"Lust Against Her Will" - читать интересную книгу автора (Frick Sheri)

Chapter 2

We'll be landing in a few minutes," began the syrupy voice of the stewardess on the plane's P.A. system.

With a sigh, Nickie listened to the litany about smoking and seat-belts and pleasant flights as she stretched her long legs out. She smiled to herself, remembering her own excitement when her mother had, announced the invitation from her Uncle Ernie to stay at their house for a few days.

She'd leapt up and hugged her mother with joy, then excitedly began packing. That afternoon, her mother had taken Nickie shopping ‘for a few things'-but as frequently happens, that had escalated.

Part of the proof of that was in the outfit Nickie wore on the plane. A micro-skirt cut high across her shapely thighs, a new pair of platform-heel shoes and a skinny rib-knit top that made wearing a brassiere totally out of the question.

Her smile changed as she remembered the eyes of the men in the terminal watching her. Their eyes had fastened on her graceful, sensual form and she barely suppressed a giggle at the thought of how those mature businessmen and airlines people would have been shocked had they known how young she really was.

The plane landed and the passengers began leaving the aircraft. Nickie had reached the fourth step when she spotted her Uncle Ernie's vast bulk and-could that beautiful girl be"Suzanne!" Nickie shouted and ran ahead of the other people.

Her cousin Suzanne had grown.

Laughing and giggling, the two girls caught each other in a happy embrace. They were friends, as well as relatives.

Turning to her uncle, Nickie said, "Thank you so much for letting me come!"

"Always glad to have you," Ernie chuckled. He had three chins and all three of them jiggled when he laughed. He bent to accept Nickie's hug, patting her pert ass paternally as she released him.

"If we hurry" he said, "We can beat the crowd at the baggage pick-up and be back home before Lisa. She has a summer job."

Nickie thought her uncle's smile was strange, but dismissed it as they hurried to the terminal building.

Alter forty minutes of Ernie's maniacal driving, they arrived at the huge, rambling house.

Suzanne's mother had died a few years before, just when Ernie's insurance brokerage business was starting to take off. Since then, except for rumors of drinking problems, Ernie had been thought of by the rest of the family as a perfect example of a widower father raising his children.

Quickly, the two girls unpacked Nickie's things in the guest bedroom, teasing and laughing over Nickie's new clothes-and the new sizes.

When the unpacking was completed, Nickie turned to Suzanne.

"Now, you have to tell me something."

Suzanne nodded.

"Is Frank, your brother, still as dreamy as ever?" Nickie began laughing at her own question.

Suzanne joined in the mirth. "Sure is-but he isn't home too much anymore."

Nickie questioned her with a look.

"He's got a lot of friends."

"Girlfriends, you mean," Nickie said and they broke into another fit of giggling.

"Hey you two gigglers!"

"What, Daddy?" Suzanne yelled down the hall.

"I'm going to the office in town for a little while. Can you two amuse yourselves while I'm gone-or will it ruin your day without the life of the party?"

"Oh, we'll think of something," Nickie called out.

"I'm sure you will," Ernie said. "Probably mischief."

"Oh, Daddy!"

"I'll be back in about an hour and a half."

"C'mon," Suzanne said when they heard the big car pull out of the drive. "Let's change into something cooler-and then I want to tell you how it happened."

"How what happened?" Nickie asked, rummaging through the dresser to find the skimpy little swimsuit she'd gotten the day before.

"Oh," Suzanne said nonchalantly, "just how I lost it."

"Suzanne," Nickie said, faking shock. "You don't mean-"

"Do you think it's that terrible?" Suzanne asked worriedly, afraid that her cousin Nickie had gotten suddenly prudish since the last time they'd seen each other.

"When did it happen?" Nickie demanded.

"April," Suzanne said. "Nickie, do you think it's so wrong?'

"It's horrible," Nickie answered, deadpan. "You beat me."

"Really?" Suzanne shrieked.

"Really," Nickie said.

They were speechless for a long moment-then collapsed in laughter together.

"Tell me-" they began simultaneously, and their laughter increased.

"You tell me first," Nickie said finally, pulling off her clothes till she was naked, except for a pair of wispy pink panties.

She turned and found Suzanne appraising her figure. The dark-haired girl crossed to her and said, "I've got a feeling Frank is going to be spending a lot more time at home for the next few days."

Nickie stepped past her cousin to the bed and dropped her swimsuit onto the bedspread, then turned back to Suzanne. "Oh? Why?"

