"Drugged into sin" - читать интересную книгу автора (Jenkins Peter)CHAPTER THREEThe next few weeks were lived in dread, afraid that somehow Jimmy would find out of her horrible experience with her uncle and stop seeing her. She had not been able to really look him in the eyes since that night and she knew that he realized that something was wrong. He was trying to be patient with her and kept apologizing for actions in the barn the first night of vacation. Poor Jimmy, she thought. He is blaming himself for something that he thinks he did, when I wish that it had been him. She knew that she had been uneasy, but she was worried as well as ashamed for she hadn't been feeling well and she lived in the fear that she was pregnant from that terrible night. Her attitude towards sex had changed radically and Jimmy wondered what had caused her sudden change and willingness, not knowing that she was going to try to get him to break his promise and finally sleep with her. She couldn't bear the thought of carrying her uncle's baby… maybe she could sleep with Jimmy and then if she found out she was pregnant she wouldn't really be sure whose it was and it would be easier to take. Her mind was cluttered with every thought from running away, killing herself, perhaps an abortion… but then she wasn't really sure yet, it may just be her nerves, after all, it was a shock to her complete system and maybe this was the problem. Each day seemed to drag by, but finally the term was over and she would be free for the summer. She had written to her aunt explaining that she had been offered a job at a summer camp in the Adirondacks as a counselor so she wouldn't be coming home. She couldn't stand the thought of looking at her uncle. She could still visualize his wicked, leering looks in her sleep and she knew that it would be a long time before she would be able to sleep peacefully and forget – if ever. Jimmy stood on the platform of the train station and waved goodbye to her as the coaches slowly pulled out. He couldn't figure out what had happened or what had gone wrong, she just said that she was going away for the summer and that she would write to him and let him know where she was. Tears streamed down her face as she looked back and saw the forlorn, lost looking figure standing there. She knew that she hadn't been completely fair with Jimmy, but what else could she do. She had made a doctor's appointment by phone from the school, using a fictitious name, a Mrs., of course and soon she would know the truth whatever it may be. She didn't want Jimmy to worry unnecessarily but the anguish she was going through was like an albatross around her neck. She couldn't eat or sleep properly and the only thing that she could think about was: What if I'm pregnant? What can I do. It would be a relief to know one way or the other. She was sure that the uncertainty was worse than what the actual outcome would be. If she wasn't pregnant she would look for a job… maybe she even could get a position as a counselor, but if she were… what would she do then? The train ride seemed to take forever and she grew more and more depressed as she watched the telephone poles along the side of the track so stark and so nothing. That's what I'm like right now, she thought… nothing. But, finally the train began to slow to a stop and she had arrived in Penn Station, New York City. She hailed a cab and gave the address of a cheap West Side hotel which bore a garish sign "Transients Welcome". The grayness of the building and the rundown condition made it far from luxuriously, but this was to be her home for the next few days at least, and maybe for the remainder of the summer. The desk clerk showed her to her room after collecting the "$25.00 a week in advance, lady," and she fell onto the bed in nervous exhaustion. She had only been sleeping a few hours when someone knocked at her door. A woman of about thirty stood there, stared at her for a moment and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I guess the girl who used to have this room has moved." She started to walk down the hall then turned back. "If you need any help in getting organized in this flea trap they call a hotel, let me know. You look like you may be in need of a friend. I'm in the room at the end of the hall if you feel like talking." "Thanks, I may take you up on that, it's my first trip to the big city as they say." Now that she was awake, she freshened her makeup, adding just a touch more than she usually did. After all, she had to look like a married woman, not a girl of seventeen. She looked in the mirror, not really satisfied with the results, but they would have to do. Nervously, she dialed the phone and waited while it rang seven or eight times. She was about to hang up when a voice answered, "Dr. Patrick's office." "Yes," she stammered. "This is Mrs. Bradley, I called you a few days ago for an appointment, I just want to confirm it." "Certainly, Mrs. Bradley, be