"Making Daddy" - читать интересную книгу автора (Grant Jack)Chapter 7Nina and Jodi reached the place where they were to meet Kevin and Drew, and Nina parked the car in the shade of a huge oak tree. The boat landing, where the boys we're to come in from the trip, was at the edge of town on the shore of a huge lake that was part of a chain that ran along the border. The day had grown warm, and now the air hung around them like ribbons of dampness. Jodi wished she had brought her swimsuit. "I'm going down the street and have something cool to drink, baby. Want something?" Nina climbed out of the car. "I think I'll stay here awhile," Jodi said. She knew that her mother preferred a nice cold drink at the local bar to the root beer she might be forced to have if Jodi went along. Nina smiled. She reached in her purse and pulled out a dollar bill. "Here. If you change your mind there's a pop stand over there." She jerked her head toward the outdoor stand near the corner. She snapped her purse shut and walked toward the cool dimness of the bar. They'd been in this town often enough so that she didn't have to worry about Jodi getting lost. The whole town wasn't big enough to get lost in, she thought with a laugh. A nice gin and tonic would hit the spot and ready her for the drive back. Jodi leaned against the car, fingering the bill. She was thirsty; a root beer would hit the spot. She sauntered across the road and climbed onto a high stool at the counter. A bored-looking teen-age girl with big knockers waited on her. Jodi sipped the cold drink and watched the girl behind the counter as she moved listlessly, pushing a wet cloth over the counter. Jodi wondered how old she was, and what size bra she wore. Gee, it would be nice to have her own body grow up. Then boys would look at her that special way, want to feel her. She thought about Patty and her uncle. Patty didn't have big tits, either, but her uncle didn't mind. Maybe men liked young girls because they were tight and firm, like Patty claimed. Jodi sipped at the root beer and wondered what it would feel like to have a man's cock slide up into her body. She thought she'd like it. She thought about the night before, and what Robin had seen and heard. Wish I'd been there to see it myself, she thought wistfully. She couldn't help wondering if her sister was planning anything this morning. It was strange that she hadn't come along. It meant she and Daddy were alone in the cabin. Jodi smiled at the thought. She didn't think Robin would have nerve enough to do anything. Robin was a chicken when it came right down to it. Jodi was the more adventuresome of the two, bolder by far. When she wanted something, she went after it. The more she thought about fucking, the more she was sure she wanted it. Ever since Patty had told those stories, Jodi had thought about it often. The plans she and Robin made the previous night were very real to her. No matter what Robin did this morning, if she did anything at all, Jodi knew she was going to find out firsthand about fucking. With her father, or with her brothers, maybe all of them. She saw the canoes pull into the landing across the road, and quickly finished her drink and started back to look for her brothers. She spotted Kevin right away but didn't see Drew. When she reached her brother, he seemed surprised to see her. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "Where's Mom?" "Cooling off in the bar," Jodi said bluntly. Kevin laughed. "Drew will be along in a little while. He's with the second group. Why don't you wait here for him, kid? I've got something I have to do before I go home." His glance went past her toward the root beer stand where the girl with the big tits was wiping her hands on her apron and watching them. "Where ya goin'?" Jodi asked slyly. Kevin didn't answer. He was already on his way across the road, and the girl was out of sight in back of the small stand some place. Jodi leaned against the dock post and waited to see what was up. A few seconds later, she saw Kevin and the girl come from behind the small building. Kevin's arm was around the girl's waist and they were walking very fast toward the grove of trees beyond the edge of the clearing. From the way the girl looked at Kevin, it was apparent they knew each other. Jodi grinned, pushed herself from the post and sauntered after them. She had the feeling that if she followed them, she might see something interesting. The least they would do would be some heavy making out. Maybe he'd even do more; who knows? When the couple vanished in the shadows of the trees, Jodi ran lightly so she wouldn't lose them. There was no path that she could see, and she didn't want to let them get too far ahead of her. Once beyond the fringe of the trees, she slowed down and listened. Ahead, she thought she could hear the light crunch of branches and leaves as they walked. She moved quickly but lightly so they wouldn't hear her. Then she could hear their voices. Jodi stopped and listened to the low, murmuring sound. They weren't far now. She moved forward again on tiptoes. Kevin and the girl were in a small clearing, standing in a tight embrace, mouths fused in a hot kiss. Kevin's hands were exploring the