"Homespun Fun" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brown J.)

Chapter 7

The sound of a ringing telephone penetrated only dimly into Ken's booze-drugged mind. He started to rouse himself, but then the raucous sound stopped and he sank back into deep slumber, glad that it must have been an illusion. Then he heard a loud and clear voice, and tried to clear his pounding head.

"Uncle Ken! Ken!" Nancy was calling him from the doorway. "It's for you! The phone! It's Doctor Larson!"

He was flat on his stomach, and had to twist his head around to see her. "What?"

There was a bitter frown on her face, and her eyes were hard as steel.

"I said Doctor Larson is on the phone." She slammed the door.

Forcing himself up dizzily, he sat on the side of the bed and reached for the extension on the night stand, squinting his eyes at the clock on the dresser at the same time and noting that it was a few minutes after ten.

"Ken Sheridan, Doctor. What can I do for you?"

"Good morning. I have some good news for you. According to a note from my nurse, Dana's eyes appear to be much better. I see no reason why the patches can't be removed now, providing she wears dark glasses at all times for at least a week. Then I'd like to see her again."

It took a second for Ken to assimilate the information, then he said,

"That's wonderful, Doctor. I know Dana will be very glad to hear it.

Thank you very much for calling. I'll see that she's in your office in a week."

"Fine. Give her my regards. She's a brave little girl. I understand your sister is out of town."

"That's right. She's visiting our parents."

So that's why you called personally, Ken thought. You wanted to get Lynn back into a motel for a fuck!

"Yes, well, I'm sure she'll be happy, too. Good-bye."

Ken hung up the phone, still not completely awake, and glanced down at the wilted prick sticking out of his pants. Dried shit was clinging to the dark hairs and the soft head, and the memory of what he had done last night hit him like a ton of bricks. Leaning forward, he put his face in his hands.

"Oh, God!" he moaned. "What in the hell came over me?"

He stayed that way for several minutes, agonizing with himself, then got up, lit a cigarette, and began undressing. Avoiding his reflection in the mirror, he plodded into the bathroom and turned the shower on full blast, then sat on the stool to pee and crap while it warmed up.

Fifteen minutes under the stinging spray sobered him up, then he shaved with care, put on his robe, and went out into the hall. The door to Dana's room was open, so he went directly there, finding her lying on the bed uncovered, wearing a rose-colored nightie as sheer as her other one.

"Good morning, honey," he said as cheerfully as he could. "I hope you're ready to get up."

She grinned happily at the sound of his voice. "Hi, Daddy! I sure am.

Are you going to help me dress?"

He crossed over and sat down next to her, careful to not even look at her curl-covered nest or the dark circles of her nipples. He didn't want even the slightest lascivious thought to cross his mind.

"Guess what, baby? The doctor called. We can take those damn patches off today."

The girl bolted up. "Really! Oh, Jeez, that's super! Right now?"

"Yep. But you'll have to put dark glasses on as soon as we do. Where are they?"

"In the top drawer of the dresser, Dad. Oh, hurry! Please!"

Dana swung her feet to the floor while Ken located the sun glasses and returned. As he carefully peeled off the tape that held the gauze pads in place, she wrung her hands together with excited anticipation and shivered with elation. When the pads were removed, she opened her eyes and saw her father clearly for the first time since he returned.

"Oh, Daddy! I love you!" She threw her arms around his neck and began kissing him again and again.

"Hey! Hold it! Let's get these glasses on first!"

He fitted them on her, then smiled with all the tenderness he felt.

"How's that, sweetheart? Better?"

"Daddy, you'll never know! Gosh! It's like a whole new world!" She stood up and hugged him fiercely, as tears made streaks down her cheeks.

"Now, you're still going to have to take it easy, Dana," he said sternly, trying to mask his emotions. "Those glasses have to stay on constantly for a full week, then you have to go back to the doctor."

"I don't care. Anything is all right as long as I can see you again."

