"Naughty nympho wife" - читать интересную книгу автора (Allen Donna)


She told herself it was a way to save her marriage. For days Candice could think of nothing but the time she'd spent with Frank. One day she'd wallow in guilt and the next day she'd argue with herself that it wasn't her fault and anyway it was a way to save her marriage. She couldn't hear the thought of divorcing Martin, and if she could have a sex-life outside marriage maybe divorce was unnecessary.

Martin was still out of town when Frank spoke to her again. Frank called her at the gallery to make a date for that evening. Candice felt no reticence about seeing him. She agreed immediately. She hated games. Maybe the cute thing was to resist at first and then yield, but she hated games like that and she told him right out that she'd see him. Frank said he'd pick her up that evening at eight.

Shortly after Frank's phone call, Kelly Reed, one of the new women painters came in. No one was in the gallery and Candice was glad to have someone to talk to and help her forget about her marital problems.

Kelly was an attractive girl with short blonde hair and a graceful body and an air of determination about her. She was aggressive, sometimes almost brusque in the way she talked to people. She did oil paintings of women, mostly nudes and some of them boldly erotic. Candice didn't know much about Kelly. She thought Kelly was a talented painter, but they hadn't talked much in the few weeks that Kelly had been connected with the gallery.

Now they had coffee and, chatted about the gallery and Kelly's paintings. "I ought to have a show," Kelly said.

Candice nodded. "You will, sooner or later."

"What do I do to get Harold to see that I need a show?"

Harold Miller was the owner of the gallery. "You just talk to him," Candice said.

Kelly frowned. "I'm not going to fuck him. Fm sure not going to fuck him." She looked at Candice. "Do you make it with him?"

Candice shook her head. "He's not like that. He stays close to home."

"They're all like that. I've been around long enough to know what they're like."

Kelly walked around the gallery awhile, and then she came back to Candice and said: "Why don't we have dinner together sometime? I'd like to get to know you."

Candice nodded. "All right."

"You're married, aren't you?"


"Is it working?"

Candice shrugged. "Sometimes."

"That's too bad. You're too pretty to be unhappy. I like the blouse. I wish I could wear clothes like that. If I wear a blouse like that, it hangs on me like a rag. Someone ought to design blouses for girls without tits."

Candice chuckled. "Oh, you're not that bad. I think you can wear anything you want."

"I'd like to paint you sometime. Maybe we could talk about that when we have dinner. I'd like to do a nude of you. Would you have any interest in that?"

Their eyes met and Candice suddenly realized that maybe Kelly was gay. Candice was flustered. "I don't know. I've never been painted like that and I don't know."

"Well, we'll talk about it sometime, okay?"

Kelly waved at Candice as she left the gallery, and Candice sat there wondering about the girl. Girl or woman. Candice thought Kelly couldn't be much younger than she was. An interesting girl. But if Kelly was a lez, Candice would shy away. She wasn't into that. She didn't think she needed anything like that. She had nothing against gay women but she wasn't about to start up with one.

You're a little girl who needs a cock, Candice thought. Yes, she did. She started thinking about Frank again and their date that evening.

It was an early day for Candice, a day when the gallery closed at three. She decided to shop for some clothes. She wanted a new dress and maybe some other things. She went to a fashionable store where she bought a white summer dress with a plunging neckline. The salesgirl said Candice looked marvelous in the dress. "Is there anything else you'd like?"

Candice said yes, she might want some lingerie. "A garterbelt, I think. Something in black."

The salesgirl smiled. "Something sexy?"

Candice tried not to blush. "Yes, why not?" You're acting like a Salvation Army girl, Candice thought. There was no reason why she had to be embarrassed about buying a sexy garterbelt. She was doing it for Frank, of course. She wanted to please him tonight. She'd surprise him with a garterbelt and nylons and maybe that black negligee that she'd worn only a few times for Martin. Frank said he was turned on by lingerie and tonight he would get what he wanted.

