"Sleep-In For Daddy" - читать интересную книгу автора (Selwyn Chuck)

Chapter 6

A couple of days went by, or was it three? Days and nights telescoped into themselves, blurred by eating and sleeping and bathing, all the necessary things that seemed at most to be only a background for the focal point of Jerry's life – the fucking they were doing. They made it in all possible positions, in acrobatic contortions and the more comfortable basic methods, his mother's pussy always open and smoking, her mouth always hungry for the meaty club he fed into her red lips. He ate her torrid cunt again and again, and found a different thrill the last time around, for he had learned his lessons in honesty well: do anything you want to, darling, she had told him at the beginning.

So this time, with his face burrowed deeply into the hot and rubbery lips of her hairy snatch, with her pelvis twirling and surging into his mouth as his tongue probed and lapped, Jerry worked a hand up between the cheeks of her ass. By attentive manipulation, he managed to get a considerable amount of her slippery pussy juice smeared onto his palm. Fingers wet and sticky, he wrapped them around his swollen cock and began to jack himself off.

It was wildly different, because it wasn't just something he had to do, to relieve the pressure of his aching balls while he dreamed the impossible dream of fucking his mother. Her steamy, heaving cunt was reality, and he sucked blissfully upon the soft lips, sucked at the rich and aromatic fluids as his hand moved up and down and caressed his cockhead.

Teasing her clitoris, Jerry masturbated happily, his mom's cunt oils making his cock slippery, his tongue screwing into her hood and retreating only to give him the opportunity to siphon at her entire pussy, or to chew joyously upon her labia. He wanted to time this right, to get it just so, because he wanted to come at the same time his mother did, and by now he was sensitive to her every erotic movement, and could figure almost to the second when she was about to reach an orgasm.

Angela quivered upon his active tongue, her furry crotch churning in a growing rapture that would soon overflow, and Jerry pumped more vigorously upon his cock, tightening his fist around the slippery glans and feeling his own climax building swiftly within his testicles.

«Coming – coming – coming,» his mom chanted, her head swinging in time with the jerky upheavals of her cunt. «Uuhhh! Oh baby, my darling, my sweet little cunt eater -«

As she was still quivering upon the erratic crest, Jerry lifted his face suddenly from her thrusting pussy and slid in between her widespread thighs, his hand pumping as he stared down at the sizzling gash of her gorgeous pussy. His come leaped furiously from the spasming cockhead, and he bent the shaft down to nuzzle it against her hairy golden snatch, so that the spurting jism could splatter over her mound and across her sweaty belly.

Creamy rich and boiling hot, the thick juice squirted over his mother's trembling skin, one globule coming to rest in the puddle of her navel, and Jerry shook in delighted gratification. His semen dripped over her pussy lips and clung to the hairs, all foamed and sticky; it smeared over her stomach, and Angela opened her eyes wide in surprise as she stared down at the come drenching her lower body.

«Jerry – what – why did you -«

He bit his lips. «I won't say I'm sorry, mom; because I'm not. I wanted to soak your cunt and your belly outside with my semen. I wanted to see it happen.»

Her slim hands came stealing down to touch fingertips delicately into the creamy juice, hesitant at first, then working to smear the clinging liquid over more of her warm body. «Silly boy; I'm not objecting. You just surprised me, that's all. I like this – it feels all slidy and sticky and very sexy.»

Watching the movement of her hands, looking down over the dripping and vastly expanded bulb of his prick, Jerry saw his mom slide the semen up over her belly, then rub her fingers in slow circles across her breasts, her nipples. She reached down again, dipping into the blotted hairs of her pussy for a fresh supply, and brought her fingers up to smear the stuff over her mouth. There was a deeply sensuous, deeply moving gleam in her eyes as she stared up at him.

«Kiss me,» she whispered.

Obediently, he lowered himself onto her incomparable body, and their bellies were glued together by the residue of his own ejaculation. There was glue upon her mouth, too, her lips heavy with it, but Jerry met them avidly, glorying in the musky-sweet flavors there, in the ultimate sensuousness of this impetuous, ardent woman who happened to be his mother.

