"Homespun Fun" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brown J.)

Chapter 10

It was a little after eight o'clock the next morning when Lynn paid off the taxi driver at the front door while Toby carried her luggage to her room. When she stepped inside and closed the door, the boy came back for his suitcase.

"Nobody's up, Mom," he said. "Can't hear a sound."

"It doesn't make any difference. You go unpack and change, and I'll get some coffee started. I need a cup."

After preparing the electric percolator, Lynn went to rouse the girls, and was puzzled when she found their rooms empty. A frown creased her forehead as she went down the hall to Ken's bedroom and opened the door quietly. It took a minute for the sight that greeted her to penetrate.

Ken was on his back naked in the middle of the bed with one girl on each side of him. He had an erection, but she couldn't see much of it as both Dana and Nancy had a hand wrapped around it, covering his prick almost completely. The girls were bare also, and each had a leg draped over one of Ken's.

Shutting the door silently, Lynn crossed to the foot of the bed and tweaked Ken's big toe. His eyes began to open slowly, then when he saw her, they snapped wide. He didn't try to move or try to wake the girls, just stared at his sister with bewilderment.

"What…what are you doing here?"

"I might ask the same thing of you," she replied tartly. "My God, Ken, both of them at once?"

Dana stirred at the voices, then Nancy. When they saw Lynn standing there with her hands on her hips, they leaped to their feet and faced her with fright in their eyes. She looked them both up and down coolly, then jerked her head toward the door. "You two had better go put something on, don't you think? I want to talk to Ken for a few minutes."

The girls scampered around the bed, stopped to look back at Ken with a combination of pity and hope, then fled the room. He swung his legs to the floor, lit a cigarette, then looked sideways at his sister.

"Well, go ahead and say what you're going to. There's no point in putting it off."

She helped herself to one of his cigarettes, then dropped down next to him. After taking a couple of deep drags, she said, "There really isn't much to say, except for you to fill me in on the gory details, is there? I mean, it's rather apparent what's been going on. Want to talk about it now?"

"Might as well. Only tell me why you're back so soon."

Lynn explained that their mother had been released from the hospital the day before, and that she had hired a nurse to take care of both their parents. There was little else she could do, and she wanted to get back home to spend time with him.

"I'm glad things are all right there. I'll call them later on." He rubbed at his grainy eyes. "Now about the other, this is exactly the way it happened. Don't say anything till I'm through."

She listened attentively while he gave her a graphic description of everything that had occurred with the girls since he arrived home. He was going to omit the part about the nurse, then realized that one of the girls might let something slip and included it. Pulling no punches, he gave her the complete run-down, and lit another butt when he was through.

"You've been a busy son-of-a-gun, haven't you?" Lynn asked dryly after a short silence. "I must admit, that wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I said they should be educated in sex."

"I know. It…just sort of happened."

"And you haven't told either of them about us or who Nan and Toby's father is?"

"No. I couldn't go that far."

"Don't you think it's about time they knew? Especially after all you've told me?"

Ken nodded. "It's not going to be easy, telling them that we've been lying to them all this time. I'm not looking forward to it."

Lynn placed a hand on his bare thigh. "I know you're not, hon. And I don't want to say what I'm going to, but I must."

He wasn't really listening to her until she began to relate how she had jacked Toby off, then started giving him blow-jobs. Then his eyebrows went up and he turned to stare at her with unconcealed amazement. Her face was flushed and her eyes were wet when she finished.

"So you see, Ken, I haven't got any room to talk. What I did was just as bad as you and the girls. I did plan to tell you as soon as I got back, though."

Ken got up and began pacing back and forth with his soft cock flopping against his scrotum. "What do we do now? I've tried and tried to come up with a solution, but I can't. It's one helluva mess, you know."

"I thought about it while I was gone, Ken. Neither one of us will ever be completely satisfied with anybody else. Why don't we move to another town and start living like husband and wife. All I have to do is change back to my maiden name. Nobody would know the difference."

