"Swap Talk" - читать интересную книгу автора (Thirdwall Robert)

Chapter 5

By the end of the year, Helen and I had become part of a fairly solid network of erotic friendships covering most of the Middle West. As often as possible, we traveled together and enjoyed some sort of group activity wherever we went. Only occasionally did I have to go someplace where we didn't have any contacts, and when I did, Helen didn't go with me. There was one exception to that, however, when I had to visit a small company close to a well known lake resort. We had never been there before, so Helen insisted on going along just to see it.

We stayed in a very casual, but nevertheless very expensive, hotel in the resort area. And while I spent my days puzzling over management problems, Helen spent hers swimming in the indoor solarium pool. I envied her lounging all day around the steamy, carpeted solarium, particularly after I poked my head in one day and caught a glimpse of the other nymphs sitting around the edge. I had thought that Helen's bikini might be a little risquЋ for a middlewestern resort, since it wasn't wired and padded and consequently showed very clearly the opulent curves beneath it. But a look at the other girls told me my intuition had, once again, been overly conservative. There were at least a halfdozen real beauties there, and none of them were better covered than Helen.

What really surprised me, though, was coming home one evening and finding fifty dollars lying on the dresser.

"Where did this come from?" I asked.

"I earned it fucking," came the answer.

I was dumfounded. Helen walked into the sitting room from the bedroom, still in her bikini, and laughed at my shocked look. She walked up and gave me a kiss.

"I'll tell you all about it. I was sitting by the pool this afternoon chatting with the cute brunette chick. Her name is Denise. I somehow mentioned that the girls around the pool were awfully pretty, and she laughed at me and asked me if I didn't know why. I said I didn't, and she said that most of them were employed by the management to make things pretty for the visiting businessmen and that they were also employed regularly by the businessmen to make them even happier.

I was pretty amazed, because it had never occurred to me that they were prostitutes. But as Denise went on, she made it sound like a rather appealing job. Since she was paid just to sit around, she never had to accept a man she didn't like. And the hotel was so high class, the men always paid real well. I asked her if she always went to the guy's room, because I had noticed that some men brought their wives, like you did. She said that usually they did, but that in a pinch the really foggy corners of the room had been used and that once in a while the management permitted them to open the pool for night swimming with only the underwater lights on.

Then she had to go, and I sat around thinking about what she had said. That's when it occurred to me to try my hand at whoring, too. So I moved my seat over to a secluded area in a foggy comer and lay back in my chair and waited. Sure enough, pretty soon this guy named Chad came over and asked to join me. I smiled and agreed, and he pulled his chair up close alongside. Then we chatted, and he sort of casually put his hand on my stomach. And then he started moving it around real lightlyССyeah, that's rightСС" We were on the bed, and I was matching her words with action, "and up on my tits and armpits," she went on. "My nipples got nice and hard, and he pinched them through my suit. Then he dropped his hand down and moved it between my legs, first on top of my suit and then under itССohh, that's niceССand then he put his fingers up my crack. And then he whispered, 'Room 508 in ten minutes' and left.

Needless to say, I followed him, and we fuckedССOhhh… " I drove into her creamy cunt and came in seconds. "Oh, Bobby, that was nice. You do it better than Chad, so I won't make you pay me fifty dollars."

Then we proceeded to discuss Helen's exploit further, and she confessed that knowing she was going to be paid for fucking was almost as appealing as doing it in front of a crowd of people. She also said that Denise had told her that tonight there was going to be night swimming, in case she wanted to see what went on. That's what had prompted her to tell me about the fifty dollars. She wanted very much to go night swimming, but she didn't want to sneak out on me. So she was offering me her fifty dollars to pay for a girl for me if I came along.

I accepted her offer, but I felt pretty funny about it. I had never heard of anyone taking the money his wife earned by whoring and spending it for a whore. Such considerations didn't prevent me from slipping into my trunks and bathrobe after dinner, however, and padding down to the solarium. The door was locked, and of course no lights shone around it from the other side, but slight sounds could be heard.

Helen gave the coded knock that Denise had taught her, and the door swung open. A luscious babe in a red bikini was the smiling doorman, but beyond her we couldn't see a thing. We groped our way into the steamy darkness (I confess I groped the doorman's big boobs in the process) and rounded a partition into the pool area itself.

Things were lighter because of the underwater lights, although the steam still gave the place an unreal atmosphere. Two girls were paddling around in the water while three fellows watched from the edge. There seemed to be other people in the surrounding shadows, too. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a man appeared and spoke to Helen.

"Hi, Helen."

"Hi, Chad."

"I see you've got a friend already." He looked at me.

"Oh," said Helen, "We're not together. We just came in at the same time." She put her arm around Chad's waist and pressed her chest and stomach against him.

