"Making Daddy" - читать интересную книгу автора (Grant Jack)Chapter 9Kevin felt the warm air and the warm child on his skin. With great effort, he pushed himself up, forcing Jodi to climb off his cock. He was still quivering with the radiating pleasure of his orgasm. It had been wild and wonderful, wiping out all thoughts of doubt about wanting his kid sister sexually. She had done something to and for him that he'd never felt before, and now he grinned at her as she scrambled from his lap. "God!" He shook his head in wonder. "Oh, Kev, it was wonderful… I loved it! Mmmm, can we do it again?" "Christ, I'm pooped!" He stared at her in wonder. She giggled. "I don't mean right now, silly! Another time, maybe later today or tomorrow… any time!" Her face was radiant, her eyes a little glassy. Kevin wiped his hand over his mouth. "Shit, I don't know…" "You liked it, too; I know you did!" He couldn't deny that. He smiled at her. "You'd better believe it! God! How did you ever learn to fuck like that? You were a virgin; I had to break your hymen, but you came on like wow! I've never had any girl fuck me better!" "Really?" She glowed under the compliment. "Maybe it was because I was so tight; you know, small and not spread out from lots of screwing around." He laughed. "You really surprise me, Jodi. Where the hell did you learn so goddamn much? You been reading books or something?" She laughed softly. "Sort of. And girl talk." "Girl talk! Hell, you're not even ten yet! What kind of girls do you know!" He stared at her. She laughed again. "You'd be surprised. One of my girl friends started fucking months ago… she told me a lot." He shook his head. "God! Grade school swingers!" "What difference does it make as long as we liked it?" Jodi smiled at him and let her hand move to his warm thigh in a caress. His leg quivered and he lifted her hand. "Don't do that, kid." "Why not?" "God Almighty! We're sitting in a goddamn boat in the middle of the goddamn lake! Anyone could come along…" She giggled. "You didn't think about that a little while ago." She reached for him again and he grabbed her wrist. "Listen, I'm not kidding. We could both be in real trouble if anyone sees us. It was a dumb, crazy thing to do-and we've got to cut it out. Now." He put her hand back in her own lap and reached for his swim trunks, which lay tangled on the boat floor. He shook them out and started to pull them on. "Get your suit on before someone comes by." "I'm all sticky…" "Shit, I never thought about that." He looked around and found a small cloth. He handed it to her. "Use this to wipe up some of it. When we get back in, you can go for a swim and that will take care of the rest of it." He watched as she bent forward and started to clean herself with the rag. She inspected the thick white creamy sludge that was moving slowly along the inner side of her leg. It fascinated her and she poked her fingers in it and rubbed them together. "I never knew it would be so heavy," she said in awe. She had covered her hand with it now and she raised it to her nose to sniff it. "Mmm, smells male." She grinned impishly and put out her tongue to taste it. "Salty." "Crazy kid." But he was fascinated by her eagerness and openness. She wanted to learn everything she could about sex, and she just did what she wanted to do. He felt a tight pull of lust forming in his guts, and he looked away. Christ, he couldn't let her start him again. He couldn't risk it-god! If anyone saw him fucking his own kid sister there'd be all hell to pay. Sure, he wanted her, but from now on he was going to be damned careful where he had her. This fucking lake was almost in public. He was sweating now thinking about what might have happened. "Put your suit on," he said gently. He stood up and pulled his trunks over his nude torso. Jodi grinned and worked her way into the small suit and pulled the straps over her thin shoulders. "Throw the rag overboard," he instructed. She did, and he pulled up the seat and sat behind the wheel. The engine started at the flick of the key and the boat was purring toward the dock. The wind on his face took away some of the heat and Kevin hoped his excitement wouldn't show by the time they got home. Christ, if his old man ever found out-he'd kill him! His own sister! He chewed at his lip to hide his grin. He didn't want the kid to know how much he'd liked it. Jeez, his balls still ached when he thought of that tight little snatch. He'd have to play it very cool, but he knew he wanted to have Jodi again-often. He was more than willing to teach the kid anything she wanted to know. Holy Christ! She was teaching him something! He steered the boat to the dock and threw the line over the mooring post. No one was around, and that suited him fine. He hopped out and let Jodi climb out alone. He didn't dare touch her, not the way he felt about her. Christ, he had all he could do to keep his cock from getting a hard-on just thinking about her. He walked to the end of the dock and dove into the water. The cool water flowed over his body and he swam with long, swift strokes underwater as far as he could before his lungs were bursting and he was forced to surface. He blew water from his face and looked toward shore. Jodi was swimming close to the dock. He paddled around in the deep spot until she had climbed out of the lake and wrapped a towel around her and gone up to the house. Then he swam lazily in. In the cabin, Robin was in the bedroom when Jodi entered. She had deliberately gone off when she heard the car returning from Meritsville. She hadn't wanted to face Jodi and tell her that she had gotten into bed with Daddy. Jodi would be mad because she had acted alone and before her. Well, it was only right; after all, she was older, so she should be first. It was fair. Now when her sister entered in her wet suit, Robin said hi and turned back to the magazine she was reading. Jodi was strangely quiet, but Robin was glad of it. When Jodi had changed out of her swimsuit, Robin tossed the magazine aside and smiled. "Did you have a good time in town?" Jodi shrugged. "Sort