He stopped and looked at her. "And what about our folks? What do you think they'd say? And the kids? What makes you think they'd go along with something like that?"

"The folks would never know. They're not going to leave that house any more until they die. As far as the kids go, all we can do is ask them.

When they know the truth, I don't see how they could help but go along."

"God!" Ken said, seeing the idea take form. "We'd have to be very careful. A lot of changes would have to be made. Once we did it, we could never back out."

"That's right, but it's the only way we can go that will make everybody happy. All three of the kids need a mother and a father, and it's up to us to be their parents. There's no other logical way, is there?"

Ken leaned against the dresser and pondered for a while, then said, "I guess it's best. At least they'd grow up knowing the way it is. The only thing left is to talk to them. Are you ready?"

"As soon as I get into something comfortable," she replied, rising.

"Best put on your robe. I'll meet you in the kitchen. The coffee should be ready by now."

He still had traces of misgiving as he went to piss and put on his karate robe. He had dreaded this moment for a long time, hoping it would never come about, but now it was facing him squarely in the face.

On the way through the house he came as close to praying as he ever had that there wouldn't be a scene.

When he reached the kitchen all three children were seated at the table, the girls wearing quilted housecoats, and Toby telling them about the trip. Dana and Nancy threw him shy looks as he went to the counter to pour two cups, then joined them. It was plain that the boy knew nothing of what had happened in the bedroom.

"Do you want us to start breakfast, Dad?"

"No. Lynn and I want to talk to all of you. She'll be here in a little bit."

Toby went on to finish his story, then Lynn appeared, sat down, and smiled cheerfully at the children. Ken noticed that her hands were trembling when she lit a cigarette and reached for his arm.

"Do you want to start, Ken, or shall I?"

"Go ahead, and I'll do the filling in."

Ken watched the youngster's, faces as his sister began talking, seeing them register shock, wonder, disbelief, and surprise. When she hesitated, he picked up the threads and she did the same for him until they had told the kids everything. The silence that followed was broken by an occasional "Wow," or "Jeepers," or "Gosh Almighty" as the information was absorbed.

"So that's what happened and what we'd like to do," Ken said after draining his cup. "What do you think?"

Dana was still stunned when she turned to her father. "Does that mean you and Lynn will get married?"

"No, honey. That's not legal. But we'll live together just like one family, which we are."

"What about the other stuff?" Toby asked timidly, making a circle on the table with his fingers. "I mean, me and Mom and you and the girls?

Are we going to knock that off?"

"I don't think that will be necessary," Lynn added quickly. "Ken, why can't we leave things just as they are, or even develop them? If we're going to live together, we might as well bring it out into the open, rather than sneak around about it. Surely none of us has anything to hide now."

"Would it make a difference in your decisions?" Ken asked, looking around the table at the shiny young faces. When they all nodded in the affirmative, he turned to his sister and shrugged. "I guess that's our answer. What happens now?"

"You know the old story about the omelet and the broken eggs," Lynn said, unable to keep the excitement from her voice. "We might as well dive right in, don't you think? To begin with, let's take our coffee in the living room and get out of these clothes. We're not going to be able to have any false modesty from now on"

Nancy had been holding back, but now spoke. "You mean all of us are going to go around naked? Are we going to…do those other things in front of everybody else, too?"

"Yes," Lynn said, getting up to refill their cups. "If we all do it together, we'll be able to enjoy it more. Watching each other should be almost as much fun as doing it."

"With one exception," Ken put in. "Toby won't be able to fuck the girls until you get them started on the pill. This is going to be hairy enough without worrying about that."

"Do we call you Dad now or what?" the boy asked.

Ken laughed. "I think you'd better wait till we move, son. We don't want to tip our hand until we're well away from here where no one knows us."

He watched them file into the living room, then stepped up to the counter to lace his coffee with bourbon. He was relieved that it had gone as well as it had, but he still had reservations, especially where the girls were concerned. When he followed them through the doorway, he found that he was the only one wearing a stitch of clothes. The others were already stripped and waiting.

