"Two wild mothers" - читать интересную книгу автора (Scott Don)


Debra Jo helped Candace out of the bar, slipping her arm around the brunette's to steady her. Since taking the embarrassed woman out of the law offices, Debra Jo had kept a steady stream of gin-and-tonics going down the woman's throat.

"Where did you say your car was?" Debra Jo asked, her long hair flowing in the warm evening breeze.

"Over there some… somewhere," Candace replied, each word slurred badly. "But I don't think I can drive."

"Don't you worry. I'll drive you home and take a cab from there."

Debra Jo wasn't surprised to find that Candace's car was a conservative station wagon. It fit everything Candace had told Debra Jo about her husband, and her former life as the middle-class suburban housewife and mother. But that had all been swept out from under her now. She had to wait until tomorrow to take custody of her son, James. Debra Jo, too, had to wait until the following day before she could finally have custody of her son, whom she hadn't seen in several years.

"You know," Candace said, slipping into the front seat on the passenger side, "you're probably the only friend I have now. All my friends were really just friends of… that bastard. That bastard husband of mine."

"You must be getting better," Debra Jo replied, her blue eyes flashing as she started the engine. "You're at last using a curse word now and then. A couple of hours ago he was that man; now he's that bastard. Quite an improvement, if you really stop to think about it."

Candace steadied herself, trying to focus her eyes. "Oh, God! God, I'm drunk! And men! Men did this to me! I felt so hideous being on my knees… first so that one bastard could shove his cock into me like a dog, then so the other bastard could push his prick into my mouth. They're animals, you know. All men are animals."

"Yes, honey, all men are animals," Debra Jo replied, putting the car in gear. "Now let me take you home so you can get some rest."

They drove to a nice house in a nice suburb, and Debra Jo could understand why Candace suddenly felt as though everything she believed in had come crashing down around her shoulders.

Debra Jo felt the uncomfortable itching in her crotch, the tingling which signified that she was horny and had better do something about it quick before she went crazy. Since seeing her new friend on her knees, giving a hot – if not unwilling – blowjob to her attorney, Debra Jo had been unable to shake the image from her mind.

She helped Candace sit lightly on the edge of the king-size bed and looked at her friend. She was, without question, a beautiful woman. Not beautiful in the same way that Debra Jo was beautiful, but beautiful nevertheless. Soft lines flowed smoothly, one into the other, not like the striking, chiseled features that Debra Jo had turned into a fortune.

"Let me help you," Debra Jo said, the words sounding in her ears as though someone else had said them.

"T-thank YOU… I don't think I'm going to last much longer," Candace slurred. "I've had too much to drink. Men! Ug! Damn men! All they do is screw up my life!"

Debra Jo was annoyed with herself when she noticed her longs slender fingers were trembling slightly. She began unbuttoning Candace's dress, starting at the neckline. When the woman didn't protest, Debra Jo felt her heart leap in her chest.

"We can do without men, you know," Debra Jo said softly, unbuttoning the dress down past the brunette's pleasantly swollen tits. "There are ways of getting around what we need them for."

"Men! All they do is take your body and your heart, then cast you aside when they're done!"

The blonde pushed the dress from Candace's shoulders, then helped her take it completely off. Debra Jo's heart was thudding in her chest now, the blood pounding a drum beat in her ears. She knew what she was going to do – or, at least, try to do – and the prospect frightened her as much as it excited her.

"Let me take your bra off," Debra Jo said. But instead of sitting on the edge of the bed to get to the bra's clasp, Debra Jo reached around Candace's body. For a moment, their faces were dangerously close, clear blue eyes gazing hungrily into pale green eyes. "We can do without men, you and I."

"Can we really?"

Licking her lips to moisten them, Debra Jo kissed Candace lightly. It was a friendly kiss. Nothing threatening. Just a kiss between two women who had become good friends in a very short time because of circumstances beyond their control. But the second kiss that followed quickly had nothing to do with friendship. It was tinged with raw, hungry passion.

