"Ranch Roundup Family Style" - читать интересную книгу автора (Conley Carl)

Chapter 8

Russell woke up early the next day, feeling cold. He jumped out of bed and stood naked at the window. It was raining so hard he could barely see beyond the back fence. He slid his jeans on and went into the living room to start a fire.

As he piled logs into the fireplace, the rain continued to beat down on the roof. Suddenly he realized he was hearing a dripping sound near him. He looked around and discovered drops of rain falling from the ceiling onto the top of the old piano.

He went into the kitchen and returned with a pot from under the sink. The noise the water made hitting the metal was irritating, so Russell grabbed a towel and put it in the pot-the water hit it without a sound. As soon as he had the fire roaring, he searched the ceiling for any other possible leaks. But there were none to be found.

Russell made himself a cup of coffee and sat in front of the fireplace, warming himself. The rain continued to fall.

"Hi," Jerri said, standing in her robe near the hallway. "What a change in weather!"

"I woke up freezing," Russell said. "That's what it's like in these canyons. Especially now, in the autumn. Actually, we've been having pretty warm weather for this time of year."

"Burr," Jerri said as she crossed to the kitchen," I'm cold!" She poured herself a cup of hot coffee and returned to the living room and sat on the floor next to Russell.

"Guess what?" Jerri said.

"What?" Russell replied.

"Tracey thinks she's pregnant. She told me last night, just before we went to bed. Isn't that great?"

"Really? Oh, yeah, sure. Is she sure?"

"Pretty much. She hasn't told Dave yet. We're going to see the doctor in Taos this afternoon, just to be certain. "Jerri sipped her coffee.

"Hey, is it Dave's?" Russell asked in alarm.

"Well, of course it's Dave's!"

"How can she be sure?"

"Women have a way of knowing things like that, silly," Jerri announced knowingly.

"Oh," Russell murmured, smiling. He thought about it for a minute. "Wow, a baby! Wouldn't it be fantastic to have a kid here-I mean, think how spoiled it would be!"

"Yeah, I'm afraid so. Tracey's so happy. She'll make a good mother. "Jerri stretched out on the floor.

"She will, she will," Russell said, stretching. "What time is it?"

"About seven," Jerri answered.

"Jesus Christ, I'm going back to bed. I was having the neatest erotic dream when the rain woke me…"

Jerri giggled. "Okay, you go back to bed and when you're ready to come, just yell out in your sleep and I'll come suck you off."

"Promise?" Russell said, standing up.

"Promise," Jerri replied, looking up at him.

Russell walked down the hall to his room and flopped back into his bed.

Jerri lay in front of the fireplace, watching the rain spatter on the window. Even the rain in New Mexico was different, she thought. It didn't have all that dirt and pollution in it that the New York skies had. Rain fell clear, clean, refreshing. Jerri resisted the impulse to dash out into it and run nude over the field. It was too cold for that. She couldn't believe they had just had a nude picnic the day before.

Jerri began to doze off in front of the steady-burning fire when she was suddenly jolted awake by a face in the window. In the midst of the terrible rain, a man's face appeared in the window. She sat up. Her first impulse was to run and tell Russell, but she didn't, She saw the face move away and then heard a knock at the door.

Jerri opened it and there on the little porch, dripping wet, was a long-haired boy, dressed in jeans and an old coat, with a pack slung over his back, looking hungry and cold.

"Can… can I come in? I just need to warm up, man, you know?"

Jerri smiled and opened the door farther. The boy walked inside and stood looking at Jerri as she closed the door. She turned to him and stood motionless for a moment, her tongue twisted. She had never been so taken with anyone in her life as she was with her first sight of the boy. He looked like he was about twenty, tall, slim, rugged, and extremely handsome. He had high, firm cheekbones and dark blue eyes and a thick moustache. It was the age-old story of love at first sight.

The feeling was mutual. Never in a million years did the boy expect to find a beautiful young girl with shaggy chestnut hair and a warm smile greeting him on a rainy October morning. He was shocked when she opened the door, and even more shocked when he stepped inside and took a good look at her shapely figure under the tight robe. He resisted the impulse to make love to her right then and there. Actually, he thought he wouldn't be able to hold up through it-he hadn't eaten in two days.

"Here, you have to get out of those wet clothes," Jerri said, helping him off with his jacket.

"They'll dry… "the boy said.

"No, listen, something of Russell's will fit you. He has a pair of jeans lying around. Ill get them. You get out of those soaked clothes," Jerri ordered as she left the room.

