"Blow girl" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brown Heather)


After our torrid beginning, Jeff and I found it impassible to control ourselves. At first it was only once a week or so, but after a while our restraint was completely gone and we were fucking whenever the opportunity presented itself. To rationalize that I had gone back on my word to myself I called it love.

All this time, my reaction to Margot's advice when I first met Jeff still prevailed. As a matter of principle I refused to consider birth control pills. Of course when I had originally made that stand, I was sure that I was not going to be having sex with Jeff. Despite the fact that Jeff and I were fucking regularly, I still avoided even thinking about birth control because, in my mind, that would have given Margot the last laugh on me.

I didn't give it another thought until I missed my period one month. I was panic-stricken. I didn't want to tell Jeff because he would feel responsible and insist we get married, which would mean no college for him. I was in a complete quandary. The idea of abortion occurred to me, but it seemed like murder to me, and, besides, I didn't know where to start as to going about getting one. On the other hand, the idea of actually going scared me out of my wits.

Jeff could tell when we were together that something was wrong. I was quiet and withdrawn and passive about everything. I think he was just about ready to guess what had happened when as suddenly as the problem had started, it ended. We were swimming one afternoon and I had just gotten out of the pool and was drying myself. "What's that on your suit?" he asked.

My period! I couldn't believe it. I was never so happy to see anything in my life as I clapped my hands and whooped for joy.

Jeff must have thought I was crazy, being so deliriously happy about ruining my bathing suit. However, what had happened quickly registered with him as he said, "You were afraid you were pregnant, weren't you? That's why you've been so quiet lately."

I nodded my head in assent.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he implored. "If you had been pregnant, it would be my responsibility as much as yours."

"I just didn't want to burden you with it," I explained. "I didn't want to hold you back from your dream of going to college and law school."

"You let me be the judge of that," he insisted.

"But we don't need to worry about it," I said happily, "because it's all over now."

"But it could happen again," he said seriously. "If we're going to keep on like we have you'll have to go to a doctor and get some birth control pills or something."

Despite my close call, the idea still repelled me. "No," I said, "I don't feel ready to do that."

"Why not?"

"I just can't, Jeff," I said firmly, and left it at mother. It was such a personal thing, I felt he couldn't possibly understand.

"Then what will we do?" he asked. "We can't take the chance of you getting pregnant."

"Don't you see?" I said, talking as fast as I could think. "This gives us the chance to see if we really love each other, or whether it's just physical attraction we have for each other. If we can stay together and keep loving each other without going all the way, then we'll know our love for each other is real."

He was stunned. He didn't seem to like it, but he agreed to go along with it because he was as crazy about me as he had been the day we met.

For the next month our physical relationship was limited to holding hands and brief kisses. Then one night we were parked on a dead-end road in the foothills. It was the kind of situation we had been trying to avoid, but we had just stumbled into it without thinking. We had been to a party, one of those dimly lit rumpus room parties that someone at school was always throwing. There'd been beer and soft music and kids openly necking up a storm. Jeff had suggested leaving at eleven, and we'd driven around awhile after we'd left because it was a hot night and the breeze from the moving car felt good through the open windows. Jeff had driven up that dead-end road without saying a word. The instant he turned off the motor he started kissing me. There'd been something different about him all evening; he was tense and wound up.

As he kissed me he started moving his hands over my body. He began repeating my name over and over again in a low moan. "Please," he begged, "I'm burning up inside. My nuts feel like they're going to explode. Please, just once. You want it

"I can't," I protested. "You know I'm not using anything. We've already decided we can't take the risk of me getting pregnant."

"I'll pull out at the last minute, just before I come," he promised. "Please."

He was right. I did want to! Every nerve in my body was quivering with my desire, especially my cunt. I was hypnotized, mindless, my pussy aching for the flicking that it craved and had been deprived of for weeks. My breath escaped in a soft moan and I let myself go. But only for a moment!

Jeff was pulling at my clothes when the memory of Margot crashed across my mind-Margot teasing me to take the pill; Margot getting pregnant at fifteen. I remembered the men in her life, her promiscuity. I wouldn't be like her. I wouldn't!

"No, Jeff!" I cried. "Stop! I can't! I won't!" I jerked away, and then he tried to pull me back. I sobbed and beat at him with my fists.

Finally, he fell away from me. Groaning, he covered his face with his hands. "I'm sorry," he muttered.

"I'm sorry, too," I whispered miserably. "I wish we could do it, because I love you."

"And II love you," he cried. "That's just it. I love you so much I can't stand it if I don't have you."

"Maybe we should stop seeing each other," I said hesitantly, knowing if he agreed I'd probably die of a broken heart.

"I can't stop seeing you! You're all I think about, all I want!"

"I didn't mean forever," I whispered. "Only until we're old enough to get married."

"Married," he repeated as though the word, the thought, were new to him. Suddenly, he laughed. "Not when we're older," he said urgently. "Now. In a few days. We could drive across the state line. marry me?"

All at once we had an answer to the tearing need between us. "Yes!" I cried. "Oh, yes, Jeff! Yes!"

He let out a whoop and then hugged me. This time when he started running his hands over me I didn't stop him, even when one of them crept up my thigh. I reclined against the car door as he pulled up my skirt and slip and pulled open my legs, running his hand over the dampening crotch of my panties. Then he snaked a finger inside the elastic band around the V of my crotch and began fingering my steaming cunt as I started undulating my hips.