Their tongues met in avid twining, and their hot breaths mixed. Angela was squirming beneath him when he felt her long, limber body suddenly go tense. He wondered hazily what was wrong, but his reflexes kept the slickened bud of his shaft prodding for the entrance to her drenched pussy. Then her hands were pushing at his chest, and she tore her mouth free from his to gasp a name.


The shock of it jolted through Jerry like a flash of electricity, and other reflexes took over, rolling him from between his mom's spread legs and onto the bed itself, where he threw a startled glance at the open bedroom door. Then he pawed for the sheet, trying ineffectually to cover his naked body. Another woman was standing frozen in the doorway, her dark eyes wide and stunned, her red mouth working convulsively, but not making any sounds he could hear.

Angela came off the bed, making it to the closet with a single long stride and flinging a pale robe around her body. Swiftly then, she crossed the room and caught the other woman by the wrists, holding her firmly.

«Debbie!» she said sharply. «Debbie Carter, if you're trying to work up to a scream, I'll slap the hell out of you.»

«A – Angela – I swear I had no idea – I swear I didn't know, couldn't think that you and – and him -«

Over her shoulder, his mother said to Jerry, «Take it easy, darling. Grab a shower or something, and give me time to talk with her.»

Wordlessly, he nodded, and watched his mom steer the neighbor woman down the hall. Mrs. Carter's voice floated back: «You haven't answered your phone and the car's in the driveway, so I knew you were home, and

– Angela; your own son?»

Oh damn, Jerry thought, flinging aside the sheet. Mrs. Carter from next door; they should have remembered that mom was so thick with the woman, having coffee a couple of times a day, gossiping and going shopping together. If she and Angela weren't so close, she wouldn't have come nosing around the house; she wouldn't have caught them. wiggling naked together. He hadn't actually been fucking his mother, but he'd been just about to, after eating that succulent pussy and then jacking off onto her belly. Now what the hell was going to happen?

Maybe the woman would be so shocked, she'd run and fink to the cops or somebody; there was some kind of law, Jerry thought. Even if Debbie Carter just accidentally spread the word around the neighborhood, it might mean that they'd have to find another place, he and dad and mom. Robotlike, his pole drooping, Jerry climbed into the shower and got clean, got shining and scrubbed, although he didn't know why. It was something to do, while his mother tried to handle Mrs. Carter somehow, while she tried to talk the woman out of doing anything goofy.

He felt too guilty to just hang around the room, though; it was his fault, too. If there was going to be any flak over what she'd seen, he ought to go out there and take his share, so Jerry slipped into his robe and found some slippers and moved toward the voices he heard in the kitchen.

There was the clink of glass on glass, and the rattle of ice cubes. Good, he thought; his mother had Mrs. Carter drinking, settling her down some. Jerry came quietly to the kitchen entrance and stood there uncertainly. They had their backs to him, both of them seated upon the high stools at the counter.

Angela was saying, «Look, Debbie – what the hell is so bad about it? I don't think it's weird, and my son sure as hell doesn't. And I'll tell you something else – neither does Mack.»

Debbie flinched. «You – you mean that your husband knows that you're laying your own boy – his boy? Oh wow! this is just too much to absorb at one time.»

His mom poured more whiskey into the other woman's glass. As Mrs. Carter lifted the glass, he saw the firm movement of her tits, and thought maybe for the hundredth time that she was a foxy-looking chick. He had often sweated out the gleam of her legs when she took sunbaths next door, and always sneaked a look at the way her big breasts wobbled when she walked. She was built a lot different from his mother; where Angela was long and slim, Debbie Carter was round and shorter. His mother was a shining blonde, and the other woman had deep black hair that went well with her olive complexion. She was about his mom's age, Jerry thought, give or take a year one way or the other, and plenty sexy looking. If he hadn't been so wrapped up in dreams of his mother, maybe he would have thought a lot more about screwing the neighbor wife. But back then, both ideas had seemed impossible. Now, he didn't know. It was an idea.

Debbie said then, «You told me about a couple of guys, and that was okay. I mean, I've even been thinking about looking around for some extra love-life myself, but your own -«

«Oh shit, Debbie,» his mother said in exasperation. «Because he's my own, that makes it all the better. You know why I couldn't answer the phone, why I didn't come to the door? Because that wonderful, horny kid has been giving me the fucking of my life, day and night, for all that time. It's never been so good for me. And when you came to the bedroom, did you see him?»

