"She licked the landlord" - читать интересную книгу автора (Crane David)


All through the afternoon, Crystal had done her best to look alluring and enticing, even flirtatious and willing. But Sylvester was such a proper gentleman that, although he couldn't help but gaze at her lustfully, he made no approach. It was starting to frustrate the girl and exasperate her, knowing that there was a man who was yearning to suck her cunt, but wasn't bold enough to suggest it.

After a while, she decided that it was time to give him some encouragement.

Waiting until there were no customers in the shop, she climbed the stepladder again, pretending that she was rearranging the books on the upper shelves.

Then, by swinging her ass and hips a bit, she got the stepladder rocking, back and forth.

"Oh! Could you steady the ladder, Mister Sylvester?" she called.

He looked up from his desk. He leaped up, making no attempt to conceal the massive cockbulge in the front of his well-tailored trousers in his haste and anxiety. He darted over and grasped the legs of the ladder.

He looked up – up the ladder and, of course, right up Crystal's dress.

When he saw that she wasn't wearing any panties, he gulped and gasped. His eyeglasses nearly fogged up and his tongue lolled out like an overheated doggy's. His Adam's apple ran up his throat like a gong being rung at a carnival.

Crystal began to climb down very, very slowly, as if the tottering ladder had made her overly cautious. His head went back more and more as she descended.

His obvious desire made Crystal bolder than she normally would have been, and she stepped on down so that his head was under her skirt – and then stepped down another rung.

Her sleek thighs brushed his cheeks and she felt his breath waft into her porn.

"Ohhhh – Mister Sylvester!" she sighed.

A muffled gurgle came from under her skirt. His head and shoulders were out of sight under the hem of her dress, confined in close proximity to her crotch. She could hear the man panting as he inhaled the aroma of her pussy.

Crystal smiled. She had him right where she wanted him now – and knew, as a sort of secondary benefit, like workman's compensation, that she would have no problem about getting an advance on her wages.

Then the girl stepped down one more rung and her steamy pussy pressed to his face.

No matter how proper and restrained a gentleman is, once he has a face-full of cunt, propriety tends to ebb away.

He began to lash his lapper into her cunt with gusto.

Crystal swayed on the ladder, sinuously, no longer making it rock precariously but just failing into a gentle rhythm as she mopped his face with her wet pussy-muff.

His hands slid up her legs, clutching her by her ass and hips as he craned his neck back and gulped greedily in her gooey cunt-gash. Muffled sounds drifted from her groin, sighs and whimpers accompanied by the slurping of his tongue and the squishing of her pussy.

That learned man's lapper was lashing into her, driving her wild. She twisted from the hips and gazed down, seeing the outline of his head under her skirt, just below her pumping ass.

The concealed cunt-lapper was doing wonderful things to her pussy. He was as expert as he was enthusiastic. His tongue slapped it, her creamy fuck-slot, then stabbed up her cunt-hole and his lips sucked on the rim. He was French kissing her cunt like a bearded mouth and gulping her pussy-juice down greedily as it spilled past his lips.

She raised one foot to a higher rung.

Then, lithe as an acrobat on her perch, the girl slowly turned so that she was standing backward on the ladder. She wanted to see what was going on. She lifted the hem of her dress up above her hips.

The top of his face was in her vee, the lower half buried to the nose. He stared up at her. He actually looked ashamed and embarrassed by what he was doing but, captive to his passion, he kept on plating her pussy.

"Umnunm! That feels so good!" she sighed, wanting to put him at his case, to let the man know that she fully approved of what he was doing.

He kept slurping at her cunt.

She bounced up and down on the saddle of his upturned face, her cunt splashing as it hit his mouth and slurping as it pulled off against the suction.

Sylvester seemed to be trying to bury his whole head up her pussy, tonguing out the inner cunt-folds, his lapper flashing into every pink nook, every intricate cranny.

Then he moved one hand down, and she heard his zipper rasp as he opened his fly.