The salesgirl brought out a collection of things and Candice finally chose two lace garterbelts, one red and one black. She bought half a dozen pairs of conventional nylons that she thought were too expensive.

The salesgirl shrugged. "They're getting popular again and the price may come down soon. What about panties? I've got crotchless panties in black lace or red lace. They'd go with those garterbelts."

Now Candice did blush. "Crotchless panties? Oh my!"

The salesgirl chuckled. She brought out two boxes, opened one and held up a pair of crotchless panties. "Nice? After the garterbelt and nylons turn him on, this will get him directly to the main course!"

Candice did not buy the panties. She thought that was too much. Too blatant. Like wearing a sign that said suck my pussy. Maybe some women could do it, but she couldn't. At least not yet. She was changing and maybe someday she'd have enough confidence to wear panties like that. She paid for what she'd bought, found a taxi outside the shop, and hurried home.

The first thing she did when she arrived at the house was to climb into a bubble bath. She groaned with pleasure as she lay back in the tub and reined. A hot bath always felt so good.

She thought about Frank and their date. It was like being single again. It was such fun to be anticipating a hot date with a man later on in the evening. Frank did turn her on. They'd fucked only once and the newness of the affair was terribly exciting. She hadn't felt that way about Al Gorman. She found Frank much more exciting than Al Gorman, and as she lay there in the tub she quivered as she thought about him.

After the bath she dried and perfumed her body and made up her face and then she began trying on her new lingerie. She had to decide what to wear and she wanted to see what she looked like.

You're like a kid with a new box of candy, she thought as she unwrapped what she'd bought.

Candy for Candice. She tried the black first, the black lace garterbelt and sheer black nylons and black high-heeled sandals. When she looked in the full-length mirror, she was thoroughly shocked.

Oh wow, she thought. Like something out of a sex magazine. Candice Leonard dressed for fucking, it was different than being naked. The garterbelt and stockings and shoes made the nakedness completely erotic. No wonder men were turned on by it. She was turned on herself. She loved the way her cunt-bush looked below the frame of the wispy black garterbelt. And the nylons made her legs look so lovely.

During the next hour she had a ball trying on the garterbelts with various shades of stockings and shoe styles. She was soon turned on enough to feel the wetness in her cunt and she had to masturbate a little to get the edge off. She stood in front of the full-length mirror as she rubbed her pussy. She thought she looked so whorish wearing nothing but stockings and high heels. But she did like it. Some women were wearing stockings like this now and she decided she'd be one of them. Goodbye pantyhose. They were too warm in summer anyway, and certainly not as sexy.

She wondered what Martin was doing at that moment. Did he ever get lonely when he was traveling? He was always with a team of salesmen and she assumed they spent their evening together playing cards or something. Martin wasn't the type to go off alone at night. At least she didn't think so. He was usually too exhausted by nine o'clock to do anything except watch TV.

Her fingers felt so good in her pussy. She rubbed her cunt-lips and between them and down in her cunt-hole. She avoided her clit. She was too hot now to touch her clit without going off at once. She wished she had a man to go down on her at that moment. This was the time when she liked a tongue best, when she was already hot and her pussy wet and swollen. Men didn't understand enough about women. When Martin went down on her, he either did it at the wrong time or didn't stay down there long enough. She knew Frank was a better lover than Martin. She was sorry now that she hadn't bought the crotchless panties. What a turn-on it would be to have Frank suck her off while she was wearing those panties. The red ones. Red crotchless panties. She thought about Frank's mouth on her cunt, his tongue whipping her clit.

Then she thought about the first time Martin ever went down on her. It was in Bermuda on their honeymoon, the second night they were there. He made her lie on the edge of the bed and then he got down on the floor on his knees and started gobbling her pussy. It was the only time he ever did it that way, on his knees on the floor like that. When he ate her cunt these days, it was always sixty seconds with her flat on the bed. With Martin it was always more kissing than eating.

