"The family_s wild ways" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stevens Harry)


Gwen Morgan slipped into the house. Having sat through the same bad movie once and a half, she'd certainly been gone long enough for her husband to effectively deal with their daughter. Whatever Vic had been able to get out of Mitzi, Gwen was now sure, she could take it in her stride – especially after the talk she'd had with herself on the way back home…

"What if Mitzi isn't still a virgin?" Gwen had asked herself while she drove back from the theater. "After all, I'm a fine one to hold losing her cherry at that age against anybody. Last thing I was when I was in high school was pure as the driven snow, so I can't blame my own daughter if she's not either. It's basically normal."

Of course, Gwen had then reminded herself, her own experience with teenage sex hadn't been nearly so typical as she assumed her daughter's to be. For which she was thankful, having no confidence in her ability to deal with such a thing from a mother's standpoint a generation later.

Unlike what Gwen imagined was the case with Mitzi, the ordinary run of boys had not been her own vice while she was growing up. She'd lost her cherry to someone special. Too special. So special that she'd never gotten over him. Thank God, that it still remained a secret after all these years. And also, Gwen believed, that nothing like it could probably ever happen in the same family again.

"With Mitzi, it's got to be what most girls go through when they discover boys and sex. She'll have to learn not to give herself away too cheaply," Gwen had summed up things the way she saw them. "Pretty simple, actually. Was a lot more complicated for me, where none of the usual rules meant anything."

So, nearing home, Gwen had sorted out what she'd determined were the crucial similarities and differences between her daughter's teenaged sex life and her own. Whatever Vic had found out, Gwen confidently anticipated, there shouldn't be any problem giving Mitzi the guidance she needed through the rest of her essentially normal youth…

And now Gwen was there, heading for their bedroom where she expected to find Vic. Even prior to talking to him, she felt in command of the situation. Whether or not Mitzi remained a virgin, Gwen anticipated nothing that intelligent parents couldn't handle.

"Vic?" she called, poking her head through the door.

There wasn't any answer, though.

"Now where do you suppose that man is?" She wandered down the hall, reaching their daughter's room. The door was slightly ajar, showing a crack of light from inside.

"Well, Mitzi's here, so Vic must've talked to her," Gwen reasoned. "If she's awake, I'll just talk to her a little bit myself. At least she can tell me where her father is."

Gwen looked through the crack. From where she was, she could only see part of the bed, on which a bare female leg was extended.

"She must be asleep. Guess I'll have to wait until her father gets back from wherever he is."

But then, starting to leave, at the last second Gwen glimpsed something that stopped her short and took her breath away. It was another bare leg. But this one, flopping over Mitzi's, was too muscular and hairy to be anything but male.

"Good Lord, she's got some boy in bed with her in there!" Gwen panted in shock, losing the cool she'd tried so hard to maintain. "And where is her father? How could Vic let something like this happen right under our own roof?"

There was no way the temptation of getting a better look could be avoided. Gwen nudged the door open a bit farther. Now she could see most of the pair of naked bodies on the bed, male and female, as they apparently dozed. The only thing remaining was to get a look at the face of the boy with whom Mitzi had committed this outrage.

Gwen took a deep breath to brace herself, then pushed the door all the way aside. And was instantly breathless again. For nothing could have prepared her for this. Now she knew exactly where her husband was – naked in bed with their daughter!

Gwen staggered away from the incredible scene without fainting on the spot. She made it down the hall, into her own room, collapsing on the bed. The last thing she remembered before she did indeed black out was the anguished sound of her own voice.

"H-he fucked her! The man I married f-fucked our own daughter!"

"Oh, my God!" Mitzi blurted, bolting up on the bed. "Daddy, look! Look what time it is!"

Vic Morgan was shaken to his senses by his daughter.

"Mom must've gotten home by now," Mitzi gasped in a hush. "What if she saw us?"

"Then we're as good as dead," Vic chillingly predicted.

"Well, we'd better find out."

Mitzi led the way, as she and her father cautiously went into the hall. The soft sound of snoring led them to the main bedroom. And there was the object of their concern, face down on the bed, sound asleep with her clothes still on.

"Gee, Daddy, Mom looks like she's drunk," Mitzi whispered, praying she was right.

"Either that or she saw something that was too much for her to stand," Vic darkly countered. "And I don't have to tell you what."

"How'll we find out?"

"That's the last thing I want to do," Vic said, pulling away from her.

"Where're you going, Daddy?"

"Anywhere but here!" Vic Morgan desperately answered. "This place has just turned into hell waiting to break loose."

"But what about me?" Mitzi wailed in abandonment.

"If your mother knows about us, I'm the one who'll go to jail. You're just the poor, innocent victim. Won't blame you if you play it for all it's worth to save your own skin. I won't be here, though, when it happens."

