"A mother-daughter twosome" - читать интересную книгу автора (Jensen Peter)CHAPTER FIVEAnn Walker looked once again at her watch, and then rose from the cot in Lani's cabin and went to the door to peer out into the half darkness of the cool, moonlight night. The trees around the cabin were illuminated by an eerie, almost iridescent glow. Their branches alternately shadowed and exposed to the impassive gaze of the full moon high above. The heat of the day had slipped away quietly, to be replaced by a gentle breeze that rustled through the tree limbs like so many whispering voices, sometimes soothing, but more of ten mocking the young mother who stood silhouetted in the doorway of the cabin. Ann closed the door softly, and began to pace nervously up and down the room's short length. She walked a little stiffly, her unaccustomed loins still sore from Bob's love making that afternoon at the Pool. But her mind was not on the shame she had been feeling all evening as a result of the terrible breech of her sexual defenses. It was centered instead on a growing worry about her young daughter, Lani. Ann looked at her watch once again, but it was only a few minutes later than when she'd last looked at it. She crossed to the cot, and sat nervously, trying desperately to calm her fears. Her soul still ached from the violence of Lani's words to her that afternoon, words that had torn her far more than the mere physical humiliation she had undergone with her daughter's boyfriend. She prayed now that Lani had only been gripped by a momentary disgust for her mother, a disgust that Ann herself shared, but that this horribly unfortunate incident would not destroy their relationship completely. And now at 9:30 at night, even that was not the uppermost concern in Ann's mind. Her first worry now was that her daughter had not come back to her cabin, even though Ann had seen Bob Seikerd earlier that evening from a distance, going into the main meeting hall. If Lani was not with him, where was she? The distraught young mother had been almost prostrate with worry since that time, her mind flying alternately between concern for her daughter and revolting, and yet strangely exciting visions of her debasement that afternoon. She had paced the cramped little cabin or had sat anxiously waiting on the edge of the cot for almost 2 hours, and her nerves had reached the snapping point. Looking at her watch once again, Ann stood up and crossed to the window. What should I do, she asked herself desperately, who can I turn to? I need help… God… I can't handle this all by myself! Suddenly she remembered the friendly man she had met that day on the steps of the meeting hall. What was his name? She couldn't even remember, and it had only been a few short hours before. She remembered his great, flowing beard, his soiled coveralls, his friendly tone of voice… Moses, that's it, she suddenly recalled, maybe he could help me. He seemed to be some kind of a leader around the commune, she thought, so perhaps he might have some influence with her innocent young daughter; and anyway, somebody should be warned about that terrible Bob Seikerd. Quickly, Ann extinguished the light in Lani's cabin, and rushed out into the cool moonlit night. She almost ran towards the meeting hall, and finally came into the main clearing of the commune. She saw a group of people lounging on the steps of the hall, made sure Bob Seikerd was not among them, and then approached slowly. "Excuse me, can any of you tell me where I might find Moses?" she asked hesitantly, suddenly aware of a pungent aroma that filled the air around them and was wafted to her by the gentle breeze. She saw the hand rolled cigarette being passed around the circle of young people, and realized with a start that it must be marijuana. "Uhhh… yeah," said a blond, long-haired boy who lay enfolded between the two legs of the young girl sitting above him, "yeah, I think he's down in his cabin." "Could you tell me where that is?" Ann asked. "Sure," said the heavy-lidded girl above him. "It's… uhh… it's down that path there, first door on your right." She giggled inexplicably. "Thank you very much," Ann said, turning toward the path the girl had indicated. "Sure, Mom, sure," the young girl said, and the group began to snigger softly as Ann walked away. She didn't hear them, though, but strode purposefully down towards Moses' cabin, turning in at the first little path she saw running to her right. She saw some lights through the trees, and continued until she stood, hesitantly before Moses' front door. Then, girding up her courage she knocked resolutely on