As Ken shed his robe and draped it over the back of his chair before sitting down, it struck him as odd that of the three kids, Toby seemed the most ill at ease. Though the boy was gawking openly at the bare tits and fleece-covered cunts surrounding him, there was a troubled look in his eyes. He glanced at Lynn as he sat down, and she nodded that she had seen it too.

"Well, now," the woman said, unpinning her dark hair and letting it cascade down her back, "it seems that Toby and I are the only ones that haven't indulged in the last couple of days. Maybe we should start off.

Nancy, how would you like to have me lick you while you suck Toby's cock?"

Both young ladies had been staring at the boy's distended cock, but Nancy's eyes glistened the brightest. Toby's pecker wasn't as large as her father's, but other than that, it looked exactly the same. She tried to contain her blatant interest as she looked over at her dad.

"Would that be okay, Daddy?"

Ken wasn't pleased about exposing his girls to lesbian contacts, but he was clearly in no position to offer any objections. He had already given his approval to nearly anything they wanted to do, and he couldn't back out now. "If you want to, honey. It's all up to you."

Lynn was on her feet before he had the words out, pulling her son up and directing him to stand in the center of the room. "Nan, kneel down in front of him, and I'll lie down between your legs."

Nancy went over and dropped down on the rug, her attention directed solely on the rigid organ angling up from Toby's groin. She grasped the root of his veined, pulsing tool and licked her lips while the woman stretched out on her back and pushed herself up until her face was directly under the girl's juicy pussy. When Nan looked down between her tits, she saw that her mother's eyes were half-closed and smoky.

"Ken," Lynn said throatily, "why don't you come over and eat me, too."

"All right. Spread your legs."

Watching from the couch through her dark glasses, Dana twined her fingers together, feeling the jealousy well up inside her as her father crouched down over the woman's furry twat and began nuzzling his face into her coral-colored valley. She didn't want to see it, but there was nothing else she could do.

"Ooohhh, Ken!" Lynn moaned. "Beautiful! Okay, Nan! Start sucking Toby's cock while I lap your sweet little cunny! Ooohhh, God! This is absolutely perfect! Hhhuuuhhh!"

Nancy took a deep breath, felt Lynn pulling her wet snatch down to her mouth, then parted her lips and slipped them over Toby's hot, jerking cockhead. On the first suck, a drop of pre-cum oozed from the tip of his dick onto her tongue, and it tasted delicious. Then her mother's mouth was all over her cunt crevice, her raspy tongue swishing and flicking, teasing her clit and orifice.

Toby put his hands on Nan's shoulders and shuddered when her mouth engulfed his aching piston. He had dreamed of the girls sucking him off, and had thought about it sometimes when his mother was giving him a blow-job, and now it was happening.

"Oh, Jeez, Nancy! Suck me! Oh, Christ! Suck it hard! Make me cum!"

When Nancy's vaginal honey began flowing into her open mouth, Lynn planted her feet firmly on the floor and lifted her hips to grind her snatch against Ken's face. His nose and mouth were buried in the salmon-pink canyon of her twat, and his tongue was spearing into her already sopping tunnel.

From the sidelines, Dana was observing them with keen interest, her jealousy temporarily forgotten as she became embroiled in the thrilling orgy taking place in front of her. It came as a shock when she realized her own cunt was squishy and that fluid seeping from her vagina was forming a puddle on the cushion beneath her.

Ken had his tongue pushed into his sister's gaping hole as far as it would go, and was gripping her firm buns with both hands. Prying her buttocks apart, he located her bunghole with his thumb and crammed it through the tight sphincter into her colon.

Nancy was in a state of rapture that pervaded her consciousness completely. She was bobbing her mouth on the boy's delectable organ feverishly, smacking her lips and sloshing her tongue on Toby's thrumming peter. Lynn had already swabbed her asshole and sucked on her clit, and was now tongue-fucking her so wonderfully she had an unexpected climax before she was ready.