"And what if it's just a false alarm?" Mitzi asked.

"Leave that to you," Vic said. "One way or the other, I'll find a way to get in touch. But, right now, as soon as I can get dressed and pack my bag, I'm long gone!"

The next day Mitzi decided to force the issue.

She was alone in the house with her mother. When the latter had yet to make an appearance, Mitzi decided to take a look.

Her mother had just stirred from her rumpled sprawl on the bed. Then, blinking the sleep from her eyes, she was talking to herself.

"I must've dreamed it," she drowsily muttered. "Had to be some kinda crazy nightmare that Mitzi went even farther than I did when I was her age. And even if it's true, what in the world would I say to her? Best to just keep telling myself it was all my imagination running wild. Maybe if I take a shower it'll be like washing it all away."

Gwen Morgan got out of bed and began to strip, without realizing her daughter was watching. And Mitzi was watching very closely at this point, not used to seeing her mother naked.

"Gosh," Mitzi whispered when there was a pile of clothes on the bedroom floor. "I forgot how sexy Mom is. She really has a nice ass and even nicer tits. Her pussy is so hairy, too. Hope I'm still that sexy when I'm her age."

Then Mitzi's mother sat back down on the bed and sighed. "I need something more than a shower to settle me down. Shouldn't give into myself this way, like I'm still some silly schoolgirl, but anything goes that'll help me relax when I have this much on my mind. I've done it before, so might as well do it again now."

Gwen Morgan spread her legs. She looked down at her own hairy cunt and licked her lips.

"Sometimes when I need it this bad," she murmured, "I almost wish I could eat myself. But I'll just have to get by with this."

Gwen slumped back on the bed, raising her knees and parting her thighs wider. She put her hand between them and began to fingerfuck herself.

And, as Mitzi looked on, even from across the room she could hear her mother's pussy juicily squish. She found herself licking her own lips. What's more, her own pussy responded as well, moistly spasming.

"Mmmmm," Mitzi moaned. "If ever a woman could turn me on enough to maybe do something about it, it'd have to be Mom. Wonder if she's ever been [missing text]?"

Then it occurred to Mitzi that there was nothing really stopping her from forcing the issue in a different way than she'd earlier anticipated. After all, what did she have to lose? She already knew for sure that she'd been seen naked in bed with her father, and that startling image couldn't indefinitely be dismissed as merely a dream by the eyewitness. Sooner or later, her mother would have to come to grips with it.

Preparing to meet her mother on equal terms, Mitzi also stripped away the robe she wore. Then, bare-assed, she made her move, abruptly front and center so she couldn't help being noticed.

"M-Mitzi!" Gwen gulped when she saw Mitzi in the nude. "Why… why aren't you in school?"

Mitzi smiled. "Maybe I'm really not here at all, Mom. Maybe this is just a dream. Same as you're trying to think last night must've been."

Gwen Morgan acted as if her heart had just stopped, her eyes rolling back in her head while her hand lifelessly fell away from her cunt.

"Don't stop playing with your pussy on account of me. It's your dream. If I'm in it, you must want me here. Especially if I start earning my keep."

Mitzi began rubbing her own pussy.

"It's more fun if we do it together, Mom," she purred. "C'mon, let's see which one of us can make herself come first."

Gwen Morgan seemed to be in a trance, her expression blank as her hand mechanically returned to the furry patch between her legs.

"Finger fuck yourself again, Mom," Mitzi coaxed. "That's what I'm doing to myself now."

Gwen's middle finger slipped into her cunt and rhythmically probed, as she followed her daughter's example. It must have felt good, because the blank expression on Gwen's face was replaced by the crease of a wistful grin.

"Oh, I know how it feels, Mom," Mitzi crooned. "I'm feeling the same thing, too. If we keep it up one of us is bound to come right away."

"Mmmm, I think it's gonna be me!" Gwen moaned.

"You'll have to hurry, Mom, to come ahead of me."

Mother and daughter fingerfucked themselves harder and faster now, their pussies juicily squishing. Then, with each looking into the other's smoldering eyes, they arrived at the orgasmic finish line at the same time.

"I'm commmmmming!" Gwen swooned. "Coming soooo goooood!"

"Not any better than I am, Mom!"

Pussy juice ran down like spilled honey. And as their climaxes ran their courses, Mitzi went to the bed. She capped off the shared coming by lying down beside her mother.

"Let's do it again, Mom," Mitzi then suggested. "Only this time to each other."

Gwen allowed her own hand to be removed from her crotch and replaced by her daughter's. After that, Gwen reached for Mitzi's cunt. Middle fingers entered welcoming cunts at the same instant, followed by asses squirming when mother and daughter went to work on each other.