That was fine with Crystal.

Any man who gave her such lovely head was entitled to a fuck. And, besides, she had never been fucked on a ladder. It sounded like fun.

But then his shoulder began to shift. For a moment, she was puzzled. Then Crystal realized that her boss was jacking himself off as he sucked her pussy. It pleased her that she had made him so hot that he had lost all inhibitions and was desperate for release – but she didn't want him to have to jack himself off.

"You don't have to do that," she moaned. His elegantly tailored shoulder continued to shift as his fist pounded up and down on his prick.

She gazed down, trying to look meaningfully into his eyes, but his glasses were so steamed up she couldn't see behind them. She slid a foot down his front and began to rub her ankle and instep against his cock. She couldn't see his groin, but his cock felt big and iron hard against her foot, and she would have welcomed a cuntful of that cock-meat.

But Sylvester seemed content to suck cunt and beat off.

He gulped as he sucked, then grunted as he beat his prick vigorously up and down.

She felt his cock flue on her ankle, getting damp.

Suddenly he gasped – and a jet of steaming jizz shot up her calf, splashing behind her knee.

Feeling his thick cum splash on her leg, Crystal wailed and began to cream off.

Sylvester cranked his cock, jacking off lavishly, drenching both of her legs. Then, his balls drained, he cupped her ass in both hands again and began to suck her to the creamy conclusion with gusto.

"Oh – ohhhhh – oooohhh!" she cried, going crazy as her pussy melted in his mouth.

Her cunt exploded in his lips and her cunt-cum spilled over his lapper. She was going off in a chain reaction, creaming again and again. He held her by the ass and tilted his face up as if he were drinking from a brimming goblet.

She whipped her crotch up and down, wiping his face, smearing the lenses of his eyeglasses, coating him with cunt-cum from his chin to his brow, gooey ribbons running like oil into his silvery hair.

Her belly heaved out and his tongue swept into the crack of her ass, gathering up the creamy seepage from that flavorsome cleft. Then he clamped his lips back onto her cunt like a rubber plunger on a drain, milking her to the dregs.

Her legs began to shake and she wobbled unsteadily, all of her energy spilling from her pussy as she fed him generously.

Finished, she slumped back on the ladder rungs.

He looked at her over the top of his glasses, raising his eyebrows questioningly.

"That was swell," she sighed.

He gave her cunt a last few slurps, spooning out the final frothy drops. Then he stepped back. He was looking embarrassed again, grinning shyly and sheepishly.

Crystal descended to the floor, still holding her skirt up above her waist.

"You can eat me out anytime," she promised.

"Thank you, my dear," he said.

He lifted his silk necktie and wiped his chin and lips in an elegant gesture, the sort of gentleman who didn't forget his manners even when he happened to be dining so lustfully on pussy-meat.

Crystal dropped her gaze to his exposed prick. She was disappointed to see that his hand-job seemed to have depleted his vigor. His cock was fat and shapely still, but it was drooping now, as if in shame, and his balls looked as if they had been punctured.

Getting her pussy sucked made the girl yearn for a follow-up fuck, but she saw that Sylvester was in no condition to supply that at the moment. He didn't even look as if he wanted to eat her out again, as if his tongue was as deeply satisfied as his hand-job had left his limp cock.

Still, they had lots of time for balling in the book store in the future.

With that in mind, she said, "You didn't have to jerk off, Mister Sylvester."

He looked as if he didn't understand.

"I mean, you can fuck me," she added.

He looked alarmed.

"Oh, dear me – I couldn't couple with my clerk," he said. "It simply isn't done."

She gaped at him and he made a clucking sound as if in disapproval of her lack of morals, her failure to know what was acceptable behavior.

Then he returned to his desk and didn't so much as glance at her until closing time.

He was kind enough to give her an advance on her wages, but he gave her no cock. And that was why Crystal was in the mood to get fucked when she went to fetch her things from Gunderson's…