The discharge drained into Lynn's mouth, and knowing that the girl had cum made her so delighted that she began hunching her twat at Ken like a wanton whore, thrusting her cream-filled snatch onto his impaled tongue.

Toby's hips were moving back and forth jerkily as he pumped his muscle into Nancy's greedy mouth. His swinging scrotum was hitting against her chin, the tendons stood out on his neck, and his face was becoming flushed. A flash flood of jizz was roaring through his pelvis, and he was nearly ready to erupt.

"Mom!" the boy cried out. "I'm gonna cum in her mouth just like I do when you suck me! Oh, God! Suck me, Nan! Suck! Jeez, what a mouth! I can't hold it back! Fffuuuccckkk?"

The instant Toby's cock began spewing hot cum into her mouth, Nancy experienced another orgasm, stronger than the one before, as she quickly gulped the thick viscous liquid down her throat. She was shaking spastically by the time the initial torrent slowed to squirting jets, then pushed her lips down his jumping dick until she almost swallowed the head of his member.

As the second gush of cunt honey drooled into her waiting mouth from Nan's snatch, Lynn threw her legs in the air and wrapped her thighs around Ken's head, pulling his face tightly against her exploding pussy.

Ken drank her seething liquid thirstily, rolling it around in his mouth and savoring the delicious dew before forcing it down his gullet.

Though his prick was aching for a fuck, he continued to slurp wetly at her box until she sank limply back to the floor.

While they untangled slowly on the carpet, Dana clasped her hands on her knees to keep them from banging together and strove to control her heavy breathing. Nothing had ever affected her like what she had just witnessed, and her heart was hammering against her rib cage.

"That was almost too much!" Lynn groaned as she struggled to her feet with Ken's help. "My Lord, I think my ovaries popped that time!"

"You're not ready to quit, are you?" Ken asked jokingly as he resumed his seat. "After all, this was mostly your idea."

"Agreed, but I didn't know it would be so utterly fantastic!" the woman said, seating herself. "God, I've only cum that hard a few times in my life! I think I'll have to skip the next round."

Ken wiped his mouth, polished off his lukewarm coffee, then looked across at Dana. "You've been awfully quiet, baby. It's your turn now, you know. Anything in particular you want to do?"

She flushed furiously and hated herself for it as she was determined to get as involved as the others. "I was thinking about it, Daddy. Could I …have it in my behind, like you did to Nan? We never did get to do that."

"Certainly. Do you want to sit on my lap, or get on your knees?"

"Just a minute," Lynn interrupted. "Why don't you and Toby both give it to her at the same time? I've wanted to try that for years, but I'm too pooped to take it right now. At least Nancy and I could watch, and Dana could tell us what it's like."

"How about it, sweet?" Ken asked. "It's a perfect time to give it a shot."

Dana was startled by the suggestion, but didn't let it show. She would have to prove to her father that she was game for anything if she was ever to get her share of his attention, and to seem reticent now could easily ruin her chances. "Would the other one go in my pussy or my mouth?"

"In your pussy, dear," Lynn said. "Go ahead and try. You can always stop if it isn't what you want."

Summoning up all her courage, Dana got up, leaving a dark stain on the couch cushion where her twat had leaked. "I think I will. It can't hurt anything."

"You'd better let Toby do your ass." Nancy advised. "His cock isn't so big, and it won't be so bad the first time."

"Smart suggestion." Ken laid down on the floor with his upright pecker dancing, and motioned for Dana to straddle his pole. She got down on her knees over him and bent forward with her hard nipples brushing his chest. "Kneel behind her and wet your peter with her cunt juice, Toby, then stick it in her butt. Take it very easy. I'll shove my prick in when you're ready."

Toby crawled up behind the girl's ass and between Ken's wide-spraddled legs, then bent his tool down and rubbed the tip in her moist gash.

When he had the tip well oiled, he pushed it against her anus, took hold of her hips, then stuffed his muscle in slowly through the tight opening.

