"Swap Talk" - читать интересную книгу автора (Thirdwall Robert)Chapter 6When I returned from my unexpectedly pleasant trip to Des Moines, Helen was gone. The note she left read: Dear Bob, I'm sorry I had to do it this way, but I knew that if you knew about it in advance, you'd stop me. Some time ago I was talking with Frank and Marie and Dave and Judy, and the idea of putting on a real sex show for money came up. Well, you know how it turns me on to have people watching me, and how getting paid like a prostitute at that resort affected me. To be brief, that's the same feeling the other four had, and so we decided to form a kind of troupe. Frank thought he could get us some engagements, and he wrote some letters and got replies. Then we took advantage of your trips to do some practicing. We're really pretty good now. Finally, we had to put up or shut up. So that's where I've gone. We have four engagements in different cities, and then we'll be back at the Black Cat Club in Chicago for a final show. After that, we can all talk it over and decide whether to do more. You can join up if you want. I love you, Helen P.S. Don't worry, I'm using a false name and have dyed my hair. I sat dumfounded for almost an hour after reading the letter. I couldn't believe it. Scarcely a year had passed since Helen first confessed to having read the sex books I had bought. And now this. It was the desire to understand what had come over her that eventually drove me to look in her diary, which I have already quoted a few times. Apart from occasional entries like those, I read for a long time without coming upon much that was pertinent to our sex life. Obviously, Helen was not confiding her new feelings even to her diary. Then, at last, I came to the sole entry that cast any light on her departure. It was dated just two weeks before, a time when I had been out of town. "I can hardly wait now to start going. Tonight's rehearsal was the best yet, but I know it will be much different with an audience of strangers. I know Sue Ann and Roger too well to think of them as an audience. I think the feeling of watching and being watched must be different for men and women, or, more precisely, for husbands and wives. Husbands consider their wives their property and their cunts their private possessions. Every time they see them being fucked by another man, it touches the strong emotion of ownership and fills them with a mixture of rage and guilt that sinks directly to their balls and makes their pricks an inch longer. They want to screw the wife of the man who is screwing their wife in order to get revenge. I think that is why husbands prefer watching their wives being fucked to being sucked. Penetration of her cunt is necessary for the full feeling. For a wife, on the other hand, it's exhibitionism rather than voyeurism that stimulates her. It's the desire of every woman to be prostituted and raped, to be laid out naked with her legs forcibly held open so that nothing can prevent anyone who wishes from fingering and licking her cunt and jamming his prick into it. I know this is an ugly view of women and is probably as much conditioned by our culture as is the husband's view, but it is certainly my motivation. Chivalry may have meant protection of the ladies in the minds of the knights, but in the minds of the ladies I think being protected was no more thrilling than the inevitability of being stripped and publicly raped if their knights failed. God! I want to be fucked and fucked and fucked and fucked and fucked some more! I can hardly stand it even now as I write this even though only an hour ago I had both Frank and Roger inside me. I hope Frank finishes lining things up soon so we can get started." My first inclination after reading this was to call Sue Ann and Roger and find out what they knew about the whole thing, but I waited a couple of days before doing so in order to sound out my own feelings better. I didn't want to get mad at somebody without really meaning it. And after waiting those days, my feelings changed. The anger I had felt at first, I realized, was at being deceived rather than at what Helen and the others were actually planning to do. But I also realized that Helen was right in saying that I would have stopped her if I had known about it. Thus, when I finally did go over to talk to Sue Ann and Roger, I was more interested in getting information than in fixing blame. Part of the conversation we had concerning Sue Ann and Roger's early sex life I have already recounted in a place where it fits better in my narrative. The rest of what we talked about dealt primarily with how the idea had arisen and progressed and what exactly the five of them had been doing while I was on my business trips. There is no need to go into that in detail here. Suffice it to say that they had talked about the whole thing quite seriously before committing themselves and decided that it was what they really wanted to do. Sue Ann confirmed what Helen had written in her diary about the motivation of women and said that it affected her as well as Helen, Marie, and Judy. The main reason they hadn't joined was that Roger couldn't leave this job very easily and that he wasn't too enthusiastic about doing it, anyway. I didn't wonder at Frank's going along with the girls since I had found out some time earlier that he was quite proud of his big prick and liked to show it off. Dave