"Sold into slavery" - читать интересную книгу автора (Richmond Charles)


All through the week Serena looked after Susan's ass and pussy, and after each doctoring session Serena would have Susan get down on her knees and use her tongue until Serena climaxed. Other than the sessions with Serena, Susan read most of the time and anticipated what was going to happen to her in the upcoming Saturday show.

The day came around all too fast for Susan, and Saturday morning the man Serena had called Adam swung the heavy metal door open. It was mid afternoon and Susan thought it was much too early for them to be coming after her.

Adam stepped over to the cot where Susan sat and looked down at her.

"Time for the matinee performance, cunt. I've brought your outfit." He dropped a bag on the cot. "Get your make-up on, get dressed, and be ready to go in twenty five minutes."

Adam left almost as quickly as he had come. She went to the dresser and began with her hair, then she busied herself applying her makeup. She knew she had to look good. Once her makeup was in place she moved over to the bag Adam had left and emptied its contents on the bed.

Susan looked in astonishment at what little there was. It looked like they must have forgotten something. All that lay there was straps and small bits of leather. Then she noticed a small booklet in the bag. She reached in and pulled it out. As she opened it, she saw that it was a book of instructions on how to wear the leather straps. One by one she hooked buckles, snapped snaps, and finally the garment was on.

A leather collar ran around her neck with two straps dropping from the front center of the collar down to two small circles of soft leather covering her nipples. Straps ran around her back from the nipple coverings to buckle in the middle of her back, and two straps dropped from the bottom of each circle of leather down to a belt, which cinched tightly about her waist. Two more straps dropped own from the leather belt and ran down to the crotch-piece where they snapped one on top of the other.

The crotch-piece consisted of three straps all coming together just above her pussy-lips. And again just beyond the bottoms of her cunt lips. And another strap snapped to the lower part of the crotch-piece and ran up through the crack of her ass to a buckle on the waist cincher in the middle of her back.

Just as she had finished buckling the last buckle in the middle of her back, the door opened and Adam came in. He walked around her, inspecting every inch of her body. He looked down at the crotch-piece and frowned.

"That's not tight enough," he said, and walked around behind her and unbuckled the strap from the waist-cincher.

Roughly, he pulled the strap through the buckle, tightening up the crotch-piece between Susan's legs. The straps bit harshly into her cunt-lips and the center strap pulled up into her cunt. Again he tugged at the strap, almost lifting Susan from her feet as she went up on tiptoe.

"Ohhhhh! It's too tight!" she whined.

"Shut the fuck up, cunt, you'll wear it as tight as I want you to wear it!" He gave it another tug, then buckled it in place.

Stepping back around in front of Susan, he looked down at the straps cutting deeply into her crotch and the pussy-lips protruding lewdly out from between the straps.

"Yeah, Mr. Rowdy will like that," he said, and roughly shoved Susan toward the door.

Susan sat in the little room waiting for her turn to go on. The crotch-straps hurt and bit at her pussy and the ones on the outsides of her cuntlips dug deep into the flesh, cutting her.

Suddenly the door opened.

"Come on, bitch, it's time for you to go on now," the tall man, whose name was Ken, said.

"Yes, Master." She stood up, feeling the crotch-piece bite into her cunt.

Ken hooked a chain to a silver ring imbedded in the collar around her neck and led her out. She followed him meekly up the steps to the doorway to the stage. The man opened the door and Susan just caught a brief glance of another girl being led off through the door on the opposite side of the stage. She couldn't help but notice the red stripes and welts crisscrossing the girl's back just as the door closed.

Susan looked out into the audience. She knew the men were waiting for the next act and were hoping it would be just as good as the previous one. She knew the pain was about to begin and she tried to steel her mind for what she knew was coming.

Ken led her out to the center of the stage just as the door across stage was opening and the short muscular man, whose name was Doug, came out to join them. Doug was carrying what looked to be two shiny balls about the size of grapefruits. Each ball had a wire hanging from it. He placed the balls down by the edge of the stage and then stepped back.

