"Volume XII" - читать интересную книгу автора (Burtons Version)I went forth one day of the days, intending to travel, and suddenly fell upon a man whose wont it was to cut the way. When he came up with me he offered to slay me and I said to him, УI have naught with me whereby thou mayst profit.Ф Quoth he, УMy profit shall be the taking of thy life.Ф I asked, УWhat is the cause of this? Hath there been enmity between us aforetime?Ф and he answered, УNay; but needs must I slay thee.Ф Thereupon I ran away from him to the river side; but he caught me up and casting me to the ground, sat down on my breast. So I sought help of the Shaykh of the Pilgrimsа[FN#129] and cried to him, УProtect me from this oppressor!Ф And indeed he had drawn a knife to cut my throat when, lo and behold! there came a mighty great crocodile forth of the river and snatching him up from off my breast plunged into the water, with him still hending knife in hand, even within the jaws of the beast: whilst I abode extolling Almighty Allah, and rendering thanks for my preservation to him who had delivered me from the hand of that wrong-doer.а[FN#130] TALE OF HARUN AL-RASHID AND ABDULLAH BIN NAFI'.а[FN#131] Know thou, O King of the Age, that there was in days of yore and in ages and times long gone before, in the city of Baghdad the Abode of Peace, a Caliph Harun al-Rashid highs, and he had cup-companions and tale-tellers to entertain him by night. Among his equerries was a man named Abdullah bin Nсfi', who stood high in favour with him and dear to him, so that he did not forget him a single hour. Now it came to pass, by the decree of Destiny, that it became manifest to Abdullah how he was grown of small account with the Caliph, who paid no heed unto him nor, if he absented himself, did he ask after him, as had been his habit. This was grievous to Abdullah and he said within himself, УVerily, the soul of the Commander of the Faithful and his Wazir are changed towards me and nevermore shall I see in him that cordiality and affection wherewith he was wont to treat me." And this was chagrin-full to him and concern grew upon him, so that he recited these couplets:-- "Whoso's contemned in his home and land * Should, to better his case, in self-exile hie: So fly the house where contempt awaits, * Nor on fires of grief for the parting fry; Crude Ambergrisа[FN#132] is but offal where * 'Tis born; but abroad on our necks shall stye; And Kohl at home is a kind of stone, * Cast on face of earth and on roads to lie; But when borne abroad it wins highest worth * And thrones between eyelid and ball of eye." (Quoth the sayer), Then he could brook this matter no longer; so he went forth from the dominions of the Prince of True Believers, under presence of visiting certain of his kith and kin, and took with him nor servant nor comrade, neither acquainted any with his intent, but betook himself to the road and fared deep into the wold and the sandwastes, unknowing whither he went. After awhile, he unexpectedly fell in with travellers who were making the land of Hind and journeyed with them. When he came thither, he lighted down in a city of that country and housed him in one of the lodging-houses; and there he abode a while of days, relishing not food neither solacing himself with sleep; nor was this for lack of dirhams or diners, but for that his mind was occupied with musing upon the shifts of Destiny and bemoaning himself for that the revolving sphere had turned against him in enmity, and the days had decreed unto him the disfavour of our lord the Imam.а[FN#133] After such fashion he abode a space of days, and presently he homed him in the land and took to himself friends and got him many familiars, with whom he addressed himself to diversion and good cheer. He used also to go a-pleasuring with his companions and their hearts were solaced by his company and he entertained them every evening with stories and displays of his manifold accomplishmentsа[FN#134] and diverted them with delectable verses and told them abundance of stories and histories. Presently, the report of him reached King Jamh·r, lord of Kashgar of Hind, who sent in quest of him, and great was his desire to see him. So Abdullah repaired to his court and going in to him, kissed ground before him; and Jamhur welcomed him and treated him with kindness and bade lodge him in the guest-house, where he abode three days, at the end of which the king sent to him a chamberlain of his chamberlains and bade bring him to the presence. When he came before him, he greeted him, and the truchman accosted him, saying, "Verily, King Jamhur hath heard of thy report, that thou art a pleasant cup-companion and an eloquent teller of night tales, and he would have thee company with him o'nights and entertain him with that which thou knowest of histories and pleasant stories and verses." And he made answer, ' To hear is to obey!" (Quoth Abdullah bin Nafi',) So I became his boon-companion and entertained him by night with tales and talk; and this pleased him with the utmost pleasure and he took me into favour and bestowed on me robes of honour and set apart for me a lodging; indeed he was bountiful exceedingly to me and could not brook to be parted