She stepped into Russell's room. He was sound asleep on his back, and sure enough, his hard cock formed a mountain in the blanket. Jerri smiled and pulled a clean pair of jeans from his closet and tiptoed out of the room, closing the door.

When she returned to the living room, the boy had stripped to his pants and was standing near the fire, shaking. "It really is cold out there today," he said, taking the clean jeans from Jerri's hand.

"Listen," Jerri said," I'll get some coffee ready and fry you some eggs and you get into those clean pants. "She walked into the kitchen.

"Thanks," the boy said.

Jerri stood at the stove and turned the gas on high under the coffee pot. She wanted to look into the room. She wanted to see the boy's body. Should she dare? Hell, she thought, why not? She moved quietly to the door and peeped beyond it.

The boy was standing bare naked in the middle of the room, his back to her. She could see his strong slender legs and his full buttocks, which had a dark patch of hair between them. He bent over, putting the pants on, and she could see the underside of his hairy balls as he slid his right leg into the jeans. He stood up and pulled the other leg on, and then lifted the pants over his bare ass.

Jerri moved back to the stove. She felt a strange sensation as she scrambled the eggs. It was a bit like when she first met Russell-attraction, sexual desire, the fascination of meeting a new person. But there was also some-thing more, something that could not be put into words. She wanted to fall in love-and she wanted specifically to fall in love with the boy who just came in from the rain.

"What's your name?" Jerri asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Rob," he answered, sitting at the table. Jerri poured him a cup of coffee.

"I'm Jerri, this is my place, well ours, actually. We call ourselves a tribe. There're five of us," she said, cooking the eggs.

"Hey, do you think you could whip up a couple of pieces of toast as well?" Rob asked, hungry.

"Sure, of course. Hey, I can fry up some sausage if you want…"

"Great! I haven't eaten in days. Been traveling quite a bit-hitchhiking. "He sipped the coffee.

"Where you going?" Jerri asked, taking the sausage from the refrigerator.

"Nowhere," Rob replied.

"Well, where you coming from then?"


Jerri didn't ask any more questions. She began to cook the sausage when Rob volunteered the information.

"Oh, I worked up in Montana on a ranch, and then I got tired and left and I've been drifting. I don't have any place to go, and I heard a lot about New Mexico, so here I am. This damn truck driver and me, we got into an argument about Nixon and he dumped me off just down the road from here. I saw smoke coming from behind the hill, so I figured there had to be a house down here where I could rest and beg some food."

"Hey, your hair is wet; let me get you a towel," Jerri said, running to the bathroom to fetch a towel. She returned instantly and began rubbing his head with the soft towel, drying his hair. She positioned her body close to his, so her thighs touched his naked back. He brought his hands up and helped her, and finally Jerri went back to cooking the sausage.

"You live here long?" Rob asked.

"Since early summer. Carol and I moved out here from New York…"

"I thought I detected Manhattan in your voice. I'm actually from Queens."

"Well, I only lived in Manhattan since high school. I'm from East Orange."

"Same thing," Rob laughed.

"Anyway, we just packed up, bought a station wagon and came out here. We found this ranch the first day we spent in Santa Fe. "Jerri set the plate of eggs and toast in front of him. "Sausage will be ready in a minute."

"Oh, food, glorious food!" Rob started eating.

"There are five of us, Carol and myself, Russell, and my brother Dave and his wife, Tracey," Jerri said as she stood next to the stove, staring at the boy, watching him eat.

"The tribe," Rob said, between mouthfuls.

"The tribe. You know, I love it here. It's a far-out place to live-away from the rest of the world."

"I saw a sign that said Snow Canyon. Could I have some more coffee?"

"Huh? Oh, sure," Jerri said, pouring him another cup of coffee. "Yeah, we're in Snow Canyon. They call it that because it's the one place in the area where it really snows during the winter, and also because it's surrounded by mountains-and, of course, it shows a lot on the mountains-and when the spring thaw comes, all the icy water comes flowing through the canyon. We have a little river on our property."

Rob just looked up at her. He didn't say anything, but she knew he liked her. And she certainly liked him.

Jerri served him the sausage and then sat across the table from him and poured herself another cup of coffee.

"What did you do before you came here?" Rob asked.

"I was a model. Forget it, what a scene! That's what made me run."

"I started college. Jesus, big university and all. I couldn't hack it. My parents freaked when I quit. They threw me out. So what? We were never close anyway."

Jerri sensed great honesty in the boy. She trusted him immediately.

"My parents still write, begging us to give this all up. They just don't understand. I don't think they ever will," she said sadly.

"Give them some good grass and hold them here for a week and they'll give in! It's just that first break, that first move, and then you're on your way. Trouble is, everyone's afraid to make that break."