girl's ass, tugging at the white skirt of the uniform, inching it up. The girl's creamy tanned thighs came into view, and Kevin's hands were on them at once. He was pulling hard at her, pushing her crotch to his, bending his body so his cock hit right where her legs came together. Jodi licked her lips and hunched down to watch. A moment later, Kevin pulled his lips from the girl's open mouth. "C'mon, Jean, let's not waste any more time. God, I've been dreaming about fucking you ever since I left here last week." He was unzipping his jeans, pulling them down and off quickly. He wasn't wearing any shorts, and his heavy-hanging cock and balls coming into sight so quickly that they made Jodi gasp. She pressed her hand to her mouth and giggled softly. She didn't want them to hear her! Jean unzipped the white uniform and stepped out of it. She tossed it over a branch of a bush nearby, then strained to unhook the bra at her back. Kevin watched her, grinning. Her huge tits jumped out of the white cupped cloth. They were bigger than Jodi had thought. They bounced and bumped against the girl's ribs. The huge dark circles at the ends of the domes were like painted silver dollars, and even from the distance of her hiding place, Jodi could see the hard pips of the nipples jutting out. Kevin saw them, too. He skinned off his T-shirt in a quick motion and advanced to the girl while she was still pulling off the white nylon panties. He grabbed for the dangling melons of her breasts. Jean squealed slightly, then stood up and pushed herself closer to the boy's groping hands. She closed her eyes and put her head back, caught in the delight of the moment as Kevin's big hands covered the ripe flesh of her tits and mashed at it. "God, baby, let me at them-" Kevin pulled her with him to the ground, his hands cupping the full swelling of a tit and holding it so he could catch the nipple in his mouth. He sucked it ecstatically. Jean moaned softly and rolled her hips. The girl's hands felt between their bodies for the penis she wanted. Her fist closed around it, grabbed it hard, pulled. It was already getting hard. Jodi could see the bulging red flesh ooze over the top of the girl's closed fist each time she pulled back on the cock. The head was a red mushroom cap, thick and heavy on the huge stem. Then the girl's hand began to move so fast that it was hard for Jodi to see much of the prick at all. Kevin made small groaning sounds as he sucked the girl's tit. He liked what she was doing to him. He liked it a lot. Jodi filed the knowledge in her brain for future use. Kevin's hand went down between the girl's legs, into the dark patch of hair at her crotch. The girl moved her feet and spread her cunt for him. From where she was, Jodi could see right up into the dark shadowy patch of hair. Then Kevin's hand closed over it. At first his fingers were curved over the whole area; then he began to pry at the folds and find an entry into her. Jodi heard the wet sound when he slipped his hand into her pussy. They were both moaning now. Jodi knew it wouldn't be long until she saw them fuck. It wouldn't be long at all. She smiled and pressed her fists to her belly, into the bend of her body where she crouched. She felt something warm and strange between her legs-like when Patty described what her uncle did to her. Kevin pulled his mouth away from the succulent tit and gasped for air. "Jeez, I'm so fuckin' hot…" He rolled the girl to her back on the soft grass. He was over her then, crawling between her spread legs. Jodi held her breath as she watched him grab his cock and push it at the girl's cunt. For a second, Jodi saw the wet red lips part to accept the tool; then Kevin slammed his body hard at the girl and she raised her legs to wrap them around his body. "Ohhhhh, fuck me, Kevin, fuck me!" The girl whimpered and cried as her body came up to meet each dive the boy made into her. Kevin's long blond hair flopped over his face as he drove his penis deep into the girl, pulled back and drove again. The wet smacking noises filled the small clearing and they made Jodi very excited. She quivered as her imagination put her in the girl's place… "God Almighty, I'm gonna come!!!" Kevin could hardly talk he was shoving it to her so hard. "Yes… ohh, yessss-give it to me! Give it to me! Now! NOW!!" The girl's hands clawed at Kevin's naked back. The fingernails left tiny red trails on the deeply tanned muscular shoulders. He didn't notice. Kevin felt the hot warning pain and the almost instantaneous shooting of his load. He felt the hot semen pour from his cock, fill Jean's cunt and wallow in its own juice. She came, too; he felt the tightening of her cunt around his organ, felt the thrust of her muscles on him, then the warm mingling flow of her juices. He drained himself in the lovely wet hole, a week's worth of come-juice he'd been saving for her. It was several moments before he finally slowed and stopped. He fell on top of her, panting for air, his body bathed in sweat from the heat of his passion and the hot afternoon. Jodi was so excited it was hard to sit still. She had heard their sounds of passion and watched the couple come together in lust. She had seen it-seen even more than