the roughly hewn oak timbers. There was no immediate answer, and she knocked again. After a pause she heard a soft voice reach out to her from inside the cabin. "It's open," the voice said, and nothing more. She slowly pulled the latch on the door, and stepped softly into the room. It was draped with rugs and old carpets on all the walls, and except for a large mattress lying on the floor in the corner and a few crates and wooden boxes, was bare. She saw Moses sitting cross legged in the middle of the floor, staring with half-closed eyes at the flame of a stubby candle, that was fixed with its own wax directly on the wooden floor. She stood quietly, thinking she was disturbing him, but then thought that perhaps he wasn't even aware of her presence. She hesitated, and then spoke to him. "Moses?" He didn't answer. "Moses? I've got to talk to you about something very important." Finally, Moses slowly raised his eyes to her, took a moment to recognize her, and then smiled a far away smile. "Hello Ann. Sit down. I've been expecting you." Ann looked for a chair, found none, and then lowered herself to the floor across the candle from him. "You've been expecting me?" she asked, wondering apprehensively if he knew about Lani, and Bob, and the whole situation. "Yes, I have. Would you like something to drink?" Ann's throat felt suddenly very dry, and she realized she hadn't had a drink all day. She accepted his offer gratefully, and watched as he moved to one of the little crates beside his mattress. "Why have you been expecting me?" she asked, still confused. "Well… Bob and Lani were here earlier, and we talked about what had happened." Moses watched as Ann's eyes grew wide with fear. "Oh, there's nothing to worry about, Ann. I'm used to that kind of thing. I'm sort of a spiritual adviser around here, you know, people often come to me with their problems. But you can be sure that I'll keep your secret in strictest confidence." The bearded man finished pouring two stiff drinks of vodka, neglecting to add that Bob had only told him while bragging of his seduction of Lani's mother, after they had both taken Lani violently that same evening. "Here, drink this. It'll steady your nerves." Ann took the glass from him, and stared at the clear liquid. "What is it?" she asked hesitantly. "Just vodka," he replied. "I'm afraid that's all I have. I hope it's all right." "It's fine, Moses. Thank you." Ann took a gulp of the drink, and coughed as its fire attacked her parched throat. "Whew, that is strong stuff." Moses smiled, and sat down again on the floor, closer to her this time. "Would you like to talk about what's happened?" he said gently, hardly able to keep his eyes from boring under the light dress she was wearing, which was inched up over her soft, ivory thighs as she sat clasping her drink with both hands. "No… no, I don't think so, Moses. That's very nice of you," Ann said kindly, more at ease now with the kind and understanding man, "but I didn't come for that. I just came to ask you to help me get my daughter back… I mean, to help me convince Lani that she should come back to South San Francisco with me. Right away." "But why, Ann? She seems perfectly happy here." "No, she isn't – she couldn't be! She's all mixed up with this Bob Seikerd, and he's evil, Moses, he's a horribly evil influence on her, you know that." "Well," Moses said quietly, "she seems to be content with him, at least when they were here this afternoon." "But she's so young, Moses! She's blinded by her love for this awful man, so she can't see what kind of a danger he is for her!" "Oh, now I think you're exaggerating a little, Ann." "No I'm not! He raped me this afternoon… raped me… right after he'd… he'd… right after he'd been with Lani," Ann stammered. "He doesn't love her, I know that. He's just using her!" Moses looked at her impassively, trying to hide the excitement that was beginning to grow in him as he realized that this was an opportunity he couldn't afford to miss. "I don't know what to say Ann. Bob and Lani seemed to agree that… now you mustn't be angry, I'm just telling you what they said… that you hadn't been raped at all. In fact, from what I understand from them, it was you who were the aggressor." "That's not true!" Ann screamed. "He's lying, and Lani believes him! Oh my God, don't you see…?" Moses quickly moved to the hysterical young mother, and put his hand on her trembling shoulder soothingly. "Now calm down, Ann," he crooned, "getting all upset isn't going to help matters. Take it easy… relax… come on now…" "How can I relax when my own daughter believes those terrible