The other woman drank, and Angela poured booze over the ice cubes. Then Debbie said slowly, a little thickly, «Then you mean it wasn't my over- worked imagination? He – he really has a thing that big? I thought it might have been the angle I saw it from, or maybe the shock, or something. It's really that big?»

Angela laughed low in her throat and crossed her legs. Jerry eyed the golden expanse of thigh that showed when the robe slipped back. His mom said, «I didn't know they grew to that size, either. But that beautiful, gigantic prick isn't the only thing that makes my Jerry so special. He – that boy loves me like a wife, a mistress, a whore, and I'm damned happy that I was the woman who was privileged to take his cherry. I don't think anybody else could have done him justice and taught him about sex so well. He's unbelievable, Debbie; he's always hard, and he can screw you tenderly or overpower you with his strength, hammering that long, thick meat into your pussy until you're ready to faint, you've come so many times. He can eat out your cunt until you wish he could put all his head inside it and just swallow you down.»

Wobbling her glass down to the counter top, Debbie said, «But Angela, it's incest and all that. I mean, I'll be the first to admit that I don't get enough screwing at home, and it's not that Lester isn't willing. I could be too much woman for him, or something. But even if I was very hard up, I couldn't lay my own son.»

«That's because you don't have a son,» Angela pointed out. «You have a daughter. But you can bet your mortgage that if the situation was reversed, if your husband was the hot pants one of the family, and if you had to travel a lot, and if little Mary was as hot as my kid -«

«Uh-uh,» Debbie disagreed. «Never, never. Besides, I never even imagined myself laying some kid half my age. A big, eager man – okay; but a fifteen-year-old boy? He – doesn't that monstrous thing bother you? Does it hurt?»

«Drink up,» Angela said. «I'll join you. Here's to finding out. That's the most appropriate toast I can think of, right now.»

Debbie had on a short dress, and it was hiked over her rounded, satin knees. Jerry found himself staring at the shadowy place between her parted thighs, up along those ripely formed thighs snugged so slickly by panty hose. He wondered if Mrs. Carter's pussy was thick with black and shining hair, and he felt a lift of anticipation, because he knew what his mother had in mind. If she could convince her friend to get screwed by him, Debbie Carter wouldn't be likely to run blabbing over the neighborhood, and everything would be cool once more. His mom had said he would fuck plenty of other women, but he hadn't thought the chance would arrive so soon.

Debbie said, «What? Are you telling me – offering me -«

«Why not?» Angela said soothingly. «After all, you're a beautiful, attractive woman, a highly sensual woman who is restless because you're not getting enough good, hard cock at home. You're also my best friend, so why shouldn't I share my greatest happiness with you? Since we're getting down to the nitty, darling – I know you've been eyeing Mack and trying to get up the nerve to make a pass at him. That would be okay, you know.»

«Mack? I don't know what – your husband, too? You wouldn't mind if I balled your husband, and you're offering me your son – that handsome young kid with the – with that war club between his legs? Gimme another drink, Angela.»

«I'll get some more ice,» Angela offered, and when she got off the stool, she saw Jerry standing in the doorway. Lifting an eyebrow at him, she smiled roguishly and winked. More loudly, she said, «Don't you think Mrs. Carter is a lovely, sensuous woman, Jerry? I'll bet she can be a terrific fuck, if she ever gets rid of her uptight ideas.»

He picked up the cue and moved toward Debbie as the woman swung around on her stool. Mrs. Carter was pretty well smashed, he saw, but she still hadn't completely gotten over her shock, and the impact of the new, forbidden ideas. «Hi again, Mrs. Carter. I agree with mom; you're really lovely and sexy. I always thought that Mr. Carter was a lucky guy.»

«So – so calm,» she muttered. «Both of you, like it wasn't anything to be caught doing it like that.»

«Oh it was something,» he said. «It was something wonderful, but I was just getting ready to fuck my mother again. I wasn't actually screwing her. We'd been doing some other far out things. Does your husband go down on you, Mrs. Carter?»