Robin had the night before in the summerhouse, because there were no shadows or darkness to hide the nude figures, the sex organs, the copulation. She had watched every bit of it, and now her breath was heavy in her chest as her own excitement would not die. It went far beyond the sights she had seen. The excitement was deep in her belly, the kind of needy feeling that talk of sex always brought to her. She recognized it for what it was-wanting to be fucked. The couple lay in each other's arms, their bodies still joined together. Kevin had rolled sideways without letting go of the girl, and his cock was still in her cunt. It felt good to hold her close this way with her big tits hard against his chest. Jean reached out and stroked his ass slowly. "Mmmmmm, that was nice, honey," she said. "It was a long week without you." He pulled his head back slightly and grinned at her. "You mean you didn't screw around with anyone else while I was gone?" She giggled softly. "Would it matter to you?" she asked. He shrugged and let go of her so he could roll on his back. His wet cock slithered out of her pussy and flopped on his thigh. Jodi could see the thick white creamy moisture clinging to it. "I don't know. I guess not." "You're such a goon about some things, Kevin!" Jean sat up and brushed her hair from her face. Her big tits bounced and jiggled. "What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, sounding a little angry. The girl laughed. "Of course, I screw around with other fellows. My god, you only come up here to see me once in a while. What the hell am I supposed to do the rest of the time?" She got up on her knees and spread her legs and looked between them. A heavy sludge of juice flowed from her cunt onto the grass. She grabbed toward the branch and snagged her uniform and dug in the pocket for a tissue. She began to wipe her cunt when the flow of semen and cunt juice stopped. Kevin watched her with interest. She tossed him another tissue and he wiped his cock with it. Jodi was fascinated by the way he pulled back the loose foreskin on the organ and cleaned under it before pulling the skin up to cover the head. The foreskin was like a blanket wrapped around and over the organ, and Jodi hadn't realized how shielded the head was. She thought she could see the bulge where the ridge pushed at the loose skin, but she wasn't sure. Kevin let the penis flop against his balls and tossed the tissue into the bushes. "I guess you're right, honey. I didn't mean to sound jealous. It's just that you're such a damned good lay, I'd like to keep you all to myself." Jean laughed again. "I suppose you are an angel down at that lake place and in the city. No fucking around?" Her voice was teasing. He grinned and got to his feet as she began to put her bra on. He grabbed his jeans and stepped into them. "Sure thing. Look, I'm gonna see if my old man will let me have the car some night this week. If I can get it, will you meet me? Maybe we can go some place and take our time…" She shrugged. "Better call me first." He looked at her, then zipped his pants. "Yeah, well, it depends on if I get the car." He wasn't going to beg. There were plenty of other girls around. A loud bell ringing shattered the quiet woods, and Jodi jumped up in fright. Jean quickly put on her pants, then the uniform. She pulled a comb from her pocket and raked it through her long blonde hair. "That's Harry," she said. "He rings that goddamn bell if things get busy and he needs me. I gotta run or he'll have my ass!" She turned and started toward Jodi. Kevin grabbed her arm and turned her around so he could kiss her. "Save your ass for me, doll. I'll try to call you soon." The girl nodded and pulled away, ran back towards the road. Jodi just had time to duck behind a huge pine tree so she wouldn't be seen. She waited until the girl was out of sight beyond the trees. Kevin was shrugging his way into the T-shirt, and his face was covered with the cloth as she stepped into the clearing. When he jerked it down, he gaped at her. "Jodi! What the hell are you doing here! I thought I told you to wait for Drew-" He broke off as he realized she must've seen him and Jean together. Jodi smiled. "It's okay, Kevin; I won't tell anyone." He stared at her, his mouth still open. Little snot. She had watched everything. She could really foul up things for him if she blabbed. Could he believe her? He squinted at her through narrowed eyes. "I swear I won't, Kev. Not as long as you're nice to me." Jodi said, grinning impishly. Goddamn little snot. She was going to blackmail him by making him buy her candy bars or taking her out in the boat. He could see it now. He ought to put her over his knee and whale the shit out of her. "Okay, kid. I'll be nice, and you keep your goddamn mouth shut-okay?" "Okay." "We'd better get back before Drew and Mom come looking for us." He clamped his hand on her shoulder and headed for the road. He'd like to throttle her, but a few bucks' worth of candy or a few quick boat rides were a pretty small price to pay for her silence. Jodi hid her smile. She'd made the deal; he'd agreed to it readily. Now she was going to make him teach her all the things she wanted to know-about sex! |