Chad brightened. "Well, in that case, maybe you and I could go off and do a littleuhswimming together."

"Sure," answered Helen in a mock husky voice. "You dive in and I'll follow your lead." Chad laughed, and the two of them disappeared into the shadows. One sentence came back to me as they moved off. "Ooooh, Chad, your hand's wet."

This left me to fend for myself, and I moved over to the pool. Two of the guys were in the pool with the chicks now. Two bikini tops were floating on the water, and through the distortion of the brightly lit water I could see the rosy tips of the girls' tits receiving the proper attention. I sat on the edge and dangled my feet, watching them frolic. The girls pantsed one of the guys, and he swam on his back to make his rod stick up like a periscope. One of the girls followed him. The other girl clinched with the other guy, and they made their way out of the pool, heading for darker parts of the room.

Then a newcomer appeared at the deep end. She was of medium build with shoulderlength black hair. She reminded me of Maria Cordoba, but she was bigger. And her suit was something special. It consisted of three pieces of white cloth attached to brass rings above her hips. One piece of cloth descended between her legs like a loincloth, and the other two crossed, covering her breasts and coming down in back to the brass rings again. What made the outfit a knockout was that the angle formed by the two rings and her crotch was sharper than the natural angle of her mound of Venus. That is to say, her suit rose so sharply to her hips that the two upper comers of her precious triangle revealed themselves in tight black ringlets.

She climbed the steps to the diving board, and walked to the end. She posed on the end like a statue. Her body was beautiful. Then she put her arms forward, shrugged her shoulders in a funny way that made her suit straps slide down on them, and sprang into space, spreading her arms wide and thus pulling the top parts of her suit free of her breasts. It was a beautiful swan dive made perfect by the pointed swell of her full bare breasts.

I watched her swim underwater in my direction, but I was still surprised when she surfaced right at my feet. I stared down at her lovely, smiling face and succulent bosom. She nodded, and I slid into the warm water. Our bodies and mouths flowed together naturally. Freeing one hand from the edge of the pool, I eased it under her suit and between her legs. As warm and wet as the water was, the slicker moisture of her cunt was both wetter and warmer.

She burst away from me and started swimming. I chased her down to the shallow end. There I caught her, and after some fumblingССwhich amused herССfigured out how to remove her suit entirely. Then she got mine off, and with the water supporting her weight, she lifted her legs around my hips and sank down on my cock. We couldn't really fuck without drowning, so we just stood united and kissed. After a while she dismounted. And with her head on my shoulder and my hand on her breast, we made our way to the ladder. She went up before me, and I was so drawn by the under view of her black pussy, that I stopped her and put my head up between her legs and licked her. Reluctantly, she stopped me and led me into the shadows.

Once my eyes adjusted, I could see better in the dark area. We passed a couple engaged in sixtynine with the girl on top. I recognized the skinny back as that of the brunette Helen had called Denise. She may have been flatchested, but she was obviously an expert when it came to sucking a guy's prick. Then we found a lounge chair where my girl friend made me lie down. She was obviously preparing to ride me, and what a ride she took. Always smiling down at me from her almost upright posture, she slid up and down on my prick and manipulated it with her cunt as facilely as she could have done with her mouth. At the top of a few strokes she reached down to feel my slippery cock and balls and finger my asshole. At other times she would feel her own nipples and look at me lasciviously. Her orgasm came hard and fast. Her clutching cunt brought me off immediately and squeezed me dry. Her face contorted, collapsed on me with a little sigh, and my limp penis slipped out of her cunt.

Lying there under the comfortable warm blanket of this beautiful girl, whose name I didn't even know, I thought about how to pay her in some graceful manner. There was no question of her being worth it; it was one of the best fucks I had ever had. But I had never paid a girl before, and I felt awkward about it.

My difficulty was solved, however, by the sudden appearance beside our chair of Helen and Chad. They were naked and smiling and looked as if they had just had a good session.

"Guess what?" Helen teased.


"I told Chad that we were married and that I did it for free." I waited for her to go on.

"And guess what else?"

"I can't guess."

"He said that he was married too and that his wife was doing the same thing here that I was. Not only that, but she's lying on top of you right now."

I looked down at the head on my chest with its sweet drowsy eyes and strands of black hair stuck to its forehead.

"Carol," said Chad, "meet Bob Emery."

"Hi," she said in a sultry voice that matched everything else I knew about her. "You've got a great cock."

"Thank youuhCarol." I felt embarrassed. "You've got an awfully niceuhpussy, yourself."

She looked up at her husband, who was handling my wife's breasts. "You hear that, Chad? Bob likes my cunt."

Chad looked down at her in amusement. "Well, haven't I always said you had the finest crack that ever got fucked by ten men in one night?"