Debra Jo pressed her mouth harder against Candace's, parting her lips slightly and slithering her tongue out to run in over the soft, supple lips of her friend. She raised her hands, cupping the softly contoured mounds of Candace's tits. With her thumbs, Debra Jo felt both nipples harden inside the woman's bra.

"Mmmmmm! So nice, so sweet," Debra Jo purred, pushing Candace backward onto the bed. "We don't need men, honey. We don't need them at all."

As Candace mumbled something incoherent, Debra Jo's hand stole quickly around her body, unclasping the hook that kept her bra on. In seconds, she had the brunette's firm, rounded mounds of titflesh exposed and was devouring one hard nipple with her lips and tongue.

"Mmmmmmmm!" Debra Jo moaned, squirming as she kneeled on the floor, leaning over the bed. She sucked as much of Candace's feminine titflesh into her mouth as she could. Her fingertips were sliding lightly up Candace's thigh from her knees, inching ever closer to the hot, juicy cunt that the blonde knew would be waiting for her.

Debra Jo had eaten pussy before. Plenty of times. Her ex-husband had forced her into doing it, and she had never liked it at all. But Candace was different. She wasn't one of those star-struck bitches who only wanted to see a famous face between their thighs. She was someone soft and special, and Debra Jo wanted desperately to taste the woman's hot juices, feel her writhing in absolute ecstasy from the pleasure Debra Jo knew her lips and tongue could provide. After all, she thought, if she was the uncrowned "Queen of the Blowjob", didn't it follow that she should also be the "Cunt-licker's Champion"?

"Oh, God! What is happening? What is happening?" Candace moaned.

Debra Jo ignored the feeble protests, continuing undaunted in her quest for total conquest. She released her friend's throbbing nipple from her mouth and moved over, flattening much of her body onto Candace's as she captured the brunette's other pink nipple. Her fingertips slipped over conservative cotton panties until they reached the elastic waistband. She hesitated at first, knowing that if the brunette would deny her, it would be now.

"It's okay," Debra Jo whispered reassuringly in Candace's ear. "It's okay! We don't need men, you and I. We don't need men!"

Boldly, with determination, Debra Jo thrust her fingers under the waistband. She pushed them through her thatch of cunthair and found a moist, slightly puffy crease waiting for her. Stretching the panties out, Debra Jo's middle finger sought and found Candace's clit. She rubbed the wet bud, and her friend squirmed on the bed.

"Ohhhhhhhh!" Candace sighed as bolts of sheer electrical shivers sizzled in her veins. She closed her eyes, lost in the gin and the fingers and the mouth that were moving all over her tingling body.

Trembling with excitement, Debra Jo slipped off the bed, then knelt on the floor between Candace's knees. Her friend's legs were dangling over the edge of the bed, her toes not quite reaching the floor. With tenderness, but determination, she pulled the cotton panties down Candace's legs, exposing the dark, lightly furred pussy that had been her goal. Debra Jo inhaled deeply and stared hungrily at the pink cuntlips that seemed to beckon to her.

"Just relax and everything will be okay, honey," Debra Jo said, using her hands to spread Candace's thighs. "We don't need men. Just keep thinking about that, and you'll be just fine. I promise you. Honestly, I promise you."

Still fully clothed, Debra Jo used her thumbs to spread the dewy petals of Candace's cunt. She could see her aroused, erect clit and the soft contractions on Candace's pussy. The blonde felt her mouth water, and she was surprised at how eager she was to eat pussy. Somehow, pressing her mouth against Candace's cunt seemed the most natural thing in the world to do. Though she had always despised doing it before, Debra Jo now wanted to thrust her tongue deep into a pussy and lick up all the juices that seeped forth. She more than just wanted to tongue Candace's clit until she came on her mouth… she had to!

"Don't tease me," Candace said, trying to focus her eyes. She stared at the ceiling, her tits jiggled tautly as she gulped in air. Then her body was rocked by the feeling of a slithering tongue probing her fuckhole and lashing at her sensitive clit. Her former husband had never asked her to suck his cock, and she had never asked him to lick her pussy. The new feeling of having a mouth working hungrily on her cuntlips and sucking on her fiery clit was more exciting than she had imagined possible.