She looked into his face. "You're beautiful!"

Ken laughed and squeezed her arms. "So are you. I guess you won't need any help now. I'm going to get some coffee."

"Oh, no you don't! I'm going to get it for you. You go back to bed, and I'll bring you the paper and coffee, just like I used to. Please, Daddy. Let me."

He smiled, shaking his head. "Well, how can I refuse an offer like that? Okay, but don't get carried away. Get used to things first."

"Don't worry. Go ahead, and I'll be there in a minute."

Ken kissed her cheek, then left her looking around her room as he strode back down the hall. He felt a pang when he passed Nancy's room.

Sometime that day he was going to have to sit down and try to explain things to her. It was an ugly mess, but he'd have to straighten it out the best way he could. He only hoped he hadn't seriously hurt her.

He propped himself up in bed with both pillows, lit a cigarette, and a few minutes later Dana appeared with a large mug of steaming coffee and the morning paper. When she handed them to him, he noticed that some of the glow had left her.

"What's the matter, baby?"

"Oh, nothing. It's just that, well, Nancy is sure acting funny. She didn't say hardly anything about my patches being off. All she said was 'that's nice.'"

Ken knew what the problem was, but he could hardly tell Dana. He said,

"She was probably too surprised, hon. I'm sure she feels very good about it."

Dana shrugged. "Maybe so. Anyway, I'm going to go help her with the dishes. You just lie there and relax." Her grin came back. "It's my turn to do things now."

When she had gone, Ken sipped his coffee and scanned the paper, trying not to think of Nancy or the night before. There would be time enough for that when the coffee diluted the liquor still left in his system and he could put things in perspective. The matter demanded a clear and concise approach, and he wasn't up to it just yet.

He had drained the mug, finished with the paper, and was in the process of lighting another cigarette when Dana came in, crawled up on the large bed, and squatted on her haunches next to him. Her attractive mouth was curved into an impish grin.

"We're all alone, now. Nancy went to the store and the post office to mail your letter. She'll be gone at least an hour."

"How about that. You make it sound like something special."

"It is! I like to have you all to myself. Especially when I can see you."

He couldn't help dropping his gaze to the twin mountains that pushed her gown out and the two dark aureoles around her pointed nipples. The recollection of how they had tasted in his mouth made his cock tingle and begin to extend. He despised the effect she had on him, but there was no getting away from it.

"Aren't you going to get dressed?" he asked, hoping she would find something else to do before his prick sprang to life.

"In a little while." Her tone was more serious now. "Daddy, now that I can see, could I look at your…cock? I've held it and everything, but I haven't seen it."

The question came so quickly and unexpectedly that it jarred him, and he had to grope for an answer. It came to him at that moment that the reason he had gone so far with her was that she had been technically blind. Now that she could see the lustful and carnal look in his eyes, what would he do?

"I don't think it would be such a good idea, kitten. We've done more than enough as it is, and you know now what it's all about."

"But I want to see it!" she begged. "It's got me going nuts, not knowing what it looks like. Please! No one's here."

She does have a right, he thought. After all, she's jacked me off and sucked me. And Nancy's seen it. If I can just keep myself under control …

"All right, honey. You might as well be exposed to all of it. A little knowledge is worse than none at all." He undid the sash of his robe and opened it completely.

Dana sucked in her breath and her eyebrows went up at her first real glimpse of the prick she had held and put her mouth on. His penis was at half-erection, raised slightly off his abdomen, and pulsing and growing as she gaped at it. The swelling organ was pretty much as she'd pictured it, as were his testicles lying in the sack that nestled between his muscular thighs.

"Jeepers! I didn't know the end of it was that color! It's kinda purple! And it's getting bigger!"

"It's small when it's soft, baby, then gets long and big when it's hard. They're all the same."

She extended her hand and touched a finger to the slit in the head of his dick. "Is that where the stuff comes out?"

"Uh huh. That's where I pee through, too." He had given up striving not to get hard. It was pointless. Let her see it and get it over with.

