"Swap Talk" - читать интересную книгу автора (Thirdwall Robert)Chapter 9That little story was intended to show that Bob doesn't show himself as he really is. He can be aggressive and isn't just a passive voyeur, always seduced never seducing. But I don't want to overdo the correction of viewpoint. There is something of the voyeur in his makeup just as there is some exhibitionist tendency in me, although not as much as he makes out. To a certain extent the two are complementary. I don't know if he has ever watched me screwing in order to make me enjoy it more, which I don't think it would since unknown or slightly known onlookers are more likely to turn me on. I do know that on occasion I have done things in a showy way for him to watch. What he wrote about a husband being excited by the possessing of his wife by another man he told me before our trip to the resort. My initial impetus to take money for fucking and to literally prostitute myself was in hopes of increasing this thrill for him. And, in fact, I think it did. The fuck he gave me after I told him about it in detail was wildly passionate. But he is also right in saying that I got a thrill out of taking the money. I've never done it since and never will, at least not in such a blatant way, but that one experience was terrific. I actually had the money clutched in my hand while be was ramming it up me, and appropriately, I've now forgotten his name. I did learn a very important lesson at that resort, though. Before that, as I said, I knew how to savor the delight of making other people horny by fucking in front of them. I had even figured out what postures gave people the best view of a prick going into my cunt or whatever. But until I sold the right to stick a cock up me, I never realized that the monetary aspect can turn people on as well. Buying something that cannot be legally bought and enjoying it clandestinely contributes a thrill of secrecy and illegality to sex. Hiring a runofthemill prostitute might be just a way to get a lay, but highpriced, highclass girls in a respectable resort hotel, particularly in the situation of a latenight swimming pool orgy, are something else, something more exciting somehow than the same orgy would be in the backyard pool with neighborhood friends a la the Merriams. And the conclusion I drew from that lesson plus my earlier discoveries was that participating in a paid sex show of some kind must he the biggest kick of all. I was sure I could never convey all this to Bob. I didn't try. Instead I talked it over with first Dave and Judy and then Frank and Marie, all of whom are less hung up about sex than Bob. They all sympathized with me one way or another, Sue Ann and Roger didn't. The upshot, of course, was our traveling sex show, but that wasn't the only result. We worked on various skits involving the five of us for quite some time. All of us tried our hand at writing and directing, or shall I say choreographing. It was harder than we had first thought. Moreover, the three acts that came out of it, our "repertoire", were not our best ideas. But they were the only ideas that proved both endurableССthat is to say nobody was forced to fuck more than they normally couldССand visible to a seated audience. We thought of audience participation and closein viewing but rejected it as too uncontrollable. Still, we didn't just junk our other efforts. Roger wouldn't participate, but he did agree to put his notinconsiderable cinematic skill at our disposal to film some of what we couldn't do live. Of course, we made Roger and Sue Ann promise not to tell Bob until after he'd seen the real show. Therefore, he didn't know about the films until after he had written his last chapter, Since then, he's seen them and has praised their aesthetic and sexy qualities. Nevertheless, he doesn't see any way in which they change things, even though to me they clearly demonstrate the difference I'm trying to show between the manic exhibitionism he ascribes to me and the joygiving, loving exhibitionism I'm willing to admit to. He doesn't see that, if you fuck in front of a camera, there's no audience feedback. You don't feel hot eyes on you. You aren't performing for the camera crew, certainly not for Roger, who had already seen it all. It's the intuitive joy of giving unknown people a retreat into sex, someplace to slip into away from the troubles of life and simply immerse themselves in sex, that is important. Bob's notion of exhibitionism is selfish and taking, mine is open and giving. Our first film was about camping: It was silent because we didn't have any sound recorder. A couple, Frank and I, are going camping. They pick up a teenage hitchhiker, Judy, and persuade her to join them. They camp and are shortly joined by another unknown couple who pitch a