"I did," Jerri said softly.

"Me too," Rob agreed.

Jerri looked down to the boy's plate. It was empty.

"Hey, you still hungry?"

"No, really, I'm ready to burst. Give me an hour or two," he said, leaning back in the chair. "You know, I like you, you're easy to talk to."

"And I like you too. Glad you happened to choose our little house to warm up in."

"Me too," Rob said honestly.

"Shall we go by the fire? You need to keep warm, and your hair's not dry yet."

"Sure," Rob said, standing up. Jerri looked across the table at his pants. She knew he had an erection, or at least a near erection. She could see his cock perfectly outlined in the jeans and she stared at it a moment, too surprised and excited to rise.

"Coming?" Rob said.

"Oh, yeah," Jerri said, getting up. Rob extended his hand and Jerri took it in hers and together they walked through the living room and sat before the fireplace. Rob threw another log on the embers and in a moment it flared up.

"What the hell?" Jerri said, noticing the pan on top of the piano. She stood up and then realized it was catching drops of water from the ceiling.

"Who plays the piano?" Rob asked.

"I do, in my own unique way," Jerri laughed. She was being humble, however. She had been practicing the piano every day and in the past months had become quite good.

"Play something for me… "Rob begged.

"No, you don't want me to…"

"Please!" Rob stared at her with his deep blue eyes. Jerri gave in.

"All right, what?"

"Anything. Some Carole King maybe?"

"Well, if you don't mind hearing You've Got a Friend with a few wrong notes," Jerri answered, sitting at the piano bench.

"I'd love it," Rob said, kneeling near her.

Jerri began to play, soft and slowly, without any wrong notes. In the middle of the song, she felt Rob's body standing behind hers and she moved back a bit so her back touched his leg. She shivered with excitement. He placed one hand on her shoulder and she was afraid she wasn't going to finish the song. Then Rob placed his other hand on her other shoulder and Jerri moved back against him, feeling the hard outline of his penis in his jeans.

As she finished the song, she felt a warm sensation between her legs and her breasts were already like rocks under her robe. Rob's warm hands rested firmly on her shoulders, his fingers moving slowly above her breasts. She took her fingers from the piano keys and sat there, just looking at the keys, and closed her eyes.

"I like you so much, Jerri," Rob said.

"Oh, yes, Rob, yes," Jerri whispered.

Rob moved his fingertips down till they rested on the hardness of her nipples through the robe. Jerri tilted her head back and her hair rubbed against Rob's stomach, against the triangle of dark hair that began at his navel and gradually thickened as it fell to his groin. Rob held her breasts tight in his fingers.

"Make love to me," Jerri whispered, turning her head around to face him. She looked up at him for a minute and then looked down his body, straight ahead into his crotch. His hard penis was standing across his leg. She bent her head forward and kissed it lightly through the pants. Then she stood up and led him by the hand to her bedroom.

Jerri closed the door as Hob ran his hands through her chestnut hair. She turned around and faced him, closed her eyes and waited for his lips to meet hers.

Rob took her in his arms and kissed her harder than anyone ever had.before. Her lips opened to admit his hard tongue as her whole body seemed to melt in his arms. She felt as if she were a total woman now-alive but helpless in her man's arms-and she wanted Rob to make love to her there on her bed, with the rain beating against the window pane.

Still kissing her, Rob pulled open her robe and pushed it from her shoulders. Then he moved away and looked at her. Jerri started to move toward him.

"No, don't move," he commanded," I just want to look at you. "And he did, for a long time. She stood perfectly still, her body bathed in faint light from the window, looking like a marvelous piece of sculpture. Rob knelt down and stared at her from that angle, and then brought his hand up to lightly touch the thick hair of her pussy. He ran his fingers over her hips and down over her buttocks, feeling the soft, smooth skin against his rough palm. Then he brought his handsome face to her pussy and kissed it gently, lovingly, as Jerri instinctively spread her legs.

In a moment his tongue was finding its way between the soft lips of her cunt. It poked and ran itself up and down until the lips parted and it slid in her, sending spasms of pleasure through her body. She ran her fingers through his still damp hair and moaned as his tongue flicked in and out of her cunt.

Rob withdrew his mouth from between her legs and stood up again. Without a sound, he slipped the jeans from his long body and stood facing Jerri.

His cock was, in her estimation, the greatest she had ever seen-it was eight inches long, and very thick, as thick as Dave's, and it was shaped perfectly. The head was huge and rounded like a mushroom and the shaft grew a bit wider at the bottom where it disappeared into a thicket of black hair. His balls were large and hung low between his legs.