Ken leaned down beside Susan and began fondling her cunt-lips, which stuck out between the pieces of leather. He looked out at the audience. "They look pretty good, don't they?"

The audience laughed and applauded, their eyes trained on the pouting straps cutting into the girl's cunt.

"What do you say we stretch them out a little more?" Ken smiled at the audience.

Again applause rang out through the audience.

Ken stood up and looked at Susan. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Susan could already anticipate the pain, but knew what her answer had to be. "Yes, Master. Whatever you wish."

Ken patted her exposed ass-flesh. "That's my little slut."

Now it was Doug's turn to get into the act. He picked up the balls and moved to center stage, holding the balls out toward the audience, he said, "These are lead balls. Each ball weighs five pounds, and when attached right here," he indicated Susan's protruding cunt lips, "…they can really stretch on what you see."

"Spread your legs, bitch," Ken shouted.

"Yes, Master." Susan did as she was told. With her legs spread as far apart as she could get them, she could feel the straps pressing farther up into her pussy and cutting with more force along each side of her cunt-lips.

She felt Doug's fingers on her cunt-lips, rubbing them up and down. She looked down and saw two alligator clips with sharp teeth being opened. Both alligator clips were about to be attached to her left cunt-lip. Each clip had a wire running to a tiny metal ring, which was attached to the thin strand of wire running to the five-pound ball.

"Yyyyyyeeeeeeeiiiaaee!" Susan screeched as the teeth of the clips bit into her cunt-lip. She felt like thousands of needles had just been pushed through her pussy-lips. "Aaaaiiieeeee!"

Two more clips were attached to her other cunt-lip, biting deeply into the flesh.

"No, no, no, I can't stand them! Please, take them off! Oh God, help me!"

"This isn't the worst, cunt," Ken said. "Now you're going to have to dance for the gentlemen."

"I can't! I can't!" Susan cried.

"Are you telling us that you won't do it?" Doug smiled as he looked up at her.

"No! No, I'll try, I really will, Master!"

"That's better," Doug said.

Suddenly music came on in the background. It was a fast and loud.

"Dance, cunt!"

With the pain shooting up through her pussy like a flame had been touched to her flesh, she began moving her legs. She felt the balls bounce as Ken released them.

"Noooooooo! Aaaaarrrrrrrghhhhh!" she groaned as the balls jerked unmercifully at her cunt-lips, stretching them straight down. She thought the balls would tear her cunt-lips right off of her body.

"Dance!" Doug yelled.

Her feet moved slowly as the audience booed and jeered at her.

"Goddammit, I said dance!"

A long lash swished out through the air aimed at Susan's jiggling ass.

"Gaaaaaaaagggggh!" she screamed as the lash bit into her tender flesh. "Aaaaiiiieeeee!"

"You'll dance faster and raise those legs up or you'll continue getting the whip," Ken shouted from behind her.

She moved her feet and raised her legs faster.

"Unngh… unnnngh… unnnnngh!" she grunted as the lead balls jerked at her tortured pussy, pulling at her cunt-lips, jerking them to the left, the right, down, and every way her body moved.

The audience began clapping to the fast beat of the music as they watched Susan's cunt-lips jerk from side to side and straight down.

"Umrnmph… ummmph… ummmph!" Susan groaned, dancing in a sea of agony pain shooting up into her body from her stretched pussy-lips.

The dance continued for almost three minutes before the music finally ended. The applause and cheers from the audience rang through the large room. They had been pleased by her performance, but she could only feel the pain tearing at her cunt.

She stood there waiting for another song to come on, but Doug stepped to her side, knelt and unclipped the alligator clips from her stretched cunt-lips. When they came off, she let out a resounding scream as blood filled the pinched-up areas the teeth had bitten into. Small dots of blood seeped out of the tiny marks.