Then she wouldn't be curious any more.

"Golly, Dad," she murmured, keeping her eyes fixed on the huge muscle as it distended to its full length and rose in the air. "I know that would never go in me where you put your finger! It'd split me apart!"

She had closed her hand around his pecker, and was feeling it from the root to the crown, making it jerk in her grasp. "No, hon, a girl's cunt stretches. Even as young as you are, you could take it right now."

"Honest? Wow!" She seemed to be hypnotized by his prick as she massaged it, feeling every tendon and bulging vein in the vibrating organ. The tiny pee slit opened and closed like a small mouth as she moved the loose skin up and down, and that fascinated her. She was so spellbound she didn't notice that her father's eyes were becoming glazed and smoky.

"I think you'd better quit, Dana," he rasped. "You've seen it now.

That's all you wanted."

She was trembling as she ran the top of her tongue across her lips.

"Can I kiss it again, Daddy? Just a little bit?"

He wanted to say no, but his inflamed poker was telling him otherwise.

He was guilty as sin of wishing she would suck him off, and to deny it would have been ridiculous. The episode with Nancy was forgotten under the gentle pressure of her hand on his rod, as was his determination to leave the girls alone. His balls were already sucking up into his groin, ready to start pumping jizz at a signal from his fevered brain.

"Okay, baby. Just a little, though. We don't want the same thing to happen that happened last time."

Dana was numb as she slid her fist down to the base of his poker and leaned over to lower her lips to the head of his quivering penis. She kissed the tip tenderly, ran her tongue around the rim, then took the cockhead into her mouth and tugged on it.

Ken jerked when her eager young mouth enveloped his knob. He reached out, lifted her gown, and ran a finger down the crack of her ass until he found her cunt hole. As she sucked and pulled on the nose of his joint, he rimmed her vaginal mouth, found it wet, then jabbed his digit in to the last knuckle. The walls of her flaming sheath closed around his finger and held it tightly.

"Dana! Ooohhh, Christ! Damn! Suck it, honey! Fuck, your mouth feels so good! Tongue it baby! Like that! Aaahhh! Aaahhh!"

The girl had her eyes wide open as she sloshed her tongue over and around the silken head of her father's cock, and enjoyed seeing his legs twitch and his hips writhe. She was giving him pleasure, and that elated her, but in addition to that, his finger was worming into her vagina and causing a delightful sensation in her belly. She was heady with bliss at being in such intimate contact with the only man in her young life.

Though his daughter's hungry mouth had already started his cum bubbling in his balls, Ken knew a blow-job wasn't going to be enough for him. He wanted to jam his aching muscle deep into her creamy cunt and ram the head of his tool against her youthful womb. He stared at the ceiling through a red haze, devoured by desire and longing for her vaginal tube to envelope his dick. Then he could contain himself no longer.

"Stop, Dana! Take that thing off! I'm going to give it to you all the way! I'm going to show you what fucking really is!"

Dana was startled when he yanked his finger from her cunny and pushed her away from his prick. It all happened so fast she still didn't know what was going on, but pulled off her nightie without a word while he got up and shrugged out of his robe.

"What do you mean, Daddy? What are you going to do?"

He climbed on the bed, half-crazed with incestuous passion, and pushed her down onto her back. Splaying her legs, he moved up on top of her, giving her tits a brief suck on the way. Then he stretched out, resting on his elbows, with the tip of his organ pressing against the pouting lips of her twat.

"I'm going to fuck you darling," he said while he twisted his hips around to force his cock into her dewy valley. "I'm going to put my prick where it belongs! In your pussy! I'm going to make you cum so hard you'll go out of your mind!"

The impact of what he was saying finally reached her, and as the hot tip of his pecker found its way into her slick cunt cleft, she pushed against his hairy chest as hard as she could with both hands.

"No, Daddy! Don't! It won't go in! I'm too small! Please! No! Daddy!