here at 9 a.m. tomorrow, right?" "Right, I'll be there." Darn, she thought. I was sure that I was to go today, I'm not sure that I can stand another day of waiting and not knowing. She walked down the hall to the door where the other woman said she was staying and knocked. "Hi, I'm Christine and I'm going to take you up on that offer for a kind word and friendly conversation." Christine noticed that the woman, who introduced herself as Elaine Singer had probably at one time been a very attractive woman. Now her face was caked with too much makeup, her perfume was heady and cheap smelling and her clothes fit her rather snugly, very snugly. Oh well, she thought. She may not be the image of a Vogue model, but she may be a friend. The conversation was rather stilted at first but after a half hour they were gabbing like old friends. Christine told her that she had come to New York from school and was going to look for a job in a few days, but she had some personal matters to take care of first. Elaine seemed to sense that something was definitely troubling her and finally came right out and asked her, "Are you in some sort of trouble. You look pretty scared and you're awfully young to be running around the city alone. If I can help, just ask me, I know a lot of people in this town and maybe we can solve whatever it is. Let's go have a drink and talk some more, I'll introduce you to the local, friendly neighborhood tavern." The two went out into the cool evening air and walked to a small, dingy-looking bar on West 48th Street, just a short distance from the theatre district. "Shorty," she said to the bartender, who was a fat, greasy looking man, "I'd like you to meet new one to the neighborhood… Christine." He nodded slightly, grunted something that sounded like, "Nice to know you" and asked them what they wanted to drink. "How 'bout two tequilas? Okay with you, Chris?" She had never had much experience with liquor, except for the occasional beer or wine at a party, but she didn't want to appear too young, so she nodded in agreement. A very few drinks later she could feel her head beginning to spin, she felt dizzy, like she wanted to lie down, and before she knew it she had spilled out her whole horrible story to her new-found friend. Elaine listened intently, weighing each word and nodding at the appropriate times. "Well, sweetie," she said, "I have this friend of mine who is a doctor of sorts and I'm sure that I can arrange for him to see you tonight if you're all that upset. At least this way you'll know. Besides, even if you are, he can take care of that too… for a small fee, of course." Christine nodded her head silently in agreement. The effect of the tequila had made any thought of further delay impossible. Elaine walked to the phone to call her "friend". Her friend was Sam Price… part-time "doctor", part-time gambler, and all-time racketeer. He controlled the largest call girl ring in the city, most of the dope peddling and was a willing "fence" for stolen property… mainly young innocent and inexperienced girls like Christine. "Can I bring her over tonight, Sam?" Elaine whispered into the phone. "I think you'll like this one! If I feed her a few more tequilas and slip her one of 'Dr. Price's' famous pills, she'll be calm as a cucumber and just dying for your attention." "All right, Elaine. If you really think she's that good. If I like her, you'll get your usual fee, plus the right to watch the initiation. I swear, I don't know why you get such a charge of seeing a new girl inducted into my services!" He chuckled softly and hung the receiver back in the cradle. Christine was very well inebriated as Elaine guided her gingerly to a taxi for the short ride to Sam Price's place of business. She weaved against Elaine, faltering with each step and her head felt very heavy. "I'm not sure I can make it," she murmured through her stupor. "Sure you can, sweetie. Just hang on tight and we'll be there in no time." As the cab swung around the corner to Sixth Avenue, Christine felt a strange sensation surging through her body. She felt warm, but that could just be the whisky, she rationalized. However, it wasn't just a warm feeling, it was a slow ache, a burning beginning to build up in her loins. She wanted to put her hand underneath her skirt and feel the flesh of her thighs and run her fingers over her most intimate part. She hadn't felt this desire since that night she had masturbated herself after she left Jimmy in the barn. This was crazy, she thought, but the desire was becoming stronger. Elaine glanced sideways at her in the cab and she knew that her pill was beginning to take effect. God, she's going to be hot by the time I get her to good old Sam. He's really going to enjoy this one. Hope to heaven she's not pregnant, because then we can use her in the ranks right away. Otherwise it will be a few weeks… but those are the breaks. Finally the driver pulled up in front of an