"Naughty nympho wife" - читать интересную книгу автора (Allen Donna)CHAPTER FIVE"Here's a toast to good times," Martin said. "That's the only way to deal with the crap in this world!" There were four of them at the restaurant table. Martin and Candice and Frank and Frank's new girlfriend Susan. The evening was Martin's idea, and it was the first time Candice and Frank had been together like this since the beginning of their affair. She didn't like it. She was uneasy. She felt awkward and guilty and afraid Martin would somehow read her mind or Frank's mind and learn what was going on. And she was also jealous about Frank's new girlfriend. This girl was even prettier than Peggy. Candice was determined not to let Frank talk her into a threesome again. No, the hell with that. She'd see him if he wanted it, but it had to be the two of them alone. Nothing happened during the dinner. Frank was careful not to let anything slip. He behaved just as he always did with Martin, and Martin seemed oblivious to the fact that his best friend was fucking his wife regularly. Frank, in fact, saw more of Candice's cunt these days than Martin did. When the evening was finally over, Candice was relieved. She hadn't said much to Susan and she was glad about that, too. Maybe Frank would understand she wasn't interested in repeating what had happened with Peggy. At home with Martin, tired after the ordeal, Candice went directly to their bedroom and started undressing. Martin looked in and offered to make her a drink, but she said she'd already had too much at the restaurant. "You go ahead," she said. "If you feel like drinking, do it." He came in with a highball in his hand. She had her blouse off, and after she put the blouse away Martin set his drink down and he came over to unhook her bra. He stood behind her, helped her slip off the bra and then closed his hands over her tits. "Here's the best pair in town!" Candice leaned back against him. "Did you have a nice time tonight?" "I always have a nice time with Frank. What do you think of Susan?" "She seems nice enough. I wish he'd get married." Martin chuckled as he squeezed her tits. "Frank doesn't care about marriage anymore. He says he's having too good a time being single." "I'll bet he is." "Christ, I love these tits. Come on, let's fuck!" Yes, she wanted it. She rubbed her ass against his crotch and told him to give her a few minutes in the bathroom first. She slipped away from him, walked inside the bathroom and closed the door. My husband and his best friend, she thought. Each was so different from the other. She finished undressing in the bathroom and then she cleaned her pussy and ass. A sudden idea came to her and with a quiver she reached for the bottle of baby oil she kept on a shelf. Yes, why not? Maybe she could get Martin to finally do it. She oiled her asshole, dripped some oil on her middle finger and then worked her finger around inside her shitter. Now if she could coax him into fucking her ass, she'd be ready for him. God, she did love to be poked back there! Even her finger felt good. Martin had such a gorgeous cock and she knew it would feel wonderful in her ass. He's my husband, she thought. He's the one who ought to be fucking my ass, not his best friend. Martin was naked on the bed when she came out. He'd finished his drink and he was waiting for her. "You look good," he said. "Maybe I've been neglecting you." "Well, maybe you have." She slipped onto the bed and kissed him. He ran his hand down her back and squeezed her ass. "Does the little girl want a lollipop?" "Yes, the little girl loves a lollipop!" She went down on him, scooting around to get her face over his crotch, and then she took his cock in her mouth and started sucking. He had such a nice cock-head, a fat and juicy plum of a cock-knob. She always loved sucking his cock. Tonight she wanted it even more than ever. Somehow it made up for the turmoil over Frank. She sucked Martin's cock, tickled his piss-hole with her tongue, then the underside of his cock and even his balls. He was never enthusiastic about her sucking his balls, not like Frank was, but she did it anyway. She took each ball in her mouth, worked it around and then spit it out again. Finally she pulled away from him, rose up on her knees and then lowered her head onto the pillow. "Fuck me, honey. Do it tome from behind!" Martin chuckled as he moved behind her ass. He teased her about being horny. He stroked her ass and tickled between her cunt-lips. Finally he slipped his cock inside her cunt-hole and started fucking her. She stretched her legs wide apart, reached underneath to grab his balls. She held his balls as he fucked her, puffing at the sac, bouncing his balls with her fingers. His cock felt so good sliding in and out of her cunt. "Martin, fuck my ass!" "What?" "Take it out and put it in my ass!" "I thought that's what you said." "Go on, do it." "You really want that?" "I wouldn't ask if I didn't want it. I just want to know what it's like." He pulled out of her cunt. "Okay, we'll find out. I'll get some Vaseline." She wouldn't tell him she'd already oiled her asshole. Now she realized he might be put off if he thought she'd planned it. She waited for him. He came back from the bathroom with a jar of Vaseline. She looked over her shoulder and watched him smear the grease on his cock. She thought he seemed nervous but it was hard to tell. He certainly wasn't as confident as