She turned her body to look at her ass in the mirror. She liked her ass. She thought her ass had a nice shape and she hoped it would stay that way forever. She quivered as she remembered the way Frank had kissed her ass the last time they were together. That certainly turned her on. How could a woman fail to get turned on by that? His lips and tongue in her ass-crack! That wet tickling tongue on her asshole!

Martin never did anything like that. He never did anything to her ass, not even a finger. And of course she wouldn't dream of asking him.

Not Martin. She wouldn't ask Martin to do anything like that. She couldn't imagine Martin licking her asshole. God, it made her hot to think about Frank doing it. She hoped he'd do it again tonight. He was the first to do that. No one had ever done that to her before. She wondered if he did it to all his women. She touched herself there. She kept her right hand on her pussy and used her left hand to touch her asshole. She rubbed back and forth over the tight grommet. Then she raised her left forefinger to her mouth and sucked it to get it wet.

"You're a bad little girl, Candice." She slipped the finger inside her ass to the first joint and gently wiggled it around. "Yes, you're a bad little girl!"

She wondered what Frank really thought about her cheating on Martin. It seemed crazy to be so intimate with Martin's best friend. Well, how much of a best friend was he? They were both cheating on Martin.

She never finished the masturbation. She decided not to have a climax until she was with Frank. Sometimes the tension was nice. Rubbing her pussy always gave her some relief even when she didn't get off. She felt marvelous now. And she knew what she wanted to wear. In a few minutes she had everything on. Black net stockings, the red garterbelt, high-heeled sandals, a black and white summer dress. She would save the new white dress for Martin. That way she would feel less guilty.

God, she hoped he never found out about Frank. There was so much danger in what she was doing. She had to be careful.

You're not the only one, she thought. Millions of women everywhere were having their fun on the side. And the men, too. And how many marriages were happy? Half the marriages were ending in divorce, so where was the happiness?

She gave herself a final check in the mirror again. Amusing herself, she slowly lifted her dress to look at the tops of her black net stockings and the red straps of her garterbelt.

You're a sexy bitch, she thought. Candice Leonard, you're a sexy bitch.

They had dinner in a seafood place and then after that she agreed to go to Frank's apartment. She thought it was safer anyway. She didn't want her neighbors knowing anything about what she was doing in the evening.

She loved being with Frank. She liked him much better than Al Gorman. Frank was fun to be with and he was always a gentleman. Except she hoped he wouldn't be such a gentleman once they had their clothes off.

She could feel the erotic tension once they were inside his apartment. Frank mixed some drinks and they sat outside on his balcony in the warm night air.

"Here's to us," Frank said.

Candice sipped her drink and then looked at him. "We've got to be careful, Frank. I don't want Martin ever to find out."

Frank chuckled. "Then don't tell him. He certainly won't learn anything from me. I just hope he doesn't suddenly decide to keep you busy!"

"I feel guilty."

"The hell with that. If he gave you what you wanted, you wouldn't be her. Isn't that right?"

She felt so awful about Martin now. "Yes, I guess so."

"Come on, Candice. You can't be in the dumps on me tonight. We're going to have a good time. That's why we're here, remember?"


"Smile. Show me a smile!"

She smiled. "All right, I won't think about Martin anymore!"

"That's better." He leaned towards her and they kissed. She opened her mouth and accepted his tongue and in a moment she was carried away.

Never mind Martin, she thought. She was having the time of her life with Frank. Her excitement was so intense, she could feel herself trembling.

Then he broke the kiss and looked down at her legs. He touched her knees, slowly pushed her dress back along her thighs. "Show me your legs!"

A quiver ran through her. She pushed his hand away and used her own hands. "Can anyone see us?"

"No one can see us," Frank said.

She pulled her dress all the way back until her white thighs were visible above the tops of her black net stockings.

Frank gave a low whistle. "Fantastic!"

Candice giggled. "Do you like them? I just bought them today. The garterbelt is red!"