tent alongside them. (We picked a gorgeous camping spot on some land owned by the Ungers where no real campers are allowed.) The five people get to know each other and are shown doing camping things and recreational things, in the course of which, revealing shots of the girls are taken. All three girls are caught changing to swimming suits or something like that by the men who thus see their breasts, and the camera shows the girls looking at the bulges of their erections. Next there is an improvised shower stall surrounded by a few beach towels. The three girls take turns showering and keeping the shower bucket above the stall filled. The camera on the inside of the stall shows all three girls naked. They soap each other, particularly between the legs. The men outside are shown with stiff swimming trunks catching glimpses of the action through gaps in the screen. Then comes an episode with Dave alone with me in the woods. He takes me in his arms and we go through a long bit undressing each other and kissing. I suck his penis, and then he fucks me. Thereafter follow shorter bits alternating between Frank and Dave, showing each of them screwing each of the girls. The takes get shorter and emphasize more and more the actual cock in the cunt and the spurt of orgasm. Then come two different trio bits. I surprise Frank with Marie, join them and wind up eating her out while Frank goes up my ass. Dave eats me, kneeling over his face, while Judy slides up and down on his prick and pulls at my nipples. Then Judy and Marie at sixtynine real close so you can see tongues really getting between the cunt lips. All at a faster tempo with more closeups and climaxes. Next, I'm athwart the gunwales of a canoe. Dave is fucking me from the rear, and I'm sucking Frank leaning back on the bow. That scene was a bit tricky. And finally there's a fiveway match. Frank and Judy are naked, sitting on the edge of a wall, kissing and hugging. I'm standing in front of Frank sucking his prick, and Marie is beside me eating out Judy and feeling my tits. At the rear, Dave sticks his dick first up Marie and then up me. Then the campers are seen driving away, leaving Judy by the side of the road, and it's over. Now I won't say that was a very innovative screenplay, or even that it was especially well done. Still, it was artfully photographed and had the desired effect. When we've shown it to swinging friends, it's always touched off a great orgy. Usually I feel a hand working around my cunt before the first real bit is over, and I always have a head between my legs by the time the canoe shots are through. Besides, it was a beginner's film. We learned a lot. On our next one, we even used titles with dialogue framed with flowery borders and couched completely in the patois of Victorian pornographers. The plot is only slightly better, but it's covered up by the use of Victorian costumes and exaggerated theatrical manners. There is a lascivious male, Roderect, and his equally bawdy girlfriend, Titty. They wish to marry, but Roderect cannot do so until his older sister, the innocent Virginia, is wed. Titty has a brother, Timidy, who sighs for Virginia but will do no more. Dolly is a girlfriend of both Titty and Virginia. The plan is to seduce Timidy and Virginia into making love after which they will have to get married. As it starts, Roderect and Titty are sitting on a couch talking animatedly. Roderect keeps slipping his hand between the buttons of her blouse, and she keeps slapping them away playfully. Still he gradually gets a few buttons undone and we can see the nipple of one breast. Titty: "Please desist, my dearest loved one. We must find a way to make my shy brother, Timidy, marry your maiden sister, Virginia, so that we, too, might wed." Titty looks innocently blank, obviously trying to think, while Roderect frees her other breast and begins licking her nipples and toying with them with his lips. Roderect: "What is your plan my beloved?" Titty stands and buttons up. Roderect's arms are beneath her long skirt in the back. We can see a profile of stockinged legs rising to fancy garters. Titty: "Well raise each to a passion by describing their intended's charms. Then well inveigle them into spying on us embracing that they might get the idea." A shot of the proposed interview between Roderect and Virginia shows Virginia pacing the room nervously, fluttering a fan, panting, and showing intense embarrassment. She even covers her ears, but not completely. Roderect: "Why so flustered, dear sister, when I describe Timidy, who loves you, as having a noble engine of love. Truly you will swoon when you see it. Limp, it is sweet, soft delicacy to tempt the lips of fairest maid. Erect, it is a valiant soldier ready for whatever service you desire." Roderect leaves the