"Homespun Fun" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brown J.)Chapter 2Not certain whether the girl was asleep, Ken approached the bed as quietly as possible and stood staring down at the still form. The twin mounds of her titties jutted upward under her nightie like two magnificent peaks. Her coral-colored nipples were much larger than Nancy's. Devouring her with his eyes, he gazed at the blonde tufts that swirled around her pelvis and into her crotch. "Dana," he whispered, "are you awake?" She lifted her arm from her face and dropped it to her side. "Yes, Daddy. Did you want something?" "Just a little talk, if you're not too tired." "No, that's okay." She swung her feet over the side of the bed and sat up. "What did you want to talk about?" Ken took the chair from her desk in the corner of the room and sat down in front of her. His organ was already on the rise again, making him more uncomfortable than he had been originally. "Nothing too important, baby. Are your eyes bothering you?" "Huh uh. Not too much. It just, well, makes me feel dumb, not being able to see." "It won't be much longer, I understand. It's uncomfortable, I'm sure, but you can handle it." Dana bobbed her head. "I know." "You've got a lot of courage. Were the other burns very bad?" "No. The doctor says that I won't even have any scars." "Do you mind if I see them?" The girl chewed on her lower lip pensively. "There's not much to see. At least that's what Lynn says." "I'd still like to, if you don't mind." For reasons he couldn't fathom, he had an urgent desire to see his daughter naked, and the yearning was so strong it was making his balls ache. "I guess it's all right for you to look," she said with a tone of resignation. "Everyone else has." Rising to her feet, she crossed her arms in front of her and pulled the gown up and over her head, then stood there with the garment dangling from her fingers. The soft glow from the bedside lamp accentuated every curve and contour of her ripe yet tender body. Ken saw the faint tint of pink that covered her throat and shoulders, and the contrasting whiteness of her tits where the heat evidently hadn't penetrated her brassiere. It looked like nothing more than a light sunburn. Taking his time, without touching her, he examined the beautiful milky cones that were nearly as large as Lynn's, the flat stomach and abdomen, and the pooched outer lips of her cunt that were covered with golden fluff. The composite picture of youthful loveliness made his prick jump wildly. "It doesn't look bad, Dana," he said, trying to keep the note of lust from his voice. "You should be as good as new in a couple of weeks." "Yeah, that's what the doctor said." She sat down on the bed again without bothering to slip on her gown. "At least it doesn't hurt." "Has he said when the eye patches will come off?" he asked, his gaze riveted on her ripe, down-covered pussy. "In a couple of days, I think. Then I'll have to wear dark glasses for a while." Ken was in torment. He opened his robe and wrapped his fist around his pulsing cock, knowing that she couldn't see what he was doing. Squeezing the thick, tendoned member, he began stroking it slowly, letting his eyes travel over her velvety figure. "You seemed a little upset this afternoon and tonight, Dana. Is it just because you're tired of the patches, or is it something else?" Her lips compressed, and she swallowed hard. "Oh, I don't know, Daddy. I…wanted to be able to see you when you got back. You're gone so darn much, and now that you're here, I can't even look at you." His hand was pumping his dick more rapidly now. "I'll be here for quite a while, honey. Maybe for a long time. You'll have a lot of time to look at this ugly puss." She started to smile weakly. "You say that every time you come home, Daddy. That you're going to stay, I mean. Then bang, you're gone again. I've hardly been around you since…" "Yes, I know. Is that what's troubling you?" She hesitated, then said, "Yeah, kinda. It's like I don't have any parents at all. I mean, Aunt Lynn is nice and all that, but it's not the same. Couldn't you stay here for good? I know you could get a job where you didn't have to travel so much, like you did when I was little." He continued to stroke his tool, thinking how ridiculous it was to be jacking off and conversing with her at the same time. There was no way he could stop, though. Not after being excited by Nancy, and now looking straight at Dana's lush frame. Semen was bloating his nuts, and he had to release it through his hard, straining cock. "I'm going to try, baby," he said huskily. "I want to be together with you, too. I always have, but I also have my job to think of so I can pay the bills. It's not easy." Dana sighed and slumped forward, making her bountiful titties bobble. "I know you've got problems, Dad. It's just…well, I do need you. A lot." "Honey," he said, perspiration breaking out on his forehead as he mentally fucked the young nymph while jerking feverishly on his pole, "I know you do. I'll make it all up to you somehow." Ken was sliding the skin up and down on his joint, slapping the heel of his hand against his pelvis. His legs were quivering with tautness, and his back was arched. It was coming. He could feel the viscous liquid speeding toward his prick. The bulbous head of his tool was swollen to the bursting