"Huunnnggghhh!" Dana gasped, looking down at her father aghast. "Oh, Dad! I didn't know it would feel like that! Oh, Gosh! He's going clear up to my stomach. Ooohhh! Ooohhh! Ooohhh!"

Ken rubbed her back and shoulders soothingly as he watched the pain flicker in her eyes. "Relax, baby! Let your asshole loosen up! It'll be just fine in a second! Trust me!"

"Oh, Daddy! Ooohhh! Aaahhh!"

Her tears were dripping onto his chin and neck when he felt the boys scrotum bumping against his and knew that Toby had his tool firmly embedded in Dana's anal canal. He reached for his joint, found her dripping hole with the knob, and inserted it. Then he drove his massive prick up into her slick sheath with one savage thrust until the head slammed against her womb.

"Daddy! My God, I'm full! It's too much! Ooohhh, Dddaaaddd! I can't take any more!"

"Easy, baby, easy!" Ken crooned. "The worst part is over now. Let yourself go and feel us fuck you."

"I can feel your cock inside her, Ken!" Toby shouted. "No kidding, I really can! Jjjeeeeeezzz! Her ass is so darn tight I'm gonna cum real fast!"

Dana hung her head and closed her eyes as the two rigid cocks began pumping in and out of her belly. They were both hot and throbbing, shoving her intestines aside as they plummeted deep into her insides.

There was no pain now. All she felt was a sense of intense exhilaration as the two pistons stabbed her repeatedly.

"Please!" she sobbed. "Don't stop! I don't know what's happening to me, but I love it! Go way in! All the way! Oh, God! It's so darn good I think I'm gonna faint! Huh! Huh! Ooohhh!"

Lynn caught Nancy's eye and winked at her. "Looks like a lot of fun, doesn't it? We'll have to try it, too, won't we?"

Nan nodded quickly, then turned right back to the trio on the floor.

The puffy lips of her flaming cunny were quivering, and the hard nipples of her titties were all atingle. As she gaped and squirmed on the chair, she promised herself that she was going to beat her mother to it.

"Fffuuuccckkk!" Ken moaned loudly. "Fffuuuccckkk! Dana! Oh, baby! Cum whenever you're ready, darling! Just let it go! Daddy's going to fill your pussy to the brim!"

Dana was being hit so hard in her crotch and ass it was almost knocking her over. She imagined she could nearly feel the hard rods in her throat as they speared into her mercilessly, stretching her sphincters to the limit and probing far into her guts.

"It's gonna happen, Daddy!" she yelped. "I'm gonna do it again! I can't help it! Oh, my God! I'm…doing…it…now! I'm… doing…it! I'm…cccuuummmiiinnnggg! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!"

"Me too!" Toby shouted, arching his back and tensing his muscles as a fountain of jizz spurted from his leaping joint into Dana's rectum.

"Ooohhh, damn!"

Ken lifted off the floor when he erupted, balancing on his shoulders and heels as his dick spewed foaming cum into the girl's clenching twat. "Fffuuuccckkk, Dana! Oh, Jesus!"

When Dana had stopped shaking and twitching, Ken and Toby withdrew their wilting organs from her orifices and allowed the girl to roll over onto her back where she laid panting and trembling. The boy's prick was streaked with brown, and Ken's was dripping fuck juice onto the rug. They helped Dana to the bathroom to drain their jizz into the stool, then wiped themselves off and steadied her on the way back.

"Well," Lynn said when everyone was seated again, "it looks like we're all satisfied with the arrangements, doesn't it. Are there any objections to what we've got planned for the future?"

Her question was greeted by a quartet of wide smiles.

"In that case, dear wife," Ken said to his sister, "go fetch me a state map from my desk. No, on second thought, make it a U.S. map. If we're going to move, let's make it a place where we all want to go. All right?"

Before Ken could defend himself, he was smothered with hugs and kisses, and he sighed contentedly. He was home for good at last.