Ken busied himself with the buckles connecting the straps of her outfit until he had them all undone. He removed the harness-like outfit, tossing it to the side of the stage and leaving her completely naked in front of the audience.

A large tub was brought out onto the stage. The tub was made of clear plastic so the audience would be able to see into it.

"Now get over there and lie down on in the tub!" Doug yelled.

"Yes, Master," Susan said, and moved over to the tub. She stepped over the two-foot high side and sat down.

She listened as Ken looked out at the audience and asked them if anyone had to take a piss. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, but she knew exactly what was coming.

Almost every man in the audience raised his hand.

"Each of you should get in hue near the stairs," Ken said, and almost as one the men in the audience stood up and headed for the stairs at the left side of the stage.

"Okay, gentlemen, step this way!" The man at the head of the line came up the stairs, followed by everyone behind him. There were five chairs placed around the plastic tub, and five men from the audience climbed up on them. Each man unzipped his pants and took his cock out, aiming at Susan's naked body.

"You will keep your arms behind you, and your head raised, Susan. You are not to close your mouth at any time," Ken said.

"Please, Master, don't let them piss on me! Please."

"It's this or the whip, now which would you prefer?"

"This, Master."

"Then beg them to begin pissing on you. Beg them to piss in your mouth, on your tits, on your cunt."

Susan looked around at the five men waiting eagerly to let their piss flow. "Please, gentlemen, please piss on me! I want your piss in my face, in my mouth, on my tits, and I want to feel your piss splashing against my cunt!"

Susan saw the cock in front of her drip and then let loose with a steady stream of the yellow liquid. The stream splashed against one nipple, and then she felt four more streams splattering over every part of her body. It was splashing into her cunt, on her tits, and a stream even found its way into her mouth. She gurgled as the piss streamed into her mouth and slid down her throat. She swallowed the foul-tasting liquid. She felt the stinking piss spilling out over her lips when she couldn't swallow fast enough.

As one man emptied his bladder he was replaced by a second, a third, a fourth, as the pissing went on and on. It seemed like it was an unending stream of piss bathing her entire body. Soon she was sitting in almost six inches of the yellow waste, and the smell was awful.

Piss dripped out of her hair and onto her face, squirted at her eyes and shot up her nose. There was no part of her body that wasn't coated by the streams gushing over her naked body. She sputtered and spit and swallowed as stream after stream slapped at her face and shot into her mouth.

To Susan, it seemed an eternity before the last man spilled his last drop of piss and shook his prick, getting the last drops to splatter against her soaked body before he tucked his cock back inside his pants and stepped off the chair.

"Okay, cunt, get out of there," Doug shouted.

Susan stood up, grabbing hold of the sides of the plastic tub.

"Get back there in the shower!" Doug said, pointing to a stainless steel booth far back in the corner of the stage.

She walked back to the booth and stepped in. Suddenly a stinging spray of cold water hit her. Doug handed her a small bar of soap.

She was allowed just enough time to soap herself, rinse, and run the water through her hair before Doug, holding a large bath towel, ordered her out. She stepped out and was briskly rubbed dry. Then he tossed the towel down beside the shower stall and led Susan back to the front of the stage.

"It's now that time you've all been waiting for, gentlemen," Doug said, and looking to the side of the stage, he made a motion for someone to come out.

Ken led a tall redhead out onto the stage. Susan looked at the girl and could tell by the look in her eyes that she was another slave. The girl had large tits, a narrow waist, and long lovely legs. She was naked.

"There are the two you will bid on for three days of pleasure in the privacy of your own home. You have seen both girls in action and only the girl receiving the highest bid will actually be rented out. The other girl – well, I'm sure we'll find something for her as punishment for not being a winner."

Susan and the red-headed girl stood side by side as the bidding for their services began. At first the redhead was bringing a higher price in the bidding, but within minutes bidding got higher and higher for Susan, and it wasn't long before the word sold rang out.