"Mmmmmmmmft!" Debra Jo slurped, stabbing her tongue deep into the humid cavern of Candace's cunt. She curled her tongue, scooping out the pussyjuice that she craved. Her golden hair spilled over her back and shoulders, flowing down until it splayed out on the bedroom floor.

Debra Jo was ravenous as she tongued Candace's cunt. She whipped her clit and was pleased when more pussyjuice drooled out. Sucking the tingling bud between her lips, Debra Jo nibbled on it like it was a tiny cock. As she worked over Candace's clit with her lips, Debra Jo reamed her friend's clutching fuckhole with her middle finger, sliding her finger all the way into the brunette's tight pussy until her knuckles were mashed against Candace's pussylips.

"Lick meeeeee!" Candace wailed, her mind spinning uncontrollably. She was beyond rational thought, beyond anything that she had previously considered human. Her legs twitched with the spasms of rampant desire that ripped through her supple, lithe body.

The words of approval were all Debra Jo needed to become the most ravenous cunt licker she had ever known. She licked Candace's pussylips and lapped at her clit, never letting a single drop of the clear, oily cuntjuice miss her tongue. The taste of Candace's cunt was sweeter than Debra Jo had imagined. She waited only for her friend's full load of pussyjuice to come gushing out.

"Ummmmmmm! Oh, so good!" Debra Jo hissed, taking just enough time to breathe deeply several times before resuming her fierce, loving attack on Candace's cunt. She pumped her finger between her friend's velvety smooth cuntlips with ever increasing speed, delighted at the passionate moans and writhings her mouth and hand drew from Candace.

Reaching up with her free hand, Debra Jo was just able to cup Candace's tit. The blonde squeezed her firm, pliable tit and felt her hard, throbbing nipple pressing into her palm.

"Oh, no! Oh, no!" Candace whimpered as the inferno in her cunt began spreading like wildfire throughout her body, making even her fingertips tingle.

Debra Jo tongued faster and harder on the woman's throbbing clit, pounding her fist into Candace's cuntlips as she reamed the sloppy hole with her finger. The cunt-hungry blonde followed Candace, never taking her mouth away from her pussylips, even when the woman twitched or squirmed unexpectedly.

"Eeeaaaaahhhhh!" Candace wailed, her eyes open wide and unseeing. Her legs shot out, kicking at nothing but air.

"Mmmmmmm!" Debra Jo purred, lashing at the brunette's cuntlips as pussyjuice streamed in waves from Candace's pussy. Although the blonde had licked cunts before, she was surprised at how much girl-cum Candace had inside her. Debra Jo dismissed this as a good side effect of not having climaxed in a long time.

The greasy tide of feminine cum flowed over Debra Jo's face, despite how desperately she tried to lick up every precious droplet. The blonde's face glistened in the dim light that trickled through the bedroom window, her prominent cheekbones almost glowing as she stabbed her tongue several inches into Candace's spewing cunt.

"Mmmmmmm!" Debra Jo moaned soulfully as the waves of girl-cum slowed, then stopped.

She tongued Candace's pussy for a while longer until she was certain that she had taken everything her friend had to offer. Then Debra Jo stood, looking down at the softly breathing naked woman who rested on the bed.

"Why don't you slide over, get more comfortable, and I'll get in there with you?" Debra Jo asked, unbuttoning her blouse. She grabbed Candace's ankle, intending on helping her friend kick her legs over to the center of the bed. But there was no resistance in the foot. Candace was sound asleep. "Well I'll be damned! I knew I was good, but I never thought I was that good. You're out to the world! And I guess that leaves me high and dry, doesn't it?"

Debra Jo started to laugh. She wasn't angry with Candace for falling asleep. It was something of a compliment to the long-haired blonde with the gorgeous body. Still, Debra Jo knew that the following morning she was going to be horny beyond words.