Jeff pulled off my panties and forced his head between my legs, furiously licking my cunt. The spit from his foaming mouth ran into my pussy as his face was moistened with my accumulating juice.

"No, no," I murmured, "not in the car. Let's do it outside on the grass."

We wordlessly got out of the car and settled on a patch of grass. He was in such a hurry he didn't bother to take off his pants, just pulling his raging cock out of his fly with his balls resting on the zipper. As I lay on the ground he threw my skirt over my hips as I spread my legs and arched my back, opening the lips of my drooling cunt as far as possible so he could plunge his trembling cock into me.

His loins fell into the trap of my thighs as he shoved his cock up my cunt. I wanted it so bad, I was so starved for a monster orgasm, even his sizable prick wasn't enough for me. I placed my own hand at the point where our pelvises met and began frigging my clit as he fucked me furiously. With the other hand I reached around and cupped his balls. Sensing that I was exceptionally horny, other hand to ram a finger all the way up my asshole. My senses were deliriously charged: I felt like I was going to shit, piss, and come all at once, and wished I would.

The symphony of carnal motion continued as our bodies brought each other to new heights of passion. When we reached the brink of orgasm, Jeff pulled his cock out of my cunt and moved it toward my sweating face. Quickly catching on, I engulfed it in my eager mouth, and grabbed it with my hand and started stroking his cock to finish the job. Immediately a flood of scalding cum drenched my teeth and tongue, filling the inside of my mouth. I gulped it down my throat in sheer bliss as his hand kneaded my clit to the point of explosion and I came with millions of sparks flashing in my head as the last glob of jism slid down my throat. If this was what marriage was going to be like, I was going to love it, I thought, as his wonderful prick started to grow limp in my mouth.

Our decision to get married was on a Friday, and by the next evening we were man and wife. Jeff told his parents he was going camping over the weekend. Margot was going to be out of town, so I didn't bother telling her anything. We left my apartment at ten o'clock in the morning and headed for the state line. As we sped toward our destiny, Jeff kept one hand on the wheel and the other stroking my thigh as I sat huddled up against him with my hand draped lovingly over his crotch.

To celebrate when we finally crossed the state line, I unzipped his pants and took out his cock, massaging tenderly as it quickly grew to full size. "What are you doing?" asked Jeff, as if he didn't

"Getting ready to celebrate crossing the state line by giving you your last jollies as a bachelor."

"But I'm driving. You'll make me run off the road," he said in mock protest.

"Not if you keep your eyes on the road while I'm sucking you," I said, lowering my mouth over his stiff cock and sliding my lips up and down his shaft. He came ten miles past the state line. I rolled his hot jism around in my mouth before I lovingly swallowed it, looking affectionately at my soon-to-be-husband as the last drop of cum slid down my throat.

When I was finished, I opened my purse and looked at myself in my compact mirror to see if I was presentable. "Oh, my God, Jeff!" I cried. "Stop at the next service station."

"Why?" he asked. "We don't need any gas. Do you have to go to the bathroom again? You just went a few miles back."

"No," I said. "Some of your… well, you know… your juice dribbled onto my blouse. I've got to clean it off. I can't get married with.. your stains all over my blouse."

"Well," he said cheerfully, "that's your something borrowed. All you need now is something new, old, and something blue."

"If you ask me," I giggled, "stains all over my blouse from sucking your cock is pretty blue." We both had a good laugh over that.

The ceremony by the justice of the peace was at two-thirty, and by eight-thirty we were back in my bedroom fucking for the first time as husband and wife. As Jeff's cock plunged into my cunt and I wrapped my legs around him, it occurred to me that fucking felt pretty much the same whether you were married or not.

We kept our marriage a secret until after Jeff's our parents.

First we told Margot. She was indifferent, perhaps relieved to hand her responsibility for me over to Jeff. His parents were heartsick. They kept shaking their heads and asking, "Why? You're just kids. Why did you throw your futures away?"

Of course they meant Jeff's future. He'd planned to go to college, then to law school. All I'd ever wanted to do was fall in love, many, and have children.

"We love each other," Jeff told his parents, but his face flamed with the unspoken truth-we'd wanted the right to fuck without guilt.

"What do you know about love?" his father retorted scornfully.

"We know," Jeff insisted.

"Love involves responsibility. How are you going to support her?"

"I've been offered a full-time job at the service station," Jeff said.

His father groaned, and his mother sarcastically said, "Will you work there the rest of your life? Jeff, what about your plans? You've wanted to be an attorney since you were a little boy."

Jeff looked a little sick for a moment. "Maybe I could still go to college," he said.

His father looked at him with shrewd, narrowed eyes. "You'd never make it," he said flatly. "College is no breeze and law school is not a picnic." He turned his back and walked away.

"Maybe we could help," his mother began hesitantly.

"No!" his father snapped. "If they're old enough to get married, they're old enough to be responsible for their own future.

"We'll pay your first month's rent," he said to us, "and give you grocery money for a week. After

Jeff and I were very quiet when we left jis parents' home. I wasn't afraid of our future, but Jeff's white face told me he was.

We found a furnished apartment above a double garage. I thought it Was darling, but it would take half of Jeff's take-home pay every month. Since it was the cheapest one we'd found, we took it.

That evening we moved our clothes and our few personal possessions into our new home. After putting everything away, we stood looking at each other. I was happy, but Jeff looked bewildered and somewhat unhappy.

I wanted him to be as happy as I was. I wound my arms around his neck and pressed my body close to his. "No more hunting a place to be alone," I whispered, my lips brushing his. "Now we can make love any time."

