"Plato" - читать интересную книгу автора
Read Plato - Geocities - List
Read Plato: List of Books
Apology (60KB)
Charmides, or Temperance (63KB)
Cratylus (144KB)
Critias (38KB)
Crito (31KB)
Euthydemus (94KB)
Euthyphro (40KB)
Gorgias (209KB)
Ion (31KB)
Laches (59KB)
Laws (786KB)
Lysis, Or Friendship (55KB)
Meno (78KB)
Parmenides (121KB)
Phaedo (154KB)
Phaedrus (131KB)
Philebus (149KB)
Politicus, or Statesman (144KB)
Protagoras (130KB)
The Republic (744KB)
The Seventh Letter (74KB)
Sophist (144KB)
Symposium (120KB)
Theaetetus (188KB)
Timaeus (178KB)
[Converter's Notice]
Read Plato - Geocities - List
Read Plato: List of Books
Apology (60KB)
Charmides, or Temperance (63KB)
Cratylus (144KB)
Critias (38KB)
Crito (31KB)
Euthydemus (94KB)
Euthyphro (40KB)
Gorgias (209KB)
Ion (31KB)
Laches (59KB)
Laws (786KB)
Lysis, Or Friendship (55KB)
Meno (78KB)
Parmenides (121KB)
Phaedo (154KB)
Phaedrus (131KB)
Philebus (149KB)
Politicus, or Statesman (144KB)
Protagoras (130KB)
The Republic (744KB)
The Seventh Letter (74KB)
Sophist (144KB)
Symposium (120KB)
Theaetetus (188KB)
Timaeus (178KB)
[Converter's Notice]
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