from me a single hour. So I sojourned with him a while of time and every night I caroused and conversed with him till the most part of the dark hours was past; and when drowsiness overcame him, he would rise and betake himself to his sleeping-place, saying to me, Forsake not my service and forego not my presence.' And I made answer with 'Hearing and obeying.' Now the king had a son, a nice child, called the Emir Mohammed, who was winsome of youth and sweet of speech: he had read books and had perused histories and he loved above all things in the world the telling and hearing of verses and tales and anecdotes. He was dear to his father King Jamhur, for that he owned no other son than he on life, and indeed he had reared him in the lap of love and he was gifted with exceeding beauty and loveliness, brilliancy and perfect grace: he had also learnt to play upon the lute and upon all manner instruments and he was used to converse and company with friends and brethren. Now it was his wont when the king arose seeking his sleeping-chamber, to sit in his place and require me to entertain him with tales and verses and pleasant anecdotes; and on this wise I abode with them both a great while in all joyance and delight, and the Prince still loved me with mighty great love and treated me with the utmost tenderness. It fortuned one day that the king's son came to me, after his sire had withdrawn, and cried, 'O Ibn Nafi'!' 'At thy service, O my lord;' 'I would have thee tell me a wondrous story and a marvellous matter, which thou hast never related either to me or to my father Jamhur.' 'O my lord, what story is this that thou desires" of me and what kind shall it be of the kinds?' 'It mattereth little, so it be a goodly story, whether it befel of olden tide or in these times.' 'O my lord, I know by rote many stories of various kinds; so which of the kinds preferrest thou, and wilt thou have a story of mankind or of Jinn kind?' ' 'Tis well! An thou have espied aught with shine eyes and heard it with thine ears, tell it me.' Then he bethought himself and said to me, 'I conjure thee by my life, tell me a tale of the tales of the Jinn and that which thou hast heard of them and seen of them!' I replied, 'O my son, indeed thou conjures" me by a mighty conjuration; so lend an ear to the goodliest of stories, ay, and the strangest of them and the pleasantest and rarest.' Quoth the Prince, 'Say on, for I am attentive to thy speech;' and quoth I, 'Hear then, O my son, аThe Tale of the Damsel Tohfat al-Kulub and the Caliph Harun al-Rashid. The Viceregent of the Lord of the three Worlds, Harun al-Rashid, had a boon companion of the number of his boon-companions, by name Ishak bin Ibrahim al-Nadim al-Mausili,а[FN#135] who was the most accomplished of the folk of his time in smiting upon the lute; and of the Commander of the Faithful's love for him, he set apart for him a palace of the choicest of his palaces, wherein he was wont to instruct hand-maidens in the arts of singing and of lute playing. If any slave-girl became, by his instruction, clever in the craft, he carried her before the Caliph, who bade her perform upon the lute; and if she pleased him, he would order her to the Harim; else would he restore her to Ishak's palace. One day, the Commander of the Faithful's breast was straitened; so he sent after his Wazir Ja'afar the Barmecide and Ishak the cup-companion and Masrur the eunuch, the Sworder of his vengeance; and when they came, he changed his habit and disguised himself, whilst Ja'afar and Ishak and Masrur and al-Fazlа[FN#136] and Y·nusа[FN#137] (who were also present) did the like. Then he went out, he and they, by the postern, to the Tigris and taking boat fared on till they came to near Al Tсf,а[FN#138] when they landed and walked till they came to the gate of the high street. Here there met them an old man, handsome in his hoariness and of a venerable bearing and a dignified, agreeable of aspect and apparel. He kissed the earth before Ishak al-Mausili (for that he knew only him of the company, the Caliph being disguised, and deemed the others certain of his friends), and said to him, "O my lord, there is presently with me a hand-maid, a lutanist, never saw eyes the like of her nor the like of her grace, and indeed I was on my way to pay my respects to thee and give thee to know of her, but Allah, of His favour, hath spared me the trouble. So now I desire to show her to thee, and if she take thy fancy, well and good; otherwise I will sell her." Quoth Ishak, "Go before me to thy quarters,а[FN#139] till I come to thee and see her." The old man kissed his hand and went away; whereupon quoth Al-Rashid to him, УO Ishak, who is yonder man and what is his want?" The other replied, "O my lord, this is a man Sa'эd the Slave-dealer hight, and 'tis he that buyeth us maidens and Mamelukes. He declareth that with him is a fair slave, a lutanist, whom he hath withheld from sale, for that he could not fairly sell her till he had passed her before me in review." Quoth the Caliph, "Let us go to him so we may see her, by way of solace, and sight what is in the slave-dealer's quarters of slave-girls;" and quoth Ishak, "Command belongeth to Allah and to the Commander