was more a mystery to me, however, until Roger explained that Dave had hesitated at first and only gone along because Judy wanted to so much. Then, later, he had gotten turned on to the whole thing in practice and become enthusiastic like the others. They had devised three different acts and made costumes to go with them. Roger and Sue Ann wouldn't tell me in detail what they were because they didn't want to spoil things if I decided to go to the show in Chicago, but they did reveal that one was an eighteenth century piece with fancy dresses and powdered wigs, one a wifeswapping scene, and the other about incest. Naturally, this just whetted my interest, and we finally agreed to go to the show at the Black Cat Club together. Most of the three weeks that elapsed between talking to Sue Ann and Roger I spent in writing what you have read until now, and it is now a week after the show that I am getting back to the typewriter. Needless to say, I was really keyed up and horny as hell when Roger and Sue Ann honked for me on the night of the show. I went out to their car and got in only to find the back seat already occupied by a very attractive girl with long dark hair dressed in a white lace minidress. "Bob, this is Mary Callahan. She's a college friend of mine who just got into town, and I asked her to come with us. I hope you don't mind?" It took a moment to find my tongue. "Oh, no, Sue Ann. It's fine. Great." And I slid in next to Miss Callahan. There wasn't a doubt in my mind but that Sue Ann knew what she was doing in inviting her lovely brunette friend along, but I played it straight and talked about general subjects as we sped into the city. I was not so scrupulous, however, that I failed to give Mary a pretty thorough once over, taking particular note of the spots of flesh showing through the lace which told me that the soft curve of her bosom was unassisted by a brassiere. It was starting out to be a pretty promising evening. The Black Cat Club was on the near north side. It was a posh drinking and dining club, rather dark with a good jazz trio playing on the bandstand. It didn't look to me like a spot for a sex show, and it turned out not to be. Roger said a few words to the head waiter, and we were all led back to a door marked, Private Dining Rooms. We went through that door, past several others, and then through an unmarked door at the back which opened for us as we approached. Presumably a peephole had told the doorman we were legitimate. After that we descended a flight of steps and found ourselves at still another door which read, Bottomless at the Topless. Once again the door opened for us, and in we went. The room was lushly decorated in deep reds. Thick draperies hung on all the walls, and the floor was carpeted thickly with crimson. About a dozen round, pedestaltype tables were scattered around a large open area which went all the way to one wall. This I took to be the performance area. We were given the last empty table, which had obviously been reserved for us next to the open area. Immediately a waitress in a tiny black uniform with absolutely magnificent large, bare breasts. Her nipples must have been touched up with rouge because they were so delectablelooking I wanted to get my mouth on them right then. But I held off; we ordered drinks. Looking around the room some more, I counted eight topless waitresses, each of them a beauty, and four busboys who looked particularly handsome and well hung in tight pants and white silk shirts. The bartender seemed much the same. As for the other patrons, they were clearly of the swinger type. Elegant coiffures and discreet nudity marked the women. I don't think there was a bra in the house. Mary was a little modestlooking, but Sue Ann in a lacy bolero, bare midriff and really low hipster miniskirt fit right in. Even with all that bare tit around, I turned on to the big dark circles of Sue Ann's great nipples peeking through the lace. When the second round of drinks came, a fallen napkin gave me a good chance to study more closely our waitresses costume. I bent over to retrieve it just as she was serving Mary, beside me, and immediately a fluffy patch of light hair told me why the place was called Bottomless at the Topless. Our waitresses black net hose terminated at a black lace garter belt, and the whole ensemble served to frame the center of attraction, her bare twat. When she turned to serve me my drink, I boldly put my hand under her skirt and slid it along her slit. She gave me a flushed smile and then turned away. After that, it was hard to concentrate on conversation, and it became even more so after Mary squirmed around on her chair enough to pull her skirt up into her lap, uncovering a tantalizing vee of pink nylon panty, which as I watched, her open her legs turned into a twoinch band diving between her legs with large amounts of black hair sticking out under the elastic leg bands. The view was quite private, just for me. And even as we chatted about meaningless things, I could see in her eyes that she knew my thoughts were on her cunt. Sue Ann looked at us mischievously and said, "By the way, Bob, did I tell you that Mary's older sister, Vicky, was my roommate in college?" The recollection of Sue Ann licking her future husband's come out of that same roommate, Vicky, came instantly to mind. I looked at Mary with renewed interest. "Oh, yes," said Mary, "Vicky and I are very close. When we're at home, we even sleep together." She gave me what I took to be a knowing look. "Vicky has taught me a lot." "She sure has," put in Roger, who had been spending his time staring at the waitresses and girls at other tables. But before the conversation could go any farther, an Italianlooking man wearing a puff sleeved silk shirt open to the waist took the floor and called for attention. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Bottomless at the Topless! For those who have never been here before, let me assure you that the management does not forbid the staff from fraternizing with the customers." (Laughter.) "In fact, fraternization is just what we want here. We want everyone to have fun and feel perfectly free to follow their fancyССmale or female (More laughter.) For our show tonight, we have a special treat, something unusual. They call themselves the Comedie Sexuale. But I know you'd rather look at them than me… " (Some female voices demurred.) "So let's get on with the show!" (Applause.) There was a little feminine cry of alarm backstage, and with a flurry a woman in a large full dress of eighteenth century rushed into the stage area. She wore an ornate wig and fluttered a fan in front of her delightfully dЋcolletЋ heaving bosom. She conveyed an aura of distress very convincingly, and her costume deceived me completely. It was some moments before I recognized Judy underneath the wig, makeup, beauty spot, etc. Helen, of course, I recognized immediately as she now followed Judy onto the stage. She, too, was in period costume which emphasized the swell of her breasts beneath the transparent handkerchief tucked into her bodice. Helen began the dialogue with more histrionic feeling than I would ever have expected: "Now, Emily, you've upset dear brother." "Upset him? Think of how he has upset me!" "But if he has upset you, it is your fault not his. It is wrong of you and cruel to take offense at his natural desire to admire your beauty. What are those handsome breasts of yours for but to be fondled and kissed?" Emily fluttered her fan in embarrassment. "Oh, Margaret, how can you say that! You know that a proper young lady mustn't let a man do that." "But why not? You're just being silly, Emily. You're repeating old stories they told you in the country. This is London. We do things differently here." Margaret drew close to Emily and placed her arm around her bare shoulder. "Oh! It would never have happened if you hadn't made me wear these wicked clothes. I feel all uncovered in this dress." "But that is just the point. It never would have happened. I wanted it to happen; that's why I lent you my dress. To tell you the truth, Emily, if I go to a soiree and some nice gentleman doesn't find an opportunity to put his hand on my bosom, not to mention beneath my skirts, I am greatly disappointed. Now you tell me the truth. Didn't a thrill run through you when Alex squeezed your titty?" Margaret's hand had, by this time, descended so far along Emily's bulging chest that it was almost upon her nipple hidden under the topmost half inch of cloth. "Well, maybe a little thrill." "And wouldn't you really like for him to do it again, dear Emily?" Margaret's words were enticingly soft in Emily's ear, and her fingers were now plainly fondling her friend's nipple just out of eight of the audience. "Oh, Margaret, you always make me feel so naughty when I know I shouldn't!" "Do you remember when we used to sleep together at your home and share naughty thoughts?" "I've tried to forget all that, Margaret. It isn't right." Margaret was now behind Emily with her arms draped about her neck fondling both nipples. "Let me call Alex in so the two of you can make up." "Oh, no, Margaret! Don't!" Margaret went back to the curtain. "Alex! Alex! Do come in here to Emily's room." Emily moved to one corner and recommenced fluttering her fan and heaving her bosom. Then Alex appeared in powdered wig and velvet knee breeches. It was Frank. "Dear Alex, Emily is sorry that she ran off when you were merely trying to express your admiration of her beauty. I've been very stern with her and told her that here in London we pursue pleasure rather than flee it. Now, Emily, I think it only proper that you apologize to Alex by letting him do as he likes with your marvelous breasts." "No, Margaret, I couldn't!" "Come, come, Emily. I insist." Margaret drew the feebly resisting Emily toward her brother, and when she was directly in front of him, gave her bodice a sudden jerk, causing her big, full tits to pop out. While Emily trembled, Alex reached out and softly touched the jutting globes. Then he bent his head and took a large, succulent nipple into his mouth. Closer to home, the show was really beginning to get to me, and I dropped one arm around Mary's neck and beneath her neckline where my fingers found her nipple hard and stiff. "Doesn't Emily have the most delightful nipples, Alex? Hard, hot perfect pricks that you just love to suck. Bite them a little, Alex; she likes that." "Ohhhh… " "That's right, Alex. Doesn't sucking her tits make you want to drive your penis into her cunt. I must tell you a secret. Emily's cunt is one of the sweetest, most delicate things in the world. Suck harder on her nipples while I get her ready for you to fuck." Emily was in a complete swoon and didn't resist as Margaret rapidly undid her clothes, leaving