old, dilapidated building in the West 90's and said, "Here you are lady. Hope your friend feels better, she sure don't look too good right now. Shouldn't drink so much if you can't handle it." Elaine nodded, paid him the fare and steered Christine through the ground entrance way and to the back of the building. Sam Price met them at the door, smiled at Elaine a knowing, appreciative smile and then turned to Christine. He looked almost like a real doctor in his white jacket. He kept it around for just such occasions. Actually, he had taken a quick "cram course" from another "doctor", so he really could tell her whether or not she was pregnant, and take care of it if she were, but this was not his main purpose. He patted her hand affectionately and said, "Well there. I understand that you think you may have a little problem. Let's have a look… just relax now and everything will be all right." She could feel this gnawing ache becoming stronger and stronger in her loins and she almost wished that he would hurry with his examination. She was burning with a strange all-consuming desire and she wanted to be touched! "Take your clothes off and get on the couch and we'll see," he told her – a cold clinical detachment in his voice. She hesitated for a moment, but Elaine reassured her that everything would be all right, that she would be right there so to go ahead and do as the "Doctor" said. "I'm ready, doctor," she managed to stammer. He turned and faced this young girl lying on his couch, naked, waiting to see if she was pregnant. He moved over and stood beside her, looking down at her naked voluptuous body. He let out a low whistle and turned to Elaine. "You were right, she is a beauty. Just a few more minutes and she'll be so hot that she'll beg me to let her have it." She could hear only parts of the conversation between him and Elaine, because the tequila, plus the pill she had been slipped were just about going full strength. All she knew was that her vagina was pounding, aching to be touched, fingered and she unconsciously let her hand wander to the junction of her thighs. It was as though the others had disappeared completely. Musingly, she began to play with the soft pubic mound, gently pulling at the thin blonde hair and letting her fingers play gingerly with the lips of her vagina. Sam and Elaine watched her display intently, smiling knowingly at each other. "She's had it now, Sam. I told you the pill would do it," the older woman grinned lasciviously at him. "She'll be the best screw you've had in a long time." Her body was stretched out limply, but beautiful and vulnerable. She was so young and so innocent-looking lying there that Sam could not hold back any longer and his hands reached down to touch the soft, supple skin of her belly. "Go ahead, Sam, make her really squirm for it," Elaine said huskily, her breath coming faster. He felt her stomach, gently, the soft flesh yielding to his touch and then he felt it a little more firmly. He looked down at her breasts, bulbous and taut like round white balloons in a gleaming skin with their dimpled, erect nipples. He placed his hand expertly in her vagina, feeling her involuntary withdrawal. "It's all right… just relax," he said, a strange obscene lust burning in his eyes. She wanted to relax, but she also wanted to thrust her hips upward against his probing fingers. He was going through all the right preliminaries just as any real doctor would do, savoring the moment when she would be out of her mind with desire and begging him to fuck her. Her vagina was moist and her eyes were fixed on his face as if it were a magnet, and she moaned softly. "Have you had any sickness," he asked in a very professional manner, all the time manipulating his fingers deep in her vagina, knowing that it was driving her out of her mind. "No," she whispered huskily. "None at all, really." "Pull your legs up a little," he said. She obeyed him automatically and he buried his fingers ever deeper into the tight confines of her womb. He could feel the walls of her cunt close around his fingers and her breath was coming more rapidly. She realized that she was becoming uncontrollably excited and she didn't want him to ever take his fingers out of her, even though she knew she should stop him right now before she lost complete control. But Elaine's soft comforting voice floated to her. "It's all right, dear, he's just a doctor." Finally, knowing that he was torturing her beyond all her capacity to resist, he slowly withdrew his hand from her smooth, wet vagina. "I think you are mistaken," he said heavily, for he, too, was becoming excited with the thought of having this young thing under his command. "You're not pregnant." She breathed a sigh of relief, looking over at Elaine with a crazy relaxed smile on her face as she tried to raise herself from the couch. Through the misty haze that was clouding her vision, she saw Elaine standing alongside the doctor, holding