His mouth found mine, and as it did I could feel the stirring of his cock against my cunt. Moments later we were tangled in each other's arms on the bed, with his cock pounding away inside me.

I was happy for a couple of months, and Jeff, at least, tried to put up a facade of contentment. Then Jeff became quiet and moody. He still liked to make love, but not as often. Frequently, when we embraced, I noticed that the bulge between his legs that had been such an automatic response before we were married didn't occur. He began to pick quarrels-he didn't like the way I cooked even though he ate every bite I put on his plate. He didn't like the way I dressed, walked, talked. His criticism bewildered me. I wasn't any different from before.

One night, after we'd been quarreling over an hour, I said I was sorry and tried to kiss him. He pulled away, shouting, "Is sex all you ever think about? Do you think it's all I, need?" trembling, my voice thick with tears.

Suddenly his anger disappeared, and he groaned, "I'm sorry, but this is no good. You know that, too. We shouldn't have gotten married. We were too young."

I nearly choked with misery. "What do you want to do?" I asked in a whisper.

"I don't know," he said wearily. "I just know we were wrong. We should have never gotten married."

Well, maybe Jeff didn't know what to do, but his parents did. Apparently, he'd talked to them while I thought he was at work, because the next afternoon they came by to see me.

They were ill-at-ease, and I sensed it. I made coffee for them, not knowing what was behind their visit. At last, Jeff's father said quietly, "Jeff came to see us this morning. He said that he-that both of you realized you'd made a mistake."

My cup was halfway to my mouth. I had to set it down. I lowered my eyes so they couldn't see the sudden tears that filled them. Jeff had gone to them to get advice on how to get rid of me!

"An annulment is the best answer," his father went on, his voice gaining purpose. "That way, you both can pick up the pieces of your lives. Jeff can enter the university next month as he'd planned Of course, we'll help you until you decide what you want to do. And we'll see to the legal part,

The tears spilled over my lids. His mother reached out and touched my hand. "Don't cry, dear. You and Jeff aren't the first teenagers to make this kind of mistake."

"Would you mind leaving now?" I said, my voice strained. "You're a beautiful young woman, and you-"

"Don't, please!" I broke in. I couldn't take another minute of torture.

The minute the door closed behind them, I flung myself on the couch and cried wildly. I was furious at Jeff. How sneaky of him to go to his parents like that, to have them tell me our marriage was over. Those hypocrites! They were the people who had refused to help because we were supposed to be responsible now for ourselves. They wouldn't help us make a go of our marriage, but they were willing to do everything they could to break it up. I got up and started throwing Jeff's clothes into suitcases.

When Jeff got home, his bags were standing by the door waiting far him. He looked surprised but relieved. He came over to the couch where I was sitting. "Mom and Dad told me you understand," he said awkwardly. "I probably should have told you myself. I just didn't know how." He pulled a check out of his pocket and set it on the coffee table. "Dad said to tell you if you need more to call him."

"That was nice of him," I said, my voice icy with sarcasm. "Now suppose you get the hell out of here!" I hardly ever swore, but now cursing seemed the only appropriate way to express the fury I felt.

"At least let's part friends," he pleaded.

"I don't feel like your friend, you rotten son of a bitch," I retorted. "Just get your ass out of here, you dirty bastard!"

"I'm sorry," he said. "I hope you believe that." "Yeah, I believe it, you two-faced bastard!" I cried. "You're sorry all right. Sorry you ever got involved with me. Sorry a little easy pussy turned your head and got you away from your precious own two feet."

His face was a mask of shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, that I was actually saying these hateful, vile things to him. "Please, please stop," he begged. "This isn't like you. What's gotten into you?"

"Well," I laughed bitterly, "namely, you, whenever you wanted! All you wanted was somebody to fuck whenever you felt like it. Now that there are some strings attached, you're backing out like the lousy pimp you really are. How could I have been so stupid to get involved with such a pitiful creature."

Suddenly his jaw got hard, and his contriteness was gone as he spit out, "Listen, the first time we went all the way I could tell you'd been around. You weren't exactly a wide-eyed innocent. You knew what you were getting into. You wanted it just as much as I did, probably more. The only attraction we ever had for each other was nothing but sex, pure and simple. And the more I know you, the more I see that there's nothing to you except that. I see you now for what you really are. You're nothing but a cunt! You hear me, you goddamned cunt!"

A few minutes ago that would have made me burst into tears. Now, in my present frame of mind, it made me want to kill him. "You rotten motherfucker!" I screamed as I picked up a heavy glass ashtray from the coffee table and threw it at his head.

Jeff moved his head just in time as the ashtray went whistling by his ear and crashed against the wall. I could see the fire in his eyes as he advanced toward me with his fists clenched.

Jeff's first punch caught me flush against the temple and knocked me sprawling onto the couch, raining blows, both slaps and punches all over my head and shoulders. I felt a sharp pain as he hit me with his fists on my tits. "I'll show you what I think of you, cunt!" he screamed. "I'll leave you something to remember me by!"

He slugged me across the jaw with his clenched fist, sending me into semiconsciousness. I was still alert enough, though, to be aware that he was now ripping off my clothes. As I cowered naked before him, he dropped his pants and through the haze I could see his erect cock leering savagely at me.

"No, no," I begged, "please don't hurt me any more!" I tasted my own blood as I screamed.

He moved toward me and grabbed each of my legs and tore them apart so that my trembling cunt gaped at him. He pulled me toward him so that my back was now on the couch and my legs straight up in the air as he held them aloft. "Now I'm going to show you, cunt!" he kept repeating.