Frank. Then Martin was ready, moving behind her with one hand on her ass and the other holding his cock. "I'll stop if it hurts." "All right, I'll tell you." She didn't expect it to hurt. She wondered whether she ought to fake it, but she decided that was crazy, she wouldn't fake something like that. But she did groan when his cock went in. He was bigger than Frank, his cock-head larger and his cock-shaft thicker. She opened her ass, pushed out as though she were shitting to make room for him. Martin grunted as his cock slid inside the hot tube of her ass. "Christ, it's good. Does it hurt?" "Just a little. But it feels good, too. You can move if you want!" He started fucking her, his cock slowly pistoning in and out of her ass. She liked it, but mainly because his cock was thick and she liked the way it stretched her asshole. Aside from that, he really didn't know much about it. Martin was definitely not an ass man. He came before long, calling out to her how good it was when he felt her asshole clamping down on his cock. She squeezed his cock ant spurted in her shitter. She always liked to do that to Frank when he shot off in her ass. Her own climax never happened. She couldn't come unless she frigged her clit while she had her ass fucked. After Martin was asleep, she went to bathroom and jerked off while she sat on the toilet. She felt his come dripping out of her asshole as she brought herself off with her fingers. It still doesn't work, she thought. Fucking Martin was so boring and nothing seemed to make it work for her. "You're unhappy," Kelly Reed said. "I can tell by your face that you're unhappy." They were in the gallery. Candice was seated at her desk and Kelly was perched on the edge of the desk with her eyes on Candice. For the past ten minutes Kelly had been flirting with Candice. It was open flirting now, not much different from what a man would do, except it wasn't a man but a woman. Candice was aware that if she didn't know Kelly was gay she might not realize it was flirting. Was she interested? Yes, maybe she was. Frank had been ignoring her. He hadn't said anything about making it with Susan because maybe he knew Candice would refuse. Candice wondered if their affair was coming to an end. Whether it was ending or not, she was certainly lonely and Kelly Reed seemed to recognize it. Kelly urged Candice to have dinner with her. Candice couldn't make up her mind. She knew that if she accepted Kelly's invitation she was more or less agreeing to make it with her. Candice wasn't certain what she wanted. "I think about you a great deal," Kelly said. "I won't leave here until you agree to have dinner with me tonight." "All right, I will," Candice said. "If that's the only way to get you off my desk, then I'll have dinner with you." So it was done. When Kelly left the gallery, Candice still wasn't certain she had done the right thing. How could she possibly make it with a lesbian? This wouldn't be like what had happened with Peggy. Frank wouldn't be there. Candice was afraid that as soon as things got serious she'd get turned off. She didn't want to hurt Kelly. And she didn't want any trouble with Kelly. Now that Kelly was gone, Candice regretted yielding to Kelly's flirtation. They met after Candice finished at the gallery and went to a cocktail lounge. They sat at the bar drinking and Candice was sure no one could guess what was going on. Kelly certainly didn't look gay. For the first time since Candice had known her, Kelly was wearing a dress. Candice thought Kelly looked beautiful. Her legs were perfect. Kelly made Candice talk about herself. "Tell me about your husband. Tell me what he's like." Candice talked about Martin. She didn't want to let on too much. She never liked talking about her problems and she said nothing specific to Kelly about the sexual problems she had with Martin. She admitted there were problems, but she wouldn't talk about them. After the bar, Kelly took Candice to a cozy restaurant. Kelly insisted that everything would be on her. "I get the fun of treating you," she said. "That's the way it is and you'll just have to learn to live with it." Candice did like her. She listened as Kelly talked about herself. Unlike Candice, Kelly talked freely about her sex life. Candice was embarrassed in the beginning, but after a while she felt more at ease. "I don't hate men," Kelly said. "You know I'm gay, but the fact is I don't hate men. I just enjoy women more. I always have. I can't remember a time that I ever liked boys more than girls. Men are all right, but they don't turn me on. And if you like sex the way I do, it's important who turns you on." After three drinks and some delicious French food, Candice was feeling mellow. She was intrigued by the idea of making it with Kelly. All kinds of images came into her mind. She tried to picture the two of them squirming on a bed. She wondered what Kelly looked like naked. She wondered how Kelly would make love to her. Kelly wasn't Peggy. Kelly was prettier and more intelligent than Peggy. Candice turned herself on thinking about Kelly going down on her, Kelly's tongue in her cunt, her fuck-juice spilling on Kelly's pretty face. Did she want Kelly sue king her pussy? Yes, she did. She did want it. Now she knew it would be better than the time she'd had with Frank and Peggy. She quivered as she thought of Kelly working her over. After dinner, Candice accepted Kelly's suggestion that they go