point, and a droplet of pre-cum was already hanging in the pee slit. "Daddy," Dana asked, cocking her head to one side, "what's that noise?" "What…noise?" He was on the verge. "That funny sound. Are you doing something?" "Yes," he rasped. "I'm…rubbing my leg. It's a little stiff from the flight." "Oh. Do you want me to do it for you?" Oh, God! he thought. If you could only put your hand on my prick and pound me off! Christ, you're delicious! If you weren't my daughter… .! "Uh! Uh! Uh! Uuuhhh! Uuuhhhh!" Molten jizz spurted like a jetting fountain from his cock, hung in the air, then rained down on the carpet between them. He twitched with each squirt, the tendons standing out on his neck, as he continued to flag his jumping rod until the last drops of cum had oozed out to dribble down over his hand. "Is there something wrong, Daddy?" Dana asked anxiously. "Are you all right?" Ken let out a long breath of relief and leaned back in the chair. "I'm okay, sweet. I just had a cramp, is all. Everything's fine." "Jeez, I was worried there for a minute. Are you sure you don't want me to rub it?" "No, kitten. Just stay where you are. It'll go away. I'll just walk around for a second or two." Carefully avoiding the drops of sperm on the rug, he went to the dresser for some tissues, wiped himself off, then sopped up the expended cum from the floor. After disposing of the tissues, he closed his robe and tied the sash. "Did that help?" the girl asked. "Yes. Look, honey, I'm going to hit the sack. Is there anything I can get you?" Her face colored slightly. "I do have to go to the bathroom. Would you mind helping me?" "Of course not. C'mon." When she stood, he took her by the elbows and guided her down the hall, feeling the heat from her lithe young body against him. Reaching the bath, he led her to the stool, lifted the lid, then lowered her gently to the seat. "Will you wait outside?" she asked shyly. "Sure." He stepped back into the hall, making enough noise so that she could hear him go, then turned and watched her. She parted her thighs and let loose a hissing stream into the bowl for what seemed to him like two minutes. Even watching her piss aroused him. Then she groped for the toilet roll, and wiped herself. "Okay, Dad, I'm ready." On the way back to her room, he held her more closely, so that her bare tit rubbed against him. By the time they were at her bedside, he was hard again. He helped her back into her nightie, put the chair back so she wouldn't fall over it if she got up, then tucked her in. "Good night, baby," he said, leaning over to kiss her full on the lips. "I'll turn out the light and shut off the music." "Thanks, Daddy. And please stay this time, will you?" "I'll do my damnedest, Dana. Believe me." In the master bedroom, he shrugged off his robe and climbed into bed naked, the way he normally slept. The events of the evening troubled him, making him think he was some kind of lecher for letting the two young girls disturb him so much. Admittedly, he hadn't had much screwing in the last six months, but that still was no excuse for the way he had felt. He mused for a while, then weariness finally overcame him and the last thing he heard before drifting off to sleep was the distant opening and closing of the front door. Lynn let herself in, followed by her son, whom she had picked up on the way home from her first-aid class. While Toby fixed himself a snack, she checked on the girls and Ken and found them all sound asleep. After telling Toby she was going to bed and to shut up the house, she went to her room and stripped for bed. Lighting a last cigarette, she sat down on the edge of the mattress and pondered whether she should take the chance of sneaking into Ken's room and giving him a blow-job, which she had been thinking about all evening. He had such a fantastic prick, immense, hairy, and veined. No, I'd better not, she thought. He doesn't know how things are around here yet, and he's probably too tired to go off again. Still, the idea of having his gorgeous pecker in her mouth remained with her, and it wasn't long before she could feel warm vaginal liquid seeping into the crevice of her cunt. Glancing down, she saw that her bare nipples were hard and extended, and wanted a mouth on them so badly it was torment. "That settles that!" she murmured aloud. Stubbing out her butt, she went to the dresser and took out a penisshaped vibrator, the instrument that gave her such satisfaction when nothing else was available. Returning to the bed she laid down with her legs splayed and her knees drawn up. Switching on the dildo, she parted the puffy lips of her twat and began rubbing the thing lightly over her sensitive clit, feeling the tingle of it throughout her body. She began writhing and squirming as the delightful sensation excited her, then she moved the device down to her gaping, squishy cunt hole and inserted it into her prickling vagina, pushing it up into her as far as she could. "Ooohhh! Hhhuuuhhh! Gggaaahhh! Oh, God! Uuummm! Ooohhh!" Simpering very quietly, she began fucking herself, wondering as she always did when she used the thing why a man's prick didn't vibrate like that. The pointed cylinder was well oiled with her lubricating juices, and went in and out with ease. When it began to warm up, she started lurching her hips off the mattress and rotating her pussy on the divine