"Swap Talk" - читать интересную книгу автора (Thirdwall Robert)Chapter 3"Go ahead, Sue Ann. It's on," I said, indicating the tape recorder. "Well, I'll spare you the clever bits about playing doctor with my cousins at age seven and showing myself to a little boy for comparison at age eight and go on to the pubescent age. My trouble, or at least so my Mom used to tell me at the time, was that I couldn't sit with my legs together. I was a tomboy and always wore pants if I could. When I had to wear skirts, I wore them like pants and refused to think about modesty, which I thought was pretty silly. A lot of girls go through this stage. After all, it is pretty silly when you're still a little girl. Most of them grow out of it when they start to get breasts, though. I was different that way. It might have been the fact that my mother kept nagging me so much about it. Maybe I built up a block against it. Anyway, whatever it was, I kept on sitting with my legs apart after it started to make a difference. It became a reflex with me, a habit which I couldn't break. Skirts were pretty long then, so it didn't make too much difference. But when the styles changed early in high school, it really started to matter. I was already pretty well developed by that time, and from my girl friends I had found out what my cunt was really for. Still, my few dates had been timid things with handholding and the like as the highlight. What changed all that was an incident that happened at a church youth meeting. We had been doing various youth meeting things, and I had met a guy named George who was two years older than I. He seemed to like me, and when the leader told us we were going to see a movie, I sat on the floor next to him, naturally with my legs a bit too far apart for modesty. So the lights went out, and the movie started, and suddenly I felt his hand on the underside of my thigh, almost touching my panties. Going from handholding to this in one fell swoop was quite a switch, and instead of doing anything I just froze, stupefied. And then his hand was there; just like that. He was pressing and massaging and feeling all over my cunt. Before I had frozen because I was stupefied, but now I froze because it felt so nice, and I didn't want him to quit. The movie was going on about the evils of alcohol or something, and everyone was looking forward, so they couldn't spot us. After a couple of minutes, he got under the cloth and slipped his finger in. I remember I was trembling like a leaf, but I didn't dare move. He was squeezing my lips and trying to get his finger all the way up me, and then he stopped suddenly. The movie was over. The next ten minutes between the end of the film and the adjournment of the meeting were the longest I've ever spent. I couldn't do, or say anything, I was so excited. I thought I might faint. George kept away from me so no one would catch on and then made a big point of asking if I needed a ride home. I usually waited with a couple of friends for one of our mothers to pick us up, so I told them I had a ride and left with him. I remember he had an old Rambler with reclining seats. I snuggled up to him, and he drove out to a dirt road by the river. Then we went to it. I was only fifteen, remember, and I had never really ever talked to him before. But his hand in my crotch had turned me on like you turn on an electric light. We kissed furiously, and he started feeling my cunt again, this time under my panties so his whole hand was on me. Pretty soon he had my blouse and bra off and was sucking my titties while I swooned. He got his prick out and I practically tore it off him. Then, finally, he rolled on top of me and after a few tries drove it in. I'll never forget that fuck. Would you believe? I came! The very first time. Of course, I only found out later how oversexed I was compared with my friends. Ever since that time it's been like a oneway street called sex. He taught me about contraception and how to suck him off and everything, and we went steady until he went off to college the next year. After that I screwed around with two or three guys, but I didn't get serious. When I went to college, it was more of the same thing. I got laid after my first freshman mixer. Naturally, this gained me something of a reputation, and before long I was getting invited to a lot of fraternity parties. I remember one in particular where my date, after feeling me up and getting me real hot, talked me into doing a strip. All the guys and their datesССeveryone was smashedССgathered round and some music with a heavy beat was put on. I got up on this real heavy oak dining table and started walking up and down with the music. They all clapped and whistled, and I really began to get into the spirit of the thing. First I pulled my sweater up until it was just under my breasts; then I slowly eased it over them while I twisted my hips around. It was probably pretty amateurish, but they seemed to like it. I pulled the sweater over my head and danced a little with my arms up. I threw the sweater into the audience and slowly reached behind me and unhooked my bra. I held the two ends of it out to the sides and shrugged the straps off my shoulders so it was like a screen in front of my tits. They all whistled and yelled, 'Take it off!' After teasing them a little this way, I took it off and threw it to them. Now, I was pretty proud of my titsССstill am, as a matter of factССso I danced and shook them around. And then I got on my knees and let them hang in the faces of the guys in the front row. It really turned me on to have them all feeling them. After that, I remember, I stayed on my knees, leaned my body way back, and rubbed my skirt around over my thighs. I swayed and rubbed to the music, all the time getting it up higher until my panties were showing. One guy reached between my legs and put his hand on my mound, but I was really into the dance and pushed it away. I unzipped my skirt at the side and stepped up out of it, leaving it on the tabletop. Then I just danced with only my panties on while they chanted, 'Take it off!' I was pretty uncertain about what to do next. I hadn't planned to take everything off. I listened to them shout and looked out at their faces. They were all excited and eagerlooking except for a few who had migrated toward the back of the room and were getting something off their own dates. Most of the other girls had left the room, but a few were watching closely. I could see at the back of the room one girl with bare tits and another with spread legs enjoying her boyfriend's fingers. I also discovered that the bright eyes on a blonde girl in the crowd at the front weren't just from my dancing but were from her date's hand underneath her