"Ranch Roundup Family Style" - читать интересную книгу автора (Conley Carl)

Chapter 2

Lydia Phillips had called her husband, the manager of a large supermarket in East Orange, at work and told him to" get his ass home immediately. "She had just received a letter from Jerri.

They hadn't realized Jerri had disappeared until just the day before when a gossip column editor from one of the New York newspapers called to ask if they had heard from Jerri. They were shocked to find that their daughter was missing from the city. Where had she gone? What was she doing? Was she abducted? Hardly, Lydia figured, since her daughter had been able to sell all her things and buy a car.

In any case, Lydia and Ray were worried. They told their son Dave to go to New York and try his best to find out what happened to his sister and where she was. He was in the city when the letter arrived.

Ray Phillips, a slightly balding man of fifty-three, entered the front door of his house only to find his wife pacing the length of the living room. Lydia Phillips was a large woman, younger by five years than her husband, who was given either to yelling or crying in an upsetting situation.

"She's in New Mexico!" Lydia screamed as Ray walked into the room. "She's a hippie! My daughter, a hippie!" And she burst into tears and sat in a chair.

Ray grabbed the letter from his tearful wife's hand and began to read it. His expression changed from surprise to rage as he finished.

"What the hell is this? Living in the hills of New Mexico? Fed up with the commercialism of New York! Fed up with rules and appointments and creepy people!"

"The boy! Read about the boy!" Lydia screamed.

"I read, I read. Damn hippie, she thinks she's in love. New Mexico. Can you believe it?" Ray sat in a chair facing his wife.

"Ray, such disgrace! I won't be able to look the bridge club girls in the eye. My daughter, on the brink of stardom, and what does she do? She goes nutty and runs off to the other side of the world! Where did we fail?" She blew her nose into her crocheted handkerchief.

"Where did she go wrong?" Ray muttered, tossing the letter to the coffee table.

They sat there for a long time, in silence.

Finally, the door opened and their son, Dave, and his wife, Tracey, entered.

"What's wrong?" Dave asked, immediately sensing the mood in the room.

"Oh, my son!" Lydia cried and held out her arms. Dave looked at Tracey, imagining his sister had been killed or something, and then ran to his mother.

"Mom, tell me, what's happened?"

"It's terrible," she sobbed, holding Dave in her arms," I can hardly say it. You tell him, Ray."

"Son," Ray said as Dave turned to him," your sister is…"

"Yes," Dave urged.

"A hippie!"

Tracey almost began to laugh. Dave stared at his father in amazement. "What?" he asked.

"She's gone off to some canyon in New Mexico with that dizzy Carol and she's planning on starting some damn commune or something!. She's got some longhair living with her."

"Jesus Christ," Dave said, rising from his mother's arms. He didn't know if he thought Jerri was right or wrong. He was just surprised that she had done such a thing. Tracey envied her as soon as she heard it. She never trusted anyone in the commercial jungle of New York. She was happy Jerri had run away.

"You mean she gave it all up? She just said screw it and walked out?"

"Yes," Lydia said, blowing her nose again.

"Far out!" Dave said.

The family moaned and groaned about their daughter for hours, and after supper they finally decided on a course of action.

"Son, you must go bring her back," Ray said to Dave.

"Bring her back? What about my job at the store?"

"Never mind, I'll keep paying you. You're the only one who can talk to her… "Ray insisted.

"Bullshit! We never had a deep discussion in our lives," Dave protested.

"Well, we can't go! Who else can?" Ray said.

"You must go, darling," Lydia pleaded. "I can't imagine this will last. You have to talk some sense into her before it's too late. Tell her New York wants her, tell her she can't just throw away a career like that! Tell her we won't allow it!" Lydia began crying again.

"Mother, stop bawling. Okay, listen, we'll go. All right, Tracey?"

Tracey smiled. "Sure, I'm not working anyway and I love to travel. We'll pretend it's another honeymoon. The first one wasn't so great anyway-Niagara Falls, ugh!"

Dave laughed. "Yeah, you're right. All that rain. At least it won't be pouring in New Mexico."

"Oh, David, I know you'll do it!" Lydia said, drying her eyes.

"I'll make plane reservations in the morning," Ray said.

Dave looked at Tracey and grinned. He hated working for his father anyway. It could prove to be fun.

Three days later, Dave and Tracey landed at Albuquerque's Sunport and rented a yellow Mustang. As they checked the map for the highway leading to Santa Fe, Tracey asked her husband what he really thought about his sister leaving her career in New York.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I think it's pretty neat, you know, daring and all that. She gave up a lot of fame and money, but maybe that's not important to her. It never was to me. I just want to be happy and have kids and spend the rest of my life with you."

"Ditto," Tracey winked. She was an attractive girl with curly light brown hair and brown eyes. They made an attractive couple. As Jerri was a stunning woman, her brother was a handsome young man. He was tall and dark and had a boyish quality that made him seem younger than he actually was. He was twenty-three but he could easily have passed for eighteen.