substitute. "Hhhuuuhhh! Ooohhh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Aaahhh! Aaahhh! Oh, sweet Jesus! Gggaaahhh! Mother! Fuck! Fuck! Oh! Oh! Oh!" Her climax was abrupt, and she bit on a knuckle to keep from shouting out with sheer pleasure. When her trembling and fluttering had ceased, she left the vibrator embedded in her cunt, pulled the covers over her, and turned off the light. With the fake cock inside her, she relaxed into a contented sleep. When Ken arrived in the kitchen the next morning, he found Lynn already busy preparing breakfast. It jolted him to see that she was wearing a knee-length nightie of flaming red that was as sheer as either one of the girl's. He was still gawking at her when she turned away from the stove and gave him a bright smile. "Good morning, Brother. Sit down. I'll have your coffee on the table in a second." He dropped down at the table and lit a cigarette while she poured him a cup of steaming liquid and brought it over. He was still not quite awake, but the coffee smelled wonderful. "Are the kids up yet?" "Oh, yes. Nancy took Dana's tray in a few minutes ago, and Toby's getting dressed. He and I have a lot of things to do today. I've got to buy him some clothes, and we have to pick up our tickets at the travel agency." Ken had taken a couple of testy sips of coffee, and his mind was beginning to clear. "Does Dana feed herself?" "Oh, no. I suppose she could, but it's too inconvenient for her. One of us always feeds her." Lynn had gone back to the stove to dish up his bacon and eggs when Toby came in, neatly dressed in a sport shirt and slacks. He was tall for his age, stocky, with long sandy hair and the family's green eyes. A good-looking boy, Ken remembered him as usually being shy around adults or girls. "Hi, buddy," Ken said cheerfully. "You're looking good this morning." "Hi. Thanks." He turned to Lynn. "Mom, can I go over to Tommy's and get my portable radio to take along? You can pick me up there on your way to town." "All right, but make sure you stay there. I don't want to hunt all over the neighborhood for you." "I will. Bye. See ya, Uncle Ken." "Right, Toby." As he was leaving, the boy brushed by Nancy who was returning with Dana's tray and who was dressed in the same gauzy gown she had worn the night before. Ken's eyes widened, but he didn't say anything as Lynn placed a full plate in front of him. "Morning, Uncle Ken," Nancy said. She set the tray by the sink, then washed and dried her hands. "Mom, I'm going to go straighten up my room, now. Okay?" "Yes. And you'll have to clean the house today, too. I'll be gone with Toby for quite a while, then we have to come home and pack." "Sure, I don't mind. Dana's all set. I'll give her a bath later on." Ken watched her near-naked titties bobble and her pert ass jiggle as she left the room, then turned back to his breakfast while Lynn poured herself a cup of coffee and joined him. "Everything all right?" she asked. "Fine." He bit into a piece of toast. "Look, I don't want to sound like a prude, but do you think it's a good idea for you and the girls to parade around in front of Toby with hardly anything on?" Lynn seemed genuinely surprised. "Why on earth not?" "Well, for one thing, it isn't decent. For another, the boy might start getting ideas." The woman tossed her head back with laughter. "Well, of all the things to say after what we did when we were kids! For God's sake, don't you remember?" "Damn right I do, but we didn't do anything in front of our parents. And they didn't go around naked in front of us, either." "Ken," she said soberly, "times have changed. Nudity isn't nasty or immoral any more. A lot of families make a practice of going around in their homes all the time without a stitch on. It satisfies the kids' curiosity and gives them a more open mind toward the human body and sex." "That may well be, but speaking as a male, I know what the sight of a nude woman does to a boy or man. Hasn't Toby ever gotten a hard-on when he saw you like that?" Lynn lit a cigarette with obvious slowness. "Weeelll, yes, he has. Not out in the open, but I could see it in his shorts or pants." "And how do you suppose that affects him? What does he do, go in his room and jack off?" "Ssshhh! Not so loud. The girls might hear. He probably does pound off once in a while. Most boys that age do, just like you did." "Right, but why provoke him? And speaking of the girls, what do they think when they see a big bulge in Toby's pants? Surely they must have some idea of what's happening and what's causing it." The dour look on Lynn's face showed that she thought he was chewing her out. "So what if they do? Where's the harm in that? They're going to find out about sex sooner or later, and I'd much rather have them learn it at home. Wouldn't you?" Ken popped the last bite of bacon into his mouth and pushed his plate away. "Have you had a talk with the kids about sex?" "No. I was waiting to discuss it with you, and hoping we could approach them together. After all, with three kids, it's a pretty big job for one person." "I agree." He lit a cigarette. "Just how much have they seen that you know of?" She stood up, spun around so that he could see her body through her nightie, then sat down again. "That's all that Toby's been exposed to, I'm sure. That goes for what he's seen of the girls, too." "Have the