dress in the rear and from the hand of another guy surreptitiously inserted under her waistband in front. Anyway, they were yelling and clapping, and I was dancing and shaking my tits, and people were feeling each other up all over. So I decided what the hell and slowly slid my panties down. I'm telling you, ten pairs of hot male eyes hitting your cunt at the same time can be felt, and felt hard! Before then I had been too much into the dance to feel all that turned on sexually, but as soon as my panties were off, I began to cream. My twat was tingling. I danced nude a bit and then went down on my knees like I'd done earlier. I just lay back swaying with my eyes shut and let myself be inundated by hands on my cunt. From there it was only a short step to laying on the table with my butt at the edge. I don't know who was first, but they kept on coming. Prick after prick went sliding in. I felt my hole fill with come again and again only to have the stuff squeezed out by the next guy. Maybe a gangbang is the worst thing imaginable for most girls, but I loved it. I felt like I was all cunt and they were all cock. I think only about ten of the guys actually fucked me; the rest were too timid or afraid of offending their dates, or perhaps they were getting it from some other girl. All I know is I got a lot, and I liked it." "How did you come to get married after a career like that, Sue Ann?" I asked her, but Roger broke in. "Let me tell about that. You're hogging all the conversation. I was going with Sue Ann's roommate, a girl named Vicky. She was a real tall, blackhaired girl; thin but sexy as all get out. Anyhow, I had been laying Vicky during visiting hours in my dorm for a couple of months. Boys weren't allowed to visit the girls, dorms except on Sunday afternoons; so I had never met Sue Ann, although Vicky had told me she was a neat girl and I guess had mentioned me to Sue Ann." Sue Ann interrupted with, "Mentioned you! When she came back from your room, she couldn't talk about anything else. She would deliberately tell me every little detail in order to get me heated up, and then she'd tease me about being hot until we ended up in bed wrestling." "You call that wrestling?" Roger teased. "Okay, so we sucked each other off. She was a nice girl; I liked her a lot. It's true enough, I knew what your semen tasted like from licking it out of Vicky's cunt long before I knew what your cock tasted like." "Quiet, I'm telling the story," Roger said. "This one day Vicky invited me over on Sunday. It sounded like a drag, but I thought it might be possible to get a little something even there. What I didn't know was that Vicky and Sue Ann had plans. I got there at two, and we had until four. Sue Ann wasn't in the room, so Vicky and I started to make out. She had small tits with really great nipples, and I was sucking one of them and fingering her pussy when the hall door suddenly opened and shut. I looked up quickly, and there stood Sue Ann, who had just come from the shower down the hall… " "I had on a terry cloth bed jacket that came to just below my butt, and I was holding it shut very loosely in front," Sue Ann interjected. "Come on, let me tell it! There she was with her boobs practically hanging out of her jacket saying something like, 'Ho, ho! What's, going on here?' Vicky pretended to be slightly flustered and introduced us. Sue Ann walked across the room to say hello and stood directly in front of me so my face was on a level only a couple of feet from her pussy. And she wasn't holding that jacket closed so tight that a bit of cunt hair couldn't be seen, either! The question was, what to do next, and I didn't have the answer. Vicky did, though. She got up and pulled Sue Ann's jacket open so I could get a good look. Then she pushed Sue Ann toward me. I was sitting on the edge of the couch, and she straddled my legs and brought her bush closer and closer to my face. When it was only inches away, my resistance collapsed, and I buried my nose in it. I licked her slit tentatively and found it was ready to go. Then I burrowed in, immersing myself in her cunt. I could feel Vicky at work on my fly, and in a second she had my cock in her mouth. It was glorious! I was sucking away at Sue Ann while Vicky was sucking my cock and fiddling with my balls. This wasn't enough for Vicky, though. She kept bringing me just to the point of climax and then letting me down. Then she pulled her head back and got Sue Ann to kneel on the couch. Vicky guided my penis up Sue Ann's cunt, and the union was made. There was scarcely any need to move. Just feeling Sue Ann's creamy inside and staring at those big tits was enough to bring me to the brink again. But Vicky still had other ideas. She climbed onto the couch and stood straddling between us facing me. For the first time, but hardly the last, I switched from sucking one cunt, a light blonde, fringed one, to sucking another, buried in jet black fur in only a few minutes. Vicky was gooey and sweet, and she held my head hard against her crack. Sue Ann shoved a finger all the way up her ass, and I reached between her legs to pull at Sue Ann's big nipples. The whole pose was rather cumbersome, but for a few seconds before I came, it was heaven. I blasted inside Sue Ann, and then we unraveled ourselves. I finished sucking Vicky off and watched her lick my jism out of Sue Ann, which gave her a climax." "And after that, would you believe it, we played threehanded bridge until the end of visiting hours," Sue Ann said, smiling. At that point I asked, "So Roger married you because you were a better lay than your roommate?" Sue Ann answered, "No. The second semester Vicky came down with mononucleosis and dropped out of school. We got married our senior year basically because we liked each other so much and had such great times together." Roger continued from there. "There wasn't any starting to it, really; we were both pretty active up to the wedding. We kept on screwing the people we'd been screwing with before we married. Of course, they gradually left town. But we met others, including other married couples, and when I took a job in P. we already had some contacts through correspondence. Frank and Marie Cordoba were one contact. It was sheer coincidence that they happened to be at your party. I remember we were worried that the party would he a real drag, and Sue Ann had dressed conservatively. Then we walked in, and there was little Marie, whom I had never met before but whose picture I had savored for some time. She was even wearing the same clothes, except that in the picture she was lying back with her dress up and her twat showing. If you hadn't planned something that evening, the four of us would have done something anyway." |