Suzanne reached out one hand and gently cupped a breast. The nipple swelled at her touch. "That's why," she said.

"I don't know about that," Nickie said softly, deftly unbuttoning Suzanne's blouse and parting it to expose the unfettered mounds, within. "If he hasn't stayed home for these-" She reached out hefted the weight of her cousin's firm tits. "He won't stay home for mine. Yours are a lot bigger."

It was true. Suzanne was tall and leggy, as was Nickie, but more voluptuous. Her hips were flared and sensual and, her breasts were fully developed. Suzanne's hair was dark brown with exciting red highlights-an enchanting contrast with her creamy pale ivory skin.

"Or are you too prudish for that?" Nickie asked.

Suzanne's expression was unfathomable. She took a deep breath as her wide, brown nipples started. "Would you do it with your brother?"

"I did," Nickie declared flatly.


Nickie nodded soberly, drawing the lovely brunette to sit beside her on the bed. "I've got to tell you about it," she said excitedly. "Or I'll just bust."

She told how she'd watched her brother jerking off, how she'd sneaked the magazines out of his room and studied them, and how he'd caught her replacing them.

And then she began to tell her enthralled cousin how they'd masturbated each other.

Suzanne's excitement was obvious. Her nipples had stiffened to spikes, her breasts seemed swollen, her chest and face were flushed, and her breathing was becoming quick and shallow.

"H-how did he touch you when he whacked you off?" Suzanne asked, licking suddenly dry lips, a hint of challenge in her tone.

"You know," Nickie said.

Suzanne shook her head slowly. "Show me," and the challenge was unconcealed.

Nickie hesitated-and then thought: Why not?

The decision made, a strange sureness filled her.

She pushed her unresisting cousin back prone on the bedspread. "I'll be Ted," she said, her huskiness surprising herself. "And you can be me." She stood, stepped out of her panties, and knelt beside her aroused cousin on the bed.

Leaning over, Nickie pressed her lips to Suzanne's breasts and was amazed to find it so exciting. In her own mind, she could feel the memories of the same pleasures her lips were giving Suzanne, exactly as her brother had given them to herself-and that excited as much as if she were actually getting those same pleasures at the time.

She improvised, doing to Suzanne all of the things Nickie had craved herself and had wished Tod would do to her. She traced the exceptionally soft, hypersensitive flesh on the curved underside of Suzanne's rich, swollen breasts, her lips leaving a trail of inflated nerve-endings in their wake.

Suzanne writhed as though in anguish beneath Nickie's knowing ministrations, hips rocking and fingering in Nickie's long, sandy blonde hair.

Abruptly, the girl stopped and looked up into Suzanne's lust-contorted face. "Want to know what happened then?" she asked coyly.

Suzanne nodded jerkily.

Nickie stood, stripping away the wisp of pink from her hips, exposing her down-coveted pubis. Her cousin's eyes fastened on the virginal cunt lips as Nickie urged her over on the bed.

"Now you," she said. Suzanne raised her hips for Nickie to remove her shorts and panties.

The growth around Suzanne's cunt was only slightly thicker, but more pronounced with its darker hue. Deep within the-tangled mass, Nickie could see the gleam of her cousin's excited secretions.

Reversing herself on the bed, Nickie lay beside her, propping herself up on one elbow.

"He didn't know how to do it for me," she said in that same coy voice. "So I showed him-like this."

She took Suzanne's hand in her own and placed it on the lips of her almost hairless slit.

Suzanne knew what to do-and began doing it. With relish.

Immediately, almost by reflex, the full-bodied brunette became the aggressor. She put, her hand on Nickie's hip, pressing her back till the sweet young girl was prone on the bed. She leaned up and over, her hand returning to Nickie's palpitating twat, and began pressing her lips to Nickie's taut abdomen.

Nickie felt her cousin's fingers moving against her virginal lips, and without thought her hips began moving, rolling, pressing upward in a mindless attempt to draw one of the manipulating digits inside her.

The touch of Suzanne's knowing lips was like fire to the lovely young girl, sending ripples of pleasure through her slim, nubile form. Slowly, Suzanne's mouth moved lower, lower, on Nickie's firm, flat tummy, coming to rest against the ultra-sensitive flesh in the hollow of her slender hipbones.

"Oh, don't stop," Nickie pleaded, one hand going to the back of Suzanne's head, pressing her lips downward on her. Her legs spread farther apart, inviting, submissive.