"Oh, Chad! You always bring that up. I don't do that kind of thing any more. You'll give Bob and… "


"Helen the wrong idea. I'm not promiscuous. I just go for what I like, and looking across that pool I knew right away that what I liked was what Bob had sticking out like a rolling pin between his legs."

"Say," said Chad, "it's getting a little chilly standing here. Why don't we go up to our room for a while."

We all agreed and retrieved our swimming suits from where they had gotten thrown off. Carol's and mine were floating in the pool with several others among three naked couples. When we were assembled, we went down the dark passageway to the door. The doorman was still at her post, but she wasn't guarding the door. Her suit was off, and she was lying back in a chair getting eaten out by a man on his knees. She never noticed us leave.

Once in Chad and Carol's room, Carol wanted to dance, so we turned on a latenight music program on the radio. The girls' tits quivered and bounced inside their suits, and pretty soon Chad and I had projections that bounced and jerked almost as much. Carol did her trick with her shoulders again to free her breasts, and Helen doffed her bra. Despite the criticism leveled at dancing apart from one's partner to the effect that it isn't as romantic as dancing in each other's arms, it can't be denied that if your partner is a gorgeous brunette with bare, beautifully pointed tits, it's a lot sexier to dance so you can see them bounce and feel them with your hands than it is to have them crushed against your chest.

Dancing without stopping, I was pinching Carol's nipples and getting my hands inside her pants; Chad was doing likewise with Helen. Finally, the girls took their bottoms off, and soon we were all dancing naked. We were dancing quite close together, so that Helen was rubbing her hips against mine on one side while my cock was just touching Carol's fleece in front of me. Then, somehow, I was facing Chad while between us the two girls were dancing with each other. They were really getting into the music, and soon their tits were rubbing together rhythmically. Carol reached for Helen's cunt first, but Carol wasn't far behind her. I could see through Helen's light covering of silky blonde hair the active movements of Carol's fingers inside her rosy slit. Carol began to pant, and the girls' bodies came closer together, rubbing against each other from tit to thigh. They bent backward in an attempt to bring their bushes into closer contact, then they broke off and headed for the bed.

Helen started on the bottom, but they rolled over so she was on top, squatting over Carol's mouth and herself licking the blackfringed crack still wet with my ejaculation. I knelt on the bed to watch more closely my wife's fevered sucking of Carol's cunt. I played with Helen's nipples, and then insinuated a finger deep in Carol's tight behind. I became hotter and hotter until I practically pushed Helen's head back in order to plant my own lip's on the wet, splayed gash of pink cunt in front of me. I immersed my whole face in Carol's deep, delicious crack and feasted upon its silky insides. Close in front of me, Helen was still squatting over Carol's face. I could feel the warmth of her body as she leaned over me.

Then behind me, I felt another sensation of warmth, followed in seconds by the totally novel, but unmistakable, feel of Chad's prick pressing softly against my anus. I knew instantly that he was about to penetrate my ass, but my intoxication with the whole scene and his wife's superb cunt left me powerless to protest. He pushed slowly forward, and I felt my ass being stretched and stuffed. It was painful, but at the same time there was something exciting about the tremendous pressure against my rear. My cock stiffened even more as he slid deeper into me. And then I felt the urge I had seen Helen give way to months before at the Ungers' party to push backward to deepen the contact. Backward I pushed, and I think the pain of his cock going in still deeper made me bite Carol's cunt. I can't remember clearly, but I remember she gave a strong jerk at that moment. Chad's withdrawal brought a momentary sense of relief and emptiness, but then he was driving once more, and I was involuntarily pushing back against him.

I was being fucked. As often as I had fucked various women, I had never really experienced the feeling it produced in them, the penetrated, forced feeling that I was experiencing now. I vaguely sensed Helen climaxing through the actions of Carol's able tongue. I was too engrossed in what was being done to me. I couldn't miss Chad's climax, however, for it took real strength to bear up under the last violent thrusts he aimed at my tortured ass. He withdrew, and I still had not come. The frustration and feeling of vacuity was tremendous. Almost in a frenzy I slithered up Carol's body, nipped at her deep red nipples and sank my iron hard rod inside her. Never had I fucked a woman with the force that I fucked Carol at that moment. I came off in less than a minute and brought her off, too. But the release and satisfaction were as great as if we had deliberately prolonged it for hours.

It was a good halfhour before I had recovered enough to think about going back to our room. My ass still ached when I raised my leg to put it into my swimming suit. We put on our bathrobes and, with one last torrid embrace with our opposite numbers, we went down the hall to our room.

I hesitated to talk with Helen because I was afraid of her feelings after having watched me in homosexual intercourse. Strangely enough, I felt embarrassed by the experience. To try to forget it, I took a shower, and soon Helen crowded into the stall with me. I still kept my silence, but she broke hers.