only the last petticoat. "Now stop, Alex. I want to talk with Emily." Alex stopped gobbling Emily's tits and stood back so the audience could see the enormous bulge of his erection. There were sighs in the darkness, and Mary cuddled closer and began massaging the bulge between my legs. "Emily? Tell me, don't you want Alex to stick his prick in your cunt?" "I can't say it, Margaret." "Yes you can, Emily. Say 'I want to feel Alex's prick up my cunt!'" "No, I can't!" "Perhaps if you see it you can." Margaret undid and removed Alex's breeches to uncover his giant horn of a penis rooted in a nest of black hair with heavy, pendulous balls slung beneath it. "Now, there's my brother's penis. Isn't it splendid! I've had it up my cunt more times than I can count, and also deep in my asshole. And he has fucked me in the armpit and between my tits so that his come squirted on my face. And I've sucked it until it has flooded my mouth with hot semen. Surely, Emily, you must want to feel such a tool inside you, too!" Emily had become more wildeyed with Margaret's every word, and now she grabbed Alex's penis. "Yes! Yes! I want it up me! Stick it up my cunt before I die! Fuck me! Fuck me!" "That's better. But first I must get you ready. You must lie on your back the way I place you, and you must hold your legs as far apart as possible." Margaret laid Emily on her back on a table so that her feet were to the audience. Then she threw her petticoat up and slowly pulled her legs apart, spreading apart the red lips of her flaxcrowned cunt until it gaped open in total readiness. Mary had my prick out, and now I slipped my free hand inside her panties and into the soupy gash of her ready cunt. "Now, I will get you both ready." Margaret bent down and for several seconds licked Emily's oozing slit. Then she took Alex's prick in her mouth and sucked it for as long. "And now I want you, my dearest brother, to mount Emily, my dearest friend. Go deep into her Alex; let her feel the full thrust of your wonderful prick." Alex stood up to the table and drove into Emily to the hilt on the first stroke. "Wonderful! Fuck her, Alex! Cram her cunt! Isn't it heavenly, Emily! Doesn't his prick completely fill you! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Margaret kept shouting in rhythm with Alex's massive plunges. Then she sat down on a chair which gave her a good view of the proceedings, drew up her own skirts exposing her dear, sweet, familiar pussy, and began to masturbate. Mary was masturbating me, and sounds of sex came from the tables around. In the dim light, I could see that Sue Ann was holding the head of one of the busboys deep in her lap with her skirt drawn up, and Roger was occupied with a waitress. I took a moment to help Mary out of her dress so she had only her panties on and then went back to frigging her and fondling her nipples. Alex came off with a great charge, and Emily gave a passionate scream When he pulled out long and limp, the white ooze showed that his climax had been for real. There was a sudden sense of hesitation in the room, then Margaret resumed the dialogue and brought people back from the brink. "Magnificent! What a superb fuck! I envy you, Emily. Here I am, still unfulfilled, and now Alex can't help me." She playfully pulled at his slippery pecker. "What we need is refreshment. I'll summon some." She went out for an instant and reappeared followed by Marie dressed as a coquettish maid with almost complete dЋcolletЋ and carrying a tray of wine glasses. "Here is wine for us along with little Harriet, who is equally refreshing. Tell me, Harriet, how do you like this gentleman's mighty prick. Doesn't it make your little cunt itch?" "I'm afraid, ma'am, that just now the gentleman's prick isn't mighty enough to penetrate even my little cunt. I should say, ma'am, by the looks of things, Miss Emily's cunt seems to have taken the stiffness out of it. Mister Jack Bennet is desiring an audience outside, however, and I think he might supply a new stiff prick for your games." "Jack! How wonderful! Now, Emily, you shall have a chance at another hard cock in that cunt of yours. Send him in." "Margaret, please send him away. Here I am naked and ravished by one man and you wish to open me to another." "Exactly, Emily. The more fucking, the better, but maybe Harriet or I will lift the awful burden from you. Here he is now. Hello, Jack." Jack, of course, was Dave. "Hello, Margaret. How is my darling pussy today." "Jack, I don't think you have ever met my friend Emily under such circumstances. If you will take your eyes off her succulent but sated cunt and look at her face, however, I am sure you will know her." "And so I do. Its a pleasure to see you, Emily. Please pardon my impolite erection, but your juicefilled slit is more than I can bear. Tell me, Margaret, is it all right if I ram this beauteous friend of yours?" "By all means. But there are others to be seen to, as well, such as myself and sweet Harriet. Let me arrange things so we can all enjoy ourselves." With that Margaret began stripping as did Jack and Harriet, whose dark black twat stood out in distinction from Margaret's and Emily's fair ones. Then Harriet fell to sucking life back into the prick of the recumbent Alex, and Jack slid into her hole from behind and began fucking. Margaret and Emily, meanwhile, fell together in sixtynine. Their climax in this tableau was the