Without taking her mouth away, Suzanne came up on her knees beside Nickie's writhing form on the bed and then began moving her mouth, her maddening lips, closer and closer to Nickie's muff.

For one tantalizing moment, she pulled her head back, momentarily breaking all contact with Nickie's waiting flesh.

And then she fastened her greedy mouth on her cunt. Her tongue found Nickie's hard little clitoris, just barely tickling it for a brief instant and Nickie jerked in pleasure.

Carefully, lovingly, Suzanne began insinuating her pointed tongue between the fluted lips of the clutching channel, and Suzanne began sucking thirstily on the girl's most sensitive parts.

To Nickie, it was as If the entire world, all of her existence, centered on the aroused nerves of her cunt and clit, emanating outward in waves of the purest sensual, unbridled pleasure. She writhed, striving to open her legs still wider to Suzanne, making small moans of agony at the need for release burning in her loins.

Limber with her youth, Nickie stretched her legs wider apart, bending her knees and arching up to offer her wide-open slit to Suzanne.

But the older girl had plans of her own.

Taking Nickie's legs behind the knees, she pulled them up and over her shoulders, arching Nickie up on the curve of her spine with her sloppy cunt gaping open.

Again, Suzanne fastened her mouth to Nickie's clit, this time trapping the hard, erect little bud, teasing the shaft of it while her tongue whipped at it. Nickie's trembling heaves came faster and harder as she bucked in her cousin's experienced grip.

"Oh, Suzanne, I-I'm going to come Nickie stammered, overwhelmed with the pleasures boiling through her delightful young shape. Her legs clutched at Suzanne uncontrollably, trapping the lushly formed brunette between her strong flanks, imprisoning the sucking mouth immovably against her honey pot.

"Oh, yes, yes, that's it, oh yes I'm coming, coming, I'm coming NOW!" Her scream of pleasure rose to a wail as the most intense orgasm of Nickie's young life crashed through her, arching her like a tautly bent bow, draining her totally.

Finally spent, Nickie went limp, falling back almost unconscious to the bed as Suzanne released her long slim legs and sat up with a smile of satisfaction about her secretion-slimed lips.

"Did he do that?" she teased.

Nickie was too weak to do more than shake her head. "W-where did you learn to do that?" she asked.

Suzanne licked her lovely lips, as if savoring the sweet taste of Nickie's cunt juice. "Promise you won't tell?"

Nickie nodded feebly.


At that, Nickie's eyes widened.

"Just over a year ago, she-"

At that, Nickie protested. "You didn't tell me when I was here!" she accused.

Suzanne flushed slightly. "I-I wasn't sure how you'd react," she alibied.

Nickie said nothing, but understood. A year earlier, she would have gotten bent out of shape at the idea.

"Anyhow," Suzanne said, "I was up late when she came in from a date. She was really turned on. I found out later that Bob had split some kind of dope with her, stuff that gets you really turned on-you know, stoned straight out-but then he couldn't get it up for her.

"So when she came in, she was really hot."

"Mad or horny?" Nickie asked.

"A little of both, but mostly horny. She went looking for Frank-"

"She did it with Frank?" Nickie demanded, incredulous.

"Don't go sounding so outraged," Suzanne replied quickly. "You did with your brother."

"But I never thought Lisa-"

"There's a lot of things about this family you don't know," Suzanne said mysteriously, and then continued before Nickie could ask more. "But she made it with Frank-lots of times. I saw them, watched them whenever I could."

"Frank wasn't home that night, so she went into her room. I wanted to talk to her about-about something, so when I heard her come in, I waited a few minutes and then went in to see her.

"I knocked on the door, kind of quiet like, and I thought I heard her say ‘Come in,' sort of grunting it.

"I opened the door. She hadn't said ‘Come in.' The noise I heard was her grunting while she whacked off.

"I just stood in that doorway, frozen. Lisa was lying on the bed with her legs apart, her hands down in between them and her fingers digging in and out of her gash like she was excavating. The lips around her twat were so wet and swollen and raw from the way she was doing it so hard that. It was hard to tell where the red hair ended and the red flesh started.

"I was worried she'd hurt herself."

" ‘Lisa,' I said, ‘Be careful or you'll really hurt yourself. You're going to be sore as a boil tomorrow.' And you know what she said?"

Nickie shook her head.

"She said, ‘I've got to come, I've got to come and no one else is going to do it for me.' And then she started working at her twat even harder.