"I know you feel bad, Bob. That's how I felt, you know, at the Ungers' after that initiation." I didn't say anything. "And I know you must have really enjoyed getting screwed by Chad, since I know I love having a girl lick me out. And all I want to say is, don't feel bad because you think I disapprove. I don't think you're a fairy just because you like the feel of a prick in your ass. I know a thousand times over you're not a fairy, and I think that if you want to suck guys off or fuck them or let them fuck you, you should do it. Because I'll always love you." She put her arms around me and hugged me close in the hot driving spray. I was too moved to speak, and too happy. I really loved Helen. We finished the shower, soaping each other's genitals with accustomed thoroughness. Then we dried each other and retired to bed for a long, soft, soulful fuck and a restful sleep.

Chad and Carol were gone the next day, We never learned their last name.

But as I said before, usually if we had no contacts, Helen didn't travel with me, and that was the case when I got orders to go to Des Moines for a couple of days. I had gone to Des Moines before, and we had the name of a couple there named Riley. The Ungers had known them as swingers some years before, but they didn't know if they were still active in such matters. And when we had written them, we got no reply. Thus, I flew off to Des Moines alone with the promise of a dull couple of nights in a bar or at the movies. After the variety of healthy and straightforward sexual experiences I had had over the preceding two or three years, the notion of picking up a prostitute in a bar seemed to me unpalatable.

After one incredibly boring evening, however, I decided to look for something a little more lively. And the next night I tried ringing the Rileys on the telephone. The phone was answered by a woman with a soft, feminine voice who turned out to be Susan Riley. The domesticity of the voice didn't jibe with the Ed Unger's reference to her as a smolderinghot piece, but I pressed on and told her that I was a friend of the Ungers, in town for a day on business, and that they had asked me to call up and say hello for them.

This left the ball pretty much in her lap, which suited me fine, since I certainly didn't want to force myself on them. I thought thatССswinging asideССmany people I knew refused to swing without their spouses around. I still might get invited out for a drink and spend a pleasant evening in conversation. To my delight, she didn't just brush me off but instead said that they would like to see me if her husband could free himself from some work he was doing. I waited for her to consult him. When she returned, she asked if I wasn't the Bob Emery who wrote them while they were in Europe. I said that I was, hoping that it wouldn't screw the invitation, and she confirmed the invitation with what sounded to me like a trifle more enthusiasm.

As I sat around the lobby, waiting to be picked up, I tried to keep my mind off sex and concentrate on just spending a quiet evening. I tried to guess, as people entered the hotel, which of them was coming for me, and held my breath with trepidation every time a disagreeablelooking person made an inquiry at the desk. Yet, despite my watchfulness, I was taken completely by surprise when a voice beside me asked if I was Mr. Emery. I turned my head and affirmed my identity only to be startled almost into silence by who had asked it. I couldn't believe that the girl was old enough to drive, although I found out later she was all of fifteen and had a learner's permit. She was very slight and young with wispy blonde hair which gave her an ethereal look.

"I'm Sally Riley. Mom sent me down to pick you up."

We made small talk as we went out to the car. It was a vintage Jaguar, which impressed me. But once we got in, I suddenly felt illatease. While I was now resigned to a quiet conversational evening, I was still suffering a hangover from my earlier speculation which brought erotic thoughts to mind as soon as Sally got in. As aware as I was that high school kids were different from what they had been a decade earlier, I couldn't help being surprised at just how much leg a girl in a miniskirt crammed into the low seat of a sports car might be expected to show. I knew that a good lean forward would let me see her underpants, and I tried to restrain the temptation. But finally under the guise of adjusting my coat behind me I made the move and caught a glimpse of the alwaysthrilling soft swell between a girl's legs, this time clothed in white cotton. For the first time in many months I was embarrassed to feel my cock rising and made the traditional movements to conceal it.

In order to take my mind off her beautiful, softlooking thighs, I concentrated on how well she drove the car and asked her about her brothers and sisters. It turned out that she had a brother a year younger and that both of them had private tutors instead of public schooling, since the family traveled a lot internationally. This, fortunately, provided the opening for a conversation that carried us safely to the Riley house.

The house was large, but not the palace that acquaintance with the Ungers and Sally's accounts of European visits had led me to expect. I even felt a little disappointed, but as a residence for only half a year, I could hardly have expected more realistically. Sally took me into the living room, and again I was surprised. I had become used to swingers, and, I had supposed, exswingers, affecting a taste for the sensual and the modern. After being in a dozen rooms furnished in "functional modern," with the emphasis being on the sexual function, it was gratifying to see traditional furniture in a traditional living room setting.