"Ahhh, I'm gonna come even better this time with you fingerfucking my cunt, Mom, than I did before when I was only doing it to myself," Mitzi bubbled. "How about you?"

"This answer your question, darling?"

Gwen came again on the spot. Bearing down from within to keep up with her mother, Mitzi had another climax of her own.

"It's so good," Gwen sighed. "Is it as good for you as it is for me, baby?"

"Mmm-hmmmm," Mitzi sighed back. "But we can make it even better for each other, Mom."

"Yes, yes, anything you say, darling."

Mitzi removed her sticky finger from her mom's juicy cunt slit, then adjusted herself in order to put her face at crotch-level. After taking a deep whiff of the cunt that had given her birth, she next sealed its sex lips with her mouth and began mother sucking.

"Ooooh, you were right!" Gwen moaned as her daughter went down on her. "This is even better. Only one thing, though. You're eating my pussy, sweetheart, but I'm not doing anything back to you."

"Taste this then, Mom." Mitzi slurped with a mouthful of cunt.

Mitzi swung around on top of her mother, straddling her head. Now, as her own pussy was being eaten, Gwen Morgan was looking straight into the pink slice of the erotic perfection between her daughter's thighs.

"Darling, your cunt is absolutely adorable! Hurry, sit on my face so I can eat you too!"

Mitzi cased down. She was greeted by a cuntful of motherly tongue, as the lesbian sixty-nine between parent and child took hold. From there several minutes of nonstop pussy-eating followed, featured by mother and daughter coming repeatedly in each other's hungry mouth.

"Ahhhhh, your pussy tastes even sweeter than it looks," Gwen Morgan gurgled on the bottom when she finally broke for air. "I hope I ate you half as good as you ate me."

"You know you did a whole lot better than half as good, Mom," Mitzi answered. "Or why else would I have come in your mouth just as many times as you came in mine?"

"Then… I-I'm as good for you in bed… as your father was?" an anxious Gwen asked.

Mitzi didn't shy away at all from meeting this head-on. "You and Daddy are the best two parents any girl ever had. Don't be mad at Daddy for fucking me, Mom. He was just doing what comes naturally, same as you are today. Fact is, if I had to choose between your cunt and his cock, I couldn't. And why should I have to, when I can have you both?"

"Maybe so," Gwen sighed, "but we both know that there's something your father can do for you that I can't, no matter how good we are in bed. God, what I'd give if I could somehow, though."

"Don't sell yourself short, Mom," Mitzi said. "I've got an idea about how you could do it to me."

"Oh, I wish," Gwen wistfully replied. "But, have to face it, what I want most of all to do to you is impossible. Just don't have what it takes to get the job done. It's a silly fantasy that can't come true."

"Trust me, anyway, Mom," Mitzi persisted.

Gwen shrugged, at least willing to find out what her daughter had in mind.

"Okay, wait right here, Mom," Mitzi lilted. "I'll be right back with something that ought to change your mind about what's impossible between us."

Mitzi left the bed and scampered from the room. Her mother could hear her rattling around in the kitchen. When Mitzi returned, she was hiding something behind her back.

"Gee, what is it?" Gwen anxiously quizzed. "Close your eyes, Mom," Mitzi suggested. "Let me surprise you."

Gwen did as she was told. Her daughter rejoined her on the bed. Under Mitzi's guidance, Gwen reclined and spread her legs. Next, she felt something firm and thick entering her cunt.

"Now get up on your knees, Mom," Mitzi instructed.

Her eyes still shut, Gwen bobbed up. What she couldn't see was that at the same time her daughter became the one who lay back, spread legged.

"All right, you can look, Mom."

The first thing Gwen saw was her daughter's wide-open cunt. But it was the condition of her own crotch which was calculated to take her breath away.

"Look at yourself, Mom!"

"Oh, my God!" Gwen panted when her eyes shifted to the startling development that had occurred between her legs. "I felt it going in… but I never dreamed that what was sticking out would be what really mattered."

"Well, there it is, Mom, big as life," Mitzi bubbled. "Your very own hard-on! Half of it in your cunt, and the other half ready for mine. So do you still think you can't do it to me? Make your fantasy come true? Fuck me?"

"Baby, you're an absolute genius!" Gwen expressed her joyous surprise. "A minute ago I thought it was impossible for me to actually fuck you, and now I've never been so ready for anything in my life! As ready as your father was to fuck your precious cunt!"

Gwen stroked her hard-on. The object anchored in her cunt was so large and fat that as many thick inches jutted from the crux of her loins as were penetrating. Nature had originally meant it to be an ordinary cucumber, however, under these extraordinary circumstances, the only natural thing to do was use it as a two-way prick for mother-daughter fucking.