All of a sudden my consciousness came back in a furious lurch as he took his fiery prick and savagely shoved it up to the hilt into my asshole. I felt like I was going to come apart in a million pieces as he fucked himself into me. I felt like I was going to turn inside out as his cock pounded away in the hole that was much too tight for his big cock.

"Oh, God, please don't!" I cried as I could feel myself tearing where the tight skin began to give from the furious onslaught of jackhammering cock. Then, as if a stick of dynamite had gone off, he came like a cannon and I could feel blood and jism beginning to trickle out of my asshole as he withdrew his cock. I could see that it was smeared with my blood. It was too much for me and I mercifully passed out with Jeff hovering over me. My last memory of him will always be of that nothing but a blur.

When I woke up I was alone and naked in a heap on the floor, and the bleeding had stopped. Somehow, I picked myself up and went into the bathroom and took a hot bath. At that moment I made up my mind that I had to go on. There would be no crying over Jeff. I had to go on! I would show them all.

I never did cry over Jeff. Maybe I secretly wanted to, inside, but I wouldn't let myself do it. I felt it would be a sign of weakness which I couldn't afford. It had been weakness, I felt, that had led me to give in to Jeff when I should have seen all along that he really didn't care for me except as a convenient sex object, and had never actually wanted me as a wife.

Two days after Jeff left me, I lied about my age and got a job in a warehouse making out bills of lading, something I had learned how to do taking some business courses in high school. I was the only girl among a half-dozen men. They helped to restore my shattered ego by competing with each other to do something for me. The only trouble was that they were all married and all too old for me.

I told myself it didn't matter, for the job was only a stopgap until I found something I really liked. The main thing on my mind was making my own way, proving that I was more than just an oversexed kid. I had the check Jeff had given me from his father. It was for five hundred dollars, but I was determined to use as little of it as possible to get started, and send the remainder of it back. mailed it to Jeff's parents. Throwing it back in their faces like that made me feel the best I had in weeks.

Margot took my separation the way she'd taken my marriage, with indifference. But she called me a fool for returning any of the five hundred dollars. And she was clearly relieved that I had no thought of returning to live with her.

Two weeks after I started work I turned sixteen, but I was so absorbed in trying to forge my way in the adult world that I didn't even pause to notice it. A week after that, I met Red. He drove a big truck and trailer, and his route covered all of the western states. He had come to the warehouse to pick up the bill of lading. I bumped into him near the water cooler. Red was a rugged man with flaming hair that gave him his nickname, a leathery face, and penetrating green eyes that made shivers go up and down my spine. He looked at me with undisguised interest.

"How long have you been here, doll?" he asked.

"About three weeks," I murmured.

"Then I've wasted three weeks," he stated. "If I'd have known you were here, I'd have dumped my last load in the desert and bee-lined it back here for another."

I laughed, feeling giddy.

"If you've got a date tonight, break it." He leaned over until his face was no more than six inches from mine. "We'll do the town-dinner, dancing. You name it."

"What about your load?" I asked, lowering my eyes.

"I don't go out until morning. Now, where do we go?"

I was aware of the men in the office watching us, envy in their expressions. I knew all of them interest made me feel feminine and wanted once again.

"I haven't said I'd go anywhere," I laughed.

"You will, baby," he said softly. "You will."

"You're loaded with self-confidence, aren't you?" I teased. I'd already made up my mind I'd go out with him. And why not? I'd been served with papers the night before that set a date for Jeff's and my annulment proceedings. My life with him was officially over.

"When I want something, I go after it," he said. "And I have the feeling you're exactly what I've been looking for for a long time. How about dinner tonight at the Archard House?"

"All right," I agreed. "Dinner." Back at my desk, I wrote out my address and gave it to him. He signed the bill of lading and said, "Seven o'clock, doll," and walked out of the office, his asscheeks rolling masculinely.

Archard House was a posh supper club. The food was excellent, and the service and music left nothing to be desired. We ate and danced, lingered over coffee, and danced some more. At midnight, Red took me home.

When I put the key in the lock, Red said, "How about a cup of coffee?"

"It's a little late," I protested. All of a sudden I could feel the pressure on me, bath from him and from inside of me, to get involved. It made me feel unsure of myself, and of what to do next.

"So what's a little sleep?" He grinned and stood so close to me I could feel his body warmth.

"I guess another half-hour wouldn't matter," I agreed uncertainly.

The instant the door closed behind us, he swept me into his arms, his mouth coming down against mine in a way that made my heart pound. I closed pressed erotically against me. It seemed enormous. There was no doubt about it, I was turned on. It was like it had been with Jeff, only better. Red was mature and knew how to kiss and hold a girl so it made her feel faint with longing. As he started to grope for my tits, it was obvious that he had no intention of stopping with kisses. My body said yes, but the mind I had made up against getting involved said no. I wrenched free.

"That's all!" I cried.

He caught my arm. Pulling me back against him, he whispered in a husky voice, "I know when a girl wants more. And, baby you do."

I slapped him. I was outraged because he thought he could go to bed with me on our first date, and angry at myself because everything inside of me was urging, "Yes, yes!"

I thought the slap would infuriate him. Instead, he turned suddenly tender. "Come on, honey," he said softly. He wiped away my tears with a big handkerchief. "Come on, blow your nose and smile at me."

I did blow my nose, but I couldn't manage a smile. I felt too humiliated by the abandon with which I'd returned his kisses.