things about me! God, Moses, she's all I have… and I'm losing her… dear God… I'm losing her!" Moses had moved across the floor until he was sitting right next to the quivering woman, his whole arm now encircling her shoulders, his nostrils filled with the tantalizing odor of her unbelievably sensuous body. He felt his dormant cock wake suddenly as the lovely, shaking mother collapsed against his chest, overcome with worry and grief. He tried, without much success, to still the mounting arousal that tingled his large body mercilessly. "Shhhh… Shhh…" he whispered, "Ann, come on now… if you face the truth, it will be easier in the long run. Admit that you enjoyed your experience with Bob this afternoon. From what Lani has told us in the past, I gather that you haven't really allowed yourself much sexual activity in the past few years. So it isn't shameful that you couldn't control yourself this afternoon. Watts perfectly normal." Ann's mind reeled under the truth of his words. She had enjoyed it. Even though she hadn't wanted it, she had enjoyed it! "Nooooo… he forced it… I didn't mean to…" "Of course you didn't, Ann… of course you didn't. But you did enjoy it, now, didn't you?" "Yes!" Ann admitted through clenched teeth, "I did enjoy it! And that is the worst part of it all!" "But it's not, Ann, it's not. Don't you see it's perfectly normal? The body is a temple, Ann, but it is a temple that must not be allowed to decay, don't you see? You didn't betray your body this afternoon; you have been betraying it by trying to hide it behind shame and fear. It had to break loose sometime, and it did this afternoon. You should be happy, not upset." As Moses talked, his right hand came to rest on Ann's quivering thigh, at first as though he were emphasizing what he was saying, but then remained, lightly caressing the smooth fabric of her skirt over her naked flesh. She was hardly aware of his touch, concentrating only on his words, and the possible truth of them. "I… I don't know… I just don't know…" she moaned. "I'm right, dear lady, you know I'm right," Moses voice was beginning to take on an unmistakably lusting edge, which he could no longer hide. His hand moved more quickly over her thigh until, with a tingle that raced out of control up his spine, it came into contact with her naked flesh. "You must learn to let yourself go… let yourself go… relax… and be free, Ann, be free. You have a beautiful body, you must use it… use it well… share it…" Ann came out of her reverie with a jolt, felt Moses' hand working its lewd way around into the warm flesh of her inner thigh, his other hand beginning to massage her neck suggestively, and spun away from him on the floor. "What do you think you're doing!" she screamed at him in sudden fear, pulling her dress down frantically over her legs. "What are you…" "I'll tell you what I'm doing, little Venus," Moses crooned, not even attempting now to hide the look of sheer animal lust that had twisted his previously gentle face into some obscene parody of Jekyll and Hyde. "I'm simply appreciating an incredibly beautiful body, a temple, you know, like I said… I see the fantastic temple of your body, sweet lady, and I plan to worship it. Now you don't mind a little worship, do you?" He was crouched on the balls of his feet now, leaning out toward her with an evil grin on his leering face. With a sudden panic rising like a flood in her body, Ann felt her arm swing out wildly, and felt the sharp sting in her palm as her hand caught him under the chin, knocking him off balance and onto his side on the floor. Quickly, he jumped to his feet, standing over her threateningly, rubbing the place on his jaw where she'd hit him. "You fucking little bitch, you're going to pay for that! You're going to beg me to fuck you before I'm through." He stood above her huddled form, glaring down at her with rage burning in his eyes. Then, insanely, his face twisted itself into a sweet, sick smile. "That was not very nice of you, Ann. No, not very nice at all. We practice non-violence here on the commune, and that was very violent of you. Yes it was, very violent." Ann crawled away from him on the floor, staring at him as the terrifying transition came over his face. He must be mad! "Now… now you leave me alone! Do you hear?" "No, sweet thing, I don't hear. My ears are filled with the music of your delicious body, and I'm deaf to anything else." A grin played on his face as he watched with sadistic pleasure the frightened young woman on the floor. "I'm leaving… I'm getting out of here… don't… don't try to stop me," Ann stammered, not daring to move a