Susan had brought three thousand dollars. She couldn't believe that any one would pay that much to just rent a girl for three days.

The redhead was led off stage while Ken brought the leather strap outfit over and began putting it back on Susan.

"Arrrrrrggggggh!" she groaned as the strap running up through the crack of her ass was tugged down hard through the back buckle. The crotch-piece cut up into her swollen pussy-lips.

Suddenly Susan was lifted up on her toes by a fierce tug on the strap. Pain stabbed at her crotch like needles of fire.

Last came a dog leash snapped to her collar. The man rose from his chair, a big smile on his face, and moved up on the stage to accept the leash.

"Come on, cunt, you're mine for the next three days, and I just know Lucy is going to love you!" He gave a sharp tug on the leash, jerking Susan toward him, and they went back to the man's chair in the audience.

Susan sat on his lap and was constantly fondled while another girl Susan hadn't seen before was being lifted from the floor of the stage, her hands bound above her by a rope.

Susan watched the scene unfolding up on the stage with fascination. She had been through awful pain. She had been humiliated and disgraced, and now for the first time she was seeing it done to another girl. There was something about seeing a female body hanging there helplessly stretched taut by her own weight, waiting to be punished for the enjoyment of others, that gave a tug at Susan's stomach.

Susan caught a glimpse of the stage door on the left opening, and a huge man with a hairy chest strolled onto the stage. In his hand he carried a coiled black whip. He moved to within six feet of the naked girl and let the end of the whip fall to the floor, then he looked out over the audience.

"Gentlemen, our slave Betty has decided that today she wants the whip," he said, and looked at the girl. "Isn't that right, Betty?"

The naked, suspended girl raised her head and looked at the big man.

"Yes, Master," she said loudly.

Susan gasped as fingers pinched her puffy cunt-lips and pulled on them. The pain ran up into her loins, but her eyes remained fixed on the suspended girl.

"And just how many do you think you should have, Betty?" the big man asked.

"Twenty-five, Master," the girl said.

"And just where should those twenty-five be?" the man asked.

"Ten on my ass, Master. Ten on my back, and five on my tits, Master."

"And if I give you the twenty-five where you say, what will you do for the men in the audience?"

"You may choose as many as you wish, Master, and I will be obliged to let them use my cunt, asshole, or mouth in any way they desire."

"Does that meet with your approval?" he asked, looking out at the audience.

Applause and shouts of approval roared all around Susan as the man on stage flipped the long whip back and with a sudden forward motion of his arm and a flick of his wrist snapped it toward the suspended girl.

Susan heard a scream of agony erupt as the end of the whip hit the girl's back. As the whip pulled away, Susan saw a deep red stripe crossing from shoulder to shoulder on the girl's back. The girl's body jerked and swayed as the whip flew forward again, bringing a second shout of agony as it snapped loudly across her back.

Ten times the long black whip cracked across the girl's upper body and ten times across the cheeks of the girl's ass, each time bringing a scream of pain tearing from the girl's throat.

The girl was then turned to face the audience and Susan saw the expression of anguish, the tears of wracking pain seeping from the girl's eyes and dropping down onto her big tits.

The whip flashed forward through the air and landed directly across the girl's tits. Her scream echoed through the room and Susan blanched as if the whip had just cut across her own tits, which were now being fondled and squeezed by the man who had rented her.

Five strokes cut into the heaving girl's tits, leaving red welts and several cuts.

Then Ken moved over in front of the swaying girl's body. He held up a wet towel and placed it over the girl's tits. The girl screamed, and Susan knew that the towel probably held a mixture of salt and water.

Slowly the crank was turned and the girl was lowered, but her legs would not hold her. She sank down to her knees, sobbing.

"Are you ready to serve your masters and their cocks?" Ken asked.

Tears ran down the girl's cheeks as she looked up at the tall man. "Yes, Master."

Ten men were selected at random from the audience and the girl was ass-fucked, cunt-fucked, and mouth-fucked before being carried from the stage.