She quivered and clenched her hand around her glass. He saw the emotional heaving of her good, solid tits and the way she squirmed on the stool. A full-bodied older woman who wasn't getting her share of prick; a married woman old as his mom, or older; Jerry felt the strong and eager lifting of his cock beneath his robe. His mother had been right all along; no matter how much he loved her, he could crave another pussy, too. He wondered if Mrs. Carter would fuck differently, if she would shake her round ass more wildly.

Wetting her lips with a trembling tongue, she whispered, «Not often; just once in awhile.»

Jerry moved closer and touched his hard cock to the swell of her thigh. He could feel the heat of her sleek leg through the robe, and said, «Mom tells me I'm very good at going down on a pussy. I'd like to eat yours, Mrs. Carter. I'd like to make you wiggle and shake and hump your hairy crotch into my face while my tongue slips in and out of your juicy wet clun.»

Debbie Carter quivered, and her voice was shaky as she said, «You – you really know what to say to a woman, don't you? My husband doesn't even talk to me like that; he won't use the words right out.»

Jerry pulled open his robe and pushed the length of his stiff shaft against her thigh, moving his belly back and forth. Her blurred eyes dropped to stare with disbelief at the head of his prick.

«Migawd,» Debbie muttered, «it looks like a cantaloupe.»

«Touch it,» Jerry urged. «Feel it all over. Mom has taken it plenty of times, and she's got a nice, tight pussy.»

The woman's hand shook as she felt his cock, and Jerry's blood raced at the touch of a new and different feminine hand upon his tool, and his own hands went out to gently cup the heavy breasts presented to him as Debbie leaned forward to observe his prick from close up. They felt round and solid, restrained by her bra, but even through it, and the material of her dress, he could feel the hard eagerness of her nipples.

Angela was beside them then, her hand covering her friend's upon Jerry's pulsing meat, urging Debbie's fingers up and down, pressing them upon the huge, flanged head and down the immense staff. «All this wonderful, boyish cock,» she whispered hotly. «All for you, Debbie. Come on, darling; come on into the bedroom with us.»

As if she was hypnotized, Debbie slid off the stool, her hand desperate around Jerry's club. «I – I have to call Lester first, give him some story about how – how you're upset and I have to stay with you for awhile.»

The wall phone was close by, and Jerry stood beside the woman while she spoke to her husband, that soft hand locked upon his meat all the while. The idea was kinky, Mrs. Carter making excuses to her husband while she held to a boy's hard cock. He grew more and more excited, because they had her now – he and his mom had convinced this good- looking married woman she should stay here and get fucked by him. She wouldn't be tempted to expose the incest.

They got her into the bedroom, where she swayed uncertainly, and Angela pulled the dress over her head, then the short slip, and Jerry stared hungrily at the olive-toned flesh exposed to his gaze. The bra cupped her big tits, and see-through panties snugged the pouting shape of her opulent mound, flattening the midnight black hair that grew so richly there.

It was groovy, standing bare-assed while his mother undressed another woman for him, and Jerry massaged his prick in anticipation of the new feast it was about to get. Debbie stood quietly as Angela unhooked the bra, and the solid, heavy breasts fell out; their tips were dark brown, different from his mom's nipples, Jerry saw.

The panties came sliding down the sturdy thighs, down over shapely calves as Mrs. Carter lifted her feet one by one. Her vulva was even more thickly bushed than his mom's, Jerry saw; wiry black hair lifted profusely all between her thighs, deeply furring the tempting mound, and thinned as it worked up to her belly button. It was an interesting pussy, an intriguing pussy, and one that needed the good screwing he could give it.

Angela moved her best friend to the bed and eased her down upon it. Jerry could see the woman's tits heaving in arousal, the quivering of that rounded belly and the tremulous mound beneath all its shaggy hair.

Debbie said, «You – you're not going to stay here, are you? I never – Angela, I always make Lester put out the lights, and to have another woman, even my best friend -«

«Of course, I'm going to stay and see it,» Angela purred. «For years, I've been wondering what kind of lay you are, and now's my chance to find out. Besides, darling – we're going to be sharing my son, so we might as well get used to each other.»

