"A voyeur mom" - читать интересную книгу автора (Crane David)


"Anybody home?" Tommy called, from downstairs.

Jenny didn't answer, for obvious reasons and neither did Belinda, for reasons of her own. After a minute, Jenny heard Tommy come upstairs. She hated to stop gazing at her nubile, naked little gri but she was eager to get a look at her son, as well.

She knew that Tommy frequently gave himself a hand-job as soon as he got home from school. She had never had a chance to see him pulling his prick, but she had often listened at his bedroom door and heard the bed squeaking and then heard his labored, panting breath and the soft whimpering as he shot his wad off.

Jenny got up on shaky legs and crossed the bedroom, taking her place at the other one-way mirror just as Tommy stepped into his room.

He was a tall, athletic young man, wearing tight jeans. He closed the door behind him and the moment he turned around, Jenny knew she had struck it lucky again.

His fly was packed solid with a hard-on.

He moved toward the bed, then paused, noticing the new fixture for the first time. He walked over and looked into the mirror and into his mother's face, as well, although he had no way of knowing that.

Then he began to grin devilishly at his image in the full-length looking glass. Like his sister and just the way their mother had calculated Tommy evidently liked to watch himself in a mirror as he played with his prick.

He removed his shin. His torso was lean and smooth, his belly hard and flat. Then he unfastened his jeans and tugged them down, stepping from them. Naked, he turned to face the mirror again. His huge cock came swinging around like the boom of a sailing ship aimed right at his mother's face.

Stepped up close to the full-length mirror, he began to hump his hips in a fucking motion, not yet touching his cock. His prick thrust up and down, towering from the solid sacs of his swollen balls.

Jenny whimpered at the sight.

Her son's cock was gigantic and well formed! The knob was a big, mushroom-shaped slab of flushed meat and the underside of his stalk was seamed by a thick, dark ventral vein, pulsing with his racing bloodstream.

Jenny's tongue tingled, her hands itched and her pussy steamed as she gazed at that splendid cock looming up so tantalizingly close to her face so close and yet so far, beyond her reach. The one-way mirrors were proving a voyeur's treat, bul a terrible frustration, too.

His back arched and he flipped his cock out. His meaty cock-knob bounced off the glass as his mother's tongue hit the other side of that surface.

Tommy stopped humping and stood, hands on hips, studying his cock and balls in the mirror. His knob was glowing like a lightbulb and, at the other end of the long, thick shaft, his cumbags were big as apples, inflating more every moment as his cum-load increased.

He cupped his balls in his left hand and wrapped his right hand around his cock-stalk. Aiming his cock-head at the looking glass, he gave his prick a slow stroke.

Jenny had her open mouth right up against the mirror, eager for him to spray it with his fuck-juice.

She was hoping that maybe she would get a chance to lick up his spunk after he had slimed on the looking glass and left his room. She felt pretty sure that Tommy would not be as neat as his sister, who'd licked her own mirror clean.

Tommy frigged up and down on his cock shaft, his grip light, his palm just skimming on the tube. His balls lay heavy in his other upright palm. But despite the huge load he had built up, the youth seemed in no desperate hurry to drain it off. Jenny supposed that her son was a young man who enjoyed his hand-jobs and liked to linger over them.

His handsome face was twisted into a grimace, eyes squinting, lips drawn back from his square white teeth. He was concentrating on the task at hand, rather like a diamond cutter about to strike a valuable stone.

As her fist brushed up and down, he humped, his ass pumping in and out so that he was fucking through his hand. His balls swung out below his cock-stalk when he released them.

He pulled up to his cock-head and, squeezing the shaft, rubbed the edge of his thumb against the sensitive point where his fat knob flared out from his prick.

When he tightened his grip and began to frig himself more vigorously but still restraining himself and keeping to the slow, steady rhythm that would make it last.

As his hand drew up his cock-stalk, his foreskin rolled over the ledge of his cock-head like a fleshy carpet and as he pumped back toward his balls, he skinned that meaty slab out, unsheathed and throbbing.

His cock-head was pulsing in and out.

Jenny was squirming with unbridled desire as she stared through the spy glass, yearning for that hard, hot teenaged cock-meat. Her mind was an incestuous inferno and her imagination was working overtime.

It would be too embarrassing to simply approach him for he was, after all, her son.

The depraved woman was searching for ways to satisfy he taboo passions in some secret fashion, forming schemes for the seduction of her son devious designs that would fulfill her frenzied longing without revealing her identity. She toyed with the idea of a disguise and played with plans of a heated encounter in total darkness.

Jenny knew that incest was naughty.

That only made the promiscuous woman long for her son's prick all the more.

And her daughter had inherited her inclinations.

Like Jenny, Belinda had often listened at Tommy's bedroom door, hearing the sounds of his frenzied frigging and wishing that she could see him pumping away on his prick. She had never dared to approach him in the past. But today the little vixen was feeling really randy. Her finger-fucking had only served to make the girl hornier. She had creamed very nicely, but a hand-job was, after all, only a hand-job.

She was feeling bold and brazen and naughty and most deliciously depraved.

When she heard Tommy call from downstairs, and heard no response from her mother, she figured that the woman must have gone out shopping and that the kids had the house to themselves. She listened carefully and heard her brother come upstairs and go into his bedroom.

Grinning wickedly, Belinda drew a light dressing gown over her nubile body and tiptoed from her room. Passing the master bedroom, she moved clown to Tommy's door and placed her ear to the panels.

She could hear him panting and she thought, too, that she heard the hiss of his hot cock-meat as his fist skimmed up and down on the stalk.

She hesitated, her hand on the doorknob.

Then she turned the knob and very quietly opened the door enough to look into the room.

The sexy little numphette had to stifle a gasp when she saw her brother standing naked before the full-length looking glass, industriously pulling his prick.

She trembled violently. Her nipples shot out like high caliber bullets and her cunt echoed that swelling, tingling in her swampy cunt. Her green eyes were glued on her brother's magnificent cock.

It was quite the largest that the girl had ever seen and despite the fact that it was her brother's cock or maybe because of it she was seething with desire.

She lingered in the doorway, determined to watch his fuck-juice spray out, enjoying the sight every bit as much as her mother from whom she had inherited her voyeuristic instincts, her peeper's passion.

Belinda wanted to look at least…

Holy shit, Jenny thought.

Tommy was unaware that his kid sister was looking in his door but from her vantage point behind the one-way mirror, their mother had seen the girl's excited and radiant face peering around the door frame.

Knowing that she was sharing the pleasure of watching Tommy work with his sibling made Jenny hornier than ever. She began to rub her cunt furiously yet tried to hold back, at the same time, wanting to delay her creaming until the instant when her son sprayed the glass with his spunk so that they would share a simultaneous cumming.

Tommy's eyes were lowered and hooded as he stared at the reflection of his cock and balls in the mirror. But then his gaze flickered up and he saw his sister's face appeared behind him in the glass.

He blushed and his head snapped around. "Jeez, Sis what in hell are you doing?" he gasped.

Finding herself discovered, Belinda blushed, too.

She started to back away. But then she paused. Why should she be ashamed when it was her brother who was playing with his prick? Instead of retreating, the naughty girl stepped into the room and closed the door behind her…