of the Faithful" Then he forewent them and they followed in his track till they came to the slave-dealer's quarters and found a building tall of wall and large of lodgment, with sleeping cells and chambers therein, after the number of the slave-girls, and folk sitting upon the wooden benches. So Ishak entered, he and his company and seating themselves in the place of honour, amused themselves by looking at the hand-maids and Mamelukes and watching how they were bought and sold, till the vending came to an end, when some of the folk went away and some remained seated. Then cried the slave-dealer, "Let none sit with us except whoso purchaseth by the thousand diners and upwards." Accordingly those present withdrew and there remained none but Al-Rashid and his suite; whereupon the slave-dealer called the damsel, after he had caused set her a chair of Fawwсk,а[FN#140] lined with Grecian brocade, and she was like the sun shining high in the shimmering sky. When she entered, she saluted and sitting down, took the lute and smote upon it, after she had touched its strings and tuned it, so that all present were amazed. Then she sang thereto these couplets: "Breeze o' Morn, an thou breathe o'er the loved one's land, * Deliver my greeting to all the dear band! And declare to them still I am pledged to their love * And my long~ng excels all that lover unmanned: O ye who have blighted my heart, ears and eyes, * My passion and ecstasy grow out of hand; And torn is my sprite every night with desire, * And nothing of sleep can my eyelids command." Ishak exclaimed, "Brave, O damsel! By Allah, this is a fair hour!" Whereupon she sprang up and kissed his hand, saying, 'O my lord, in very sooth the hands stand still before thy presence and the tongues at thy sight, and the eloquent when confronting thee wax dumb; but thou art the looser of the veil.Фа[FN#141] Then she clung to him and cried, "Stand;" so he stood and said to her, "Who art thou and what is thy need?" She raised a corner of the veil, and behold she was a damsel as she were the full moon rising or the levee glancing, with two side-locks of hair which fell down to her anklets. She kissed his hand and said to him, "O my lord, know that I have been in these quarters some five months, during which I have withheld myself from sale till thou shouldst be present and see me; and yonder slave-dealer also made thy coming a pretext for not vending me, and forbade me for all I sought of him night and day that he should cause thee come hither and vouchsafe me thy company and gar me and thee forgather." Quoth Ishak, "Tell me what thou wouldst have;" and quoth she, "I beseech thee, by Allah Almighty, that thou buy me, so I may be with thee by way of service." He asked, "Is that thy desire?" and she answered, "Yes." So Ishak returned to the slave-dealer and said to him, "Ho thou, Shaykh Sa'эd!" Said the old man, "At thy service, O my lord," and Ishak continued, "In the corridor is a chamber and therein wones a damsel pale and wan. What is her price in dirhams and how much cost thou ask for her?" Quoth the slave-dealer, "She whom thou mentionest, O my lord, is called Tohfat al-Humakс?"а[FN#142] Ishak asked, "What is the meaning of Al-Humaka?" and the old man answered, "Her price hath been weighed and paid an hundred times and she still saith, Show me him who would buy me; and when I show her to him she saith, This one I mislike; he hath in him such and such a default. And in every one who would fain buy her she noteth some defect or other, so that none careth now to purchase her and none seeketh her, for fear lest she find some fault in him." Quoth Ishak, "She seeketh at this present to sell herself; so go thou to her and inquire of her and see her price and send her to the palace." Quoth Sa'id!" "O my lord, her price is an hundred diners, though, were she free of this paleness that is upon her face, she would be worth a thousand gold pieces; but wanton folly and wanness have diminished her value; and behold I will go to her and consult her of this." So he betook himself to her and enquired of her, "Wilt thou be sold to Ishak bin Ibrahim al-Mausili?" She replied, "Yes," and he said, "Leave folly, for to whom cloth it happen to be in the house of Ishak the cup-companion?Фа[FN#143] Thereupon Ishak went forth the slave-dealer's quarters and overtook Al-Rashid who had preceded him; and they ceased not walking till they came to their landing-place, where they embarked in the boat and fared on to Thaghr al-Khсnakah.