"Homespun Fun" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brown J.)Chapter 4Ken was somewhat abashed by her remark, but took it in stride and didn't let his feelings show, since he didn't know exactly what Dana had said. "Well, Miss Sims, I don't find that so strange. I would assume that to be a natural question to ask a woman in your profession, wouldn't you?" "Frankly, Mr. Sheridan, I would have thought that…well, your sister is taking care of her in your absence, and since Dana has no mother, she should have explained the facts of life to her." Partly to find out what Dana had said, and partly to see just what kind of a woman this was, he asked, "Look, if you've got a few minutes, I'd like to talk to you…about Dana. Since you're off, would you care for a drink? Or a cup of coffee?" A smile played on her lips as she eyed him speculatively. "Thank you. I have some time. If you don't mind, I'd like a drink. It doesn't matter what." "Wonderful. Sit down, please. I'll be right back." When he returned with a highball, he found her sitting down with her attractive legs crossed, her dress high on her shapely thighs. He handed her the glass, then dropped into his chair and lit a cigarette while he mentally evaluated the possibilities of getting into her cunt. She hoisted her glass, took a sip, then said, "Very good. It's just what I needed. Thank you. Mr. Sheridan, please don't misinterpret what I said. No criticism was meant. It's only that fifteen-year-old girls today are for the most part not at all naive or bashful about sex. It merely surprised me that Dana didn't know what sperm was." "I'd rather you call me Ken. You see, the problem is probably a little deeper than you may realize. I'm an engineer, and because of my particular talents, I have to be gone much of the time, and I'm afraid I haven't guided my daughter as I should." The corners of her lips turned up in a smile, but there was much more than that in her eyes. "I know, Ken. Dana is very proud of you. She's discussed you many times with me, since Dr. Larson is the family physician and I've seen her often. Check-ups and the like. We've become pretty good friends." She had noticed where Ken's eyes were wandering, and deliberately recrossed her legs seductively. "And, my name is Mary." He made no effort to avert his eyes, and watched her movements with intense concentration. "At any rate, it's an unusual and sometimes difficult situation at best…Mary. I've told my sister, Lynn, to be very strict with Dana, and I'm afraid she took me seriously, particularly in the matter of sex education." "I can understand that. Your sister is trying to be protective in that area, and I think that's admirable. However, I've seen many cases where ignorance has resulted in more problems than good instruction. After all, a person, especially a young and attractive girl, should be forewarned of the pitfalls before she falls into them, don't you think?" Ken mulled that over, then nodded. "Yes, Lynn and I talked this over, and we plan to handle it as soon as we can." The nurse leaned forward, giving him a view of the tight cleft showing at the top of her dress where her large tits were pressed together. "To be honest, Ken, you'd be doing Dana a service. You have no idea how many girls even younger than Dana come into our office either pregnant or with venereal disease. They get into trouble simply because they don't know what the score is." Lynn's statements came rushing back to him, and it began to dawn on him that his sister had been totally correct. It was he who had been out of step with what was going on in the world, and it didn't set well. He would have to change his thinking, and as soon as possible. "You don't think that Dana has…?" He couldn't finish the frightening question. "No, of course not. But she is a pretty girl with a figure that is going to give boys ideas. My advice is to lay things out for her as soon as you can, and as bluntly as you can." "And Nancy?" "The same thing. Don't pull any punches. Medical terms are only used for reports, and don't mean a thing to children. Tell it like it is, as they say." During the conversation, Ken had been more than a little distracted by the woman's stocking-covered thighs and the swells of her breasts showing above her uniform. His prick had been swelling gradually, sliding down against his thigh and making a bulge in the leg of his slacks. He hadn't realized how apparent it was until she nodded at his crotch, her violet eyes smoky. "Ken, I believe you're getting an erection. Am I getting to you, or is it the talk?" He hastily covered his lap, startled by her abrupt comment, and felt his face flush. All he could think of to say in reply was, "You're mistaken, Mary." "Oh, please, Ken. I'm a nurse remember? I know a hard-on when I see it. Do you want me? Is that it? Or do you want to go climb into bed with your daughter?" "You've got it all wrong!" he said sharply, suddenly on the defensive. "I wasn't thinking anything of the kind." There was a smoldering expression of lust on her face as she set her drink aside and looked at him. "Nonsense. You're a virile handsome male with all the natural instincts. You're a widower, and you've been gone a long time. I just saw Dana in her gown, and that's enough to turn any male on. Then there's the point about her question." "What's that supposed to mean? Do you think I've done anything to her?" The beautiful nurse shook her head. "I have no idea, but it's the first time