Jerri fell to her knees and held the long penis in both hands. She brought her lips to the end of it and kissed it, then licked it with her tongue. Then she dropped her hands to her knees as she began to cover the length of his cock with kisses, nibbling at his balls, his thighs, at the length of his cock. Then, finally, she put it into her mouth and took as much of it as she possibly could.

Rob felt the girl's warm mouth slide down the length of his penis and he shuddered. No one had sucked his cock for weeks, and it seemed like a totally new experience. He felt her tongue swirl around the tip, felt her hands clasp his balls, felt the back of her throat sucking at the rounded head. He had to pull out or he would come.

Jerri felt the boy's body pull back and his cock fell from her mouth.

"No more, Jerri, I'll come," he said, panting.

Jerri understood. She kissed his penis lightly on the huge end and stood up. He took her in his arms. They kissed again and then fell back to the bed. They rolled over, kissing, hugging, again and again, till Rob was lying on top of Jerri's back, pinning her to the bed.

She stopped moving, feeling his hard cock resting against her buttocks and lower back. He kissed her shoulder and bit her ear and her neck, burying his face in her soft hair. Then he moved up, bracing his knees on either side of her, kissing down her back as his balls lightly touched the cheeks of her ass.

Rob moved down and pulled the softly yielding crevice of her trembling buttocks wide apart, and knelt between her outstretched legs. As his fingers rubbed the moist slit of her cunt, Jerri pulled herself up on her knees, on all fours, and spread her pussy as wide as she could. Her cunt flowered open in front of him. He brought his lips to her anus and kissed directly at the tiny hard ring that guarded her asshole.

"Oh, Rob, I love you," Jerri moaned, feeling the shivers shoot up her spine.

Again he kissed her there, and then began to trail one finger around and around the puckered entrance, causing Jerri to moan in delight. He trailed the finger over the entrance, down farther to the moist, fur-lined crevice, his middle finger extended like a small cock.

He teased that finger down and under and into the tight, incredibly soft tunnel, moving with maddening slowness along the anterior wall of her cunt and then slipped it out to move upwards again, this time to the aroused and rigid nub of her clitoris. Jerri moaned with pleasure at the increased tingling of desire his expert manipulations were sending through her.

Slowly, Rob moved his huge swollen cock forward to tease the hard, rubbery tip into the moist cleft and down toward where his finger was sliding along the hot, wet folds of her cunt.

Jerri felt it slip along there and her legs opened farther, then closed involuntarily, almost spastically, around his invading finger while she watched with filmed eyes as the bed bounced beneath her. Then Rob moved the head of his cock farther still and she felt the tip replace his finger at the mouth of her pussy.

He had to force himself not to plunge forward at that moment, not to shove his great hard young cock into her beautiful sucking pussy and impale her with a triumphant cry. No, he knew he had to go slowly, carefully. He wanted this to be remembered, he wanted it to mean something to both of them.

Slowly, tantalizingly, the heavily breathing young man worked the tingling head of his cock up and down her soft, hair-lined slit, up and down while the pressure in his balls climbed and soared. He forced himself, gritting his teeth, to go slowly, slowly, but it was fast becoming too much to bear. Jerri's churning, velvety buttocks were swirling back against him with growing excitement as his cock pushed up her cunt, and she was moaning and panting wildly, running her hands up and down her sides in spasmodic movements as she felt his great organ slowly ride up into her.

Rob felt her lips, her cunt lips, crawling up the shaft of his cock and he thought they felt like butter or soft warm honey, just as her mouth had felt when she had sucked him. He couldn't stand it any longer. He whispered," I'm gonna fuck you, Jerri! I'm gonna fuck you from behind like you've never been fucked before!"

Jerri sucked in her breath in anticipation, his lewd words strangely exciting her, making her cunt flower wider and secrete more juices around the head of his penis. She spread her legs wider at his command whispered in her ear, and he pressed her downward slightly to give him more access to the tight hole.

Slowly, he edged forward, sliding his cock into her sensitive, elastic vagina, getting the head all the way in, reveling in the heat of her naked cunt flesh closing over his cock. He pressed forward, gritting his teeth still harder to keep from slamming every last throbbing inch of his cock home in one brutal lunge. Another half inch slid up inside her open pussy and then another, and then finally the entire length.

"Oh, God!" Jerri screamed as she felt the monster fill her body. He pulled it out immediately, almost completely, and then slammed it back into her. She moaned and held tight to the pillows, trying desperately to brace herself as the bed shook beneath them.