а[FN#144] As for the slave-dealer, he sent the damsel to the house of Ishak al-Nadim, whose slave-girls took her and carried her to the Hammam. Then each damsel gave her somewhat of her gear and they decked her with earrings and bracelets, so that she redoubled in beauty and became as she were the moon on the night of its full. When Ishak returned home from the Caliph's palace, Tohfah rose to him and kissed his hand; and he saw that which the hand-maids had done with her and thanked them for so doing and said to them, "Let her home in the house of instruction and bring her instruments of music, and if she be apt at song teach her; and may Allah Almighty vouchsafe her health and weal!" So there passed over her three months, while she homed with him in the house of instruction, and they brought her the instruments of music. Furthermore, as time went on she was vouchsafed health and soundness and her beauty waxed many times brighter than before and her pallor was changed to white and red, so that she became a seduction to all who saw her. One day, Ishak bade summon all who were with him of slave-girls from the house of instruction and carried them up to Al-Rashid's palace, leaving none in his house save Tohfah and a cookmaid; for that he thought not of Tohfah, nor did she come to his memory, and none of the damsels reminded him of her. When she saw that the house was empty of the slave-girls, she took the lute (now she was singular in her time for smiting upon the lute, nor had she her like in the world, no, not Ishak himself, nor any other) and sang thereto these couplets:-- "When soul desireth one that is its mate * It never winneth dear desire of Fate: My life for him whose tortures tare my frame, * And dealt me pine he can alone abate! He saith (that only he to heal mine ill, * Whose sight is medicine to my doleful state), 'O scoffer-wight, how long wilt mock my woe * As though did Allah nothing else create?' " Now Ishak had returned to his house on an occasion that called for him; and when he entered the vestibule, he heard a sound of singing, the like whereof he had never heard in the world, for that it was soft as the breeze and more strengthening than oilа[FN#145] of almonds. So the pleasure of it get hold of him and delight so seized him, that he fell down fainting in the vestibule. Tohfah heard the noise of footfalls and laying the lute from her hand, went out to see what was the matter. She found her lord Ishak lying aswoon in the entrance; so she took him up and strained him to her bosom, saying, "I conjure thee in Allah's name, O my lord, tell me, hath aught of ill befallen thee?" When he heard her voice, he recovered from his fainting and asked her, "Who art thou?" She answered, "I am thy slave-girl, Tohfah;" and he said to her, "Art thou indeed Tohfah?" "Yes," replied she; and he, "By Allah, I had indeed forgotten thee and remembered thee not till this moment!" Then he looked at her and said, "Verily, thy case is altered to other case and thy wanness is changed to rosiness and thou hast redoubled in beauty and loveliness. But was it thou who was singing just now?" She was troubled and affrighted and answered, "Even I, O my lord;" whereupon Ishak seized upon her hand and carrying her into the house, said to her, "Take the lute and sing; for never saw I nor heard thy like in smiting upon the lute; no, not even myself!" Quoth she, "O my lord, thou mockest me. Who am I that thou shouldst say all this to me? Indeed, this is but of thy kindness." Quoth he, "Nay, by Allah, I said but the truth to thee and I am not of those on whom presence imposeth For these three months nature hath not moved thee to take the lute and sing thereto, and this is naught save a rare thing and a strange. But all this cometh of strength in the art and thy self-restraint." Then he bade her sing; and she said, "Hearkening and obedience." So she took the lute and tightening its strings to the sticking-point, smote thereon a number of airs, so that she confounded Ishak's wit and for delight he was like to fly. Then she returned to the first mode and sang thereto these couplets:-- "By your ruined stead aye I stand and stay, * Nor shall change or dwelling depart us tway! No distance of homestead shall gar me forget * Your love, O friends, but yearn alway: Ne'er flies your phantom the babes of these eyne * You are moons in Nighttide's murkest array: And with growing passion mine unrest grows * And each morn I find union dissolved in woes." When she had made an end of her song and laid down the lute, Ishak looked fixedly on her, then took her hand and offered to kiss it; but she snatched it from him and said to him, "Allah, O my lord, do not that!"а[FN#146] Cried he, "Be silent. By Allah, I had said that there was not in the world the like of me; but now I have found my dinсr in the art but a dсnik,а[FN#147] for thou art more excellent of skill than I, beyond comparison or approximation or calculation! This very day will I carryа[FN#148] аthee up to the Commander of the Faithful, Harun al-Rashid, and when his glance lighteth on thee, thou wilt become a Princess of womankind. So Allah, Allah upon thee, O my lady, whenas thou becomes" of the household of the Prince of True Believers, do not thou forget me!" She replied, "Allah, O my lord, thou art the root of my fortunes and in thee is my heart fortified." Thereat he took her hand and made a covenant with her of this and she swore to him that she would not forget him Then said he to her, "By Allah, thou art the desire of the Commander of the Faithful! Now take the lute and sing a song which thou shalt sing to the Caliph, when thou goest in to him" So she took the lute and tuning it, improvised these couplets:-- "His lover hath ruth on his woeful mood * And o'erwept him as still by his couch heа[FN#149] stood: And garred him drink of his lip-dews and wineа[FN#150] * Ere he died and this food was his latest good." |