muscle. "No you're not, Ann. Shall I tell you why?" He reached into the pocket of his coveralls, and pulled a ring of keys, dangling them before her horrified gaze. "You're not leaving because you have no place to go. You recognize these?" Ann's mind reeled as she realized he was holding the keys to her car. "Please…" she begged, "please, give them to me…" "Of course, Ann, of course. You can have them. But this is a capitalistic world we live in, so I'm afraid you're going to have to pay for them." Ann felt the strength leave her body as he interpreted his obscene implication, and she collapsed on the floor with her head in her hands, sobbing unrestrainedly. She was trapped! Hopelessly ensnared by to evilly grinning man standing above her. She didn't even move as she sensed him moving closer to her, and crouching down over her prostrate body. A tremor rippled over her as she felt his hand move suddenly to her flat, tense stomach, then inch around her waist as he came closer to her, until his face was mere inches from her own. "Stop! Please… stop it!" she pleaded, writhing from his grasp unsteadily. "Please… let me go…" But Moses didn't answer, and she felt his hands grab her slender waist again, and the strength of his powerful arms draw her tightly against him, his one hand moving down to encompass the full, rounded spheres of her buttocks, while the other one lumped against the small of her back. She felt the blood rustling to her cheeks in the shame of his coarse hand moving intimately over her tensed and fear stricken body. "S-stop! Stop it, do you hear? I'll scream for help!" "Oh… oh… no… no… stop…!" Ann groaned as he lifted his head to grin evilly down at her. "Getting to you now, Ann?" Moses hissed, his hands roving over her exploringly. NO! It was impossible! Her body wouldn't… couldn't betray her again! But it was… incredible. She was coming alive with overpowering, impossible sensations. His hands, his tongue, his body had kindled her aflame with desire almost immediately. My God, she had to gain a hold on herself! What was happening to her… was she that sick? Then, his huge hands were on the satiny, naked flesh of her leg… moving upward… upward to her thigh… the soft, warm flesh of her inner thigh… and God Almighty! She wanted it there! Oh God… Nooooo…! Moses stared down at where she lay stretched out beneath him, while his hands smoothed up the silken flesh of her trembling thigh, moving higher with each stroke, until he let them brush to the very peak of the delightful juncture, instigating the sensation of contact as they pressed gently through her nylon panties, against the golden, hair covered lips of her panting, pink slitted little pussy. Ann groaned and jerked to the slight pressured touch against her tingling genitals, her brain desperately fighting to seize control from her rapidly overpowering physical senses. Oh Lord, what had come over her? Oh… somehow… somehow, she had to end this horrible teasing she was allowing her body to be submitted to! "No! No! You've got to stop this… I can't do this again… don't you see?" she cried, rolling her head back and forth, her eyes squeezed tightly closed in her shame. "Damn you, stop, I say! I'll kill you! I'll kill you for this…!" Oh God! Her mind was a whirlpool of confusion. If only she could think straight! Maybe if she played along a little… Yes! Yes! She must play along… humor him… at least, that would make it easier… Yes, that was it… play along… humor him… "I could just eat you up, my beautiful little Venus," Moses half whispered. "You know that?" he went on, interrupting her thoughts as he gently lowered her panties down her smooth thighs and off her legs, brushing her hair covered vaginal lips as he did. Then it happened! She felt his thick long finger tracing the thick, pink-furrowed line of her nakedly exposed cunt and she writhed and squirmed beneath it uncontrollably. Her hands caught at his powerful shoulders, their lacquered nails gouging into the muscular flesh through his clothing. A quick moment of disbelief swept her up at her own response, even as the prurient spasms of unwanted desire raced through her loins and belly, while slowly he parted the wisps of soft sparse pubic hair and wormed his middle finger exploringly between her warm vaginal lips… at last, worming it deeper and deeper up into her moist, excited channel, sending shocks of insane delight soaring through her. "Oh… oooohhhhhh… no… nooooooooo…" she whimpered brokenly in mounting passion. "Please stop… don't…" The aroused young woman tossed her head and whined throatily in her emotional torment and inexplicable