"Well, we're off," Dave said, fastening his safety belt.

"I'm excited," Tracey said, looking out the window into the New Mexican sunshine as the car sped off up the highway.

Carol had finished washing the breakfast dishes, and came into the yard behind the house to help Russell and Jerri fix the fence. Russell was hammering nails into the pieces of wood as Jerri held them in place. Carol greeted them and took hold of one of the boards, relieving Jerri.

"Thanks, Carol Wow, this kind of work I've never done. Feels good though. And with the organic foods we've been eating, well be the healthiest trio on earth."

"Horniest too, Jerri!" Carol said. Russell and Jerri turned to look at her. "Oh, I mean I'll be the horniest. Hell, you two have been getting it on every night since I've been here and I haven't had so much as a feel from any guy!"

Russell and Jerri laughed. So Carol knew! They could hardly have expected her not to know, but still it came as somewhat of a shock to them.

"Just think how great it's gonna be when it does happen!" Russell kidded, still hammering at the fence.

"Yeah, but it had better happen soon or I'll be fucking that hammer one of these days," Carol giggled.

Russell stopped pounding and took the shaft of the hammer and placed it between Carol's legs. "That might be fun," he said, looking into her eyes.

Carol looked at Jerri, for approval of some sort, wondering if there would be any jealousy if she pursued the conversation. Jerri was calm. She smiled.

Russell withdrew the hammer from Carol's crotch and placed his hand there instead. She lifted one leg as she held on to the fence, and he rubbed her crotch with his large hand. Jerri moved behind Russell and wrapped her arms around him, placing her hands on his zipper. In a second she opened it and his long soft cock fell from his pants. She took it in her hand as Carol looked down and gasped. "Wow, you're big," she said, feeling his hand pressing against her pussy.

"Wait till he gets hard!" Jerri said, grasping his now stiffening cock in her right hand. As it filled with blood, she began to stroke it. It doubled its size in minutes.

Russell continued rubbing Carol's crotch until the girl could hold her leg in the air no longer. She stood leaning against the fence and quickly opened her jeans and pulled them to her knees. She wasn't wearing any underpants. Her pussy was exposed in the morning sunlight, in front of Russell's hard cock which Jerri was still stroking from behind.

Carol held tight to the fence with her hands as she kicked her* pants down to the ground. She pulled her boot off by lifting it against the fence, pulling her foot out as she pressed the shoe against the wood. Then she worked one leg free and spread her legs. Russell's fingers found the lips of her pussy and began to stroke them.

Jerri opened Russell's pants as he touched Carol's pussy and she pulled them down to his knees. She brought her hand around to cup his balls, as her other hand stroked his long hard cock. She pressed her body against his naked buttocks and kissed his back with her soft lips.

Russell knelt down in front of Carol Jerri moved with the boy, still holding to his cock. She brought the hand that had been cupping his balls around to his ass, stroked it, and then moved her fingers along the crack, under him, till she rubbed the hard cleft of his asshole and finally his hanging balls.

Russell's fingertips spread the lips of Carol's cunt before his face as he lifted his parted lips to them. He licked lightly along each side and then drove his face hard into her cunt, sticking his tongue as deep into her as it would go, holding her hips in his hands.

Carol braced herself on the fence, spreading her legs as far a» she could. She felt the boy's tongue expertly flicking at the hard bud of her clitoris, which sent sensations of pleasure up her spine. She watched his head bobbing between her legs and then closed her eyes as the sunlight and pleasure lifted her to a world of unreal sensation.

Jerri moved her body around to Russell's side and put her head between Carol's legs and Russell's body. His cock stood up, inches from her lips. She opened her mouth and let her tongue swirl around the tip of the purplish organ, and then fitted her lips over the end and slid her mouth down over the long hard shaft. Russell moaned as he felt the warmth of her mouth kissing the length of his penis.

Carol grasped the fence tightly as she threw her head back in a hard snap-she was coming and she felt as if she was going to fall to the ground. The sensation of the boy's hard forked tongue on her throbbing clit was too much for her! She let her juices fall down the wails of her pussy and into his hungry, sucking mouth. Russell eagerly lapped up every last drop as he felt his own cum building inside his loins.

Russell pulled his head away from Carol's young wet cunt as he neared climax. He rolled onto his back, in the sandy soil, and lifted his buttocks into the air which drove his cock all the way into Jerri's throat. Carol immediately fell to her knees and started licking at the boy's huge balls which were bouncing with each of Jerri's sucking strokes.

Jerri sucked harder and harder, in perfect up and down movements, holding the base of his cock in her hand. Carol licked furiously at his balls, feeling his coarse hair against her tongue, smelling the musty masculine scent that rose from his loins. The girls worked and worked as Russell squirmed on the ground, in the hot sunlight, feeling as if his cock would burst any moment!

