"Quotations" - читать интересную книгу автора (Proudhon Pierre-Joseph)ДConservatives finally, retrogressives, egotists, and hypocrites, preaching the love of God by
hatred of their neighbor, attributing to liberty the world's misfortunes since the deluge, and scandalizing reason by their foolishness.У -- Proudhon ДThe Philosophy of MiseryУ Remember only, and never forget, that pity, happiness, and virtue, like country, religion, and love, are masks. -- Proudhon ДThe Philosophy of MiseryУ What the economists ought to say is that machinery, like the division of labor, in the present system of social economy is at once a source of wealth and a permanent and fatal cause of misery. -- Proudhon ДThe Philosophy of MiseryУ Since the establishment of large factories, a multitude of little industries have disappeared from the domestic hearth: does any one believe that the girls who work for ten and fifteen cents have as much intelligence as their ancestors? -- Proudhon ДThe Philosophy of MiseryУ Adversus hostem aeterna auctoritas esto (against the enemy the right of defence is inalienable) - Proudhon, General idea of the Revolution in the 19. Century more marvellous than the mule-jenny, the knitting-machine, or the cylinder press; though forces should be discovered a hundred times more powerful than steam, -- very far from freeing humanity, securing its leisure, and making the production of everything gratuitous, these things would have no other effect than to multiply labor, induce an increase of population, make the chains of serfdom heavier, render life more and more expensive, and deepen the abyss which separates the class that commands and enjoys from the class that obeys and suffers. -- Proudhon ДThe Philosophy of MiseryУ ДANTINOMY, in fine, to use a word sanctioned by modern philosophy, is the essential characteristic of political economy; that is to say, it is at once its death-sentence and its justification.У -- Proudhon ДThe Philosophy of MiseryУ ДI.. say that supply and demand, held up as the sole regulators of value, are nothing more than two ceremonial forms serving to bring useful value and exchangeable value face to face, and to provoke their reconciliation.У -- Proudhon ДThe Philosophy of MiseryУ Wealth, the object of social economy, is subject to the same conditions of existence as beauty, the object of art; virtue, the object of morality; and truth, the object of metaphysics. -- Proudhon ДThe Philosophy of MiseryУ |