craving, a stimulating shock playing along the smoothly exposed flesh of her legs, and she twitched and squirmed her buttocks down onto the floor, her whimpers changing into an incessant series of helpless groans as Moses' fingers taunted the sensitive pussy slit up between her thighs, gently thrusting and probing into it, parting the silken pubic hair and making a sudden electrifying contact with the tiny throbbing center of the undesired passion that had swept over her. It lewdly saturated her whole being, and she bit at her lips to hold back the moan of sheer, mindless bliss mounting ecstatically in her sensuously quivering breasts. Oh… oh… it was so wicked and evil… terribly, terribly wrong! Ohhhh… she had to stop him from doing these forbidden, lascivious things to her… while there was still time… but how? How? And then, momentarily, she tried to struggle against him, but he held her as if she were a child, snickering triumphantly down into her beautiful, shame contorted face. She again relaxed her struggling, the incredible horror of her complete helplessness… of the entire situation… slowly but indelibly impressing itself upon her mind. Dear God! She was hopelessly trapped! There was nothing she could do but lie there in defenseless subjugation while this demented man lewdly felt and explored her soft secret body at will… taking any and all indecent liberties with her that he pleased. There was absolutely no way she could stop him… Ann couldn't catch her breath. She tried to speak but her words stuck in her throat, the sensual shock of his fingers teasing obscenely around her hotly quivering clitoris causing her to writhe her buttocks around on the floor in a vain effort to escape the frenzied spasms of desire coursing madly over her soft, vibrant flesh. "Oh… oh," she moaned helplessly while he continued his clitoral teasing, at last pausing to draw an answer from her. "Well… am I right, Ann? You want me to fuck you? Would you care to beg for it now?" The helpless woman didn't answer, only closed her eyes as he raised her up, assisting him subconsciously as he began to strip her completely naked; then, she felt the cool rush of air against her throbbing breasts with their hard, distended pink nipples as they became completely exposed to him… and his sharp intake of breath, his big hand clutching them hotly… kneading, squeezing, rolling the nipples painfully between his fingers, until finally his warm, wet mouth encompassed one, his tongue flicking and worrying the tiny nipple maddeningly;.. and then the other in the same manner, the hot, wet tongue at last trailing down through the deep narrow valley that separated them… her stomach muscles tensing as it slithered down her, dipping momentarily into her navel… taunting it while his hands continued to caress and stroke her aching breasts… Then she moaned as his hands left her breasts and began to tear at his own clothes, practically ripping them from his body until he was completely naked beside her. "Hey, little Venus… open those beautiful eyes and see how it looks to you." Ann did, agonizingly… and she saw him kneeling up between her legs that he had forcibly and obscenely spread open to him, his face twisted in a lewd grin, and she let her eyes trail downward over his muscularly powerful torso to the thick, hardened penis standing out from his lean loins. Her eyes began to widen in mounting terror and fear stricken disbelief, while his licentious smirk broadened and his hands lustfully stroked the heavy uncircumcised foreskin back and forth over the hard, blood-engorged head. "A beautiful creation, is it not?" he taunted insanely. "A worthy sacrifice for the tight little temple of your cunt, I think!" Ann hardly heard his obscene words; she was more shocked with the sight of his huge, already pulsating organ, icing her inside to the point of almost destroying any erotic sensations that had possessed her. Yet, she couldn't help but gape at the massiveness of his penis… it's length and thickness causing her to stare in awe… while the sight of her own naked, obscenely spread open thighs filled her with miserable, degrading shame as once more the helplessness of her situation dwelled in her fogged brain; then, it further registered that he was sadistically enjoying this almost brutal debauchery he was subjecting her to, the gleam in his eyes bordering on sexual madness. Still, she stared, her eyes seemingly fixed on the inhuman sized, fleshy instrument he was still holding and stroking. It's thickness was terrorizing! Good God…! No woman could take it! He laughed obscenely. "Bigger than