I was put so much at my ease by the atmosphere, that meeting the Rileys was not at all embarrassing. I said hello to Susan without mentally stripping her, although I couldn't fail to notice that if I had stripped her, I would have liked what I imagined, and to Tom without wondering how big his prick was. I also met their son, Steven, and another couple in for the evening, Evelyn and Harry Stark. Pretty soon we were all sitting around like old friends, talking and drinking and laughing. The kids drank, too, but I chalked that up to the European travel. I told them what I knew about recent events in the Unger family, insofar as I could keep it clean, and in general I settled down for a comfortable family evening. I didn't even avail myself of a couple of chances to look up Eve's legs, although I wanted to.

The degree to which I was absorbed into the homey atmosphere is testified to by the fact that no light flashed in my mind when Harry Stark suggested that we all watch some home movies. Ordinarily, the words "home movies" would have been a signal for me of hot things to come; but this time it only signaled a family travelogue of European capitals. The reel that the Starks asked for, however, was the one of Sally's first formal dance the year before. I thought she blushed angelically at the suggestion.

So we all moved about finding equipment or seats, and in a few minutes the lights went out with me sitting on an overstuffed sofa next to the hostess, Susan. 98765432and there in color was what I assumed was the upstairs of the Riley house. The scene traveled into Sally's room and found her with her back to us facing a mirror and holding before her a soft blue gown made of layers of diaphanous material. It was a cute shot, and I berated myself for noticing that her adolescent back was lovely and also bare, except for white panties. I still felt guilty, rather than suspicious, when the camera recorded her lowering her dress a bit before cutting, an act that revealed for a split second darling young breasts with soft, light pink tips.

Next we were looking at her being picked up by her date, who looked older than she by quite a bit. The gown was strapless and of an Empire cut. With long gloves, it suited her light, ethereal look perfectly. I wondered whether she was encased beneath it in some sort of wire bra, but a cut to a shot from above dispelled that wonder. The gown was obviously held up by a tight fit around the torso, for the dЋcolletЋ was quite loose, giving us another glimpse of her tantalizing young breasts.

At long last the thought occurred to me that perhaps I was not among a quiet family group. Was it possible that the entire family was promiscuous? I looked about me for evidence, but I couldn't be certain. I was at a bad angle for looking unobtrusively at the sofa with Harry Stark and the kids, but it looked like Tom, sitting on the floor beside the projector, might just possibly have his arm on the side away from me between the legs of Eve, who was on a chair beside him.

I realized that a wrong conclusion could be disastrous, so I held my peace through a series of shots of a dance in what I took to be a hotel ballroom. Among the guests were Susan and Tom, but the camera kept track of Sally chatting and dancing with a number of men. Then came a cut back to the empty living room. We were waiting for Sally to come home. A car door slammed, and then another. Then came the key in the lock. Sally appeared, looking quite gay, and turned to say goodnight to her date. Inaudible words were said, and then he took her in his arms. They kissed, and from the back what we saw were his hands stroking her, following her figure, and eventually squeezing her slender butt.

Then she broke from his embrace and turned into the room facing the camera. He followed, closing the door with his foot, and put his arms around her from behind. Sally's face was flushed, and she threw her head back as her date bowed his head to kiss her bare neck and shoulders. His kisses were long and lavish, and his hands made equally loving explorations of the young girl's body. Rising from her stomach, they framed her slender torso and then settled on her lovely, slight bosom, pressing and massaging the young rising tits beneath their covering of cloudy blue cloth. The prolongation of this action before he finally reached for the neckline of her dress was tantalizing. But at last he made that crucial move. Finding the neckline to be held up by nothing but loose elastic, he pulled the blue bodice down and bared the virgin tits beneath it. The Empire line was realized as it was always meant to be. The soft blue of the dress rose in long vertical folds to just below Sally's tits, and from there up was only the smooth creamy expanse of her fledgling breasts and long neck, accented by the budding pink points of her tits, now standing up hard under the working of her date's agile fingers.

I was still afraid of being precipitate, but the sight of the beautiful daughter was too much, and I ventured timidly to rest my hand on the knee of her equally beautiful mother sitting beside me. Her reaction was to cover my hand with her own in an intimate but at the same time restraining manner.

On the screen, Sally was now ensconced on one of the big sofas, and her boyfriend was kneeling beside it, sucking and nibbling at her delicious tits while exploring beneath her gown with one hand. The viewer could only guess what he was about from the movements of the cloth and Sally's expression, but the rapture on her face and the fact that the most vigorous movements appeared to be in the warm pocket where her legs met her body made the guessing easy. I ached to see her crack and the fingers working inside it. The frustration made me think once again of the woman beside me, and to my surprise I found that while I was absorbed in watching one man's hand intruding into one crotch, my own had crept, without too much trouble, quite a way beneath her dress toward another one. Susan's hand was no longer covering mine, and in a second I felt the familiar erotic bulge of pantycovered cunt. Her legs opened slightly, and I started to stroke between them.