she's ever asked me anything about sex, and it happened right after you got back. I can at least put two and two together." Ken was beginning to fathom the fact that she saw through him completely, and he was not only worried, but also irked that she would come on so strong. "And what would you say if I said I did want you?" "Take you up on it. I've seen your picture and heard about you, and now that we're face-to-face, I'm ready. I'm not a bad lady, but I'm not stupid enough to think I could compete with a young virgin. It's up to you." "All right." He decided to call her bluff. Unzipping his fly, he whipped out his cock that was nearly at full extension and let her look at it. "If you want it, here it is." She uttered an involuntary gasp when she saw his monstrous, vibrating organ, and her hand dropped to her pelvis. "Oh, Ken! It's just as wonderful as I knew it would be! Are we going to be alone for a while?" "Yes, except for Dana." "I closed her door, so she can't hear us." Mary stood up with her purse. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute." He hurried across the room to lock the front door just in case, then returned to his chair and began stroking the sensitive organ that was soon going to be embedded in Mary's juicy twat. She came back a moment later and put her purse down. "Ready?" the nurse asked. "Aren't you going to take your clothes off?" "No. I like to do it dressed. Makes me feel like I'm being raped. On the floor or the couch?" "The floor. But at least take your tits out." Ken slid off the chair to his knees and waited while she undid the top buttons of her uniform. Then she unhooked three snaps in the center of her brassiere and pulled it apart to expose two massive tits with brown, hard nipples. "I always wear a maternity bra," she said as she sank onto her back on the carpet. "It makes things easier." As he began crawling toward her, she lifted her hips and pulled her dress up to her waist. She had taken her panties off, but left on the garter belt that held up her stockings. At that point, Ken stopped and gawked with astonishment. Her cunt was as bald as a baby's! There wasn't a hair on her pelvis, pussy lips, or in her crotch! "Do you like that?" she asked coyly. "Most guys do. They say it's like fucking a little girl's cunny. I shave it every other day, like I do my legs." "I've never seen anything like it!" he replied truthfully. When she parted her thighs and drew her knees up, he still couldn't move forward. The sight was too much. The scalped puffy outer lips were spread, as were the petal-like inner folds. Her clitoris was hard, and stuck up like the tip of a little finger. He could see right into the gaping hole of her pussy, where fluid was oozing out in a tiny trickle. "Well," she said, panting hard, "aren't you going to fuck me?" "Jesus Christ, yes!" Inching up to her, he bent down and rubbed his lips over the satiny skin of her twat, licked at the sweet honey, then teased her clit with his tongue. "Gggaaahhh! Ooohhh! I knew you'd be good at it! Lick it, sweet! Lap that creamy fuck hole! Hhhuuuhhh! Aaahhh! Aaahhh!" Raising his head, he creeped up on top of her to suck each of her tremendous tits individually, nuzzling his face into their warm softness, then squirmed upward until he could brush the head of his dick on her hairless snatch. She had been right. It did feel like a kid's cunny! "Don't play around!" she moaned, writhing her wet crotch against him. "I want a fuck, not love! Jab it in, for God's sake! Give me that beautiful piece of meat! Gggaaahhh! Oh, hurry! Hurry!" She reached between them for his rigid pole and jammed the tip into her slimy hole. Then, grabbing his ass with both hands, she lunged upward, burying his piston to the hilt in her steamy sheath. "Mary! Hhhuuunnnggghhh! Goddamn, what a cunt! Uuunnnggghhh! Now show me what a good lay you are! Fuck me! Use that twat like you meant it!" Dana lay quietly on her bed after the nurse had put drops in her eyes. She was waiting impatiently for her father, who had promised to come in when Miss Sims had left, to tell him that while the patches had been off, she had been able to see, though her vision was a little watery. She thought she heard faint voices, but couldn't be quite sure. Anyway, if she did it was probably Aunt Lynn or Nancy, and she was anxious to tell them the good news, too. Everything was going to be all right now, and pretty soon she would be normal again. Unable to keep her good news to herself, she finally slipped out of bed and felt her way cautiously to the door to the hall. Finding the knob, she turned it, then began walking forward with her hand against the wall to guide her. She hadn't gone three steps before she could distinctly hear heavy breathing, then Miss Sims's whimpering voice. "Fuck me, Ken! Oh, Lord, get it way up inside me! Ream that cunt! Hhhuuuhhh! Huh! Huh! Ooohhh! Fuck! Fuck! Your prick is so Goddamn huge! Don't take it easy on me! Pound my cunt! Oh, Ken! Hhhuuuhhh! Huh! Huh! Huh!" "You're getting it all, baby!" Ken groaned. "Every last damn inch of it! Hhhuuunnnggghhh! Keep it up! Hunch your ass! Fuck, you gorgeous little whore! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Squeeze it! Snap on it! Aaaggghhh! Aaaggghhh!" Dana was padding onward stealthily, searching for the door to the living room, trying to make her youthful mind decipher the words that were ringing in her ears. Most of it didn't make sense to her at all. Why should her father and the nurse be talking to each other like that? As far as she knew, they'd never met until today. "More, Daddy, more!" Mary was sobbing. "Oh, God, make me cum! Make me cum hard! Drive it into me! Rape me! Huh! Huh! Oh! Oh! That's my lover! Deep! Deep!" Ken could hear the noisy schlucking sound of his prick as he speared it into her milk-filled vagina and banged his cockhead against her uterus again and again. Her legs were wrapped around him and locked together, and her nails were raking his back. "Fuck, you little whore bitch!" he grunted. "Screw like a nympho! Hump! You were right! You're a fantastic fuck! Tell me when you're ready, honey! I'm trying to hold it!" Daddy? Lover? Rape? Whore? Bitch? Dana knew or had heard those words before, but why were they saying them to each other? Why? They sounded as though they were in pain, too! What were they doing? What was going on? When her groping hand finally located the door jamb, the only sounds in the air were grunts and simpers and the fleshy thump of bodies hitting together. Her heart was in her throat, and her legs seemed incapable of holding her up. She thought of speaking to let them know she was there, but something held her back, something she sensed rather than knew. But she had to see! She just had to! Reaching up to her forehead for the tape that held the patch to her right eye, she carefully peeled it down. For a moment everything was a blur because of the drops that had just been put in. She blinked, squinted, then blinked again, trying to bring things into focus. Then she saw, and everything in her world all at once became unreal. Her father was lying on top of Miss Sims, pushing something that was sticking out of his pants into her. It didn't dawn on her at that moment that the thing was what she had held in the bathroom, as it was now covered with white cream that matted the hair on it. Dana could also see that the woman had her legs high, circling his waist, and that her bare breast was squished out from under his chest. "I'm getting close, Ken!" Mary yelped. "I'm getting there! Harder! Oh, damn you, harder! Fuck me! OH! OH! OH! Ken!" "I'm going to cum!" Ken groaned loudly. "Damn! Mary! Let it go! Jesus! Can't hold it! Mary!" His legs jerked and his body tensed as the molten river of cum spewed from his jumping prick into the nurse's belly, pouring forth in jet after jet, filling the brunette's tunnel to overflowing. It seeped out past his impaled joint into her cunt's furrow, and his last thrusts were making squishy noises. "Ken! Oh! Oh! Oh! I'm doing it! I'm cccuuummmiiinnnggg! Oh, Christ, it's heavenly!" Mary arched off the rug in passion as the flaming explosion ripped through her. She dug the heels of her shoes into the crack of his ass to draw him even further into her, scarcely aware of the chafing zipper that was sawing against her vulva. Then she went limp and hugged him close, whimpering with pleasure as her climax slowly dissipated. Ken nuzzled her satiny throat until he could catch his breath, then slithered his dripping organ from her sopping twat and sat back on his haunches, staring at the coral oval of her twat where the inner lips had been spread and flattened by his groin. Fuck juice was trickling from her dilated hole, and running down over her asshole. "Was that good enough, ma'am?" he asked jokingly. She placed both hands on her abdomen and moaned softly. "I should hope so! God, I feel like I've just been taken by a pile driver! Ooohhh! That was some fuck, Mr. Sheridan!" "Glad you liked it. I know I sure as hell did." Dana turned away from the scene, her mind reeling, and raced back to her room with the patch still off so she could see. Once in her bed, she replaced the tape on her forehead and laid there shivering, struggling to comprehend what her father had done. "Better hit the bathroom again," Mary said, gathering her legs together and rising to her feet. "You must have hosed a gallon into me." "The way my balls feel, I believe it," Ken said, feeling a tic in his thighs as he rose. He went to the kitchen to wash his cum-streaked cock with a wet paper towel, and when he was tucking his wilted pecker back, he noticed that his slacks were soaking wet around the fly. He dried them as best he could, then returned to his chair and drink. "Well, what's the verdict?" the nurse asked when she came back. Ken frowned at her, puzzled. "What do you mean?" She sat down and picked up her glass. "I mean, do you want more of the same? I told you I don't live far from here. All by myself. You're welcome any time, as long as you bring that big old cock with you." He grinned and lit a cigarette. "I'll take you up on that, when you're not busy. I'm sure other studs are anxious to get into that hot box of yours." She looked at him squarely. "Don't let what happened give you the wrong idea, Ken. I'm damn particular about who I lay. I may have seemed like a slut in white today, and I can be when I want to, but it doesn't happen all the time. I'm independent as hell, especially when it comes to who I fuck." "I'm sure you are. Another drink?" "No, thank you. This is my day at the beauty parlor. But I would like to offer you one at my place, any time you say. Are you free this evening?" "I don't know yet. Possibly. How about if I give you a call? "I'll be there, ready and waiting." She took a pad and pencil from her large purse and wrote down her address and phone number, then handed him the slip of paper. "Call after six. Okay?" "Sure." He stood up and followed her to the door. "Maybe next time we can make it a little more interesting." She turned, giggled, then squeezed his soft tool as she stood on tiptoe to give him a quick kiss. "Wait till you see what I can do with my mouth, lover. I can suck your balls right out through your prick." Ken laughed as he opened the door. "I'll just bet you can. Sit tight for my call." "I'll sit, but I won't be tight. 