room. Virginia collapses to a sofa, her hand to her brow. She puts her other hand to her beating breast, and as she calms, tentatively begins to rub it. Her other hand is now discovered pressing against her lower abdomen and then rubbing lower still. A cut to Titty and Timidy finds sister pressing against his back and whispering in his ear while he tries to lose himself in a book. Titty: "But Virginia is just waiting for you, sweet brother. Will you ignore those snowy mounds capped by sweetest cherries longing to be tasted. Will you not plumb her dewy pink lovenest and run your fingers through the golden silk that crests it, part those soft and pliant lips that hide her dearest treasure." Titty keeps on talking and rubbing her body more and more sensuously against her brother's back. Finally she peeps around his body, spies the tent made by his stiff penis and retreats from the room with a knowing smile. Timidity puts his book down and gazes abstractly through the window as if unaware that his right hand is unloosing his cock from his pants. Another cut finds Virginia reading in a chair. She perks up and puts a hand to her ear. Roderect: "Come, delectable Titty, let us seize a moment of love in the deserted parlor where no one can see us." Virginia hides behind a Japanese screen just as the two enter. Taking Titty on his knee, Roderect immediately undoes her bodice and fondles her tits. Virginia looks away in alarm and then looks back. Roderect is dandling Titty's tits and pinching her nipples while she undoes his fly. She strokes his prick lovingly. Roderect: "What delightful love apples these are, Titty." Titty: "And what a splendid marble pillar is this with its capital of ruby quartz." Roderect lifts Titty's skirts to her waist, and she opens her legs to show a pretty brown cunt. Roderect feels it and runs two fingers into it. Then she lays back on the sofa, and he gets on her, making sure his sister gets a good view of his prick going into her. They fuck, and Virginia is frequently shown with expressions blending horror, embarrassment, and intense excitement. Roderect ejaculates very obviously. Titty: "I die! I faint! I expire!" Roderect: "I come! Fuck! Cunt! Fuck!" In the next scene, Timidy, like Virginia, is quietly reading when he gives signs of hearing something. In the next room, behind a partially open door, are Roderect and Titty. Titty: "Be silent, my dear one, or my brother will hear us and spy on us." Drawn by this, Timidy tiptoes to the door, peeps around it, recoils melodramatically, and then looks again. The camera switches to what he is seeing. Titty is sitting slouched on a chaise lounge, her bodice undone and her delightful breasts uncovered. Roderect is at her feet sneaking her skirt higher and higher against her pretended remonstrances. As more and more leg shows, Timidy's interest is shown to increase. Her dark stockings end at midthigh garters, and the white skin above them looks soft and inviting. Roderect: "Don't hide your sweet honey pot from me, dearest one!" Titty: "Oh, you are so forward! I blush!" Finally, the last few inches are achieved. Little by little we are given a full view of Titty's cunt, the camera zooming in on it as Roderect pries her legs open. The lips are swollen, moistlooking and slightly parted. Roderect goes into rapture at the sight; Timidy is equally enthralled but not as demonstrative. Then Roderect buries his face in Titty's muff and starts to eat her out. He proceeds, and Titty writhes in pleasure to which she adds by fiddling with her nipples. Then her legs spread to the utmost, she comes with a great paroxysm. Titty: "Oh! I succumb! I swoon!" Roderect: "How sweetly your amorous ointment pearls from your crimson grotto." (How Roderect manages to say this with his mouth full of cunt is left up in the air.) The two lovers are shown again conversing, but this time in a state of dejection. Pert, blackhaired Polly comes up all cheery and obviously inquires about their glumness. She sits between them, and they tell her, not without both of them laying expressive hands on her thighs, shoulders, and bosom. Titty: "Alas, I have done all in my power to make my brother seduce sweet Virginia, and to no avail." Roderect: "And I the same with my sister. Perhaps, dear Polly, as you are friend of them both, you might lend your sweet persuasions to the effort of seduction." Polly: "But of course. I'll go now and approach them." Polly gives Roderect a fervent kiss to which he adds roving hands and then gives an equally fervent kiss to Titty. Next we see her talking in intimate fashion with Virginia. Virginia: "But how can my dear brother wish upon me the affections of a man I barely know, when it was his virile staff that I saw in action plumbing the depths of Titty's canyon. I confess that, despite