"I was really getting afraid for her, because I could tell she was stoned out, then. I went over to her and tried to pull her hands away, but she just shook me off. I tried again-and this time she grabbed my hand and held it there while she kept grinding her cunt against it.

"I started to pull it away-but then I figured that at least this way she wouldn't hurt herself. And after a minute or so, it started really getting to her and the way she moved began making me a little afraid.

"And then, watching her, I started to get turned on by it, you know?"

Nickie nodded weakly, totally entranced by what she was hearing, visualizing it.

"Then she started coming, flopping around and shaking and moaning. The way the bedsprings were creaking, I got scared she'd wake up Daddy and he… Anyhow, she stopped after a minute or so and just lay there, panting. But she didn't let go of my hand.

"After a little while, she opened her eyes and looked up at me and said, ‘You're a good sister.'

"And then she pulled me down closer to her, put her arms around me and kissed me-right on the lips. I'm going to say thank you in a special way,' she whispered and kissed me again.

"It shook me up-especially since I was really excited, and that scared me even more.

"She started to push my robe off. Oh, I tried to stop her, but I was afraid of getting her mad, cause I knew she was still high from the dope. I wasn't wearing anything under the robe, and when it was off, she put one hand on my boob-" to illustrate, she put her own hand on Nickie's firm breast "-and moved her fingers around. I was really turned on by it and I figured, ‘Why not-it can't hurt anything."

Suzanne stopped and licked her lips. Her breasts were heaving, her dark nipples stiff and swollen with remembered titillation.

"She kept kissing me," Suzanne said, eyes distant, voice hushed with the memory. "She kept trying to get her tongue in my mouth and all of I sudden I just stopped fighting it.

"It was so good, the way she did it, the way a girl likes, the way boys never know how to do it, just sort of exploring around inside my mouth, touching my tongue, and all the time her hands were playing with my tits.

"I started feeling weak, and I wanted her to do whatever she wanted with me-just so long as she didn't stop. I let myself fall back on the bed, closing my eyes.

"I felt the bed shift as she knelt up and then I gasped when she started just kissing and nuzzling me and licking me, starting at my throat and working down over my boobs, doing the sort of things to them I've always wanted a boy to do. She sucked my nipples, not hard and rough, but soft and gentle, making them stick out a mile, almost hurting with the pleasure.

"She started kissing her way down over my stomach and then-just like list-" she snapped her fingers, the sound an explosion in the otherwise silent room "-she was kissing around my vagina and clitoris.

"That was it-that did it. I came like I was going to die, and then again and again and-I must have come four or five times before everything got dim and started sort of roaring around me. I never came like that with a man or a boy."

She paused and took a deep breath, visibly calming.

I guess I passed out, cause the next thing I knew, Lisa was sort of half-carrying me down the hall to my room. My legs just didn't want to work-they felt like Jell-o. It must have been near dawn, cause I heard the milkman leaving the bottles outside.

"I woke up, later, when Lisa came in the room. She came over to me and kissed me on the forehead, the way a sister would, and then I felt wet drops from her tears hitting me on the cheeks.

"I couldn't help it. I took her in my arms and cradled her while she cried about it. She felt awful, as if she had corrupted a virgin." Suzanne smiled a bitter, enigmatic smile. "But after I got her calmed down a bit, I was able to convince her that I was grateful for it because I'd never come, not anything like that, not before.

"But it only happened one other time. I started it then. It was… " She let her voice trail off and then took Nickie's soft, slender shoulders in her. hands, searching the younger girl's eyes. "You don't think I'm sick or a lesbian, do you?"

Nickie caught her full lower lips between even white teeth, thoughtful for a moment. "I think what we just did was super, was wonderful. I loved it. If that's sick, then we're both sick-but nobody forced either one of us, and we both liked it, so I guess it's okay."

Suzanne took Nickie's hands in ‘her own and squeezed them. "I guess that's what counts," she said.

"I got to admit I hoped you'd understand. There really wasn't anyone I could talk to and-" She stopped and took a deep breath. "You're pretty neat, you know that?"

Nickie shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, I know I'm great," she said cockily.

Suzanne made a face-and then whacked her one with a pillow.

Nickie squealed and rolled away, grabbing the other pillow and returning the blow. In a moment, the two of them were yelling and laughing and clobbering one another with pillows.

A stranger, a peeping Tom watching them might never have guessed at the pleasures and experiences locked up inside those two young girls.

But watching their firm, taut, sleek young nubility, he would have been willing to learn.