'Bye, Ken. It's been fun." Going to the window, he watched her swiveling ass until she climbed into her new compact car and drove away, thinking that she was one of the quickest free fucks he had ever had. And one of the best, too. The thought crossed his mind as he turned away from the window and started for his bedroom that she might be setting him up to hook him into marriage. "No way, baby," he murmured, grinning as he went down the hall. "I'd never be able to trust you out of my sight." He stripped off his clothes and stepped into the shower to wash away the musky aroma of fuck and the smell of her perfume. He wouldn't want the girls to suspect what he and the delightful Miss Sims had done. When he had toweled himself off, he got into his robe again and went out to remove any trace of the nurse's stay in the living room. It was nearly one-thirty when he poured himself a bourbon and water, selected some records, and turned on the stereo. Then he sat down in his recliner to do some serious thinking. What Mary Sims had said coincided closely with Lynn's opinion, and he was beginning to see the merits of the argument. But he had never handled a situation like that, and didn't have the faintest notion of how it should be done. His father had spoken to him when he was a boy, as his mother had to Lynn, but they didn't say much, and since he and his sister had already been fucking, they didn't learn a damn thing new. What good would a talk do? Sex can't be explained with words. It would be like giving verbal instruction on how to drive a car, then expecting the student to get behind the wheel and take off. He and Lynn had fumbled and experimented for quite a while before they had found out how to please each other, and it was only through the process of trial and error that they had learned. As far as he knew, all the children of their generation had done the same thing, even when they got married. How the hell do you tell a kid how it feels to suck a cock or be sucked, or to eat a pussy or be eaten? How do you explain to a girl that a guy might want to drive his prick up her ass? Those things are just as important as fucking, and mean just as much. Can you say in words how it feels to come? If there was a way to get all that across by discussion, he sure as hell didn't know about it. Staring gravely at the glass in his hand, he shook his head and was reaching for a cigarette when the phone rang. As he went to answer it, he hoped that it wasn't his boss asking for the report on his last job, the one that he hadn't gotten around to writing. "Hi," Lynn said. "It's me. I thought I'd better let you know I'll be longer than I thought. We have to wait for Toby's new pants to be cuffed, and I still haven't picked up the tickets yet. How are things going?" "All right. The nurse was here to take care of Dana's eyes." "Oh?" There was a tartness to her voice. "And what did you think of that pretty little twist?" "She's okay. Seems to know her job." "She knows a helluva lot more than that, dear. Better watch out, or she'll have you in bed before you know it." Ken smiled to himself. "I can take care of myself, Sis." "I'm sure. Well, anyway, have Nancy fix you some lunch, if she hasn't already. We're going to eat down here." "Nancy's not here, but I'll get something for Dana. Anything else?" "No. See you in a few hours. 'Bye." As he hung up. Ken remembered he had told Dana he would bring her out of the bedroom for a while, and cursed himself for letting it slip his mind. He went directly to her room, knocked, and opened the door. "Sorry I'm so late, honey. Are you getting hungry? It's way past lunch time." The girl rolled her head back and forth on the pillow. "No, Daddy. I don't have any appetite. I can wait till supper." She wanted desperately to ask him about what she had seen going on in the living room, but couldn't get up the courage to formulate the words. Even if she could, she would have to admit what she had done, and didn't know whether he would like it or not. Feeling guilty about forgetting his promise, Ken said, "If you want, we can get you dressed now and go into the living room for a while." "Yeah, I'd like that," she said, sitting up, "but I have to go to the bathroom first." "Let's go, then." He helped her to the bathroom, waited while she pulled her gown up to her waist, then eased her down onto the toilet seat. To his surprise, she started pissing right away without asking him to step outside. As he stared at her furry twat and listened to the urine pour into the bowl, his cock began to rise quickly. It seemed impossible, after the screwing he'd just had, but there it was. They didn't exchange a word while she wiped herself, then let him lead her back to her bedroom. When she was seated on the bed, she smiled and reached for his hand, gripping it tightly. "Guess what, Daddy?" "What, sweetheart?" "I can see! Really! When the nurse took the patches off to change them, I could actually see! Isn't that great!" "Wonderful!" He hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Now, let's find you some clothes." |