his being my brother, it is his throbbing pillar I wish to feel between my thighs, not Timidy's." Polly looks the wiser and, parting from Virginia, joins Timidy in conversation. At first Timidy is restrained and holds back, but finally he comes through with a passionate confession. Timidy: "Know then, charming Polly, and keep close my secret, that when my dear sister pressed upon me the consideration of Virginia's charms, it was not her enticing words that brought my rod up but the feel of her soft globes rubbing against me. Moreover, seeing Roderect tasting her love dew inspired in me the desire to take his place rather than to imitate him with his sister. Alas, I am hopelessly captivated by my own sister's charms." Polly: "Perhaps, as both you and Virginia suffer from the same affliction of the heart, I can act to gain for everyone the ends they desire." Next Polly is seen conversing with Roderect alone, but not apparently telling him about the new turn of events. Gradually they talk less and dally more until Roderect has undone Polly's bodice and is massaging her tits, and she has released once again his hard prick. Then, quickly, they disrobe each other and after embracing fall to sucking each other off. Polly is on top, her cunt covering Roderect's face and blocking any sight of Virginia who now enters and rapidly, but artfully, strips. Suddenly he senses that the mouth on his cock has changed, but still he cannot see. He gropes beside him and feels a body which he quickly ascertains is feminine by feeling the cunt. Then Polly comes, or at least pretends to, and rises to reveal to Roderect that the girl sucking him off, in whose slit his fingers are buried, is none other than his sister. He sits up in shock and grabs her, but then tenderly draws her to him in a more than brotherly embrace. This, in turn, leads to an amorous fuck with Virginia astride him, gazing down into his eyes as she slides up and down his glistening cock. Polly stands by kissing Virginia's tits and feeling Roderect's slick prick as it slips out of her. The brother and sister return equal caresses until all climax. Virginia: "Oh, brother! I am consumed! Your spunk burns my inside! Thrust deeper! Fill me with fraternal jizm!" Roderect: "I spend, dear sister! Your darling, sisterly sweetbox grabs at my member! Oh! Sister fuck! Sister cunt!" Then once again we see Polly, not unexpectedly talking with Titty. Their talk is obviously spicy, and before long their hands are beneath each other's skirts. They pull each other's skirts up high, and with fiery eyes they masturbate one another. Before long they are naked and grinding their pussies together. Titty lays back on the sofa, and Polly sits back pulling her girlfriend's legs far apart to admire her parted cuntlips. Behind Polly, unseen by Titty, Timidy approaches on tiptoes, his eight inch erection curving up to his belly button before him. Titty is waiting for the first touch of Polly's tongue on her clitoris, but instead Timidy is upon her and thrust full deep in her cunt. She cries out. Then she relaxes. They fuck vigorously, and as they do, Virginia and Roderect enter, still naked. The two of them join Polly as bystanders, shouting encouragement and handling each other's sex organs. Polly: "Fuck her, Timidy! Drive to the hilt! Fill your dear sister's cunny with your hot spunk!" Roderect: "Answer him thrust for thrust, fair Titty! Close your silken purse on his fiery charger and squeeze it as you do mine! Fuck!" Virginia: "Oh, Timidy, fuck her hard! Empty your ballocks into her sugary nest! Only now do I see how delectable your manly spear can be!" Titty and Timidy together: "I come! I die! I expire! I spend!" With that, the brother and sister pair separate, and the five naked people cluster together amorously. All kiss and fondle. Then they divide again. Virginia and Titty kneel, facing each other. Timidy enters Virginia from the rear, and Roderect does the same to Titty. Polly lies on her back and slides herself beneath the heads of the twogirls. The fit is perfect. Virginia sucks Polly's cunt while being fucked by Timidy, and Polly and Titty suck each others nipples while Titty is being fucked by Roderect. This scene fades out before climax, replaced by the caption: They came. They married. They lived happily ever after. This second film was in every way more successful than the first. Not only was it better plotted, better photographed and somewhat funny, but it was more erotic. Recently we showed it to our new next-door neighbors, whom we have gotten to know fairly well, to say the least. All of the actors were at the party, but what with the costumes, Ellen and Harry didn't recognize at first who was in it. It dawned on Harry only when the film was really getting hot that he was sitting between