to Kelly's apartment. The idea made sense because Kelly's apartment was near the restaurant, but of course from this point on Candice had committed herself. Candice could sense a new excitement in Kelly. In the elevator, Kelly slipped her arm around Candice's waist and whispered in Candice's ear. "I can't believe you're here." "Well, I'm here, all right. Maybe I shouldn't be here, but I'm here." "Come on, Candice." "Kelly, I'm straight!" "I know you're straight. That's the reason I'm crazy about you. If you were just another dyke, I wouldn't care one way or the other!" Inside Kelly's apartment, Candice felt more relaxed. She had another drink, and then Kelly put some music on the stereo and came to sit next to Candice on the sofa. They talked about the apartment awhile and then about Kelly's painting. She had one large room that she used as a studio. "Someday I'm going to paint you." "I don't know." "You're beautiful, Candice. I'm going to do the most fantastic oil of you and then you won't be unhappy anymore." They both laughed, and then suddenly Kelly leaned over and kissed Candice's mouth. Candice stiffened under the kiss, but then she yielded. Kelly finally pulled her lips away. "Am I going too fast?" "I don't know. I don't know what I want." Kelly kissed her again. This time Kelly's tongue pushed at Candice's lips and Candice opened her mouth. They kissed deeply, Kelly's tongue exploring Candice's teeth and gums. Candice quivered when she felt Kelly's hand on one of her tits. "I'm dying to fuck you," Kelly said. Candice groaned. "Oh Kelly!" The blonde's hand continued fondling Candice's tit. "Does it bother you when I talk like that? I like using the right words for things." "I don't mind." Kelly chuckled. "You don't know what a lez like me can do!" "I guess I don't." "I do everything, baby. I do anything you might think of. I'd like to suck you. Do you like getting sucked?" "Yes." "Where?" "Where?" "Yes, where? How about your ass? Do you like getting your ass sucked?" "Oh Kelly?" Kelly laughed and kissed the tip of Candice's nose. "Come on, let's get this blouse off so I can see your tits." Candice was trembling now. The way Kelly talked about sex had turned her on. She remained passive as Kelly unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it away. Then Candice's bra was unhooked and tossed away and her tits were free. Kelly looked at them a long time without touching. "Keep your shoulders back, I want to look." "They're just tits!" "They turn me on!" Finally Kelly touched them. She cupped the undersides of Candice's tits and lifted them in her hands. Candice looked down at the way her tits were raised by Kelly's hands. "Well, that's uplift, isn't it?" "They're gorgeous!" Bending her head, Kelly started kissing Candice's tits. She continued holding Candice's tits with both hands as she kissed them. She kissed all around each tit without touching the nipple. Then finally she took a nipple in her mouth and nibbled at it. A shiver of pleasure ran through Candice as she felt Kelly's teeth pull gently on her nipple. "I love your tits," Kelly said, her fingers playing with a stiff nipple. "They're sensitive, aren't they?" "Yes." "Now let's get down to City Hall!" Candice giggled as Kelly's hand slipped beneath her dress. Kelly's fingers walked along the insides of Candice's thighs to find the bulge of her cunt-mound. "You're wearing a garterbelt!" "Yes, I always do." Kelly was amused. She said Candice was a sexy bitch. She whispered the words as she stroked Candice's cunt through the nylon of her panties. Candice recognized Kelly was teasing her. The blonde knew just what buttons to push and she soon had Candice quivering. "You're boiling," Kelly said. "You're dripping like a faucet!" Candice groaned. "Yes!" "Well, let's get the panties off. Kelly wants to look!" She was so dominant. Candice was thrilled at the way Kelly took charge of things. She realized she wouldn't be able to go through with it if Kelly behaved differently. Did Kelly know that? Yes, she probably did Candice knew she certainly wasn't the first woman that Kelly had seduced. Kelly was the one who pulled Candice's panties off. She wouldn't let Candice do anything except raise her ass off the sofa. When Kelly finally had the panties in her hand, she raised them to her face and sniffed them. "I like the way women smell. I like the smell of cunt!" Then she made Candice pull her dress back and her knees up and apart so that she could look at Candice's cunt. Candice was overwhelmed by the excitement she felt. Instead of jumping her, Kelly was taking her time and whipping up the sexual excitement to a fever pitch. Candice was thrilled at the intense lust in Kelly's eyes as the blonde looked at her cunt. "Nothing turns me on more than a creaming cunt!" Kelly said. She touched Candice's pussy again, this time running her fingers between Candice's cunt-lips. Candice quivered as Kelly brought her juice-coated fingers back to her mouth and sucked them. "I like the way you taste. Now it's time to have a feast!" And then Kelly went down on Candice, her mouth pushing against Candice's wet cunt as she licked and sucked. Candice groaned. She soon had her nylon-clad legs draped over Kelly's shoulders. She pulled at Kelly's head and squirmed her pussy under the blonde's mouth. Kelly alternated the sucking. She was sometimes rough and sometimes gentle. During the gentle times, she blew butterfly kisses