Debbie closed her eyes, surrendering completely, and Angela motioned for Jerry to get with it. She lay down beside her friend, turning upon one side and propping her head on her hand. With the fingers of the other, she played lightly with Debbie's stiff nipples, flicking them daintily. «What lovely tits; Jerry will really enjoy sucking them.»

He climbed onto the bed, his pulses hammering and his belly tight. It was great enough, getting ready to have his hard cock sample an unknown snatch, but it was goovier yet to have his mom right there, watching. He didn't figure she would be able to keep out of it for long.

«Shall I go down on her first?» he asked, positioning himself between Debbie Carter's veed legs and staring down at the luxuriantly haired bush.

«I think so,» his mother whispered. «The poor girl has never really been loved orally, so do a good job, baby. You can fuck her after she's really been turned on by your eating her cunt. It's a gorgeous cunt, too – so hairy and plump.»

The guy was right next door, Jerry thought; the man who was supposed to kind of own this juicy pussy, and Lester Carter had no idea that it was about to be eaten. Smiling to himself, Jerry began to caress the still, lush body, cupping the melon breasts and feeling the hard nipples throb in his fingers.

Do a good job, his mom said, so Jerry forced himself to take his time. But when he lay down upon the softly giving body with all its plump curvings, Debbie's lips were quiet, unmoving, and he had to work his tongue between them. Her mouth tasted of whiskey and something else – a waiting sweetness, an almost fearful anxiety that was childlike. Had he been like that, the first time his mom kissed him passionately? She was married and much older than he; she had a girl almost his age, and she had been screwing her husband for a lot of years, yet here she was, frightened of getting something different on the side. That made him more eager, made him feel wise and strong and experienced.

So Jerry stopped tonguing her mouth and moved down to nibble her throat, to lick her ear. He felt a slight shudder of response deep within her body and caressed her large, pillowy tits. The nipple he drew into his mouth to lave with his tongue was very stiff, and he kneaded the globe below as he sucked upon it. After paying the same kind of attention to the other tit, he kissed a hot trail down her rib cage and to the upper sweep of her rose-olive belly.

Now his hands were sliding over her hips and along her ripe thighs, and his tongue worked lasciviously, wetly, over her finely textured skin. Moving down and across, he suddenly plunged his tongue into the place where her thigh joined Debbie's hip, corkscrewing it there. The woman bucked in reflex, her lush hips swinging and her back arching violently as the strange sensation flamed through her aroused body. While she was still twisting, Jerry plunged his face into the thrillingly haired snatch pulsating between her plump thighs.

He heard Debbie gasp in shock as his mouth burrowed deeply into the fragrant thatch, and realized that her cunt hair was quite different from his mother's. Angela's pubic hair was long and silken, ringleted in gold; Debbie's pussy covering was wiry, springy, and layered thickly, plus being black as a rainy midnight.

Jerry drove his tongue into her labia, forcing it quickly and avidly between those juicy lips and deeply into the jellied velvet of her hole, eager to taste her love fluids, to know the exotic flavors of a strange cunt. The woman's crotch jerked and fell, and he licked avidly into her gash, sucked her cunt lips into his teeth, and worried them like a puppy mauling fresh meat.

«Oh lord, oh lord!» Debbie panted. «He – he's not just kissing it, like Lester does – he's really eating it! Uuhh! Oh! I can't stand it, can't take it – it's too much; too much!»

Finding her clitoris hidden beneath a rich hooding of sensitive flesh, Jerry drilled his tongue against the vibrant nubbin, and was rewarded by the sudden, quick lunging of Debbie's crotch into his teeth. Lapping furiously, tickling and sucking, he dug his fingers into the resilient cheeks of the woman's full ass and ate happily.

She churned her pelvis and ground her hairy snatch to him, her ass swinging and rocking. See-sawing her pussy into his mouth, Debbie cried out throatily that she was coming, coming, before her voice was suddenly cut off, muffled into groans by something. When the violent waves of her seething climax subsided, Jerry lifted his dripping face and looked up the length of the plush naked body to see his mother passionately kissing Debbie's mouth.