Virginia and me, at that moment fucking in a closeup on the screen with Roderect, and Polly and Marie, at that moment being eaten out in the film. And when it did dawn on him, he hardly knew what to do he was so hot. He had been casually stroking my pussy before that, not even inside my panties. But now he seemed to go wild. He grabbed at both my dress and Marie's and practically tore our clothes off. Then he was sucking our cunts alternately and grabbing at our tits. And finally, he couldn't satisfy himself with only one of us so he made Marie lie on top of me in a semirecumbent position so that, half kneeling in front of the couch, he could stick his prick first up Marie's crack from behind and then drop a few inches lower and stick it up mine. It was a noble effort, but it didn't work. In the end he had to settle for fucking me first and then Maria and then Judy. Since this meant he was monopolizing three of the four girls, dainty blonde Ellen took on the enviable chore of receiving Bob's, Frank's, and Dave's orgasm's one after the other. And on top of that, insatiable Harry insisted on doing sixtynine with his wife so that she could lick three different cunt juices from his cock, and he could suck three deposits of semen from her oozing twat. But all of this is really getting away from what I want to say. It was great to make a picture that excited people so, but it was just as great a feeling when I wasn't actually at the showing. Just the thought of people turning on at the sight of my cunt covered with wet hairs matted with juice and semen and being plumbed by a thick hard prick was enough. We made a third movie, but it wasn't as successful as the second. We decided to try a classic teenage orgy scene with three girls and two boys in one automobile. The trouble was that it was too hard to film in any kind of explicit detail, and this was disappointing because we had tremendous fun doing it. It made me feel like I was in high school again, but this time, instead of being comparatively conservative, I was way ahead of my time. In the cramped space I couldn't actually fuck satisfactorily, but I was absolutely surrounded, by hands reaching under my skirt and inside my sweater, feeling my tits and cunt, sucking my nipples, and so on. And I had ready access to pricks and cunts and breasts to suck and feel. It was really a gas. I only wish I could have done it at fifteen when all those things were still forbidden and untried. From the movies we went on to live performances. Three skits were feasible for audiences, and we tried one at each of our engagements. Or perhaps we had four engagements. The whole thing has become rather hazy in my memory. I do remember the last show pretty well because I wrote it, and I liked the period costumes we got to wear. I also remember Roger and Sue Ann there with Bob and his date. Afterward, when we were all sitting around at Dave and Judy's house recuperating, not just from the show but from the whole trip, which was much more exhausting than we had anticipated, I recall wondering what kind of time Bob had had after the show, whether he had joined in a big freeforall. On an earlier occasion we had stayed to join the audience in an orgy, but it was too much to take. Not only were we worn out from the performance, but every man in the audience wanted to dip his wick in the actresses' cunts. It was the next day when I went home and rejoined Bob after our long separation that we began our twoweek moratorium on sex which Bob makes so much of. Now a good part of that moratorium, from my side at least, was a combination of exhaustion; physical, mental, and sexual, and satisfaction with just being back with Bob again. After all, we had never been separated for such a long time before, and for all his faults and hang-ups, I do love him, and I do like to fuck with him. But there was more to the moratorium than that; or perhaps it would be better to say that the moratorium induced by those two considerations gave me a long time to reflect and consider what all we had done since we first set about swinging and what it might all come to. I'll certainly confess that I had a lot of thinking to do. Bob did, too, but I don't think he knew it. I think he still doesn't know it. For one thing, I had thought several times of divorcing him. Now that's a franker statement than any pseudophilosophical crap you'll get from him. It occurred to me to divorce him because I didn't need him as a sex partner and was pretty much decided against having children, and also because he wasn't even the best lay I knew. He's good, but Frank is bigger and can go deeper and harder, both fore and aft. Dave is more tender. The guy named Al, who fucked me at the Merriams' pool party, had a much more aesthetic cock and sophisticated stroke. In