"Sit down," he urged. "I'll find the coffee and make it."

I let him. I sat on the couch, reflecting that my past experience had conditioned my body to expect fulfillment. I couldn't blame Red for acting as he had. I'd made him think he could flick me. "I'm sorry I slapped you," I said, and I meant it.

"You were right to do it," he said understandingly. "I was moving too fast. But honey, you're going to have to watch it. You might not be able to stop the next guy you kiss that

I bit my lip and told him about Jeff. "I just have to learn that kisses can't lead to lovemaking," I said simply.

He studied my face for a moment. "Well, 'can't' is a pretty final word," he protested. "Why don't you drink your coffee and let's talk about it."

"Okay," I said, "I guess that would make me feel better."

"You know," he said, putting his arm around me, "you are a very pretty girl. How'd you ever get hooked up with this Jeff, a guy who didn't have the faintest idea of how to treat you?"

"It seemed like love," I said. "You know how high school kids are."

"I bet you get lonely being all alone now."

"Not really," I lied. "I work hard at my job. I've been reading quite a bit, trying to improve myself so I can take a high school equivalency test so I can get a better job. I have a few other interests." Yes, I thought, like massaging my clitoris when I get so horny I can't think of anything else to do.

He dropped his arm around my shoulder and I sucked in my breath. "Don't be afraid, baby," he said gently, dropping his hand nonchalantly over one of my tits. This time his approach was so much different I didn't have the same reaction as before. Besides, as he began to apply pressure on my tit, and a tingling sensation spread throughout my body, I realized just how badly I wanted him. Just once can't hurt, I convinced myself. Still, something in me was holding me back, making me hold back to see what was going to happen. Maybe I was horny, but I wasn't going to make a move until something developed.

I didn't have long to wait. He leaned over and started kissing me. It was different from before, not a long, hard kiss, but tender little nibbles. But rubbed together. It was then that he put his lips to my ear and whispered, "I'd like to split your pretty pink pussy wide open with my eleven-inch cock."

What would have seemed outrageous just a few minutes ago sent my pulse pounding in wild anticipation. Eleven inches! My cunt started doing flip-flops. He pushed me back on the couch and began unbuttoning my blouse.

Well, if this is the way it's going to be, I thought, I might as well relax and enjoy myself. I panted with excitement, wondering how it would be to have eleven inches of cock rammed up my sex-starved cunt.

He slipped off my bra and looked at my tits. The nipples were as hard as marbles.

"Oh, baby," he crooned, "you're ready for it, aren't you? Oh, you're ready for Red's eleven inches. You need it, don't you, baby?"

He dropped his carrot-topped head down to m tits as we sprawled off the couch and onto the floor. His tongue darted out and flicked my left nipple. Then he sucked my right nipple into his mouth. I felt a warm, pulling sensation start rippling down my stomach and into my cunt. His hand slid under my skirt and I opened my legs to accommodate his touch. I moaned as he ran his large rough hand up and down my cunt.

"What do you want now, baby?" he said. "Want to see what eleven inches feels like?" Slowly, he slid a long finger up my cunt and started to finger-fuck me.

"Yes, yes," I said. "Anything. Give it to me!" I was hotter than I could ever remember being. My God, I thought, if he doesn't hurry up and fuck me, I'll rape him!

After what seemed like forever, he stood up, seen such a man. His gigantic cock jumped out at me from a bush of fiery red hair, the blue veins in it pulsating. "Oh, I can't take that," I stammered, reaching out to touch it. He hadn't exaggerated-it was eleven inches if it was anything, and at least six inches around. "I've never had anything that huge."

"You've never done a lot of things," he laughed, "but you know they say there's a first time for everything. Don't worry, baby, your pussy will stretch." He sat down beside me and pulled my legs apart. "You sure have a nice little tight pussy," he said, putting a finger up it. "Yes sir, it's going to be a real pleasure teaching such a cute little pussy to swallow eleven inches of cock whole."

All of a sudden I felt reckless with abandon and threw all of my inhibitions out the window. "Don't worry," I said wantonly, "I'm going to love that big cock of yours up me. Get that monster inside of me and let it do its thing!"

He rolled on top of me and I felt the head of his huge cock brushing the drooling lips of my throbbing cunt. He eased it into the opening of my cunt hole, then shoved gently. His giant cock began to slip slowly into my cunt.

"Oh, God, that feels good!" I moaned. "Fuck me! Fuck me hard! I can't wait any longer!"

He reached down, spread my oozing pussylips open, and gave a hard shove, I felt his cock ram into my cunt all the way to his big pounding balls. As it throbbed inside me, it felt like it was right up to my stomach. He pulled it all the way out to its head, and then plunged it in again. "FUCK ME, FUCK ME!" I screamed, biting his shoulder.

"Scream, baby, scream!" he said. "Let it all out. Now you know what it's like to be flicked by a real man." He fucked me hard, just like I asked, and I

"What a fuck, what fucking!" I moaned each time he rammed in his steel cock. Never had I been so wanton, so uninhibited, even as a young girl who didn't know any better when I was balling Margot's boyfriends. I just let myself go completely, crying, "My pussy will never be the same! Ram that eleven inches in me, baby! Fuck me, make me scream! Fuck me! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" I raised my head so I could watch his huge cock slide in and out of my slobbering cunt. Just watching that thing at work was enough to make me come. I started to moan, louder and louder, until I was screaming at the top of my lungs. My cunt throbbed and spasmed as I came like I'd never come before.