all over Candice's cunt. She lapped the fuck-juice that flowed out of Candice's cunt-hole, slurping it up with her tongue and not caring about the noise she made. The sucking was gluttonous and earthy and it surprised Candice. She'd expected the blonde to be more delicate, more feminine. Then Kelly's tongue began whipping Candice's clit and Candice no longer thought about whether Kelly was rough or gentle. Candice moaned with happiness as the blonde tickled and massaged her swollen clit. Yes, she would make it. She could feel the climax approaching. She would come under Kelly's tongue. It was much better than getting sucked by Peggy. Kelly was more masterful, more sure of herself. Candice groaned and shuddered as the orgasm swept over her. Kelly continued sucking, puffing the fuck-juice out of Candice's cunt until her orgasm was completely finished. After that Kelly wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and rose up. "Let's get our clothes off. Come on, we can do it in the bedroom!" She pulled at Candice's hand and helped her get up, and then she walked alongside Candice with her arm around Candice's waist. "Was it good?" "Yes, I liked it." "It was good for me too," Kelly said with a chuckle. "I knew I'd love sucking you off. You've got a lot of fuck-cream, and that's what I like!" Candice felt her heart pounding as they walked into Kelly's bedroom. Kelly insisted on undressing Candice herself. She made Candice stand motionless while she peeled her clothes off piece by piece. When Candice was down to her garterbelt and nylons, Kelly laughed and kissed Candice on her mouth. "I ought to fuck you just like this. You wear this shit because the men like it, don't you?" Candice blushed. "Yes, but it's also more comfortable." "And more sexy. But we'd better get the nylons off or I'll ruin them!" After the nylons and garterbelt were stripped away, Kelly kissed and fondled Candice. Watching the blonde head, Candice trembled as Kelly's lips trailed over her belly and down to her pussy. She was ready again. If Kelly wanted to eat her again, Candice was ready for it. But this time Kelly's mouth moved around to Candice's ass. She kissed Candice's asscheeks, licked gently into the crack between them and then pulled away and rose up. "Lord, you turn me on!" Kelly said. Kelly undressed after that. Candice sat on the edge of the bed and watched her. She remembered what Kelly had said about her tits being small, and when Kelly was naked Candice saw that it was true. The blonde's tits were almost nonexistent, but her nipples were fully developed, the tips even longer than Candice's. But the most startling thing about Kelly was that her pussy was shaved. She had no hair on her cunt-mound at all, and the top of her cunt-slit was clearly visible. Kelly fingered her stiff nipples and smiled at Candice. "Now let's have another go at that dripping pussy. You want some more, don't you?" Candice nodded. "Yes, I do!" When Candice was stretched out on the bed, Kelly lay alongside her, kissed Candice's tits and then slipped her fingers inside Candice's drenched cunt-hole. Candice groaned and raised her knees as Kelly started fucking her with her hand. Candice hoped it would last. She thought she could get off on Kelly's thrusting fingers. But the blonde pulled her fingers out of Candice's cunt and started eating her again. This time Candice was on a bed and she felt more comfortable about it. She raised her legs all the way up, held her knees with her hands to expose her crotch to Kelly's mouth. Kelly's tongue slurped up and down from clit to cunthole, and then suddenly the blonde's tongue went lower down and tickled the ring of Candice's asshole. Candice moaned and shook her legs in the air as Kelly rimmed her. Kelly finally stopped. She sat up and smiled at Candice. "Sensitive back there, aren't you? All right, get on your hands and knees and Kelly's going to send you flying!" "Kelly, please." "Afraid?" "No, I'm not afraid." "Hands and knees!" Candice did what Kelly wanted. She was too turned on to stop now. She went to her knees on the mattress, and then Kelly made her put her head down and get her ass in the air. Soon Candice shuddered with pleasure as she felt Kelly's hands on her ass. Candice has found herself bent over like this many times with men, but this was different. Now everything she had was on display to a woman, her cunt and her ass lifted up and offered to blonde Kelly Reed. Kelly gave Candice a hand-fuck first, three fingers thrusting in and out of Candice's cunt until she had Candice groaning and fucking her pussy back at Kelly's hand. Then, keeping her fingers moving in and out of Candice's cunt, Kelly leaned over to kiss and suck Candice's asshole before she fucked her tongue deep inside Candice's shitter. Candice went crazy. She lost all control. Up until that moment she'd been holding back because Kelly was a woman and not a man. Now that didn't matter anymore. Now all that mattered was the wild pleasure she felt, Kelly's fingers in her cunt and that lovely tongue in her ass. Candice started coming, crying out as she trembled and shook her body. At the end she lost control of her bladder like she usually did when she had an intense orgasm. Kelly pulled back and laughed when she felt Candice's piss on her hand, and then the next moment Kelly's face was pressed against Candice's ass again and her tongue once more slithered inside Candice's asshole. |