retrospect, Al may have been the most skillful fucker ever to get inside me. Furthermore, I thought of divorcing Bob because, it's funny to say, he's so hung up about sex. I know I've tried to redeem his character somewhat in what I've written above. I really do think he presents a much worse picture of himself than he merits. But still, he's a lot more hung up about sex than most of the other male swingers I know. I always feel I have to humor him and play up to his insecurity, and I get tired of it. But besides thinking about divorce, which had actually been in the back of my mind when I determined to go on the trip, for that would let me know what a temporary estrangement felt like, I had something else to think about. First, I had gone about as far as I could go, short of becoming a prostitute or a professional sexfilm star, that is. Beyond this, my amateur standing was a danger. Did I want to stop now before I really did something irrevocable? That was one consideration. Another was that I was going to age, inevitably, and become less attractive as a sex partner. I had seen my share of matronly swingers, and I knew they were borne as a burden by the younger, more attractive members of any group. Did I want to put all my eggs in the sex basket only to find the basket falling apart in my hands? And finally, I was fully aware of the satiety effect. I'm really in love, I think, with Bob, Dave, Frank and Roger. Each of them has fucked me and sucked me and buggered me, I don't know how many times. And I'm equally fond of Marie, Judy, and Sue Ann, the exact odor and taste of whose cunts I can summon to mind at a moment's notice. But unquestionably I am tired of all of them. It just isn't possible to continually find new and exciting strangers to make it with. And if you try, you eventually lose your taste for sex in general. Did I want to emphasize only that part of my life that was most liable to become stale and boring? As I thought it over, all three of these last considerations became part of one big question: to stop now or to go on? And to that was added the question: if I go on, do I go on with Bob? It's hardly surprising, I think, that it took me two full weeks to think about these questions. I didn't think about them constantly, of course, but I kept turning them over in my mind. The obvious answer that kept coming up was that stopping now was the only realistic alternative. But always weighed against this was the gutsy feeling, or should I say the cunt feeling, that I like sex more than anything, and I simply don't want to stop. Well, I know you're panting to know my answer to these questions. I'm afraid it will be unsatisfactory, though. I know Bob thinks it is. He doesn't understand. The fact of the matter is that, at the end of the two weeks, I came finally to the confident realization that the questions I was asking myself were not really inherent in the situation. I was not, in fact, being compelled to do anything. The mental pressure of the whole thing was just that, mental pressure. Why on earth couldn't I live with Bob, whom I loved, make love with whomever I wanted, whenever and as often as I wanted, and as time went on, simply do or abstain as my desire dictated. All I had been feeling was guilt, good old American sex guilt, rationalized and compartmentalized to the extent that I couldn't see it for what it was. And the realization that all my worries were just guilt suddenly made them fall from me. Ever since then, I've felt pure of heart about sex. I'm not saintly, mind you. I still get pissed off when Bob can't understand what I'm talking about. But basically, I have reached the free and open frame of mind I had always thought I had, but had really only approximated. I think the final certainty of all this hit me about an hour before Harry and Ellen were to come over for coffee. I just glowed with the thrill of the thought. When it was time for them to come, I sent Bob on an errand so I could meet them alone. They were both beautiful people, and I frankly wanted to make it with them, if they were willing. I took off my bra and left my blouse unbuttoned with the shirttails tied at the waist. My shorts were half unzipped at the side, and my panties were off. They came in the door, and I put my arms around Harry and gave him my deepest, most loving kiss which I finished off by feeling his prick with both hands. Then I turned to cute little Ellen, who looked dumfounded, and gave her a similar kiss. I reached under her skirt and put my hand on her pussy inside her panties. It creamed up immediately. I separated from them, stripped in two seconds, and said simply, "I want to make love." And then we were lost in love, and you know, I can't remember which of them was licking my gushing slit when Bob came home… |