I was still screaming when he placed his hands under my legs and pushed them up to my shoulders. Then he dropped to his knees between them and rammed his enormous cock into me like an enraged bull. In and out it traveled, until my cunt began to tighten up and I started to scream again. I'd already come twice with this marvelously endowed truck driver, and the twitching inside me told me more was on the way.

When I had stopped screaming, he pulled his wet cock out of my cunt and pushed me toward a chair.

"Bend over the chair," he said. "I'm going to dog-fuck you." I did as he asked and he promptly leaned over my back to plunge his huge cock into my spasming cunt.

"Oh, my God!" I yelled. "You're going to split me wide open!"

"No, no, baby," he said. "Your cunt was just made for my prick. It fits like a glove." His cock made wet sucking sounds as it went in and out of thrust and buried his huge dick in to the hilt. I yelled again as I felt a cauldron of boiling cum shoot up into my cunt. He pulled it out, then plunged again into the swamp of his jism and my girl cream as he spurted about ten more times. Then he lay still with his cock still lodged in my cunt. His cum started slipping out of me. It ran down my leg as he slowly withdrew his magnificent cock and moved back to the couch. Incredibly, after all that, his cock was still standing straight up as he sat down.

"I'll get the best of you yet!" I exclaimed, more to his cock than to Red. Now I'm going to fuck you and cut you down to size."

I straddled his legs and grabbed his still-hard cock. With fumbling fingers, I guided it to my sopping cunt and slammed down on it. He was up to his balls again in my cunt. As I watched his huge prick drive into my clenching gash, I went crazy with excitement. I bounced up and down on his cock wildly. He grabbed my tits and hung on while I slid my cunt up and down his ramrod. I bounced up and down until I could feel my cunt start to throb and contract again. I let out a yell and we both fell over, exhausted.

Red was in town only three days in two weeks after our first date, but the instant he arrived he came to the warehouse or called me. We were together every night he was in town. My vow not to get involved was totally forgotten. We had fun, laughed a lot, and wound up our evenings fucking until the wee hours of the morning. It was impossible for me not to respond to him. that what I'd felt about Jeff was just a schoolgirl crush that shouldn't have resulted in marriage. I was even happy that the annulment had gone through and I was free to love again, to love Red!

One night when he pulled up in front of my apartment he shut the motor off and said gravely, "We need to talk, doll."

I was sure he was going to propose, and my heart leaped for joy.

"I haven't been fair with you," he said. "Maybe we shouldn't even see each other again."

"Why?" I whispered in shock, terrified that I was going to lose him.

"I'm not free to marry you. I'm supporting my mother and kid brother and sister. They'll be dependent on me for another two years." He grew fidgety. "Until I met you, I played it cool. I never had more than two dates with the same girl. Just, well, you know, wham-bam-thank you-ma'am. Originally I meant to do the same with you, but I couldn't." He caught my hands in his. "I can't ask you to wait two years for me. And even if you would, I couldn't wait two years. Everytime I'm with you, when we say good night it kills me that you don't belong to me. And I can't really be sure you'll be waiting for me when I come back from one of my runs. Darling, do you know what I'm trying to say?"

Yes, I knew. "I love you!" I cried. "That's what really matters, that we love each other!" He sucked in his breath sharply. "Are you saying we could Continue having an affair indefinitely until we could many? No, I wasn't saying that. I loved Red, I wanted him, nothing had ever sent such waves of excitement through me as his eleven-inch cock, but something of myself, and that something included the security of marriage with the man I loved, not some affair that went on indefinitely with nothing ever resolved. "No man has ever satisfied me the way you do, Red," I said, "but I want more than that." "But my obligations," he protested.

"We could still marry," I said.

"I can't support two families," he said with terrible finality. "And I can't run out on Mom and the kids."

"I could go on working," I suggested eagerly. "We'd have to put off having babies, but we're young yet, and I really wouldn't mind."

"Let you support me?" he asked incredulously. "I couldn't."

"It would only be temporary," I argued. "Darling, it's an answer."

He caught me against him, kissing me savagely, and for a moment I thought I'd won. But then he pushed me away. "I couldn't."

"Is your pride more important than our love, is it more important than my self-respect? I've told you how I feel from the beginning!" I shouted. By then I was crying, seeing myself abandoned once again, his eleven inches gone from my life.

"You're not being fair!" he protested.

"And are you?" I sobbed. "Maybe you just don't love me as much as you claim to."

He stared at me bleakly. "You won't change your mind? Honey, I swear we'd be happy the other way, and just knowing you were waiting would make that two years fly by."

"Just because I've had sex with you without being married to you doesn't mean I'm willing to be your mistress," I insisted. "Since you've forced the issue, if you won't marry me, I won't be

We argued another hour, but in the end he walked me to my door, kissed me goodbye, and left. I didn't know if I'd ever see him again, and for the next few days I was frantic with heartache.

My worries ceased when he called from Oregon. "I still can't think of anything but you," he confessed. "You win. I'll hit town Friday night, and we'll get married Saturday. But no one can know. If Mom found out, she'd insist you were my responsibility, not her and the kids."

"No one needs to know," I assured him happily.

Being married to Red was sheer ecstasy at first, and each time he came home from one of his long runs it was like a honeymoon. We only had a day or two each week together, but when he was on the road I kept busy working, keeping the apartment clean, and experimenting with new dishes I'd cook to delight him. And I daydreamed a lot about the family we'd have someday, and about meeting his mother, brother, and sister.