Bob's, Ann?" Ann tore her eyes away from the massive penis, rolling her head to one side as he watched with salacious delight the horrified expression of fear that contorted her face. He dropped his weight upon her, forcing the breath from her soft, white body with a gasp, the hardness of his hugely pulsating cock crushing into the tender flesh of her belly, his thick hands once more squeezing her full, firmly shaped breasts so viciously that she cried out with the pain. And then suddenly, his mouth was smothering hers, his tongue plunging deep into her throat in his mounting lust. "You hot fucking little cunt!" he hissed, his voice once again hard, "I'm going to make you beg me to fuck you before I'm finished. Yeah… you're going to beg me to bury my cock in that snobbish little cunt hole of yours… so fucking deep you'll taste it!" The terrified woman said nothing, only tried to deafen her ears to his abuse. He was sick! Sick! And then, he was moving down her body… slithering downward… down… until his face was even with her loins, mere inches above them, and the repugnant shock of what he intended to do caused her to recoil in utter horror. "Wh-what are you…? My God! No! Oh no… no, please! You can't… not that! Stop, you can't!" she half screamed as he placed his palm against the soft inner sides of her thighs, pressing them apart even more open to his lust inflamed eyes. She moaned aloud, raising her head to stare down between her roundly upthrust breasts and see him, mouth open, tongue out, poised between her widespread legs. "Oh… oh no, please… I beg you… don't do that to me…" Wedged strategically between her soft white thighs, their warm inner flesh pressing against him, Moses gazed greedily at the tight pink cuntal slit fringed enticingly with its flaxen hair, eyeing the two tiny glistening pearls of moisture that dampened the little tongue-like pink petals peeking out at him from the thin, vertical mouth; and as she lay seemingly rooted to the floor beneath her, eyes pleading, humiliation nearly complete, she watched petrified as with deliberately slow and decisive movements he placed his thumbs delicately on the sensitive, fleshy lips of her cunt, spreading the soft pubic curls and the pussy folds parted almost gluttonously, flowering open the moist, coral flesh to his desire filled sight. In utter degradation, Ann felt the hot wisps of his rapid breathing taunt her sensitive vaginal flesh and she moaned in shame, her head still upright, her eyes almost refusing to acknowledge the lewd scene they were beholding. Then, abruptly, her own breath nearly choked her as she watched his face lower into the trembling "vee" of her naked vaginal slit… and felt the full length of his long, hot tongue slip wetly up into her shocked and quivering pussy. Her lovely, soft, naked body recoiled through reflex, jerking convulsively, a loud whimper bursting from her lungs while her buttocks ground vainly downwards in her useless effort to evade the obscene outrage he was committing upon her defenselessly trapped genitals. Her stomach lurched and churned in spasmodic confusion and she moaned loathingly while his tongue slithered in and out of her hopelessly exposed cunt in warped animal-like frenzy. "Ooooooohhhhh… ooooohhhh… stop… don't… please… oooooohhhhhh!" She groaned incessantly in her debasing degradation, her head beginning to flail from side to side as she held it raised in humiliated, shameful horror, gaping in disbelief at his obscene licking down between her widespread thighs. It wasn't happening! It couldn't be! A horrible and lewd nightmare… that was all! She tried to reason it away, but his tongue reassured her as it raced in a liquid torrent up into her unwanting… yet, rapidly dilating cunt. "Oooohhhh… God… God… stop! My God… you can't do this to me! Please… please… stop it!" she hissed between tightly clenched teeth in her horror, while at the same time tiny, unwanted spasms of lewd delight were coming alive within her whole being from his demented and depraved tonguing of her moistly palpitating cuntal slit. His lips probed and explored until he found the erectly pulsating button of her clitoris. He heard her gasping moan of agonized pleasure as he sucked the tiny, throbbing pleasure bud between his teeth, and clutching it tightly, raved his tongue over and around it in a series of rapidly increasing circles, until eventually he opened his lust-hungry mouth wider and sent his tongue downward, back through the velvet moistened slit to the hot, throbbing opening of her vaginal channel. Ann realized that she could hardly control herself any longer, that