For God's sake, no!"

"Don't worry, sweetheart! Trust me! In a second you'll be begging me not to stop! Ooohhh, Dana! My beautiful little baby! I want to be inside you so much! Lie still! Let Daddy show you what it's like to be a woman!"

He had wet his cockknob thoroughly with her juices, and had slithered it down to her seeping orifice. Slipping his hands under her shoulders, he nuzzled his face into the hollow of her throat and began pushing his tool into the moist opening. The head poked into the fleshy mouth easily, then he began penetrating her with agonizing slowness, feeling the turgid tube engulf his plunging dick.

"Daddy! Ooohhh, don't! Oh, my God, it's so big! I can't! I can't take it! Daaaddd! Nnnooo! Oh, no! No! No!"

Her legs flailed the air and she beat a tattoo on his back with her tiny fists as she felt the tremendous monster invade her belly. It seemed to push aside her intestines as he drove it deeper into her vaginal canal. The thing jumped and jerked inside her, almost as though it were alive. It expanded her vaginal walls to the limit as it snaked its way toward her waist, seemingly endless in its length.

"Bbbaaabbbyyy! Ooohhh, fuck! What a ripe, tight cunt! I love you, sweetheart! And I love to fuck you! Relax, honey! Let Daddy fuck that hot little twat! Oh, damn! Damn!"

"Daddy, please! Take it out! Oh, don't! No! No! Oh, God! It hurts!

Aaahhh! Ooohhh! Stop! Stop! No farther! Pull it out! Jjjeeezzz!"

The snug sheath continued to dilate as Ken plummeted his cock into her, spearing deeper and deeper, stuffing her twat full of man meat. Then the head of his tool was bumping against her uterus and his balls were resting against her asshole. Letting it soak till she got used to it, he crushed her tits with his chest and began showering her grimacing face with kisses.

"Oh, baby, baby, baby! How I love you! Take it easy, darling! Daddy wouldn't hurt his sweet baby! That's all there is to it, I won't do any more for a while! Just feel it, Dana! Feel how hard and strong it is!

Ooohhh, God!"

She was whimpering softly and tears were flowing from the corners of her eyes, but she had stopped fighting. She had pulled up her knees and put her feet on the mattress, and her pounding fists were now open hands that were caressing his broad back.

"It…it doesn't hurt so much now," she whispered. "It really doesn't hurt at all. But why did you put it in me, Daddy! Did you really want to?"

"Of course I did, baby! I've wanted to fuck you since I got back!"

"Oh. It's kinda jumping inside me."

"I know."

"Is that all there is to…fucking?"

"No. Are you ready for the rest of it?"

"Will it hurt again?"

"Not a bit. Feel."

He kissed her on the mouth as he withdrew his prick to the end, then gently plowed it back in. A tremor raced through her, and he felt her pussy lips flutter on his joint. Then he began stroking his piston in and out the full length, flattening her vulva with his pelvis on each inward thrust, knowing it would titillate her clit.

"Ooohhh, Daddy!" she moaned. "That makes me feel real squishy inside!

And it kinda tickles! Hhhuuuhhh! Ooohhh! Is it supposed to be like that?"

"Yes, honey! Just like that. Are you enjoying it?"

"Hhhuuuhhh! I…think so! I've never felt like this before! It's so different! Uuuhhh! Uuuhhh! Gosh! I can feel your things hitting my behind! All kinds of funny things are going on inside me! Ooohhh!"

"All right, darling, I'm going to fuck you for real, now. Are you ready for that?"

"What does that mean?"

"The same thing I'm doing, only faster. Okay?"

"I guess so. What do I do?"

"Nothing. Just lie there and enjoy it. Just keep thinking how much you love me."

Ken buried his face in Dana's blonde tresses that were fanned out from her head and started hunching his organ into her with meaning, twirling it around inside her as he impaled her slippery pussy again and again.

His balls began slapping noisily against her bunghole, and his darting dick made loud schlucking sounds.