As things settled into a routine with Red gone eighty percent of the time, I found myself getting more and more restless. My job didn't really provide me with much of a social outlet because the people who worked there were all so much older than I was.

One day I had a headache and came home from work early. When I fumbled through my purse for my key, I couldn't find it. Finally, I dumped the contents all over the front porch and sifted through them. My headache worsened when I realized the key wasn't there and that I'd lost it. Since our apartment was on the second story and outside, and there was no balcony, it was impossible to get through a window since there was nothing to stand on, and the front door was solid wood. There was no alternative but to call a rifling through the yellow pages for locksmiths. The first one that caught my eye was the listing at the top of the page, AAA Locksmiths. I called their number and they said a man would be right over. I told them I would be waiting on the front steps.

A few minutes later a battered pick-up truck with AAA painted on its doors pulled up by the curb. Its driver got out and I could quickly see that he was black. As he advanced toward me carrying a case with his tools in it, I suddenly found myself feeling apprehensive. It wasn't that I was prejudiced, it was just that I had always lived in white neighborhoods, had gone to school with white children, and really had had no experience with black people. I couldn't help myself, but they seemed so different.

"Hello, ma'am," he said politely as he came up the walk toward where I was sitting. "I'm the man from Triple A. You the lady with the door that won't open?"

I stood up and told him I was, stammering over my words.

"What's the matter?" he asked with apparent concern. "Is something bothering you?" He was a nice-looking man, well over six feet tall, with a small goatee and a medium Afro, and strong masculine features. I could see his powerful muscles rippling his khaki work shirt that was rolled up to his biceps.

"No," I said, getting myself together. "Well, I guess I'm kind of upset about not being able to get into my apartment. See, I came home with a headache and…"

"Don't worry 'bout a thing," he said understandingly, "I'll fix you right up. Is that it up the stairs?"04:28.2/08:21.7 I nodded yes, and we began climbing the stairs. As I watched him ascend the stairs, I couldn't help but notice the sensuous movement of his high, firm asscheeks and his long, strong-looking legs.

He fiddled around the lock for a while with some sort of tool, and the next thing I knew the door was open. "Come on up," he said, "the door's open now. Have you got a spare key inside, or do you want me to make you one?"

"Thank you," I said, "but I've got one, I think."

"You better check before I go," he suggested. "You don't want to get caught like this again."

"I guess you're right," I agreed, and went upstairs and into the apartment. I walked through the living room toward the kitchen where the spare key was kept. I reached up to the pantry and got down the cookie jar where it was supposed to be, and felt around for it. "Yes, it's here," I said loudly so he could hear.

"No need to yell," he said right in my ear. I almost jumped up into the air. I'd thought he was still out by the front door, but he had followed me into the kitchen.

"Oh, excuse me," I said, flustered. "I thought you were…"

"Is something wrong?" he said.

"No, no," I said quickly, "I just thought you were still outside, that's all. You surprised me." His face wasn't six inches from mine. He smiled as I was trying to explain my jumpiness to him, a ribbon of snow-white teeth splitting his handsome black face.

"Heh-heh," he chuckled, "I'll bet I know what's wrong with you."

"What do you mean?" I said. "I just told you." "You've never been alone like this with a nigger before," he chuckled sardonically. "That's what's making you so jumpy."

"No," I protested. "Well, I mean, I.."

"Well, have you?"

"No, no, I haven't. But it doesn't make any difference to me." But it did. He was right. Or was he? Was it just because he was black that was making me feel this way? Or was it because I was so tired of being alone and now I found myself with an attractive man? Or maybe it was both. In any case, I suddenly became aware of a tightening between my legs and a simultaneous dampening of my cunt.

He seemed to be reading my mind. "Listen, lady, I ain't gonna do nothing you don't want me to. You asked me to fix your lock, and, presto, I did it. Now if you need anything else, let me know and I'll try and accommodate you, otherwise I'll be on my way." Then there was silence as he hypnotized me with a black stare and tied my tongue.

Finally I stammered, "What.., what's your name?"

"Luther Jackson," he said, "at your service, like I said. Now, heh-heh, is there anything else I can do for you?"

I was weakening. "I can't think of anything at the moment, but why don't you stay and have a cup of coffee?"

He nodded his head.

"Is instant all right?" I asked.

"I don't really want no coffee," he said as he sat down on the couch. He must have been about six feet four and over two hundred pounds, and about five pounds of that had to be cock, judging from the huge bulge in his pants. "Now why don't you sit down and let's get acquainted," he said.

"Well, I suppose if you don't want any coffee, I might as well," I said, taking a chair across from him. My skirt climbed halfway up my ass, and I gave it a tug and a mumbled curse.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" he asked.'

"Oh," I said, "I was just complaining to myself about how short this skirt was." I was getting so steamed up I wondered if he could see that my panties were wringing wet when my skirt rode up. If I got any more excited it would start running down my leg.

"You certainly have no reason to complain," he said. "You have beautiful legs. And you really don't have to sit clear across the room, you know. I'm not a monster, you know."

"I didn't think you were, I said as I moved to sit beside him. I could feel his eyes on my legs as my skirt slid up. My panties were so saturated I might as well not have had any on at all. They clung translucently to the cleavage of my pussy, sopping in my slit, my cuntlips oozing against them. I made no move to pull my skirt down.

"You know," he said, "you're really very attractive. How come you're here alone? How come your husband wasn't around to let you in?"

"He's a truck driver and he's gone a lot," I said. "He's on a five-day run someplace."