the erotic sensations had reached beyond her physical or mental powers of counteraction. She had become overwhelmingly enraptured with his lust filled tonguing of her cunt… Her own brain had become a turmoil, and her feeble power to fight had so diminished that it was hardly even a memory. She suddenly found herself flailing her head wantonly from side to side as he orally tucked her, lashing and plunging his long hot tongue up into her receptive and now hotly clasping vagina, while she listened as if from another world to her own mewling and whimpering sounds, and he continued to swirl and thrust his tongue into the warm velvety confines of her moist, passion charged cunt. Abruptly, then, Moses was raising her legs high, slipping his arms beneath them until they were wedged underneath her thighs, pressing them relentlessly up until they draped over his broad shoulders, then he maneuvered his hand and wrist skillfully beneath the quivering white mounds of her buttocks, pulling them up to his mouth captive authority. Ann's whimpers of ungovernable, if involuntary, pleasure filled the room as he burrowed his hot tongue deeper and deeper into the simmering wet depths up between her thighs. She tossed about jerkily beneath him and he watched her hands fight a losing battle with one another… until suddenly they were clenching at his hair in desperation, lewdly struggling to pull him further and further into her loins. Her whimpers became moans, then outright cries of rapture as he continued to plunge his tongue deep into the searing, depths of her delighted cunt. What little control she had managed to exercise had disappeared. Now her buttocks were jerking and convulsing of their own accord beneath his lewdly thrusting tongue that was shooting erotic jolts of never before known sensation through her unfulfilled body. She felt his tongue flick from her vagina downward toward the secret, tiny, puckered little hole of her anus! She wanted to scream… but instead, she moaned in erotic bliss at the sudden, wet, seething contact of his pleasure giving tongue with the forbidden, sensitive opening. She closed her eyes and licked at her lips in sensual enchantment. "Oh… ooohhhhh… ooooochhhhhh," she chanted ecstatically. "Y-you… you filthy… filthy… ooohhhhh… no…" she moaned, even as she rolled her hips and tried in helpless abandon to screw her tormented cunt back up onto his stiff probing tongue. "Oh… ooohhhh… my God!" she coughed, dropping her head back and letting it flail from side to side, her helplessness and debasement still actively strong within her, even as her buttocks jerked and writhed at the delicious sensation racing wildly through her whole body. "Oooohhh…" she gasped further, again raising her head to gape down at his evilly distorted face licking so hotly between her upraised thighs. "Please… oh please stop… Don't… don't…" she begged, the horrifying realization dawning upon her that the words tumbling from her lips were false… for she did not want him to stop! And he licked on at her openly spread loins while her soft white body trembled and spasmed uncontrollably beneath the overpowering assault at the raw nerve ends of her pulsating cunt; her clenched teeth, fists and determination could no longer do anything to hold back the wanton throes of sensual bliss that had seized complete domination over her. There was no fight left in her… he was bringing her intense rapture, the likes of which she had never before dreamed! Her voluptuously sensitive body had secretly cried out too long for fulfillment! "Oooooh… OOOHHHHH, dear God! Y-Yes… yes…! Do it… do it! Lick my cunt! Suck it… please… do things to me… oooohhh!" she moaned lewdly, her shamelessly aroused flesh quivering and twitching beneath his long, hot tongue. She raised her hips to him, her wet, squirming loins submitting in complete servitude. Her hands clutched at his hair as she cried out from the very depths of her soul, all else but the bliss of the moment finally obliterated from her mind as she tried to pull his face in tighter to the throbbing, widespread hole between her legs while the near insane delight of lust-filled enchantment captured complete charge over her. Moses raised his head quickly from her burning loins, and hissed at her sadistically, "Are you begging me, Venus, are you begging me now?" "Yes… Please… suck me… make me cum… I'm almost theeeerrrreeee…" Moses laughed cruelly, and threw his mouth once more around her pulsating cuntal lips, his own cock now so painfully hard he felt like he would burst at any moment and spew his white hot load all over the oak floor. Goddamn, he