"So what're you waiting for, Mom?" Mitzi impatiently asked. "You're hung with the hardon for it, just like Daddy, so fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!"

"Oh, yeah!" Gwen rasped, sounding almost like a man.

And it was definitely in the macho style that Gwen now cocked her hips and took aim on the target of the pussy so eagerly awaiting her thrusting tool. When her hips bucked and her fake cock surged in to the hilt, she was every inch a female stud. With a thrilling lesbian bonus, though. For as Gwen fucked her daughter, the other end of their shared cucumber prick jammed to the core of her own cunt.

"Thatta way, Mom!" Mitzi squealed. "Keep this up and I'll come for you right away, then keep on coming as long as you do it to me!"

"Ahhh, same here!" Gwen mowed in ecstasy. "You're motherfucking me back as much as I'm fucking you, darling!"

"Then let's come together, Mom!"

"It'll have to be right away then, angel. My fucked cunt can't wait to start coming."

"Mine neither, Mom. So here we go!"

That said, Mitzi wrapped her legs around her mom's waist and tugged, forcing their two-way cock even deeper into bath of their pussies. The result was exactly what had been hoped for – mother and daughter each reaching an orgasmic frenzy at the same instant. And from there it wasn't about to cool down for some time to come.

"Wow, now that we're really rolling, I'm not gonna settle for anything less than how I feel now!" Mitzi vowed.

"You and me both!" Gwen cried. "Keep it up, keep it up! Fuck, fuck, fuck me while I'm fuck-fuck-fucking you!"

"Then hold on, Mom, hold on for the ride." Mitzi reared up from the bottom of the action. Gwen willingly gave way. The result was that mother and daughter abruptly switched positions, Mitzi winding up on top.

In turn, it was now Gwen with her legs wrapped around her female partner. What didn't change was the way the cucumber cock continued its double duty by see-sawing back and forth between cunts.

Orgasms led to other orgasms in dizzying sequence. Unlike a regular fuck, there wasn't the problem with the male involved shooting his wad and then losing his hard-on. Cunts getting fucked at both ends of the action meant that there was always more shared coming as long as the female lovers kept up their erotic poetry in motion.

Indeed, there was only one thing that seemed as if it might bring mother and daughter to a standstill ahead of schedule, before they'd fucked each other into exhaustion in their own good time. This potential weak link was the very thing which had joined their cunts – their cock. The constant tugging and hauling at either end had to eventually take its toll.

And then it happened.

They could hear it snap.

And now when their crotches bucked, there was no more thrusting in either cunt.

"Oh, damn!" Gwen Morgan hissed with disappointment. "Why'd it have to break now? I wasn't anywhere near ready to stop fucking."

"I'm not ready to quit any more than you are, Mom," Mitzi panted. "What's more, I'm not gonna. No reason for us to stop fucking."

"There's another one of these in the fridge?" Gwen hopefully asked, removing her half of the severed cucumber from her horny cunt.

"No, that was the only one, Mom."

"Then what'll we use? A candle? A soda bottle?"

"Nothing!" Mitzi declared.


Before explaining, Mitzi withdrew the other useless half of the cucumber from her own pussy. Then her answer turned out to be one of action rather than words, as she began to demonstrate how two females could fuck without anything resembling a cock. And once her daughter had started showing the way, Gwen Morgan was quickly in perfect harmony.

First, Mitzi put her right leg over her mother's left leg. Gwen immediately responded in kind, lapping her daughter's left leg with her own right. Then mother and daughter pulled in as tight as they could, crotch-to-crotch, locking at the knees and even hooking down at their toes. "Ooooh!" Gwen groaned. "It's gonna be even better this way!"

"You bet your cunt, Mom!" Mitzi exclaimed. Then, operating on the same lesbian wavelength, parent and child grabbed hold of each other's ass and began to bump and grind with their flush pussies. No longer did they require anything but their own bodies, as their clits made contact and rubbed together for cockless fucking.

"More, more!" Gwen rasped with delight. "I was right! It really is better this way!"

Mitzi reached around and began slapping her mother's ass while they cunt-fucked. Gwen returned the favor. Mother and daughter spanked each other's ass harder and harder, as their pussies neared their absolute orgasmic peaks.

Mitzi forced the issue even more with her free hand, getting her fingers full of her mom's cunt bush and yanking pussy hair. Gwen reacted by grabbing her daughter's tits and pinching her hard nipples.

And then they came together. How they came! In fact, it went beyond simply climaxing. For, in the midst of their orgasms, mother and daughter experienced an added form of release. It just seemed so right, so natural, for them to piss on each other while they came – pissing and coming, pussy-to-pussy. The perfect ending to the perfect lesbian fuck.