The warm, moist walls of her pussy clasped his cock like a tight, soft fist, and he groaned, then withdrew until only the head lay within the warmth of her channel. He stared down at his glistening shaft, slick with her lubrication, grinning obscenely at the way her softly hair-rimmed pussy lips puckered out around the swollen head. He plunged forward again.

"Ah!" Jerri moaned.

"Jerri, Jerri," Rob panted, driving his hips forward, his hands kneading and squeezing her ass-cheeks. His long, lust-hardened cock fucked hard up into her now widened cuntal tunnel; the channel accepting it eagerly. She rolled and ground her hips greedily back against his bucking loins as waves of delicious pleasure surged through her trembling flesh, blotting out all but her need and her newfound love for the boy who was fucking her.

Jerri closed her eyes and felt it beginning to happen. Flashes of light seem to burst behind her shut eyes as the acute pleasure consumed every fiber of her body. She came, and she thought the sensation was going to rip her head open!

Rob's loins bucked and twisted against Jerri's upturned buttocks. He drove into her with long, looping strokes that seemed to receive power from the tips of his toes, his balls churning and banging into her greedily clasping vaginal crevice below. He felt Jerri coming, felt her flowing hot juices enveloping his cock, heard her gasp and gurgle deep in her throat, and suddenly his own balls erupted. He held his breath as a torrent of cum filled Jerri's clasping pussy. He kneaded her buttocks convulsively, wrapping the hot moist flesh tighter around his crazily jerking penis as he came.

Jerri felt Rob's cum swirling like warm oil through her cunt and lower belly, adding to the overwhelming delight of her orgasm, and tears of rapture flooded from her eyes. Then, as the last spurt came from Rob's prick and the hard shaft began to lose its stiffness, her orgasm ebbed.

Rob held tight to her body as his cock slowly slipped out of her semen-ridden pussy and fell against his balls. Jerri fell to the mattress, exhausted with pleasure. Rob lay next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. They said nothing till their breathing returned to normal.

"Jerri," Rob said quietly.


"The rain stopped."

Jerri turned and looked up to the window. Though the sky was still a dark gray, the rain had stopped falling. She turned to Rob and they kissed and then fell asleep.

Everyone liked Rob immediately. There was a quality about him that was attractive and necessary for a group such as the tribe; he was a leader. Whenever a situation developed where one person had to take charge or had to make a qualifying decision, Rob was the one to do it. It was a natural quality, one he possessed as amp; person. He fit into the group perfectly.

He stayed on at the ranch for a few days, to see how he would get along with everyone, and things worked out fine. Three guys and three girls. It balanced, evened things out. Russell and Dave and Rob were alike enough to be able to live together, but were different enough to make living interesting and fun. There was endless variety in sex, with six uninhibited people. There was an endless stream of opinions and thoughts they shared. There was an endless amount of creative thinking and work that resulted from their group efforts to love and understand and live with one another.

The girls were planning on starting a school for underprivileged children of the area, for many of the poor Mexican farm workers' children weren't able to attend regular schools. The men often helped other neighboring communes with their chores or building or whatever was needed. Everyone worked hard.

Three days went by, then ten, fifteen, then a month… Rob was part of the family now, part of the tribe. He wouldn't need to officially declare that he was staying, it was just taken for granted. They loved him and he loved them and that was all that was needed.

But there was a special reason why Rob decided to stay on. Jerri. He was in love with her. Oh, yes, he loved the others and enjoyed having sex with them, but he was in love with Jerri, and that was a different kind of love, a special kind of love, something neither one of them had before experienced. They were friends first, which helped tremendously, and they were also lovers. They could talk to each other, understand each other, comfort one another and make each other happy.

Jerri was equally as taken with Rob. She was afraid that her intense fascination with him and his body would wear off in a short time, but it didn't. Instead she became closer to him and his body and lovemaking seemed more amazing as the weeks went on. After a time she couldn't bear the thought of living without him. She didn't know quite how she had existed all these years without him. He was the first person in her life to honestly love her for what she was- not because he was related to her, or because she had been a fashion model, or because she had money or whatever. He just loved Jerri Phillips, simple girl living on a ranch in Snow Canyon, New Mexico.

Tracey was pregnant and she was one of the happiest young women on earth. She and Dave wrote his parents immediately when they found out, but they didn't receive a response, which hurt them very much.

Late November came and the tribe began planning Christmas, They wanted to fix up the house like an old-fashioned Christmas in Vermont-Christmas tree, candles, popcorn and cranberries, carols ringing through the air-and they wanted to give gifts to all the poor farm children in the area. It would be their way of giving and doing something for the holiday season. They began to make plans.