"Making Daddy" - читать интересную книгу автора (Grant Jack)

Chapter 5

When Robin and Jodi woke the following morning, they were surprised to find their mother already up. Usually after she'd been out late she slept until noon, and the girls were left on their own to amuse themselves.

Nina Hawley was still pretty at thirty-seven. Her face was oval shaped and smooth-skinned, giving her a youthful look. She helped the natural blonde of her hair with Tighteners, and she had managed to keep her figure despite four children and approaching middle age.

She smiled at her girls now and set out cereal and milk for their breakfast. "You two want to ride along with me today?"

"Where?" they asked in unison.

She made a face at them. "This is the day Kevin and Drew get back from their canoe trip. I have to pick them up at Meritsville."

Robin had forgotten that her brothers were due back now. Normally she would enjoy the ride to the town sixty miles away and the chance to poke around in the stores before coming back to the isolation of the cabin. But she was reluctant to go today. She woke up with thoughts of what she and Jodi had discussed the night before, the plan about their father, and somehow it seemed essential that she stay here at the cabin while he was here. She waited for Jodi to answer first.

With her ever-present enthusiasm, Jodi accepted the idea readily. "Can I go?" She was always eager for a trip.

Nina smiled. "Sure, glad to have company. How about you, Robin?" She glanced at the older girl.

Robin shook her head. "Naw, I don't feel like riding today."

Her mother raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Not sick, are you?"

"No," Robin said quickly. "Feel great. But it's hot and I'd rather swim …"

Her mother nodded and turned back to pile dishes in the sink. Jodi looked at her sister suspiciously, as though suddenly remembering there might be a reason to stay at the cabin. She was trying to decide if the slim plans they'd made the previous night were sufficient enough to make her miss out on a day's fun in town. She decided against it, and began spooning cereal into her mouth again.

After breakfast, Jodi cornered Robin in the hall before running out to the car, where her mother was already waiting.

"You gonna try anything now? I mean with Dad," she whispered sharply.

"No, of course not." It didn't sound too convincing.

Jodi frowned. "Maybe I should stay home."

Robin shrugged. "Suit yourself. I'm going swimming." She turned and entered the bedroom. Her heart was pounding with the excitement of the lie she had told her sister and she was afraid Jodi would know it. The younger girl stood in the doorway several seconds, watching while Robin pulled her swimsuit from the rack in the bathroom that opened off their bedroom. Then she turned and ran out to the car.

Robin stood listening to the sound of the car as it moved off down the road. The country silence closed around the small cabin again, and Robin let her breath out slowly. She dropped the bathing suit over the edge of the tub and leaned toward the other door of the small bathroom.

The room opened off the two bedrooms of the cabin. On the other side of the door, her father was still sleeping, she knew. She imagined she could hear the faint sound of his breathing.

She chewed at her lip and wondered what to do next. Could she get her father excited, get him to touch her or want her? In the light of day, the plan that had seemed so exciting the night before seemed doubtful this morning. She felt shivery at the idea and turned away from the door to pick up the bathing suit again.

But she might not have a better chance or one as good. The others were gone, only she and her father were in the house. And he was sleeping-naked. Often she had caught glimpses of him as he got out of bed in the morning and moved sleepily toward the bathroom. He was always naked, never wore pajamas or underwear to bed. She thought of the glimpses she'd had of him and of the shadowy figure in the patio the night before. His cock was big and hard. When he got up in the morning, sometimes she had seen it hard, too. Maybe he always woke up that way.

The idea thrilled her, and she knew she had to make at least an attempt to get to him. But she couldn't climb into his bed just like that, could she? She looked down at the shorts and shirt she had donned when she got up. No, that would be a mistake. Besides, she wanted to feel him warm and close to her flesh. Quickly she went back to her own bedroom and pulled off the brief outfit she was wearing. She got a shortie nightgown of very thin cotton from her drawer and pulled it over her head. She didn't bother with the tiny panties that were supposed to go with the gown. She glanced it herself in the mirror and made a face.

Damn it, she had no shape at all! She thought about Francie's big tits and how her father had handled them and liked them. She felt her own flat chest. Only the slightest swelling rose under her palms. She sighed and tried to push at the tiny mounds of flesh and make them bulge more, but it didn't help. She could see the dark circles of her nipples through the thin cloth. Would he like them? She lifted the gown and stared at the image in the glass. Her pubic area was smooth and round, still childish. She ran her hand over it and was sure she felt a faint fuzz, the beginning of the thatch of hair that would someday cover her there. How could she still be such a child in build when she felt so grown-up inside? Just thinking about her father made her belly tighten. She closed her eyes for a second and imagined again the scene she had witnessed the night before-her father's big swollen cock spearing into the young girl's cunt. She gasped as her imagination made her shiver delectably. Quickly, she left the bathroom and let herself into her parents' bedroom.

The shades were still drawn and the room was dim. The sun didn't reach this side of the house until afternoon, and the thick wall of trees beyond the windows kept the house in shadows. Across the room she saw the mound of her father's sleeping body. She tiptoed to the bed.

He was sleeping with his mouth slightly open but breathing softly and regularly. His naked chest was dark on the stark-white sheet, which he had tossed half off his body. The white cloth slashed across his flat, firm belly and tangled under his body. One leg sprawled on top of the sheet, and the other was covered.