girls ever seen him naked with a hard-on?" "No. I'm positive of that. If they had, they would have come to me and asked questions. Girls are just as curious as boys, you know." "I suppose," he said. "So, just how far do you think we ought to go when we talk to them?" Lynn smiled and put a hand on his arm. "I'll leave that up to you. Think about it while I'm gone, and let me know when I get back. Whatever we do, it's going to have to be soon. They're all at the age where they'll want to know everything." He grinned back at her. "Well, I'll do what I can, but it's not exactly in my line. Maybe I can find a book on it or something. You give it some thought, too." "I will." She stood up. "Right now, I've got to shower and dress. If I don't get started, I'll never get done. Leave things where they are. Nancy'll take care of it later." "Okay." When she left, he brooded over what she had said as he finished his coffee and cigarette. Lynn went to her room to pick out what she was going to wear and found Nancy there, making up her bed. Standing on the dresser, in plain sight where she had left it, was the vibrator that she had left buried all night in her twat. It was still glistening wet from her vaginal fluid, and she hurried over to wipe it off with tissues before putting it away. "Mom, what's that thing?" Nancy asked. "It's a…a sort of massager, dear." "How come it was all gooey and sticky?" "I, uhhh, was using some lotion, honey. Why don't you go lay out some fresh linens for me in the hall bathroom? I'm going to take a shower in a minute." "Okay. Does Uncle Ken want anything?" "No, I don't think so. Run along, now." As she put away the dildo and shut the drawer, Lynn cursed herself for her stupidity. If Toby had found it, he was old enough to figure out what it was really used for, and that would have been very embarrassing. Laying her clothes out on the bed, Lynn wondered if Ken had any suspicion of what had been going on between herself and Toby. Of course, the boy had gotten an erection when he saw all the nearly bare tits and cunts running around the house. It had been her idea, and when she realized her mistake, she had done her best to correct it. After the first few times she had seen his boyish peter rise, she had taken him into her bedroom and explained what was happening to him, and he had admitted to masturbating. Since it was her fault to begin with, she started jacking him off to give him the release he needed. Soon after, her impulses got the better of her, and she began sucking his cock. Neither of the girls had ever been aware of what was going on. She had been very strict about that. But of late, both she and Toby had wanted to do it more and more often, and it worried her because it was getting dangerous. It was for that reason, and that reason alone that she was taking him along on the trip. Perhaps by the time they got back, she would have thought of a way to sensibly explain the situation to Ken in terms that wouldn't make him angry. It wasn't a question of whether to tell her brother, it was a question of how! Ken drained his cup, then strode through the house to the master bedroom without seeing any of the family. He took off his robe, stepped in to a scalding shower for a full twenty minutes to both freshen his spirits and ease the bone-deep tiredness he felt. He shaved leisurely, then went into the bedroom to dress. After looking into the closet for several minutes, he decided the hell with it. He was on vacation, damn it! Slipping back into his karate robe, he went down the hall to Dana's room and knocked. "Come in," the girl called out. "How are you doing this morning?" he asked when he went inside. "A lot better, Daddy. I slept deeper than I have for a long time. I think it's because you're back." There was a lump in his throat as he grabbed her desk chair and swung it around to sit on it backward with his arms folded across the back. She had thrown the covers back, and once again he was able to see the outline of her body, her firm titties and fluffy cunt hair. "I'm glad to hear that, honey. Is there anything you need or want?" "No, I'm doing great. Aunt Lynn and Toby are leaving today, aren't they?" "Uh huh. Later on this afternoon." "I'm going to like that. Maybe you'll be able to spend more time with me, then. Lying in this bed gets pretty tiresome." "I'll bet it does. As soon as we get things squared away, we'll get together and I'll tell you all about where I've been and what I've been doing." "Oh, that would be super!" She paused, then said sadly, "I sure wish I could see you. That would be even more super." "It won't be long, baby. Have patience. I'm going to go read the paper, now. If there's anything you want, call out." "I will." She heard him go to the door, then said, "Daddy, I'm really happy that you're home again." "So am I, kitten. So am I." He reached the living room just in time to catch Lynn going for the door, wearing a low-cut knit dress that she filled out in all the right places. The thought struck him that she was almost as sexy dressed as nude. "Leaving?" "Oh, yes, Ken. I'm late now. I don't want you to do a damn thing while I'm gone. You just rest and take it easy." "Don't worry. I will. See you later." She tossed him the morning paper on her way out, and he sank down in his chair to read it, thankful that there was nothing else to do. |