"I'll bet you get lonely with him gone all the time like that."

"Not really," I said, but I looked at him in such a way that he knew it was a lie.

"You've never had a black man before, have you?" he said suddenly.

"We've already talked about that," I said.

"You know what I'm talking about now," he said firmly. "I mean, you never fucked a black man. You've never had a black prick up your honky cunt."

I was speechless. The image of a jet-black cock sliding in and out of my pliant cunt rendered me wordless with the choking anticipation of forbidden desire. A combination of my restlessness and frustration from being alone too much of the time, and my subconscious lust to be flicked by a black man, made words useless. I threw myself at him, my hands wildly fumbling with his fly, knowing I couldn't wait a second longer to see his black cock. I pushed his pants down as he got up and stepped out of them. As he sat down again, my head flew to his groin.

I had been right when I'd estimated that his cock was a big one. If anything, it was even bigger than Red's eleven inches. It was an enormous black shaft with an even blacker knob the size of a plum on the end of it, jutting Menacingly out of a bush of crinkly black hair. I couldn't wait to plunge that cock into my mouth, work my lips up and down the stem furiously, tickle its giant head with my voracious tongue. And that's what I did.

As I sucked on his gigantic prick, Luther placed his large black hand under my skirt and began to press against my sopping cunt. Then he grabbed the dripping crotch of my panties and as easy as swatting a fly ripped them out from between my legs. He began to tickle my already rigid clitoris which was sticking out like a miniature hard-on. As he flipped my clit, he inserted his two middle fingers up my fucking canal, working them around in the morass of goo to touch all the most sensitive spots so that it seemed he had a map of my cunt. I couldn't stop creaming as he turned me on to greater and greater heights. With his cock still lodged firmly in my mouth, I glanced over to watch him finger-fucking me and noticed a growing dark stain on the couch from the accumulated oozing of my cunt. I watched as he withdrew his fingers and placed them on each side of my cunt, and then as the force of his strong fingers pulled the pink gooey lips apart, exposing the gaping mouth of my cunt, copiously drooling hot cream from its depths.

With his enormous black cock still in my mouth, he shifted around so that he was now lying with his massive dark body on top of me with his monstrous black balls in my face, and his face buried deeply in my cunt. From the feel of it, his tongue seemed almost as large as his prick as he drove it deeply inside my cunt so that I felt like I was actually being fucked. It was such an exhilarating feeling, I reciprocated by swallowing that massive black prick completely, somehow managing to keep from choking to death as my hands kneaded those smoldering black balls of his.

Suddenly I felt his tongue leave my cunt, and then an even more exhilarating feeling spread through me as he began jamming that monster tongue of his up my asshole. Oh my God, I thought, he must have at least five inches of tongue up my ass! I greedily attempted to get even more by matching his probes with strenuous upward thrusts of my own against his face, trying to bury his tongue to its roots in my asshole, which was getting as hot as my cunt. When he resumed finger-fucking my cunt while continuing to tongue-fuck my asshole, the entire area of my body from the small of my back, down, around, and back up again to my navel, felt like a white-hot ember about ready to explode into a million pieces.

But before I passed out from the sheer ecstasy of what he was doing to me, I knew I had to experience that big black cock inside my cunt and gallons of his bubbling jism splattering all over my insides. "Oh, fuck me, fuck me with your big black cock!" I cried lasciviously. "Come inside me, I went that big black monster inside me!" mb_ts.txt Dream Maker 3.paHe lifted his head out of the cradle of my thighs and stood up and faced me spread-legged, his hands on his hips and his cock standing straight out. As I looked at his imposing body I couldn't help but have the sudden thought that I was about to find out what it would be like to be fucked by the Jolly Green Giant.

"Okay, baby," he panted, "you asked for it. I'm gonna jam this black cannon all the way up your lily-white cunt into your stomach and out your mouth."

Oh God, I thought, if only he could!

He abruptly pulled my legs over my head, and when they were straight up in the air he grabbed them by the ankles and pulled them as far apart as they would go. He brutally came down an me, savagely hurling his huge cock its full length up my gaping cunt. I could feel my insides straining to accommodate him as he shoved harder and harder, pushing deeper and deeper with his giant prick. I hooked my upturned legs around his neck with my ankles, and shoved my pelvis back at his loins so that he could fuck me even deeper. I could feel his balls squashing between our bodies as I screamed, "Harder, harder! Oh God,rip me apart!"

Then I completely lost control of my body as my nervous system went wild. My pelvis seemed to have a mind of its own as it thrust spasmodically upward to meet his plunges, thrusting higher and higher, harder and harder. Our crotches were apparently engaged in an erotic shoving match to the death. His face became a dark blur as images of sparks and lightning invaded my consciousness. I felt like I was expanding to infinite proportions, filled with copious sticky fluids; and then I burst, flooding the universe with a cascade of foaming, bubbling cream. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" I screamed.

At that moment he withdrew his jackhammering cock and thrust it into my face, just in time to spurt an enormous load of jism as snowy white as he was black against my nose and lips, into my hair, and down my neck and onto my tits. I grabbed his cock before it could go limp and gobbled it up, sucking out the sticky sweet cum that was left in it. Amazingly, he spurted again, filling my mouth with scalding jism to such an extent that it began to trickle out of the corners of my lips. I slurped down his cum, with his prick still throbbing in my mouth. Then I removed his cock from my mouth and began to fondle and kiss it, still amazed at its power and size. This was really black power.