something in her hand. She blinked to clear the picture and realized that they were straps. She lay back, still in her stupor and wishing that he hadn't finished his "examination" so quickly, she felt unfulfilled and once more she let her hands unconsciously feel the intimate crease between her legs. Everything had suddenly become so unreal… so faraway. There was nothing but the warm, soft tingle between her legs. The two onlookers chuckled softly and she stared at them not knowing what to do, or even whether or not she could do anything even if she wanted to. Suddenly she felt the leather of the straps on her wrists, pulling her hands away from her vagina and strapping them to the side of the couch. "W-w-whhhaat?" she stammered and tried to jerk at the confines, but it was too late. She was really too weak to fight, but something deep inside her warned her that there was something unnatural about to happen. Her body, however, ached and longed for attention. She wondered, looking at the doctor… I wonder how big his prick is. God, I've never felt this way before… I actually want a hard, demanding prick in me, fucking me, making me cum 'till I can't stand it. She writhed beneath the firm hold of the leather and the two others watched her sensual moves lustfully. Slowly the man called Sam began to take off his clothes and he could see her watching him, fascinated. He stripped off every stitch and he could feel the cool night air touch all over his body as a breeze blew in from the window. His penis was at half-mast, but it began to rise to full glorious height as he moved toward her. He stood directly in back of her head, letting his veined and throbbing phallus jerk sensually just over her mouth. She watched it, completely in a trance as it bounced up against his stomach. It looked so huge, but she wanted to reach out and touch it, as if to make sure it was real. She directed her pleas back to the doctor who was about to climb up on the couch with her. He leaned forward slightly and placed his rampant prick in the cleft formed by her breasts so that her warm flesh seemed to kiss it lightly with her warmth. He crushed her breasts with his hands, splaying them in all directions, disfiguring them so that they oozed solidly from his hands and between his fingers. He pushed her supple, full breasts together so that they met across her body and formed a fleshy tunnel in which his penis was lodged. He pressed them hard so that they squeezed his pulsing organ tightly like a glove as he began to sway back and forth over her, thrusting his stiffened prick through the channel formed by her warm, smooth-skinned breasts. As he thrust, the bright red knob of his prick appeared at the far end of the tunnel, reaching towards her face which was contorted in unfilled desire. A crazed gleam shone in her eyes… the pill had done it's work well! He thrust steadily against her breasts for several minutes, feeling his prick expand like a blown-up balloon. It began to ache in its roots and sting in the very tip as he moved with a greater mobility, clenching his teeth as his massive staff made a red, rubbing groove against her white, supple flesh. She tried to urge her head forward in order to catch his jerking organ in her mouth so that she could feel its hardness and run her tongue along the sensitive underside, playing with the blood-filled head. She wanted to make him want her as much as she wanted to be satisfied. She wriggled up against him as much as she could and once again she felt other fingers slowly begin to play with the pink, aching lips of her vagina. She could no longer stand the pressure between her legs and she began to beg and plead with him, her words rolling shamelessly from between her tightly clenched teeth. "Fuck me… please fuck me. I want you inside me." She listened to the words that were coming out of her mouth and she couldn't believe she was actually saying them. This was not at all like her, but she let the thought pass. The only thing she was aware of was that her body had to be satisfied… and quickly. He felt his prick growing hot and strained and painful against the resistant tissue of her breasts and he removed one hand from her breasts and slowly began to edge his way down her body so that he could take her. "All right, Elaine. Just watch now! I'm going to give her what she's been begging for, and then we can get her ready to meet the rest of our little club." He almost spit the words out because his teeth were clenched together tightly as he tried to control his now building passion. She was trembling from head to foot and he could hear her murmur with passion. "Oh… Oh," she whispered as he ran his hands in a long, quick caress over her back, bringing his fingertips up her spine and moving beneath her buttocks in order to lift her for his entry. He could feel her thighs trembling against him and his prick jerked demandingly between the soft heat of her flesh and the shaft was