"

Jodi kicked her feet against the mattress. "They screwed. Fucked. Oh, gee, I wish I could've seen him slip his dick up her cunt!"

Robin stared at her sister in the dim light of the room. "You… where did you learn…"

Jodi giggled. "I've heard Kevin and Drew talk. They didn't know I was there, but they were talking with that guy, the pal who's always hanging around in the city. You know, Ward Riggs. He thinks he's hot stuff, always talking about screwing girls and feeling their tits and stuff."

"Do you suppose Kevin or Drew has ever fucked a girl?" Somehow, Robin had never thought about her brothers that way. Now the possibility intrigued her.

Jodi shrugged. "I dunno. Once I saw Drew without any clothes on and his pecker was hard. He kind of doubled over like he wanted to do something with it himself. It was big, really sticking out." She sounded proud of information.

"What did he do?" It was Robin's turn to ask questions. She tried to think of her brother without clothes. Was his sex organ as big as her father's? Drew was only fifteen, and Robin didn't think it would be.

Maybe Kevin's… he was seventeen, almost a man.

"He sat down all bent over and sort of rocked back and forth. I couldn't tell if he was holding himself or not. Then I heard someone coming and I had to duck."

"Where was this?" Robin wanted to know.

"In the house, the city. I was outside the window. He didn't see me, didn't even know I was around. I had just come back from the park and no one else was home. He was taking a shower, and when he came out of his bathroom and into the bedroom, I saw him."

"Well, if his penis can get hard, I suppose he could fuck a girl."

Jodi giggled. "If any girl would have him! He's such a dope!"

The two huddled and smothered their giggles in the bedclothes. Then Jodi said, "Tell me more about Daddy and that girl. It makes me feel all funny inside when I hear things like that!"

"Me, too. Gosh, I even got wet between the legs while I watched them and heard the stuff they said."


"Uh-huh. I felt all squishy inside, like I wanted it, too." There, she said it. Out loud, she'd said the thought that had been growing inside her head ever since she'd witnessed the scene in the screened patio.

For a moment the bedroom was silent. Jodi looked at her and Robin felt tingly all over. Jodi let her breath out in a long, slow sound, like the wind against a screen. "Yeah," she whispered. "Sometimes I think things like that. At school Patty Doyle had a book with some pictures … screwing pictures."

"Real ones?"

"Uh-huh. Photographs, in color. Her dad sent away for it and she swiped it from his desk. We looked at it in the girls' bathroom. Wow! They were something. And when I saw those pictures, I felt kind of funny, too. Like you say… all squishy inside. I'd like to have a man's cock go up into me. Mmmm, it must feel good. The girls in the pictures sure looked happy."

Robin nodded. "Francie sure liked it. You should've heard her!"

"I listened to Mom and Dad once…" Jodi confessed.

Robin giggled. "Me, too. I even peeked through the keyhole and saw them."

"Really? Was it good?"

"Well, I couldn't see too much through that little hole, but I liked it. Gosh, I wonder…"

They were quiet again for several moments, knowing each other's thoughts without words. Jodi spoke first. "Why don't we find out what it's like for ourselves."


She shrugged. "Get someone to fuck us."

Robin felt her mouth go dry again. It was exactly what she had been thinking and now the exciting thought was out and taking form.

"We don't have big tits yet or anything. How are we gonna get some guy to go for us? I don't even have any hair down there yet," Robin said with a sigh. She peered at her sister in the gloom. "Do you?" The idea that her sister might be ahead of her was alarming.

Jodi laughed. "No, but Patty Doyle says men like to fuck little girls' twats. They're nice and tight."

"How would she know?" Robin scoffed.

"Well, promise not to tell? She swore me to secrecy."

Robin's head bobbed up and down quickly. "Sure, sure!"

"Well," Jodi said, "she says her uncle fucked her. You know, her father's brother lives with them. He's thirty years old and not married. Patty says he climbed into bed with her one night when her folks were gone and began to play with her. When she didn't get scared, he did other things-you know, let her touch his thing and get it hard; then he put it in her. He told her how tight she was and how he liked young girls and she was very special. He said that lots of times uncles and nieces do it together, even fathers and daughters."

Robin's breath was a tight band in her chest. "You think she was telling the truth or lying?"

Jodi shrugged again. "I don't know, but it would be pretty hard to make up all the stuff she told me. I mean, how would she know it?"

"Maybe she read that book, the one her father had."

"No, it was just pictures. Patty had lots more detail, like what it felt like and stuff. I think maybe she was telling the truth. She even made me swear not to tell any of the other kids for fear someone would let it slip to a grownup and it would get to our folks. She didn't want anything to spoil it between her and her uncle."

"You mean they still do it? More?"

Jodi nodded. "Every time they're alone in the house, she says."


They thought about it awhile, staring into the dim room and trying to imagine what it would be like to know a man physically and intimately.

Then Robin said, "Do you suppose we could get Kevin or Drew to do it?"

Jodi made a face. "Maybe, but why don't we try Dad?"


"Sure, you said yourself he was big and hard for Francie. Maybe he likes young girls…"

Robin remembered a fragment of the hushed conversation of the couple in the screened summerhouse. "You don't mind that I'm only sixteen?"…

"You could please ten men." Their father had enjoyed the young girl… he liked the tight cunt. He'd liked it very, very much.

"Should we?" Jodi asked again.

"Okay," Robin agreed. "Let's!" For a minute, they hugged each other and giggled with their delightful secret. Then they tried to think of a way to accomplish their purpose.

"We have to get him alone somewhere," Robin said.

"Yeah, then we have to get him hard and hot. Patty says once a guy gets hot he wants to fuck and can't stop. So if we can turn him on good, he'll do it."

"Should both of us try at the same time?" Robin questioned.

Jodi chewed her lip. "We might scare him off. It might be better to start a little slower… just one of us."

They peered at each other, neither asking the question but both thinking the same thing. Which one?

They heard the car then and saw the sweep of lights across the back of the house.

"Mom's home!" Jodi scrambled from her sister's bed. "We can talk about it tomorrow. Gosh, I'm so excited!" She hurried back to her own bed.

Robin pulled the sheet up over her head and curled up in a tight ball under it. She was very excited, not only by the thought of what might be coming in the future but still by the thoughts of what she had seen earlier tonight. Cautiously, she put her hand between her legs and felt the upper parts of her slim thighs. They were sticky and still slightly damp. She hadn't imagined it then. She was wet and ready for a man.

That's what the pain in her belly was.

Robin knew for sure that she wanted to be first; she wanted to be the one who felt her own father's big, swollen cock push up into her virgin cunt. She wanted to feel his weight atop her, feel his hands all over her body as they had been on Francie's. Even though she didn't have big, swollen boobs like Francie, she wanted her father to rub her and make her feel good.

She touched her breasts, searching for some sign of swelling, some indication that she would soon develop into a woman. Was it her imagination or could she feel a slight swelling, a new fullness there?

She sighed and buried her face in the sheets. Robin's mother had talked to her about growing up, about the onset of her menstrual periods and the growth of her body. Mom had even suggested that it would start any time. After all, she was almost eleven, would be in four months. Lots of girls began that early, Mom had said.

Robin snuggled down under the sheet and smiled. Maybe getting fucked would help her grow up faster.