thought to himself wildly, I'm going to make this little batch cum just by sucking her and then I'm going to ram my cock in her mouth until she chokes!!!! If only there was time! He already felt his sperm bloated balls beginning to rumble with the aching of his own imminent release. Suddenly he felt Ann thrust her fiery loins hard up against his lewdly working face, as she arched her back high off the floor in unbearable ecstasy. "OOOoooohhhh… Gooooddddd… It's heeeeeere… I'm cumming… God in heaven… I'm cuuummmmiiinnnggg… Aaaaaggghhhhhhh…" Ann's thrashing legs wrapped themselves tightly around Moses' passionately bobbing head as a mind-shattering burst of sensation swept over her passionately tensed body like a crashing tidal wave, sweeping her consciousness before it with the unbelievable force of its coming. Her hands wound in his long hair and pulled his mouth up rightly against her wildly thrashing cunt, almost drowning him in the sudden flow of female moisture that gushed from her vaginal cavity out around his lips and chin. Quickly he raised himself from between her legs, and swung his throbbing, aching, cock over her tossing head, thrusting it in one motion down into her contorted face. "Take it, Venus, take it in your mouth and suck!!!! Suck hard!!!!" Her mind completely gone with the force of her passion, Ann could only focus her eyes on the beautiful shaft of flesh peering down at her from the darkness of Moses' pubic hair. Hungrily, without thinking, she grasped the massive pillar and brought with a rush into her awaiting mouth and sucked it wildly in time with the jerking convulsions of her own going on climax. She felt Moses thrusting himself brutally down onto her face, once, twice, five times, and then before she realized what was happening, her mouth was filled with his hot, burning cum, choking her, forcing her to swallow wildly in an attempt to keep up with his insanely spewing cock. Above her, Moses rolled his eyes triumphantly toward the ceiling, his hands wrapped in Ann's hair, his mind a total blank except for the unbelievable sensation of emptying his whole body into the wetly sucking mouth of the defenseless young woman skewered so obscenely beneath his plunging cock. He felt wave after wave of boiling cum flow out of him, convulsing his aching loins mercilessly, making his whole body shudder as though his sperm were being squeezed out of his bloated balls by some overpowering suction device. And then, after jerking his rapidly deflating penis a few more times into Ann's now passive mouth, he rolled off her onto his back, and closed his eyes, sighing with pleasure. As soon as he was off her, Ann rolled away from him and jumped to her feet in panic, grabbed her dress and threw it on her trembling body. Her own fantastic climax was already forgotten as she realized what Moses had done to her. The ultimate degradation! Oh God, she had had his… thing… in her own mouth, and even sucked it, and now her stomach was full of the lewd loot sperm he had loosed into the back of her throat! Ann's brain reeled in total shame and revulsion. There was nothing worse than that! Nothing!!! Except for the lingering taste of his seed on her tongue, she might have thought it was just a terrible nightmare. But it wasn't a nightmare – it was true! And it had happened to her!!! She felt shamefully used and debased beyond belief, whorish to the very depths of her soul, and knew that she could never again feel so completely debauched as she did at that moment. She stared down in horror at the man lying on the floor below her, his face smiling up at her as though they were two lovers having just given themselves to one another. But Ann knew that what she had just done, what Moses had just done to her, was as far from love as night is from day. And yet she didn't hate him… she couldn't hate him, because he was so obviously a sick, sick man. And so, as she stood there, her eyes wide with revulsion at what she had done, all her hate was turned in on her own soul with relentless force. She had turned and stumbled toward the door. She didn't even hear Moses calling to her as she threw open the door and ran outside, tripping on the step and falling headlong onto the ground. She picked herself up hysterically, and forced her unwilling legs to carry her away, desperately, hopelessly seeking a haven where she could rest her tired body and forget the shame that coursed through her whole being. As she ran up the path away from Moses cabin, there was only one thought in her churning mind. Lani, you've got to help me… please God… I'm sick… I'm sick… help me… |