"Oh, that's it! Yes… yes… yes! I'm coming! Suck me hard!" Russell screamed and smashed his boots into the soil as his arms moved wildly at his sides. His as amp; ground into the dirt as he felt Jerri's head push against him, sending his cock halfway down her throat.

As soon as the tip of his penis hit the back of her mouth, the first spurt of cum warmed her mouth. Jerri pulled back, holding his cock directly toward the sky, so the cum would dribble down his balls to Carol's hungry lips below.

Carol looked up to see a river of white liquid pouring from Jerri's moist lips which were fitted around the shaft of the boy's big cock. The semen ran down his balls and Carol licked every drop, savoring the taste of the bittersweet fluid as she swallowed.

Jerri sucked hard and swallowed again and again as the throbbing penis filled her mouth with the largest amount of cum she had ever seen or taken in her lips. She felt it bursting from the tip, splashing against the roof of her mouth, over her white teeth, her lips, and down the long organ to her girl friend below.

Finally, it stopped, Russell's body was relieved of its spasms and Carol lifted her head, rubbing his balls with her hands. Jerri pulled her head from the length of his cock and let the organ rest against his belly. She sat up straight and tall and pushed her hair over her shoulders.

Russell sat up and then immediately jumped to his feet between the two girls. He offered his hand to both of them and they too jumped up and stood at his sides. It was then that they saw their audience.

Dave and Tracey were standing at the side of the house, frozen. Russell and Carol, both with their bodies half naked, looked at them in shock. Jerri looked at them in complete disbelief.

There was nothing to do but greet them. Jerri started across the yard as Russell pulled his jeans up and Carol started getting into hers.

Dave mustered up a smile as Jerri neared them. Tracey just stood there, still frozen. Jerri wondered how long they had been watching.

"Dave," Jerri said," I'm sorry. We didn't hear you drive up."

"Oh, well listen, that's okay," Dave said, obviously very embarrassed for his sister and his wife.

"Wait," Jerri said firmly," I'm going to be very honest with you. We were having sex and I'm not ashamed of it. We were sucking Russell off, actually, if you want to know the truth."

Tracey turned to her. "Yes, we know," she said, in a somewhat biting tone.

"I just want you to know there are no secrets here. Sex is part of life and it's a damn good part and we do it when and where we like, so you'll just have to accept it."

"Wait a minute, Sis, you sound like we're going to be living here or something!"

Jerri knew from the moment she first saw her brother that he had been sent by her parents to straighten her out. She was ready for him, for his questions, for his pleas. All through supper Dave tried to find reasons why she should come back to New York, but none of them were of any importance to Jerri. She tried to explain that she didn't WANT to live in New York, she didn't WANT to be a model any longer, she didn't WANT to please her parents. What she did want was to please herself.

After supper, with the help of the fireplace and some good grass, Dave and Tracey warmed up and stopped arguing with Jerri. Finally, when Dave again told Jerri she should move back to New York, Jerri responded with the ultimate answer.

"Why should I? Really, David, you give me one good reason why I should go back there. You give me one good reason why even you should go back there!"

Dave suddenly came to the realization that he didn't have a reason to go back. He looked at Tracey and knew she was thinking the same thing. She had always said she had wanted a farm and land and a place to raise children far from the hustle and bustle of the big city. Here it was, a farm in New Mexico.

"Stay," Jerri merely said.

"You'll love it," Carol said.

"Man, give it a few days. If it doesn't seem to be your thing, then you'll know. But give it a chance," Russell said quietly and knowingly.

"Tracey, what do you think?" Dave asked.

"Maybe we should give it a chance," she replied softly, with a slow hope in her eyes.

"Okay," Dave said.

The next few days were spent working around the ranch, talking late into the night, singing in front of the fire as Tracey played her guitar. A freedom was emerging in each of them. Honesty was the key to their lives together and with each minute they began to feel not like friends, not like brother and sister and sister-in-law and lover and roommate-they began to feel a closeness like a new family, a people, a tribe. And that's what they began calling themselves: THE TRIBE.

And in three days Tracey and Dave had made up their minds. When they arrived Tracey was wearing hot pants and boots and a knit blouse. Dave was wearing pressed pants and a short sleeve shirt. Three days later Tracey was walking around in a long peasant dress, barefoot, and Dave was wearing jeans for the first time in his life. A change had come over them. They decided to stay.

Dave and Jerri wrote a joint letter to their parents, explaining their position, asking for love and understanding, and begging that they be left alone. They told their parents they were a tribe now and that they were embarking on a whole new way of life.

They drove the rented Mustang into Santa Fe, dropped it off at the rental office there, mailed the letter, picked up some supplies and drove to the ranch. And the tribe spent a quiet evening at home.