"The practice of everyday life" - читать интересную книгу автора (Certeau Michel de)<18> See M. de Certeau, La Culture au pluriel, 283-308; and "Actions culturelles et strategies politiques," La Revue nouvelle, April 1974, 351-360. <19> The analysis of the principles of isolation allows us to make this criticism both more nuanced and more precise. See Pour une histoire de la statistique (Paris: INSEE, 1978), 1, in particular Alain Desrosieres, "Elщments pour l'histoire des nomenclatures socio-professionnelles," 155-231. <20> The works of P. Bourdieu and those of M. Dщtienne and J.-P. Vernant make possible the notion of "tactic" more precise, but the socio-linguistic investigations of H. Garfinkel, H. Sacks, et al. also contribute to this clarification. See notes 9 and 10. <21> M. Dщtienne and J.-P. Vernant, Les Ruses de l'intelligence. <22> See S. Toulmin, The Uses of Argument (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1958); Ch. Perelman and L. Olbrechts-Tyteca, Traitщ de l'argumentation (Bruxelles: Universitщ libre, 1970); J. Dubois, et al., Rhetorique generale (Paris: Larousse, 1970); etc. <23> The works of Corax, said to be the author of the earliest Greek text on rhetoric, are lost; on this point, see Aristotle, Rhetoric, 11, 24, 1402a. See W. K. C. Guthrie, The Sophists (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971), 178-179. <24> Sun Tzu, The Art o War, trans. S. B. Griffith (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1963). Sun Tzu (Sun Zi) should not be confused with the later military theorist Hsiin Tzu (Xun Zi). <25> Le Livre des ruses. La Strategie politique des Arabes, ed. R. K. Khawam (Paris: Phщbus, 1976). <26> See Jean Baudrillard, Le Systeme des objets (Paris: Gailimard, 1968); La Societщ de consommation (Paris: Denoel, 1970); Pour une critique de l'economie politique du signe (Paris: Gallimard, 1972). <27> Guy Debord, La Societe du spectacle (Paris: Buchet-Chastel, 1967). <28> Roland Barthes, Le Plaisir du texte (Paris: Seuil, 1973), 58; The Pleasure of the Text, trans. R. Miller (New York: Hill and Wang) <29> See Gщrard Mordillat and Nicolas Philibert, Ces Patrons eclaires qui craignent la lumiere (Paris: Albatros, 1979). <30> See the essays of H. Sacks, E. A. Schegloff, etc., quoted above. This analysis, entitled Arts de dire, will be published separately. <31> See below, Part 111, Chapters VII to IX. <32> We have devoted monographs to these practices in which the proliferating and disseminated bibliography on the subject will be found (see L'invention du quotidien, 11, Habiter, Cuisiner, by Luce Giard and Pierre Mayol). <33> See, for example, A. Lipietz, "Structuration de l'espace foncier et amenagement du territoire," Environment and Planning, A, 7 (1975), 415-425, and "Approche thщorique des transformations de l'espace franчais," Espaces et Societes, No. 16 (1975), 3-14. <34> The analyses found in Travaux et recherches de prospective published by the Documentation Franчaise, in particular in volumes 14, 59, 65 and 66, and notably the studies by Yves Barel and Jacques Durand have served as the basis for this investigation into futurology. It will be published separately. <35> W. Gombrowicz, Cosmos (Paris: Gallimard Folio, 1971), 165-168; originally Kosmos (1965); Cosmos, trans. E. Mosbacker (London: Macgibbon and Kee, 1967). |