of. You should've come along." Robin grinned, then quickly tried to look serious. "I didn't feel like the long ride. It's too hot. I went swimming." She looked away so her sister couldn't read anything in her face. Jodi was looking at her strangely, almost as though she suspected the secret. If she asked, Robin wouldn't be able to lie, but she didn't want to volunteer any information. Besides, she hadn't succeeded totally. Daddy had stopped too soon. Robin needed one more time with him. Would she be able to get him alone some place tonight? The idea made her smile and shiver slightly. Jodi watched her sister and wondered what she was up to. She looked guilty about something, but instinctively Jodi knew that it was not getting fucked that her sister was hiding. Jodi knew she would be able to tell by looking at Robin if she had gotten to their father. No, that wasn't it… at least not all of it. Maybe she had tried? That could be it? But tried and failed. Jodi couldn't resist the temptation to bait her sister, flaunt her own success at her. "There was something-" Robin looked at her. "Yeah? What?" "Kevin's got a girl in town. He screwed her." "What?" Jodi grinned and nodded, the good news too much to hold back now. "Yep. He got back before Drew, and Mom was cooling off at the bar so I followed Kev and the girl. He took her in the woods and fucked her!" Jodi's voice was a hoarse whisper. Robin sat up and leaned toward her sister. "You're kidding!" Jodi shook her head. "Honest. They took off all their clothes and he fucked her there in the woods, in a little clearing. I was only a few feet from them and I saw everything. And I mean everything!" Robin forgot her own secret in the excitement of hearing these details. "What happened?" "They kissed and he started feeling her legs and ass; then he said he was too hot to wait. They got their clothes off and he pulled her down to the ground. He said he was so fucking hot he wanted her right away." "Did they do it-then?" Jodi sat on Robin's bed and leaned close. "They felt each other first. Kev sucked her big tits and she found his cock and pumped at it. God, it was so big and thick! Even from where I was hiding I could see the wet stuff ooze out of it. Then he put his hand in her cunt and played with her. They were rolling all over, hot and sexy." She paused. "Go on!" Robin punched at her arm. "Then they did it." "Tell me how-tell me everything!" "He rolled her onto her back and got between her legs. God, he was so big; you should've seen it! He pushed it at her and she lifted her legs, and that was it-he was in. I could see his balls whacking against her ass and see the wet red lips of her cunt as he slid in and out of her." Robin hugged her belly and moaned with imagined delight. She wished she had been witness to the scene her sister was describing. She listened breathlessly while Jodi gave details of the fucking session, telling her how it sounded, what the two people said, what it looked like. When Jodi told about the date Kevin tried to make with the girl, Robin sighed. "Gosh, I'd sure like to see them…" Jodi sighed and shrugged. "I don't care about that any more." Robin looked at her suspiciously. "What does that mean?" Jodi smiled, unable to suppress the bubbling excitement at the prospect of telling her sister of her deflowering. She glanced toward the door to make sure it was closed, then leaned closer and lowered her voice. "I went into the clearing after the girl left. Kev knew I saw-" "What?" Robin almost shouted. "Shhhh, for pete sake; someone will hear us." "You told him you watched?" She nodded. "And I promised not to tell as long as he was nice to me." Her eyes glittered with excitement. Robin peered at her. "What do you mean?" Jodi giggled, unable to hold back her news any longer. In a rush of words she told her sister about hiding in the boat and coming out when Kevin had anchored far out in the lake. Robin listened eagerly and breathlessly as Jodi described the events that followed, how she talked her brother into it, how he tried to resist but couldn't… and about the final, wonderful results. Robin stared bug-eyed, unable to believe that her sister had actually gotten fucked, but knowing it was true. She asked questions, wanting to know everything. Jodi was eager and anxious to give intimate details. "You can't imagine what it felt like," she declared. "Oh, boy, I mean he was so big and so hard in me! I could feel him all the way up inside me, every bit of his cock!" "You were sitting on him?" Robin asked again in awe. "Yep. Oh, boy, it was something. Then all of a sudden he said he was gonna come, you know? Something happened to me then. It was like a fireball in my belly, all hot and flaming, like long fingers licking at my belly from inside. I could hardly breathe. The pressure was like a bomb-and all of a sudden it went off. He shot a whole load of fuck juice into me and-I dunno, it happened. I never felt anything so wonderful." She was breathless now remembering and trying to describe the feeling. "You had an orgasm?" "I guess that's what it was all right," Jodi agreed. "But a word hardly seems to describe it. It was like my whole body felt it-big waves washing over me, drowning me in the sweet heat and loving wetness. God, it was something!" Robin swallowed hard. She was almost in tears. She was glad for Jodi, but at the same time she was angry because her sister had succeeded where she herself had failed. She thought about Daddy and his big cock almost going into her. Almost. But almost wasn't enough. It made her angry to think that Jodi had gotten fucked and she was still a virgin. It wasn't fair. Her anger made her more sure than ever that she didn't want to tell her sister about the time she'd spent with Daddy in bed this morning. No, she would say nothing until she, too, could tell an intimate detailed account of her loss of virginity. And she was more determined than ever that she would find a way to get her father to be the one who had her cunt the first time. Tonight. She would find a way to be alone with him tonight. |