Back on the screen Sally had at last changed her position. Half slouching on the couch to bring her butt to the edge of it, she had her long thin legs draped over the shoulders of her kneeling date. His head was buried between them paying the attentions of love to her cunt. Then came a very sudden cut, and we were watching the humping back of her date pounding his cock into sweet Sally. I was sorry to have missed the final seduction, but the angle for this final act was superb, and the camera zoomed in on the juncture where his oiled piston was ramming into her sparsely haired hole. I was inside Susan's pants and fingering her hole as I watched her daughter being screwed.

The young couple on the screen had barely come to their mutual climax when sounds were heard outside, and it was apparent that Sally's parents were coming home. In a comic frenzy the boy pulled on his trousers while Sally rearranged her gown. Her filmy panties were kicked hurriedly under the sofa, and by the time the front door opened, they both looked exceedingly proper, sitting and talking together. After that, the film cut, and once again we were upstairs. Sally was standing in pajamas in the hallway. Her mother came up to her in an elegant negligee, kissed her goodnight, and the two of them retired down the hallway in different directions. Then the screen split. On one half, Tom was sitting on the bed with his shorts on. Susan was in front of him looking down at him as he lovingly roamed his hands around beneath her negligee, transparent now because of backlighting.

On the other half of the screen, Sally was standing before her mirror examining her reflection. She unbuttoned her pajama tops and squeezed her breasts. Then she rubbed her nipples until they stood up hard. Tom now had his head beneath Susan's negligee and between her legs. Sally undid the button at the side of her pajama bottoms and let them fall to the floor. The fine, light, golden fleece on her mound betrayed the rosy pink of the soft young cuntlips beneath it. She was truly a beautiful girl. She watched herself in the mirror, running her fingers through her cunthair. Then she opened her legs and ran her fingers deeper between her legs, gradually parting and penetrating the rosy lips. On the other half of the screen in the nowdarkened master bedroom, Tom was mounted on Susan and socking it into her, while in the welllighted boudoir their daughter was beginning to frig herself for real. She was sitting now on her dressing chair with her legs thrown over the arms, exposing the sweet pink gash of her cunt to the mirror at which the camera was aimed. She slid the middle finger of her right hand in and out of her hole, spreading the soft lips with her other fingers. Then she began to concentrate more on the sensitive bud just above her slit, rubbing it with increasing speed. Her mouth was open and her eyes half closed. With her other hand she spanned the distance between her stiff nipples and rubbed them as well. The sound track was from the parents' room and went with the shadows of their humping forms, but the pants and grunts and little cries superimposed on Sally's solitary masturbation seemed like sounds coming from her torrid, young girl's imagination. I heard her parents build toward their climax, but the effect was of being inside Sally's mind imagining some passionate, romantic fuck while she went at her titties and clit harder and harder. Her butt half lifted out of the chair as she came closer to the end; and then, just as her mother uttered a loud cry in response to her father's prick spurting inside her, Sally's back stiffened and a grimace of orgasm came over her face.

With the end of the movie someone turned on the light. I still had my hand inside Susan's pants, and she had gotten my cock out and had been frigging it for the last few minutes. Still, I felt sheepish doing such things in this homey environment. I looked around and immediately felt less sheepish. Evelyn Stark had one leg around Tom's shoulder so his head was cushioned on the inside of her naked thigh a few inches from her wide open twat with its bushy tangle of dark brown hair. Occasionally he turned his head slightly and licked a bit at the sultry cunt, but neither of them looked terribly aroused. Over on the other couch, Sally looked as sweet and virginal as ever despite Harry Stark's long arms, one draping over her shoulder and resting under her blouse on her breast and the other deeply ensconced inside the white cotton panties I had glimpsed so longingly in the car. For her part, Sally had her hand in her brother's lap and was stroking his delicate fourteenyearold penis sticking out of his fly. But that tableau was not a frenzied one either. I wondered if in this household even orgies were quiet and decorous.

"How did you like the movie, Bob?" said Tom nonchalantly.

"I thought it was great," I said, not knowing quite what I should say.

"It was all posed, you know. Sally's quite a little actress. It really looked candid, didn't you think?"

"Very much so. I've seen a lot of stag movies, but I never would have mistaken this for one. It was more like an excellently produced home movie."

"Harry's the photographer, but he's only half the secret." Tom got up and walked over to his daughter. "It's my little Sally who's the real secret. No one fucks as beautifully as Sally."

The girl blushed. "Oh, daddy, you make me embarrassed."

"Wouldn't you like to go over and fuck Mister Emery." I couldn't believe my ears.

"Oh sure, I've been wanting to ever since he started peeking under my skirt in the car."

"I didn't know you noticed that!"