climax of the show, but I couldn't remain a voyeur any longer, and only scattered clapping told me when it occurred. I was fully engrossed in kissing and sucking and feeling Mary, but I also sensed our waitress at my elbow. So I shifted my posture with Mary to include her, and each of us, cheek to cheek, started sucking one of her nipples. Mary left my prick to the waitress' eager fingers and fingered the waitress' cunt instead. I continued probing Mary's gash. Soon we were all on the softcarpeted floor, which was a sea of naked people. I lost both Mary and the waitress, but I still had my hands on a wet cunt on either side while I buried my face in another. Someone was sucking my prick and penetrating my ass with a finger. In the constant movement of this sea of sex, I moved out of that configuration and closed against the ass of a woman on all fours. My prick slid into her cunt from the rear with no difficulty. Suddenly Mary reappeared, straddling the woman's back, and presenting her cunt to me for sucking. It was full of come which I gobbled down as she pulled my head hard against her slit. One hand was on a tit, the other up someone's ass. I stopped fucking my woman and lay back to let Mary squat down on my prick. What with it being thoroughly greased with saliva and cunt juice, and her gash being wet with semen, she could buck up and down on me like a mad woman. I pulled and squeezed her small jiggling tits brutally as she thrashed about and smeared her body with mixed juices from our sexual organs. Then, with a tremendous blast, I exploded. I must have come close to throwing her off me entirely with my great heaves. I think she came, too, but I was too ecstatic to notice. After hearing my wife say the sexiest things on stage and watching her publicly masturbate and then go down on another woman and then holding myself back as long as possible in the naked pile, my builtup charge was colossal. Minutes later, still lying on the floor surrounded by dazed, naked people, Mary was crying with release, and I almost joined her. A few people got up to find their clothes, but they were hauled down again by hands grabbing at their cunts and cocks. I fucked three more women before I rose again from the floor. First I did an exotic young redhead who was almost delirious and fucked violently, her cunt squeezing my prick as if she was continuously coming. Then Sue Ann, who had still not had enough after being screwed by four men and eaten by Mary, shared a quiet friendly fuck with me. And finally I took our lovely waitress in the ass. Then, finally, it was over, and people were leaving. We all dressed, but everyone still kept feeling everyone else's organs as we left the room. It was all we could do to stop, once we were back upstairs. The ride home was a sharp contrast to the one into town. We were all fairly silent, but constant lowlevel fondling activity was kept up. The girls had put on only their dresses, and I simply couldn't keep my hands off their tits and out from between their legs. I had no desire left, but the friendly camaraderie of sex was still strong. When Sue Ann suggested that I wait until the next day to see Helen and spend the night with Mary instead, I accepted at once. Roger and I showered, and the girls bathed. We finished first and watched them together in the same tub laving their lovely bodies and fondly soaping each other's cracks. Sue Ann turned her head and sucked my fresh, clean cock, and Mary did the same for Roger. To our great astonishment, we both felt ourselves growing stiff under their tongues, despite the fantastic excesses of the orgy we had just participated in. We all retired to the same large bed and fooled around until we were all thoroughly hot again. Then we tried something I had read about but wasn't sure could really be done. Sue Ann lubricated my prick, and I slid it as gently as possible up Mary's tiny, tight asshole. At first it hurt her, but as I slowly worked it in and out, she responded with more and more passion. Then, when the feel of me stuffing her ass was at a peak, she spread her legs and let Roger try to go up her cunt. It actually was possible. Roger managed to get into her all the way to the hilt, and after some awkwardness, he got a smooth stroke going. We alternated thrusts so that as Roger pulled out of her cunt, I'd ram my cock up her ass, and as I pulled back, he'd sock it into her cunt. To Mary it was excruciatingly delicious. Her ass clutched wildly at my cock long before I, in my drained condition, was ready to come. We both kept on, and she came again and again. Reaching around her, I felt Roger's thick, slippery rod sliding in and out of her cunt. Then Sue Ann found a way to join in. As we were a trio lying on our sides, Roger and I were close enough together for Sue Ann to finger our assholes at the same time. And her wiggling fingers were just what was needed. In seconds Roger and I were ready to come and then we did, almost together. Poor Mary cried out and came too, for about the fifth time. Then, as we both pulled out of her sex holes, she fainted, and we had to revive her with cold water. Her face was wan above her sweet little breasts, but she was happy. She even revived enough to suck off Sue Ann, as her sister had so many times before. Roger and I sucked at her big hard nipples while Mary ate her cunt, and soon she too had had her nightcap Then we all slept. |