tingling along its length like pins and needles. "Don't wait," she begged. "Fuck me now… NOW… NOW… Oh I can't stand it," she said quickly. She whimpered in deep-throated moans as he slowly began to prod at the tight opening of her vagina. He could wait no longer himself and he moved quickly between her thighs and immediately began to screw her, his cock splitting the warm lips of her pussy like butter. Her body began to move in wild abandon under his powerful strokes. "Oh… oh… oh…" she groaned as if in agony, digging her nails into his sides. She wanted to grab his shoulders, his buttocks in order to push him even deeper into her, but her hands could not move. Her whole body twitched and writhed beneath his long, smooth strokes, and she groaned incessantly, her face contorted with passion, mouth working, nostrils flared and soft, deep moans coming from her throat. He felt the smooth, raw flesh of her vagina holding him in, breaking and pulling all around his hot, bursting prick. He pushed into her from his very toes and sent the last inch of his thickness plundering into her hot, clasping vagina, pulling a fresh, ecstatic groan from her lips, making her open her eyes to look at him with a wild, desirous, glazed look. "Aggghhh… wonderful, wonder… ahhhhh!" She gasped as he cupped her buttocks with both bands and raised them off the couch for greater leverage, pushing into her with all the strength of his hips and thighs. His loins moved in and out at her pelvis, her tight pelvis with that chasm at its center, pistoning in with strong, muscular regularity. His own breath was short and the thought of being able to hold her under such a spell excited him further. He watched her face, drawing different expressions of passion from it as he moved his hands over her, as if she were an instrument which produced fresh sounds as he moved his fingers over its notes. His loins were aflame, consumed with a fierce burning which swept through him in gusts of heat. He gasped and quivered as he fucked her, reveling in her flesh, the flesh of this beautiful, sensuous girl whom he had not even seen before this evening. "Oh… ohhhhh, hard… harder… fuck me harder," she cried out, her desire seeming to be insatiable. She begged, gasping as if she'd burst something in her throat. She was nearing her climax and her body had become something demoniac, her legs wide apart as she twisted and contorted, urging him on. Her body was hot and her head moved wildly from side to side, her mouth open in wild abandon. She swung her thighs up and clasped his waist in a vise-like grip, pulling him into her hot vagina deeper and deeper with each powerful thrust of his loins. "Aagghhhhhh… I'm cumming… I'm cumming… now NOW… NOW! Yes… fuck me… ram your hard prick deep into me… ooohhhhhhh." Her voice trailed off into a whisper as she jerked for several long moments and then began to relax with the pleasure of her orgasm. The intensity of her reaction was like a spur to his own potential climax and he dug deeply into her, screwing into her like an electric drill, crashing up to her cervix with his pulsating, near-bursting cock. She continued to gasp and pant with little fluttering movements of belly and thighs. She was still highly excited and moved under him with a wild, eager passion. "It's so gooood. It's soooo good," she murmured. "Fill me now, fuck me hard, let me have it. Kill me with it… fill me… fill meeee!" She was gasping for breath as she rocked her hips up against the powerful lunges of his penis and he thrust savagely high and hard, searing up through her passage, resting at the apex of his drive and jogging there for just a second before withdrawing a little for another thrust… and another. He could feel he was on the verge of the breakthrough and with one last mighty stab he let the flood of his hot, white seminal fluid surge deep into her belly. "Oh Christ… I'm cumming. Baby, I'm cumming… Oooooh… Aaaaagh!" She groaned and felt the warm, searing jets of his hot, liquid sperm flooding deep down into the waiting depths of her contracting vagina. A warmth such as she had never known filled the whole insides of her sperm-hungry belly. Slowly he withdrew from her, his penis hanging limp and weak between his legs. "Marvelous performance, my dear Sam. You satisfied me completely also. That's quite a feat… two women at the same time." Elaine grinned over at him, a warm glow of admiration on her face. She moved over to release the leather straps that were holding Christine's hands. Christine lay completely still, except for the rapid rising and falling of her chest as she struggled to catch her breath. The drug that she had been given was in effect and she felt almost powerless to move her head, much less her body, away from the couch. She could hear voices talking in what seemed the distance, so she closed her eyes and tried to relax, the warm, soft sensations of completion still fluttering butterfly-like through her body. |