He moved closer to her and kissed her again. This time he slipped his hand between her thighs. His fingers found her cunt-mound. He stroked the bulge of her pussy through the nylon of her panties. Once again she wished she'd bought those crotchless panties. With an open crotch, his fingers would now be touching her bare cunt-flesh.

As he continued kissing her and stroking her cunt beneath her dress, she moved her hand to his lap and felt for his cock. When she found it, she closed her whole hand over it and squeezed it.

He broke the kiss again. "Come on, let's go inside!" They rose with their drinks and moved off the balcony and into the living room. Candice felt wonderful. She liked the way he didn't rush things. It was still early and they had the whole night ahead of them. She was so thankful now that she'd been clever enough to buy the garterbelt and nylons.

Frank kissed her again, took her drink out of her hand and told her to take the dress off.

"Let me see what's underneath. Let me see what you bought."

She found it terribly exciting to strip for him. She slipped out of the dress and stood there in her underthings while he looked at her. She could see the heat in his eyes. She took her drink from him and sipped it and then handed it back to him. Reaching behind her back with her hands, she unsnapped her bra and peeled it off. Her tits swung back and forth as her body moved. Her nipples were hard. She felt so turned on. She cupped her tits in her hands and pulled gently at her nipples.

"I'm doing things with you I never did with anyone," she said.

Frank chuckled. "Well, that's good. Now the panties."

The panties came off. She was thrilled by the lewdness of it, the exhibitionism. It was marvelous to be standing there in front of him wearing nothing but a garter belt and nylons and heels, her tits and pussy and ass naked under his gaze. She felt more female than even before, more female and ready for fucking.

Frank was obviously also affected. He stared at her, his eyes feasting on her as they moved over her body. He hadn't looked at her ass yet. He was having his fill of her legs and cunt-bush and tits. She wondered if he had a hard-on. Yes, of course he did. She could see the bulge of it, and when she'd felt him before, his prick had been halfway there.

"I ought to take a picture of you," he said. Candice groaned. "Oh Frank, we can't."

"Maybe some other time. Anyway, you look gorgeous!"

She saw herself now in one of the living room mirrors. Bare pussy and swinging tits. She did look gorgeous. God, what a turn-on.

Frank unzipped his fly and brought his cock out. He sat there stroking his cock while he looked at her. She thought it was incredibly sexy for him to do that. She watched his hand slowly pumping his cock. She thought how exciting it would be to watch him jerk off all the way some time. His jism shooting put of his pisshole. She'd never seen a man do that. She couldn't imagine Martin doing it.

Frank called her to him and she stepped forward. She stood between his legs as he raised his hands to her tits. He pulled at her tits, forcing her to bend over him. In a moment he had his mouth on her tits, his lips and teeth nibbling at her nipples.

After that he made her turn round so that he could play with her ass. She quivered as he fondled her ass-cheeks. He made her bend forward all the way.

"Spread your legs and grab your ankles!" he said.

She did it. Her body was limber enough and she often did it during her exercises. She thought it was terribly lewd to be so spread open for him. Her cunt and ass in his face. He stroked her thighs and ass and then he started sucking her cunt from behind. This was the first time a man had sucked her this way and she loved it.

When he had his fill of her cunt, he moved his mouth along her ass-crack to her asshole. She moaned as she felt his lips touch her grommet. She felt so wide open. He started licking her whole and the feel of his tongue was unbelievably delicious.

First he licked and then he started sucking. Now the feeling was more intense. She felt his tongue push inside. He slithered his tongue in and out of her ass as she maintained her bent over position. She was beginning to feel the strain of bending over, but somehow it added to the pleasure of the feel of his tongue in her ass. Frank Mason's tongue in her ass. Martin's best friend was sucking her asshole. "Frank, I can't hold this position much longer!"

She straightened up. He pulled his mouth away, squeezed her ass-cheeks and chuckled. "You like getting your ass gobbled?"

"Yes, I love it!"