Robin stood staring at him. The dark, tightly curled hair on his chest looked like a soft, down mat, and Robin resisted the impulse to reach out and feel it. Her father grunted and rolled to his side, his legs kicking at the sheet and pushing it out of his way. Robin held her breath. The sheet had fallen away from his hip and she could see the long, soft rope of his cock. It lay across his thigh like a sleeping snake. She studied it, bending close to the bed for a good look. She had never seen a penis up close and it sure didn't look like the pictures in the diagrams in her sex-education classes! It was thick and dark in color. A few dark hairs sprouted along its length, and the base of it was hidden in a dark thatch of curled strands. Below the dormant organ, two large, roundish balls fell sideways onto his leg. She studied these closely. The skin was ridged like seersucker cloth. The color of the balls was dark red, darker than his penis. The sac was covered with a thin layer of sparse hair. Beyond, she saw a darker patch where the crevice of his body curved toward his ass.

She heard the sound and suddenly realized it was her own breath. Her heart was pounding and she felt the first signs of wetness between her legs. She moved closer to the bend of his body and put her face as close to his sex organs as she dared without waking him. She could smell the musky odor of his sex organs and it excited her even more.

She took a deep breath and very carefully climbed into bed with him.

He moved, straightening his body and she quickly pushed her length along it. She could feel the heat from him touch her, and she found it was hard to breathe. She was very quiet, and her flesh quivered as she strained to press against her father's sleeping form. She had planned in her mind what she would say if he woke too soon and questioned her, but she was still hoping she might be able to get some pleasure from him before he came to enough to realize it was her. She was counting on his normal groggy state when he woke. She knew that he barely opened his eyes, scarcely knew what was going on for a long time after he wakened. He hated to wake early, and getting up on time for work was always a chore for him.

Now she snuggled against his body, making sure that her nightgown pushed up and her naked belly and thighs were on him. Ooooohhh, he's so warm and so wonderfully soft! She let her belly scrape along his crotch hair gently. It sent shivers of rushing delight through her. She had to bite her lip to keep from whimpering her pleasure. She felt the penis between their bodies stir. It seemed to grow fatter, thicker, pull up from its at-rest position. Robin wanted very much to look at it, see what was happening, maybe even touch the cock with her hot hand, but she didn't dare move. The feeling in her belly where the hot tool touched her flesh was too wonderful to risk losing or disturbing.

With great care, she eased even closer to him. The tip of his prick jerked and slid along her pubic mound. Robin thought she would die from the wild, fiery delight that raced through her whole body. She gritted her teeth to keep from shivering.

The cock was hard now, stabbing out from his balls and thighs, jutting toward her young flesh. Robin arched her back so her crotch moved closer. At the same time, she lifted one leg so there was enough space for the thick, red-tipped hot poker to go between her legs. She had no idea how to get it inside her; she wasn't even sure where to aim, but she knew she wanted to feel it on her thick, dry mound of flesh, feel it move toward her wet folds around the opening to her body. She moved again and captured the prize she sought, then lowered her leg to clamp it tightly between her quivering thighs.

Her father mumbled in his sleep and his tongue ran over his dry lips.

Robin could feel his breath over her hair and she could feel the tiny nipples of her tits press at the mat of hair on his chest. Still sleeping, her father tossed his arm over her and pinned her close to him.

Tears filled Robin's eyes. She was so hot. So warm. She knew that something very strange was happening inside her body, and she longed for the fulfillment of sexual intercourse. She knew she wanted the hot penis between her legs to push upward into her and fill her… She wanted it so badly she couldn't lie still. She wiggled her ass and tried to force the stiff organ upward. Her father grumbled and moved again, rolling toward her and pushing her almost onto her back. For a second she thought her thighs would lose their grip on the cock, but he moved forward and it stayed in the warm haven of her childish pussy.

Her cunt had come alive now, aching and wet for him. She could feel the slow trickle of her juices wet the tool, and it twitched to make her even hotter. She had known it would be fun, exciting, but even this little bit was driving her crazy. She couldn't stand the pressure in her guts any longer. She had to make her move, had to try to accomplish her purpose. God, she was getting wetter and tenser by the minute!

She wiggled and tried to impale herself on his shaft of flesh. The wet, hot head slid over her labia and past the tiny cunt opening. She moaned softly, almost in tears now. He was lying almost atop her and she couldn't move enough to force the change of position she wanted. And to push at him, to try to move him, would surely waken him. And she was afraid of what would happen then. After all, he was her father, and he didn't need her for sex the way she needed him. He had Mom and he had Francie… maybe even other girls or women. But she had no one but him … and she wanted him now.

She moved again and the hot spear touched her swollen tissues. She held the cock there, tightening her thighs around it, forcing the big prick between the folds of erotic flesh. It touched her clitoris and sent shock waves of pleasure through her lower belly. But his cock was flat against her cunt and she couldn't wiggle enough to poke it upward. In desperation, she finally reached down with her hand and grabbed her father's cock.

The sudden motion woke him. Her father grunted, rolled half off her; then, as if thinking better of it he rolled back and onto her. It was a reaction without thought, a sexual need he wanted fulfilled. He wasn't aware of who lay beneath him. In his groggy state, he probably thought it was her mother, Robin decided. She quickly spread her legs and held her breath, waiting for him to complete the action he had started.

Stan Hawley came awake very slowly, not wanting to open his eyes to face the new day. He hadn't slept enough… he wanted to sack out longer… but, Christ, he was hard, and Nina was pulling him onto her and into her. He could always use a quickie then go back to sleep.

Without opening his eyes he rolled on top of her. His cock was stiff and he felt the heavy pulse pounding along its length and deep in his guts where his action began. He pushed between her legs.

He was only dimly aware that it was different this time, and his foggy brain made no effort to identify the difference. Smooth flesh, he thought. He pushed and the tip of his cock parted the hot lips and tried to enter her. Christ, why the hell didn't she open her fucking legs and let him get in her snatch! He shoved again and heard the tiny whimper.

He opened his eyes and found himself staring down at his ten-year-old daughter.