"Oh, that's okay," said Sally. "I wanted you to. Whenever I'm with a man I think is nice, I give him a chance to look at my pussy. If he takes advantage of it, I know he wants to fuck me. Momma taught me that. Momma taught me lots of things. She's the one you should really fuck; she's great."

Susan looked at me as if she were oblivious to my fingers still stroking her cunt. "Well, I may have more tricks and more practice than Sally, but I'm sure you'd really prefer to feel what it's like inside a fifteen year old. You've probably fucked lots of women my age." She punctuated this by giving my prick a skillful little squeeze. I felt I was being pushed toward making a choice I didn't want to make between a beautiful experienced woman and a delicate young teenager. Fortunately, Evelyn saved me from the dilemma.

"Look, you two, it's not fair making poor Bob choose between you. You both know he wants to fuck both of you, so why don't you just let him lie back and both of you take care of him together."

That seemed to settle things, and before I knew it we had adjourned to a less formal room with a narrow backless, armless couch in it, sort of like a soft cot. Susan took my coat and started unbuttoning my shirt while her daughter worked on my pants. I realized that Harry was quietly taking pictures with a movie camera, but I didn't care. Soon I was naked, and my two clothed attendants had me lie down on my back on the couch. They stood on either side of the couch and began to undress each other. I could see up both their miniskirts to Sally's opaque cotton panties and her mother's nearly transparent nylon ones with the shadow of her cunthair showing beneath them. I reached up and stroked both bulging cunts and watched them take off each others blouses, kissing each other passionately once or twice. Sally's tits were small and developing with vivid pink nipples. Susan's were fuller but still slight, with slightly larger and darker nipples. The two women stroked and pinched each other's breasts, and I could feel their crotches dampening beneath my fingers.

"Let him suck your tits first, Momma," said Sally. Her mother bent over until her luscious breasts were hanging directly over my face. I pulled her lower and buried my face in their softness. My mouth found one nipple and my hands, the other. In a few minutes she stood up. Sally had taken off the rest of her own clothes and her mother's. I looked at them for a moment, both beautifully naked, and then Sally laid her slim figure on top of me. Her tits were above my face, and the pink tips were almost unbearably young and tender. I touched one hesitantly with my tongue, then sucked it firmly into my mouth. Soon Sally was moaning with pleasure.

I felt hands, which I took to be Susan's, between my legs, deftly stroking my cock and balls. And then they were replaced by the delicious warmth of a woman's mouth. Susan sucked and licked my cock with consummate skill while I continued to suck her daughter's nipples one after the other. But Susan was attending to her daughter's lower parts as well, as I found out when Sally murmured, "Oh, Momma, that feels so good. Ohhhh, deeper! Harder, Momma; get it up my ass as far as you can!"

Knowing that Susan had her finger buried in her daughter's ass almost made me come, but a shift in positions forestalled it. Susan retreated from my prick, and Sally raised herself to a kneeling position. The incredible delicate, ethereal quality of her young girl's body hovering over my abdomen was now belied by the wild look in her eyes. The lines of her body all seemed to converge on the patch of yellow fluff between her spread legs. With a lascivious look, she reached beneath her yellow bush, wet her hand in her own cunt juice and smeared the heavenly lubrication all over my cock and balls. She reached again and smeared more on my stomach and chest and then on her own nipples. The tip of my prick was almost touching her juvenile slit, and I could hardly wait for her to descend on it.

Finally she did, slowly and deliberately, squirming her ass around so that my prick reached every part of her vagina. She slid up and down on my pole once or twice and then tantalizingly rose off it entirely. Putting her arms behind her and leaning back, she descended once more, and this time with unerring aim I felt my penis slide into the tight orifice of her ass, which her mother had obviously lubricated. The feel was fantastic as she sank down. Then she started slowly to fuck me in that position. I reached down and fondled the feathery entrance to her cunt, which was now more visible.

Susan, meanwhile, had been biding her time, and now she came back, mounting the couch above Sally's head. She lowered herself into position and received her daughter's tongue in her cunt. It was incredible. Susan fondled Sally's tits while she sucked her out, all the while never losing rhythm sliding up and down my pole. But the posture was obviously awkward, and after a minute or so they made one final shift. Both women got up. Susan climbed into her daughter's place and ensheathed my penis in her cunt. Sally came to the other end of the couch and mounted over my face, at last giving me a chance to taste her luscious slit. And that way we finished, the mother and daughter face to face, my prick inside the cunt of the one and my mouth on that of the other. I don't know which of us came off first. Suddenly everything was heaving and contracting, and I was pumping an incredible load of sperm into Susan.