"Ooohhh, fuck, Dana! Fuck, baby! Daddy wants to screw you so bad! Fuck!

Fuck! Christ! What a terrific cunt!"

Dana could feel her cunt hole pucker and pooch with each of her father's hard jabs, and had to admit that she was liking it more than she had ever dreamed she would like anything. His gigantic cock sent impulse after rapturous impulse through her body to her limbs, and she was beginning to feel giddy.

"Daddy! It's…it's good! Real good! Ooohhh! I didn't know how wonderful it would be! Why didn't you tell me! Hhhuuuhhh! I like it!


To Ken, her virgin pussy was unbelievable. Never in his life had he ever fucked anything so tight. She was literally sucking him off with her girlish twat, gobbling his pecker with her fiery vagina. He was already close to cuming, but wanted to hold back until she was ready so as to give her the full pleasure of her very first fuck.

"Dana! You're a princess! You've got a magnificent cunny! Ooobhh, fuck!

God! I've never had such a terrific fuck! Do you like it baby? Is it making you feel good?"

She couldn't help but wriggle and undulate on his pounding rod. It was as though her body was separated from her mind, and was doing what it wanted to of its own accord. The spearing prick was making her mind soar, and there was a loud ringing in her ears. If this was fucking, she wanted to keep on doing it forever!

"Daddy! I think I'm going to do it again! What I did when you licked me! My God, I feel so strange! It's good! So Gggooooooddd! Daddy! I think I'm gonna…Wwwaaahhh! Dad! Oh! Oh! Oh!"

When she arched up to him and clawed at his bare back, Ken let loose the gates and hosed his load into her, feeling his cock jerk as each jet squirted from his pole and sprayed her womb. His body stiffened and remained taut until the last dribble of cum had oozed from his prick, then he relaxed and slumped down on top of his daughter with a grateful sigh.

Dana's arms and legs flopped limply onto the bed, and she felt dizzily light-headed. The euphoria of climax was such a new revelation that she still didn't know whether to be thrilled or scared. She could still feel his prick thumping inside her as she waited for the sensation to pass.

Ken kissed her throat and asked, "What do you think of it now, honey?"

"I think it's super!" she panted. "Simply super! I'm glad it was you that did it to me first. I don't think I would have let anybody else."

"I think you're super yourself, Dana." He carefully pulled his dick from her twat and rolled over onto his back. "You're not sorry it happened?"

"Not a bit. Not at all." She sat up abruptly and turned to him. "Daddy, I won't get pregnant, will I?"

"No, baby. I can't give babies any more. Don't ask me why. I'll tell you some other time. Right now, I think we'd better clean up and get dressed. Nancy could be home any time."

"What do I do? Just go potty?"

"That should take care of it. Then wash off good. You go on. I'll be out in a little while."

"Okay. I love you, Daddy."

"I love you, too. Now, get going."

When she had picked up her gown and gone down the hall, Ken smoked a cigarette and stared at the ceiling, not thinking of how evil it had been to seduce his own daughter, but how delightful it had been to screw such a perfect virgin cunt. He felt renewed and revitalized, as though he had just swallowed pep pills. It was a good feeling, and he luxuriated in it until he stubbed out his butt, washed off and dressed.

Going into the living room, he found Dana waiting for him fully garbed in shorts and halter, and heard the clatter of pots and pans in the kitchen. The young blonde put a finger to her lips and motioned him closer.

"Daddy," she whispered, "Nancy just got back. I think there's something really wrong with her."

"Why?" He was seriously concerned now.

"Well, on the way in, she said she could hardly ride her bike. She said she's sore. Do you suppose she's hurt herself and won't tell us?"

Ken's lips were a thin line as he looked toward the kitchen doorway.

"Leave it alone, honey. I'll find out what it is."

As if I don't already know, Goddamnit! he thought. Christ, I hope I don't have to take her to a doctor! How in hell would I explain?