She felt him fooling with her pussy again. Then she felt his fingers carrying her cunt-juice to the crack of her ass and her asshole. She closed her eyes and groaned as he slipped a finger inside. He churned the finger around gently inside her shit-tube. "Relax, Candice. Just let yourself go and relax."

He reached over to a small table, opened a drawer and brought out a small bottle of something. She looked over her shoulder and found him pouring something out of the bottle onto his fingers. "What's that?"

"It's nothing, just a little body oil. Bend over a little, not too much, just a little."

She did what he wanted. She was so turned on, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She was afraid to ask what his intentions were. She moaned as she felt his finger push inside her ass again. This time the entrance was smooth and easy. Then he pulled the finger out almost to the end and joined another finger to it. A shudder ran through her as she felt his two fingers slide inside her lubricated asshole. "Oh, Frank!"


"I shouldn't let you do this."

He laughed at her. He told her he could tell she loved it. He screwed his two fingers around inside her ass and told her she was getting loose now. Soon he had his fingers fucking slowly in and out of her asshole.

"I'm going to come!" she said. She couldn't help it. The feel of his fingers in her ass was marvelous and she was completely wiped out. She dropped a hand to her cunt and started rubbing her pussy while he finger-fucked her ass.

She came in a moment, squirming her pussy beneath her hand as he reamed her asshole. "Oh my God!"

After she recovered, he pulled his fingers out of her ass and he rose and kissed her. "I'm crazy about you!"

"I've never been this way with anyone!" He led her into the bedroom and she sat on the bed and watched him undress. He had a huge hard-on, his cock long and curved the way she remembered it. She wanted to suck his prick, but he told her to kneel on the bed with her ass facing him.

She hurried to obey. She knelt there with her ass raised and her head and shoulders down on the mattress. He ran his hands over her ass and over her cunt-lips, and then suddenly she felt his cock-knob pushing at her cunt-hole, pushing inside, his long curved cock sliding into the wet cavern of her pussy.

She groaned and cried out. It was so good. His cock was so hard. She churned her ass around and begged him to fuck her.

He was amused at her impatience. "Just take it easy."

"I can't. I want you to fuck me!"

"Patience, baby."

She felt his fingers at her asshole. He was oiling her again, something thicker. "What are you doing?"

"Getting some Vaseline in your ass."

"Oh God!"

"You've never had your ass fucked, have you?"


"I thought so!"

"I'm afraid, Frank."

"Just relax and enjoy it!"

Her excitement washed out her fear. When he was through greasing her asshole, he pulled his cock out of her cunt and she felt his cock-knob pushing at her asshole. His fingers had opened her ass and now she forced herself to relax to open herself even further.

Then she groaned as she felt him go in. She felt his cock-head stretching her sphincter. He gave it to her slowly, urging her to relax, going in some, then pulling back, then going in some more.

He gradually worked his cock inside her ass. She felt the pressure, the invasion in her shit tube. She'd always wondered what it was like to have a cock in there, and now that she had it she realized it was indescribable. Complete penetration. Complete submission to the male. The remarkable thing was that the pain was minor. He'd loosened her ass enough so that she felt hardly any pain at all. Then in a moment even the minor pain was gone completely and a hot pleasure took its place. "Oh Frank!"

"It's all in. It's beautiful, baby. You've got a lovely ass."

He started fucking her ass slowly. He slipped one hand underneath to fondle her cunt-hole and clit and that drove her wild. The feel of his cock moving in and out of her ass was a marvel, but the diddling of her clit while he did it was sheer bliss. "Fuck me, Frank! Fuck my ass!"

The pace quickened, the fucking more steady now. Then finally he started grunting as his jism boiled out of his balls. She came with him, her asshole clamping down on his thrusting cock to suck the fuck-juice out of his nuts.

At last she cried out and fell away from him, exhausted, demolished, her mind in a whirl as she realized she'd had the strongest orgasm of her life.