We rose and turned to our audience. Harry claimed they were the best pictures he had ever gotten, and Eve, who appeared from her posture to have been serving as Harry's assistant by sucking his rod while he took pictures, was equally complimentary. Tom for the moment was speechless, for he had his prick buried in his son's ass and was fucking him like mad. In a short time, however, he and Steven joined the rest of us in recuperation and told us that he had never gotten so hot as he had watching Susan skewered on my cock and Sally perched on my mouth kissing each other and playing with each others tits. He had lost control of himself and just had to fuck Steven though he had been planning to save himself for Sally.

Then Steven piped up, "Can I fuck Sally, then, if you aren't going to?"

The naked parents looked at their children with almost comical looks of parental indulgence and said they could fuck if they wanted to. The two youngsters took the floor in front of us, looking like two fragile fairies. Steven's prick was quite thin, but it was already long and had a light growth of yellow hair around it. It looked a bit incongruous jutting out and almost touching his sister's blonde patch, because he was so younglooking otherwise. The children kissed and clasped each other and then sank to the floor in sixtynine. Sally, who had looked like a Satanic angel poised over my crotch, tantalizing my prick with her cuntlips just out of reach, now looked like a gangling kid. Her skinny legs straddled Steven's head, and he ate her out with great ferocity, licking her asshole occasionally and then pushing two fingers into it.

After a while, they turned the tables, and Steven, on top at last, poked his manly penis into his sister's divine cunt. Their juvenile bodies' bucking and churning in a great athletic fuck were too much for us oldsters looking on. Eve gave a moan, dropped her head into my lap and started sucking. Then, after juggling postures to get Eve on her knees on the couch, Tom slipped into her cunt from the rear. Susan finished the tableau by straddling Harry as he sat in an easy chair next to us and sinking onto his penis, just as she had done on mine minutes earlier. For me, though, delightful as Eve's mouth was on my prick, the real scene was still the kids. Since Steven was still no taller than his sister, they were a real match. Sally's upward thrusts to meet Steven's diving plunges brought her thin buttocks fully six inches off the floor. The slap of their genitals meeting and the slight squish from Steven's prick entering Sally's overflowing cunt were clearly audible over the moans and thrashing of the adults. But of course an end had to come, and it came for the kids with a tremendous climax. The height of their orgasmic ecstasy communicated to me, and an instant later I went over the brink and pumped my second load into Eve's mouth.

Recuperation this time was a much slower affair. We all put a few clothes on because it was slightly chilly and for an hour or so drank coffee and talked. The Rileys had obviously been asked to tell the story of their unusual family arrangement many times before, but they were willing to tell me once again. The way they told it, it seemed quite normal. They had been heavy swingers but had wanted children, so one day they stopped swinging and began fucking in earnest. Within two years this produced the two children they wanted, and then they gave thought to the implications of the situation. In some ways the long period of strict monogamy had deepened their relationship, but they both missed the old days. Tentatively, they contacted a few of their old friends and spent a few good nights in group love, but the eventual conflict of swinging and childrearing was not lost to them. So they made a decision.

They had no lack of money, and when Sally was four and Steven three, they left the country and went to Sweden. There they joined a kind of nudist commune they had heard about. There were three other families, and they all shared a large beach front house in which they lived as a single group. Altogether there were ten children of various ages. The nudist part of the arrangement was pretty general on hot summer beach days, but it was also casually accepted at any time. On an average evening, there were at least a few people sitting around naked or partly clothed, and it was taken as entirely normal if one of the boys started to suck his sister's tits, or something like that. Fucking was most often done in the main living room in public, and more often than not, it involved more than two people.

In the course of time this completely free regime began to pale for the elder Riley's, but they stayed for quite a number of years in order to fully educate the children in that aspect of life. Then, after telling Sally and Steven as much about American mores as possible, they returned to the U.S. for a summer. The trip was a smashing success. The kids were a hit with swingers but even more of a hit with kids their own ages. Sally was only fourteen, but she went out with older boys and, needless to say, delighted them by letting them into her pants as far as they dared. Steven had his work cut out for him seducing fellow thirteen year olds, but he got along well.

After that summer, Tom and Susan decided to try moving back permanently, necessarily with a knowledgeable Swedish tutor for the kids. They had bought the house in Des Moines, and I was one of their first visitors since moving in.

I commented that they seemed like permanent residents instead of newcomers with all their traditional Midwestern decor, and Susan laughed.

"I know what you mean. We had the place decorated like this because we liked it, but after we had been here for only a few days, I came home from the grocery store and found Tom fucking Sally on the sofa, and I was absolutely shocked! It seemed so incongruous that it made me forget all those years in Sweden. Now, of course, I'm used to it, but I know how you feel."

That night I slept between Susan and Sally, and on awakening the following morning I had a long, delightful fuck with each of them. Then Sally drove me to my hotel to get my bags and on to the airport. There in the parking lot she crawled on top of me in the front seat and sank down on my bared prick. And thus I had my last fuck with the beautiful young girl.